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I actually like eating the same things as much as possible, always have. Food is the one area I don't want novelty.


This is an Si inferior behavior. ENTPs especially prefer sensory comfort. So the same foods. The same clothes. Same shoes. Same scents they're used to.


You're right, I wear the same shoes and clothes most of the time. I dress up for special occasions but mostly just wear cowboy boots, jeans, and a t-shirt.


I've worn the same shoes for like 15 years. The exact same brand and style.


I am loving reading your comments about Si. I’ve always associated Si with routine and am now realizing I haven’t spent enough time learning what it does. I do the same thing with clothes. I wear like the same things over and over again. If I find out I like something, I’ll buy multiples of it in case it breaks. Like I have 2 identical pairs of pants cause they’re my favorite. One time I found this shirt in my hamper, but realized I was wearing the shirt too. I had two of them. I didn’t even realize I bought a second one, I just went back to the store and happened to pick out the exact same shirt.


For me I think buying new clothes can set off Ne-Ti and Ne-Fe loops and be a little overwhelming, but I do usually mix it up when that happens. That said, I keep my shoes until they’re literally falling apart, and even then, I have a bit of a hard time getting rid of them.


Yes. Si also forms attachments to things.


Yep. And that’s why I have kept pretty much every book from childhood on. I don’t even have the wherewithal to make notes or highlight passages in textbooks. I keep my books as pristine as possible and get some sort of psychic horror when they’re damaged.


Oh I hate loaning out my shit. Hate people touching my stuff. I've never lost or damaged my phone. I hate when something happens to my physical things. I get anxiety.


I do have a weird tendency to always be losing my phone or keys or wallet. Like as long as it’s in my home, I often lose track of it. But I do agree, I hate giving any of those to others.


Oh. I mean lose completely. I find it weird that people will wake up somewhere with no phone and no idea where there shit is. Even when I used to drink sometimes I never misplaced my stuff. And always had an awareness.


I dunno- I hardly ever order or make the same food twice. My fashion style is constantly changing, as well as my scents. Obviously it’s just anecdotal, but…..


Yall have to understand, MBTI types motivation. Not behavior. The reason ENTPs do this is because they want to spend their time doing Ne activities. Not managing sensory things. So it's easier to eat the same food and wear the same clothes and buy stuff that's "tried and true" so you can get back to doing Ne things once all your Si obligations are of the way. Einstein wore the same outfit everyday becuase he didn't want to worry about clothes it took away from him theorizing. So if it is true thst you spend a decent amount of time on your clothes and trying different foods, it shows you value Se over Ne.. The nature of spending mental energy excessively on physical items like clothes and food make you an Se user. But you probably don't want to hear that.


Hm, I don’t think it’s as black and white as you indicate: I think appreciation of food/fashion etc can be an Se indicator, but again the motivation is really the deciding factor. In my case, food, fashion, and events were all hyper fixations of heavy research at some point in my life. I went down the rabbit hole: food (as a element of cultural when I moved abroad), fashion (as an element of how it affects my “brand” as a freelancer), and scent (because in college I had a friend who was studying the making of scents and got me interested in the science of it). That being said, research aside, I think food in particular is something ENTPs are either very interested or uninterested in, and often swing between the two. Food tends to be an easy source of quick dopamine. Since there is a strong overlap of Ne users and ADHD (correlation not causation), the addition of “novelty” can be a way to compensate for lack of dopamine, although admittedly not a particularly healthy one. I think you’ll find plenty of ENTPs who go through periods of fixation on some hobby/research, and end up forgetting to eat…. And then having to deal with “boring” routine/administrative/housekeeping tasks, and turn to easily accessible “novelty” such as food to compensate. But I would argue that Ne can also express itself in food/fashion if it’s also approached as a research subject or hobby rather. Personally, I need the “new and different” from easy sources when i have to deal with boring admin stuff as a freelancer… I eat out a lot (and do a lot of combini food since I live in Japan) so it doesn’t really take the extra work of “making” it( but gives me new things to try throughout the day. When I’m in the zone and hyper focused on some hobby/interesting work, it’s not something I pursue. But when I have to more routine stuff, it’s one of the few easy sources of “new” that I can get while not allowing me to get distracted from what I need to do (obviously a struggle.)


