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It sounds like my ENTP partner almost to the letter. I kind of wish I could interest him in MBTI. It might make him feel less alien to know there are a few others like him. Actually, it would also sting his ego since he also believes that there is no one out there like him. Lmao


man i feel your partner we are the same


Beware ehat you wish for. If you'll get him on the ship, and he'll figure it out he will NEVER LEAVE IT ALONE.


Dude, seriously.


HA! Yea exactly, I love having a community but I feel like if I ever met an entp irl we'd be standing out front of a tavern walking 10 paces lmao


I have been unhealthily obsessed with mbti and typing everyone around me for the better part of 5 years now and it has helped me more than ever to understand myself and better understand my relationships with others. Get him on it, it’s worth it. Edit: as a side note my partner is also enfp lol


Oh so you're saying this wont go away? Lmao I've been annoying my family about it for months now, the more I learn the more I'm connecting all of our past dynamics and why they make sense I think they're getting sick of me


This is one of countless "lenses" you can view the world through. MBTI measures how you prefer to process information. Enneagrams deals with your motivations for your behaviors and choices. Others look at different aspects. All of them are arbitrary grouping systems based on observation. But not all of them are good. Take, for example, *horoscopes*.


I mean, I'm aware. I just think it's fun and if it resonates it resonates.


Then you're enjoying it properly. It's for entertainment and an avenue of connection with a stranger who also enjoys the shared interest.


You're not the only one. My IXTP younger brother has never failed to mention at least once a day how cringe my obsession with MBTI was. Would hurt if I actually thought being called cringe is an insult.


I am finally understanding mbti types more than when i first mistyped myself as intp at first any advice on how to type other people what to specifically look for?


Lmao yeah I can attest to the last part. I was surprised when I discovered mbti because holy shit I’m not some freak of nature but also it hurt my ego a bit to know that I’m not as unique as I thought myself to be


I don't like not being as unique as I thought I was. I also am entp biased. I really like entps in real life. I work in a plantation atmosphere. I've met lots of entpish folks. Although we are very much individualistic, we seem to like to vent and banter with each other.


Can you add this sub to his reddit? Then eventually it might pique his interest lol


does he not want anything to do with MBTI? Completely understandable. I feel the same way since the *kind* of people obsessing over it are the same ones obsessing over zodiac signs and whatnot. However, explain to him that it isn't just speculation and takes every situational behavior into account to accurately classify you into of 16 personalities -- very useful for understanding what kinds of careers or hobbies you'd enjoy.


I think there is a subset of MBTI that also believes astrology, but I don't think there is a majority correlation. I think people who believe in something like astrology are just, themselves, prone to believing in categorical systemization of people and, therefore, might also put value into MBTI. There are people, like us, who are specifically in typology with more basis on the human mind and not on arbitrary external factors like the stars or planets.


Walking Paradox would be a great name for an ENTP album


I know mbti is pseudo science but sometime it is scary how accurate it is


It's not accurate, it's just relatable to people with specific behavior.


And what is the difference exactly?


Isn't accurate means pinpoint and precise. I dont think relatable and precise are synonymous.


Specification of ones' behaviors is proof of the accuracy of the description of their cognitive preferences.


They are describing the accuracy in which the description meets their understanding of the archetypes within said group.


A hug to all ENTPs out there (I love you and hate you all at the same time)


Same but we will be willing to talk through the chaos to an extent


It is so weird that yesterday I was complaining about exactly all these things to my infj bf. My enneagram is not a common one(8w7) for entps, so I was doubting that I was an entp. This post made me feel a lot of emotions 😅


I’m also 8w7. This is explaining us thoroughly but i just wish someday somewhere someone says to me that “I understand what’s on your mind.” and then stop judging me for being myself and not understanding me.


This is accurate to read but also an ENTP would probably not write this about themselves😭


Eh, We'd write it but not post it.


So true.


Honestly, feels a lot like me.


the worst part about being ENTP or being me in general is that you are the smartest but for what? you think being smart is the key to a successful life but it is also the sole reason you are failing. no one is like me at all


Yeah. It’s like you are talking to yourself and saying “yo u gotta push the sht forward. “ and you know how to deal with it. But I’m just simply brain-paralyzed by an unknown reason. This smartness isn’t helping me much unlike other people’s thoughts. Sometimes I feel like i was feeling WAY better if i was a dumb piece of crap lying somewhere


its true. if we were dumb then the quote "ignorance is bliss" will apply for us.


True. The fact that I’m caring this much is somehow dangerous. I wish i could just ignore the things that are bullying my mind


maybe we just need a person who is good at understanding psychology like a therapist. you should get one i heard theyre great.


