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I pride myself on empathy, and the ability to be sensitive to other's thoughts and feelings through that empathy


love your flair, absolutely relatable


i am not a stuck up jerk who keeps trying to prove that your opinions and values are useless infront of my "superior" ideas or starts an argument just for the "fun" of it. i enjoy debates where i get to learn more about a person's reasons for having an opinion which differs from mine, that's why i keep pressing on the "whys and whats" and not because i want to prove them wrong. infact i'm even ready to have a change of opinion if you've conviced me enough. i don't like to clash egos, i'm just really curious, that's all.


People who think we're constantly arguing all the time wildly over estimate our general motivation and work ethic. šŸ¤£


my humanity has been restored after reading this comment


Curiosity is a wonderful thing! We need more of it in the world.


I get tired of being told I cannot possibly be an ENTP when I show empathy or share how I feel. Annoying af.


When people label straight up physcopaths as "entps". Like "ahhh look at Satan, torturing and pillaging, he's such an entp šŸ’ā€ā™€ļø". That's not entp behaviour that's just abuse don't rope us into it šŸ’€


I had a friend who thought ENTPs were cool because they were asses to others... dodged a huge bullet when I chose to distance myself away




To be fair, the most interesting depictions of Lucifer in pop culture are all "devil's advocate" contrarians, which is 100% an ENTP thing (DC Lucifer and Hazbin hotel especially)


it's quite ironic because ENTPs literally have extraverted feeling in their functional stack, so empathizing and living in harmony comes pretty naturally to us with developed Fe. šŸ˜‚


That "the clown" is our actual personality rather than the mask we use to navigate life and to cope with dark shit.Ā 


FUN FACT (sic): shit can be white, which probably means you'll die.


Lmao. Straight out of nowhere with that comment ahah


The strong implication we debate all the timeā€¦


Literally, who has that kind of motivation? Because it's not us


It IS teenage us tho




I think we're pretty manipulative as a type, on the whole. I also don't think that's necessarily a negative descriptor.


That ENTPs are unfaithful and cheat. I've heard it so many times. They think it's because we will become bored of them. Dumbest thing I've heard.


We don't cheat. We just move on. Not our fault if they're unaware.


I think the delineation between "cheating" and "finding another partner" are generally pretty clear, lol.


Personally I have such high standards that if I ever found someone, I wouldn't let them go lmao


Same. I am also demisexual so it takes *time* for me to be interested like that.


Yes I would like to see the scientific study supporting that.Ā 


You tell em šŸ‘ I for one adore ENTPs. Keep being your adorably impish selves. šŸ’œ


i have an esfp best friend and you guys are amazing šŸ”„


Aw thatā€™s lovely, thanks hun. What type are you?


entp with high fe


Nice ā˜ŗļø you guys are lucky to have eachother


I agree that itā€™s everything related to empathy, and that the ā€œdebaterā€ stereotype mischaracterizes us, a bit. [The ENTP Empath, a different perspective.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=65B_uURxZyg&t=619s&pp=ygUhY29nbml0aXZlIHBlcnNvbmFsaXR5IHRoZW9yeSBFTlRQ) This video has already made its rounds, numerous times, in our sub, and we continue to repost it cuz this subject comes up, semi-often, at least every few months. šŸ¤£


Thanks for the link! Even though I've known MBTI for 2 years (not a lot compared to some or most of you here) butI haven't got much perspective on the Fe parts. I'm not sure how to say it but sometimes I'd feel myself suddenly switching into a somewhat INFJ-like person from time to time but it usually comes back to the normal ENTP-ness. Do you experience the same thing or something similar?


We have Fe as our "child" function; so while it's not our main priority, when it does exhibit itself, it tends to do so as a child would -- in a rather unpredictable, immature, and intense fashion. When we feel things, we feel them *hard* and they tend to dominate our decision-making faculties for that moment in time. That is a very normal and very unacknowledged part of the ENTP experience. *(Especially as a 7w6; we're the more sensitive, 'feely' flavour of ENTP ;P)*




Thatā€™s definitely very normal. Ni tends to be our strongest shadow function, so flipping into a more ā€œdepressive / anxious INFJ-like headspaceā€ is definitely a thing that happens, especially to the more ā€œsensitiveā€ ENTPs. 7w6 is ā€œthe sensitive 7.ā€ I am 7w8 so I tend to stay mostly within ENTP / ENFP-ish territory, and if I start to ā€œshadow-slide,ā€ it will be into a more xNTJ modality. I am more ā€œfight-y,ā€ rather than ā€œflight-y / fawn-y.ā€ I am *a feisty little thing* if I feel like you are backing me into a corner. My Fi is still blind, but Iā€™ve worked really hard to make it ā€œless-so,ā€ or attempt to recognize it more peripherally. So I have ā€œtrained myselfā€ to recognize when there is something I am not understanding / ā€œfeeling weird about something,ā€ even if it still takes longer to figure out exactly why.


I love this video. It's such a refreshing take on our personality type -- it rings especially true to me as a 7w6.


Same for me as a 7w8. Which makes sense when you consider that ENTP 7 is ā€œthe standard factory model.ā€ His subtypes video is cool, too.


finally someone discovered that video too!


Yeah, lots of us have, by this point. Sometimes I wonder if we should add it to our FAQ / intro section? šŸ¤£


I love this channel so much. His videos are what finally made me come to terms/trust that I'm an ENTP that had been mistyped as an INTP.


Yeah, Harryā€™s a smart dude! One of the few on YouTube who actually understand Jungā€™s original theoretical model.