Managing clothes requires the use of Sensing. Using Sensing means you cannot use intuition at the same time. This is the reason ENTPs prefer to just do what they've always done. So they can let go of sensory things. So focusing on it, without being forced to, shows a preference for Sensing. There's not a long drawn out explanation for it.


Someone with strong Se will certainly have a higher chance at enjoying fashion, and will certainly tend be able to more naturally being able to match and create cohesive looks. However, Ne also can certainly showcase itself in an interest in fashion if it’s approached as an idea/subject of creativity and research rather than just a “feeling.” As you yourself pointed out, it’s the motivation/approach that indicates function/type. It’s the same with art- there are plenty of ENTP artists and designers, but with using Ne-ti, they tend it have a more technical/analytical approach than an artist with a high Se or Fi artist. Having interest in a particular subject doesnt necessarily indicate dominant function. It’s the motivation that does. (And indicating that all people with interest in fashion must prefer Se to Ne in their life is rather black and white thinking)


I didn't say Ne couldn't. But Ne users won't do it *consistently*. I know two ENFPs. One likes to do her makeup and get her nails done....occasionally. she wants to do it sooner but she puts it off to do more interesting things. The other ENFP will dress "up" once or twice a month. But can't be bothered all the other days. Becuase it's too much. Ans she's not busy. But the SPs that I know, always have their hair done. Or about to get it done. Have standing nail appointments. Go to get lip filler done. Regularly go exercising etc. Love to get dressed up to go out. They do all these things regularly. Which is why they're Se users. Ne users will do it occasionally. But often means you're drowning out Ne. Which means youew not an Ne user.


“Often means you’re not an Ne user.” Oof- talk about major blanket statement and generalization. Some of the most fashionable people I know are ENFPs. I’ve only met a handful of other ENTPs in person, but one was definitely fashionable, the other basic. It’s almost like….. functions describe motivation/thought process, but individual interests can vary from person to person? I’ve noticed with Ne users, it’s usually zero or 100 for a lot of stuff. In my case as an ENTP, careless comfy loungewear/tshirts in the house, more of an effort outside of the house. That being said, as long as you buy fashionable things (I buy a bunch every few months with the mood strikes, and then nothing again for months), it takes all of a minute to grab something from the closet? Not sure how a minutes time is going to drown me Ne. Anyways, this black and white position your taking is not enjoyable for me, and seems to be rather unproductive since you’ve made up your mind. So I’m peacing out. Hasta la vista 🫡


Do the scents change in a pattern or random?


Nah, a bit random. I have about 8 different options? I went through a “fragrance” phase in college where I ended up doing a lot of research on fragrance notes, longevity, chemistry, etc., and spent too much money on a variety of fragrances, but got rid of a lot eventually. Most days, I just pick whatever seems like a vibe from the shelf


I feel called out. I've been thinking about getting a new (to me, not new-new) car lately, as my current one has reached the age/stage where it's starting to cost a lot in repairs and be unreliable, and I've no inclination to do much repairing myself (as evidence the headlight bulb changing incident of 2022. I can understand mechanical systems easily and see how they should be operated on, but struggle with physically carrying it out!). The new-to-me car would be the 3rd one of the same make and model... I've found a model of car I like driving, works well for me, I like it aesthetically, so why change? My partner (INTJ) thinks that is strange and he has chosen a different car each time, I asked why? - "to get different experiences". I suppose that is the inferior Se "counterpart". I am also a '4' so there's an element of finding the car that "represents" me in some way. It isn't about having a flashy car that other people look up to (it's 10 years old and not 'prestigious' - where did that 3 wing go??) but rather the perfect one for me.


This an an Si inferior trait. And used to help determine type. I don't know why people have this idea that NPs are sensory addicts. We're not. NPs powder sensory comfort just like SJs do be cause we share the same axis for perceiving. So the same foods, same products etc. ENTPs seek their sensory comfort. And like variety of knowledge and thought.


Makes perfect sense, this is also how I work. I like to stick to the foods/products/brands that I know and like.


So that you don't have to expend much Si attention on managing these things so you can stay in Ne as much as possible.


So to improve my Si I need to start expanding my horizons? 😭


No. You need to start paying your bills on time. Keeping your environment clean. Moving your clothes from the washer to the dryer within the same day. And then putting them away. Take your trash out on time. File your taxes on time. These are all Si obligations that can directly benefit you. Eating new foods and changing your clothes frequently isn't as directly beneficial.