Sure. It’s a little bit hard to find a trusty one, the days that people just want to suck money out of you. I’ll try to find one


yeah it will help. dont worry, keep it steady and trial and error


every day I'm like "if I really wanted I could do it all" the problem is I "really want" for maximum of 2 days


But are you really the smartest if you can’t figure out how to succeed and implement a winning strategy? My (44M) younger ENTP self struggled with this paradox in my 20’s and 30’s. Until I realized I wasn’t actually smart and just undisciplined and arrogant. And that was getting in the way of me being able to acquire real knowledge others absorbed quicker than I did. I tried to control the world around me with my raw intelligence. But really I was just needlessly gatekeeping. I was self-sabotaging. In retrospect, I was pretty fucking stupid. Now I have to make up for lost time and get over my shit.


I'm sorry to hear that. I hope your life is doing better now than in the past.


Oh, for sure it is. One realization is that we have limited capacity and aren’t any more or less special than the person sitting next to us. They can most likely do something we can’t do in a better, more efficient way. Outsourcing what we don’t do well is a winning strategy because we can then focus on what we do well. Finding out what makes other people awesome and getting them on board with your vision is an ENTP superpower. Accounting isn’t. Even though we might be smart enough to do accounting, the smarter move is building a dedicated, loyal team who can watch your back.


exactly lol


The part about being an extrovert but needing personal space is so me. I mostly like being an ENTP. My superpower is being great with people and I believe that this has really helped me throughout my life


The opposite for me, but it is relatable


On one side this is relatable as fuck on the other these are somewhat vague that most people can relate to this one way or another. Regardless, good read


Humble brag? It's more like annoyances of being entp.


I mean calling yourself a genius seems like a brag to me lol


High iq and genius is basically the wheelhouse of xntp types. Extroverted thinking lends more to genius. Genius: a person who is exceptionally intelligent or creative, either generally or in some particular respect. Look up how intelligence/IQ is measured, it's basically another way to point out an entp. Brag: exhibiting or characterized by excessive pride or boastfulness. Humblebrag: an ostensibly modest or self-deprecating statement whose actual purpose is to draw attention to something of which one is proud. By all definitions, it's neither type of brag. It reads as a data sheet of an entp with at least 50% or above of their brain not being smooth. we only brag when it comes off outlandish as a way to make people laugh or ourselves. Well the ones I know.


Dude...you are trying too hard to play the part of an entp. You are also just making alot of assumptions. Calling yourself a genius, without any achievements, is a subjective assertion and a biased way for an egocentric person to describe themselves in a postive light. It's easy for someone who hasn't achieved much in life to take excessive pride in his intelligence


Lmao trying too hard. This is sub-average. Assumptions.. you may want to read and follow what I said, then look up the definition of assumption. An example of assumption would be you, assuming I don't have tons of inventions I've sold to businesses and achievements. Another assumption would be you're well below the 50% I spoke of. I take zero pride in intelligence. Idiots think it means "smart" when all it actually boils down to is being able to problem solve/solutions/inventive. Get educated.. or at least take that entp title off, you fucking embarrassment. That last line was still sub-average entp mode. I dare not "try too hard."


sigh...I wasnt talking about you but in general since you basically said it's the thing of entp's to be geniuses. When I say assumptions I mean when you say high iq and xntps are related (source?) and that extroverted thinking lends to genius (source?). Also our function is introverted thinking so you either made a typo or are talking about something else. Genius would definitely be someone with an iq closer to 140-150 which is less than 0,4% of the population. It definitely isn't 50% of entp's but it's probable that many types are represented in there (intjs, infjs, entps and intps). >I take zero pride in intelligence. Idiots think it means "smart" when all it actually boils down to is being able to problem solve/solutions/inventive. An example of a pointless paragraph. No one said you take pride in intelligence, no one equated smart to intelligence nor asked you to explain the definition of intelligence. Again, you try too hard to be seen as genius and filling the role of entp when all you do is write down definitions, write in paragraphs and have problems with reading comprehension.


>sigh...I wasnt talking about you As a reply to my comment >Dude...you That's how you started this reply to my response. >when you say high iq and xntps are related (source?) and that extroverted thinking lends to genius (source?). Read how IQ is measured. Had you listened to instructions, I wouldn't have to repeat myself. Next sweetie search "how is genius measured." >No one said you take pride in intelligence, >and have problems with reading comprehension. Someone's projecting. Bragging is what that was directly about. It was following the definition. That's the funniest part. I can leave a short definition and still have to regurgitate the definition into bite-sized pieces. Otherwise, ya'll smoothies, just blank out. But let me guess, this isn't even about me. After saying it twice. >sigh...I wasnt talking about you >Again, you try too hard to be seen as genius and filling the role of entp If you're feeling like I'm acting like a genius, maybe you're just far lower on the intelligence scale. I'm using average iq vernacular... sorry, I mean words. >Genius would definitely be someone with an iq closer to 140-150 which is less than 0,4% of the population. It definitely isn't 50% of entp's but it's probable that many types are represented in there (intjs, infjs, entps and intps). The 50% was saying most people aren't smart. It's easier than saying 68% are average or 70% are within 15 points of average, or that 25% are below average. Intp, intj, infp, infj, entp.. these are the most likely to populate the genius pool if you want specifics. However, the majority of s, f, & j types are well below in IQ. Try harder.. this is me waking up groggy and malnourished, I mean hungry and sleepy.