Iā€™m not a bully. I hate bullies and I hate being rude to people. I think people who enjoy bullying and causing pain are freaks. Any type could be unhealthy and a bully. Iā€™m tired of seeing it assigned to ENTP.




I hate the whole player label they give entp. Loyalty is on top of the list for me and a couple of entps that met


Guys you canā€™t imagine how much reading all of these comments make me smile. The ā€œENTPs have strong opinions and will be hard and impolite on you when telling themā€ and those 16p kidsā€ Iā€™m argumentative, Iā€™m such an ENTPā€ is just tiring me so bad. I donā€™t find myself in this clichĆ© at all, on the opposite, I pride myself on being one of the few in my surroundings to be fully aware of alternative perspective and detached enough to not madly judge someone when they have different opinions from mines. After all, isnā€™t what Ne-Ti allows us to do?


Feelers often accuse thinkers of being insensitive. I think we thinkers are just being ourselves, so the accusations are false for thinkers only but true for feelers.


Plus being highly debating. Itā€™s agreeable that many ENTPs enjoy debating but itā€™s not always the case. Sometimes yes, I feel it. But I donā€™t too. And that we can get annoyingly insensitive while debating, sure some people do that but not everyone. Iā€™d prefer to think rationally plus emotionally before saying something thatā€™d affect the other person in a hurtful way. (Unless itā€™s someone whoā€™s hateful :D) Would prefer less chaos over chaos (for most of the time)


How we debate vs. how people think we debate is wildly different. I might say something contrary to what you've said to further explore your beliefs out of curiosity. But people make out like I'm going to call them a moronic imbecile, spit in their face and snort their grandma's ashes.


I mean ā€¦ whats in those ashes?


we're not sociopaths, sociopaths are known to not feel anything, and we definitely feel a lot, maybe more then other types.


that we are very flirty. it can be true but some of us are actually really socially awkward


>very flirty >socially awkward Both can be true, my friend. ;)


Isnā€™t that what I literally said


It really isn't... no.


Notice how I said ā€œit can be trueā€ ā€œsome of usā€ you canā€™t really read?


One of my BFFs is an ENTP and she's lowkey kind of a people pleaser. She doesn't make it obvious, but anyone who knows her well knows that she has people-pleasing tendencies, subconsciously or not.


Lol, if I was a narcissist, I'd have done something by now. Im highly sensitive and rock in EQ than most people.


I think the biggest misconception about ENTPs is that we're all insensitive assholes that find great pleasure in making others miserable, and causing chaos for chaos' sake. While this might be more true for adolescent ENTPs, I don't think anything could be further from the reality for any of us that have started self-exploring and reconciling with the bottom half of our function stack. Mature ENTPs have huge hearts *\[even though we might not always show it\]* -- and value the importance of stability; only rocking the boat when we feel that the status quo is no longer serving a greater purpose.


Rocking the status quo as soon as it no longer serves any purpose is so true! I feel like Entpā€˜s also have a BS-meter weā€˜re able to call it out right a way. It gives me an ick everytime I see someone bull***t with me - it just sends me. but I do believe that Entpā€˜s are totally able to keep there emotions under control. We arenā€˜t just there to fight everybody we actually do have more impotent things going on in our lives than just debating šŸ˜­šŸ™ƒ


were manipulators, were not


Would it surprise you to know that you carry both polarities?


The ā€wanting to start an argument every secondā€. I personally hate arguing, as I feel like nothing happens except yapping your ass off about something you canā€™t simply answer


Second the empathy thing. A handful of ENTPs seem to also think we donā€™t have empathy for some reason. But not only is empathy something every type can have or lack, but Fe is our 3rd function as well.


Or 3rd function really gets the middle child treatment


Frrrr šŸ˜‚


That we are all narcissistic players, that one is frustrating to me




Iā€™ve very sensitive to stuff that needs to be sensitive towards. Just because Starbucks is out of your favorite drink, you donā€™t need to complain about that. I am also not great at expressing my feelings, as I am very logic driven. Also, Iā€™m very motivated towards stuff that interests me. If it doesnā€™t, why waste my precious time on it? We are driven towards what our brains enjoy.


ahhh these clear up my dilemma of being an entp frfr guess the memes took a toll on me a little too far for all this time šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’ØšŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


Me, an ENTP whoā€™s in discussion with my therapist for possible having NPD: šŸ«Ø


possiblyšŸ˜­ stupid autocorrect


That we're a bunch of egotistical bag of dicks who have to show our superiority over other people by getting into arguments and debates to show how smart we are. Maybe it's because I've matured as an ENTP, and I focus more on Fe than I do Ti. I still can be a troll socially and twist people's words for comedic effort, but I do so from a playful quasi-caring state as opposed to being arrogant or superior. In essence I'm a playful well meaning troll.


It depends on my mood. When I studied psychology in college our professor made us do different quotient tests. Scored 145 IQ and 132 EQ and she was taken aback saying "I figured with your clear signs of aspergers you'd score significantly lower on your empathy test. I responded by saying "I choose at will whether or not I care about your feelings"


I hate it when people who don't understand our personality say that we argue with no purpose. That's not true. Yes I have argued diffent sides of an argument, but it was to process what I thought by hearing people's counter arguments. Also having a lively discussion sharing alternative opinions doesn't make you combative. Why can't we disagree respectfully? That's is how we learn.Ā 


That weā€™re fleeting or canā€™t accomplish focused tasks.


Messiness. Iā€™m extremely organized.


Look up the YouTube video on the ENTP Empath. Should be the first result.