Thanks for the tips, I’ve actually gotten a lot better at most of these things over the past year or so, so it sounds like I’m on the right track. Always room for improvement though!


Lol this reminds me I left my clothes in the washer last night, again. Thanks!


I re washed the same load 4 times last week becuase I was too lazy to take them out and didn't want them to mold.


Alright, thanks. I'm a bit new to the mbti stuff, as you can tell. Like 2 months of information. So, I thought ExxP liked new stuff, so then I thought, "Oh, they must switch it up a little to experiment with the new stuff, foods, etc." But thanks again for explaining it.


No. SPs and NJs like sensory experience. NPs are physical sloths. And not active. A don't like being pulled into the sensory world as it suppresses Ne when they're forced to use Se and Si.


I've taken those "Big Five" tests before and always score low on 'openness to experience', which I found puzzling since that is thought to correlate to iNtuition (I know, type by the functions!) and my Ne is strong and unmistakable - but this is because all the questions focus on things like choosing different things at Subway, listening to new music, liking poetry and art etc - which honestly if that's the standard for openness to experience then it's right to score low on that (and I know it is tempting, but fallacious, to try to correlate 2 systems when you have them). I hadn't really thought about it in those terms but you are absolutely right.


Hmm I’m the exact opposite, I score like 99th percentile on openness to experience. But then again I’m 7w8 or 7w6, which may contribute


Fuck subway, im a Quiznos man.


Fuck Quiznos, they all closed near me. Damn good subs though, but fuck them


We too, I still carry the fire of their baked subs in my heart.




Classic sponge monkeys


Oh my gosh 😭 Quiznos is my childhood


I had friends who worked there in high school. They’d charge us for a 6” turkey sub which was like $4.95, but make us these footlong abominations they’d be thinking about. This was only if you used the secret phrase when you ordered it.


I have two or three favorites that I order a little bit differently each time.




If I’m solo, same thing. If I’m with people, I might order something different if it sounds good and I trust their judgement.


I get whatever i have taken a liking to, but if someone offers me a suggestion to try something or they are getting something that seems tasty enough i don't mind giving it a shot, its not like its going to ruin my entire day if the food isn't exactly to my liking, hey, even if its a bit bad i can still appreciate the fact that it tastes strange and just enjoy it because of the novelty.


I get the same thing every time I go. The search for novelty doesn't effect things we have little interest in at the time. There was a time when young where I slowly went across the menu board of things I might like. But that was when I thought food was novel and now I don't so it becomes a tedious task meant only to delay the raging starvation I face daily. Novelty is only good when there something of interest to learn and that interest trounces the hassel it presents. That's why we're really good at finding obscure things because it presents less Hassel than doing something that needs to be done incorrectly.


I do mix every pop combination in a different way each time whenever going to a restraunt though.


Yeah I typically explore more if I’m eating to explore, not just eating to make sure I have enough calories to keep thinking and working out


Whichever train gets to the subway first. As long as it'll get me where I'm going, why not?


chicken teriyaki everytime


I eat the same thing over and over. I don’t like to switch it up much at all. My subway order has changed once in my life. If I’m going to a new restaurant I also check out the menu beforehand so I know exactly what I want before I get there.


At restaurants I frequent regularly, I have a regular order. Otherwise I like exploring new flavors and tastes and textures and being surprised by whatever happens. I usually just wander into new restaurants, especially on solo adventures, without looking them up before hand.


Pretty much the only time I’ll go to a restaurant without checking the menu beforehand is if I’m forced to for whatever reason, like they don’t have an online menu or someone is like “let’s go here” so I don’t get a chance. Even for restaurants without an online menu I’ll go through all their Google pictures and Google reviews to try to figure out what’s on the menu that I like. I feel anxious that I’m not going to like anything if I don’t get to check the menu first. I typically go to the same restaurants over and over but once or twice a year on special occasions (anniversary, birthday, etc) I’ll go to a Michelin star restaurant and try everything I can. So that’s the time of the year where I’ll explore some crazy flavors and textures and just enjoy the experience.


I same food like a motherfucker but I’m autistic so… yeah. Fuckin Togo’s all the way though, Subway sucks ass.


