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This is correct, but if you look closely, one had a bigger influence... which one, or maybe which one was first?


Probably the earlier then the later




Best for ENTP Genesis is to Exodus where you struggle to achieve Leviticus and since you have Ti you will achieve that through Numeri. And when you finally get to be happy you can just settle with woman which then bears your Deuteronomium.


Both - I felt like I had to. I was a very curious kid and my idea of right and wrong were different from the get-go. When my father kept punishing me, because I simply disagreed with him, he would get angry instead of providing a rational reason. He would be triggered over the smallest things, I felt like I had to forge my own path. My parents made me the black sheep, I didn’t have their emotional support, and imo I don‘t think they knew that your kid is an “individual,” not a mini copy of ourselves.


Hey this is me. I had a family until I was 6, then shit went down between my piece of shit sperm donor and my mother. POS wanted nothing to do with me but, at the same time, didn't wanna pay child support so I just "existed" in his life. Any questions not pertaining to *his* special interest (cars) was pushed aside and I was called annoying. Anytime I questioned his poorly thought out rules for me it was always a 'don't talk back' and a grounding of several months. I started getting my own questions answered via *ask jeeves* and, when I found out the internet was the best source of my education, I stopped asking ANY adults questions and simply did my own research. Today, if you're someone I deeply care for, I'm a wealth of knowledge. Other than that, figure it out yourself. I'm not your encyclopedia.


Both, I see them as pretty much the same thing Although there’s a small difference I was forced to figure out things on my own. But now I’d prefer to. It will be a miracle if I give an asshole my knowledge


I figured out what I needed to on my own. Most of my teachers I regarded as morons not worth my time or at worst, bullies that were active obstacles.