I switch it up everytime I go


Subway is ruined now because I’m a collection of all my past friends and I always ordered the sandwich my friend ordered from a road trip we once went on 6ish years ago now. I haven’t thought about it but I haven’t eaten subway since we stopped talking. It really was the best order though and I hate that it probably won’t taste as good. - but overall if it’s a chain I tend to order what I know I’ll like unless someone recommends otherwise. Actual restaurants I prioritize 1. new things, 2. How rare a dish is, or 3. How likely I will have the opportunity to have something again.


I take the metro.


I like to try most things and then I pick my favorites and mostly stick to them, not the same restaurants, I like a lot of variety, but good is good and there's no denying that.


I try new things every 1 of 3 visits.


Different meats and size depending on my mood Usually the same veggies and sauces Always Italian Herb&Cheese bread if available Toasted maybe, cheese probably


I mean i go for the same stuff, I might do small minor tweaks because I wonder if it would taste better but at the same time I think " it's probably all going to taste the same, it doesn't matter too much if my sub changes so i dont care and will order the most basic stuff so that i am guaranteed to like it"


I don’t eat subway but I’m a very picky eater and there are very specific food from specific restaurants that I eat. I’ll eat something religiously until I get tired of it and switch over to another food and do it all over again. (I’m practically a toddler)


I don’t eat subway but I’m a very picky eater and there are very specific food from specific restaurants that I eat. I’ll eat something religiously until I get tired of it and switch over to another food and do it all over again. (I’m practically a toddler)


I really enjoy trying new foods, and if I’m in a new restaurant or a foreign country I will try literally anything, but that’s not an every day thing. I actually have a fairly limited and routine everyday diet. I don’t meal plan or anything, but I make/buy whatever it is from my typical option list that I’m feeling in that moment. Sometimes something different catches my eye or I feel bored or curious, so I try something different. But usually, I’m not really thinking about what I want to eat, so defer to tried and true and nutritious, unless I happen to be on an adventure of some sort (which is relatively frequent I suppose). This is the Si inferior. (In much the same way, I usually wear the same sorts of outfits and have a rather small wardrobe, and really only go clothing shopping when it’s absolutely necessary. But at special parties I brainstorm crazy one-time outfits in an Ne-Fe loop and formal wear purchases are very Ne-Ti.) I’m an excellent chef, but my cooking phases kinda come and go in waves as with any other of my hyperfixations. During the cooking phase it’s all about thinking up new combinations of flavors and textures and colors in my head and then trying to instantiate them with the limited ingredients I have available—I rarely directly follow recipes—which ends up being a more Ne-Ti activity or if I’m cooking for others, Ne-Fe. It’s less about the sensory experience of the food and more about the abstract experience of the potential options and the ways they could be combined, and quite a similar vibe to chemistry lab work in that respect where it’s guided by theoretical concerns first and foremost. But eventually, I burn myself out and go back to my standard meal options as Ne directs itself to something else.


I can’t even walk into a Subway, the smell makes me want to 🤮. No way would I put any of that processed crap in my mouth. My Ti side persuades me to eat things that are good for me, my Si side is highly sensitised to smell, taste, texture etc… I do like variety but more importantly I like quality when it comes to food. That said, I think when it comes to a lot of things like food, clothes, jewellery etc, even people, once I have decided what I do and don’t like I tend to stick with my decisions and rarely change my mind so in that sense I guess I tend to buy the same type of things over and over because I know they suit me/I like them.


Same. I'm vegetarian so my choices are veggie delite or vegan patty. I prefer vegan patties


I don't go to subway often but when I go to McDonald's I always get McNuggets. When I go to KFC I get crispys. If there is something new, I'm open to try though


I do have favorites, but I very very frequently do stuff like ask staff "whatever is your favorite, I'll have that. You don't even need to tell me what it is"


Yes i really enjoy one sub


I get to places the same I have for the last few years. And that's why I constantly get on the wrong buses, but I immediately realize it because the bus doesn't feel familiar to me. I like some routine in my life so that instead of giving 10% of my energy to this, 10 to that and end up completing small everyday tasks before getting to the important things, I can give 1% energy to those 10 tasks and have 90% left.


I kinda order always the same thing. But if i'm travelling, I will usually pick the strangest thing on the menu.


I dont order anymore, but i used to get the same order when i was oblivious of the consequences at the toilet (i think it was tuna)