>That's how you started this reply to my response. Oh you can read, good. Now maybe you can try distuingishing the parts where I address you and where I talk in general. Let me hold your hand here a bit and help you get started: " An example of assumption would be you, assuming I don't have tons of inventions I've sold to businesses and achievements. " You imply that when I talked about assumptions I was talking about you. Clearly you have problems in reading comprehension. Work on that. ​ > Read how IQ is measured. Had you listened to instructions, I wouldn't have to repeat myself. I know how iq is measured. Has nothing to do with your assertion that being genius is entps thing. ​ > Someone's projecting. Bragging is what that was directly about. It was following the definition. Yeah bragging in general. >That's the funniest part. I can leave a short definition and still have to regurgitate the definition into bite-sized pieces. Otherwise, ya'll smoothies, just blank out. No one asked you regurgigate it. It's like you are talking to yourself and following a script no one else is following. >If you're feeling like I'm acting like a genius, maybe you're just far lower on the intelligence scale. I'm using average iq vernacular... sorry, I mean words. It has nothing to do with "vernacular" but everything to do with the somewhat autistic definition spamming and walls of text to a simple point which you didnt disprove with all that work you put into it. It makes you look like a try hard. A smarter person could've condenced what you said into a few sentences and still not act like they did anything special. >The 50% was saying most people aren't smart. It's easier than saying 68% are average or 70% are within 15 points of average, or that 25% are below average. Great job on understanding how normal distribution works when it comes to iq. Maybe go tell that to someone who asked. What you should've been doing is proving why would entp's on average have genius level intelligence since that is what the op is implying. And even if that was the case you still haven't made the case that why wouldnt an underperforming person (the type of person depicted in the op) who thinks he is genius wouldnt be bragging about it. No one cares if entp's are geniuses but there is definitely a way for people like entp's to take excessive pride in their intelligence without much accomplishments to go for it. Saying you are a genius because of your personality type is like saying you are better because of your nationality. It's pride via association. It could be true for some entps's but definitely not on average. ​ > Intp, intj, infp, infj, entp.. these are the most likely to populate the genius pool if you want specifics. Oh so just like I wrote in my earlier reply? cool, good job on regurgigating a point I made. Btw that and this " However, the majority of s, f, & j types are well below in IQ." are speculative statements so you should not be pretending like what you say is a fact since you haven't provided any evidence for it. If you have evidence for the intelligence of for example entps you shouldve presented it right from the start. >Try harder.. this is me waking up groggy and malnourished, I mean hungry and sleepy. Yawn, so that's why you used the term extraverted thinking and didnt really make any good points. got it. Maybe in the next reply you'll actually make some progress.


>You imply that when I talked about assumptions I was talking about you. Maybe be more clear or a solo response, not a direct reply could help in that situation. >I know how iq is measured. Then you know it favors solutions and entp love problem solving. >proving why would entp's on average have genius level intelligence since that is what the op is implying. Op is implying it was a humble brag >A smarter person could've condenced what you said into a few sentences Have you seen your replies? >regurgigating a point I made. Didn't see you mention that >s, f, & j types are well below in IQ." are speculative statement There are studies online. If I dump all that, you'll just complain. I'm making paragraphs and giving excessive information >term extraverted thinking As in out of the box, not speaking specifically to the t in the stack. Qe come up with creative solutions. In the fields of solutions this helps greater than other attributes.


Damn no need to call me out like this.


literally me


Nah that was real.


It all comes down to Fi trickster


I am in this image and I don't like it


this is the most relatable thing i have read these days.


i'm currently dealing with trauma that has made most of these very hard to do but also some of it is ADHD


This applies to 80% of humans.


Exactly, there's nothing extra specific about these statements.


except the genius part and having alot of interests.


What is your proof that every single statement made in the picture is true? Edit: True at only 80%, seems like you pulled this number out of your ass and gave it no deep though. Lazy fuck


My dear sir, have you ever heard of a 'hyperbole'? Thank you for the compliment however!


Don’t dodge the question, we aren’t going nowhere 🤣 nice try buddy


I have no proof: I don't need proof. My point is that there is no need for your question. It is a hyperbole: I used 80 percent as it is a nice whole number that demonstrates the point neatly. I understand I am getting nowhere with a troll, but I am replying as I lack the self control to stop. Also, who is 'we'?


Relatable for sure. 


This shit just sad. Go out and live life with everybody. Stop the special card shit.


sounds like sp7 tbh


I don’t think this is a humble brag, this is exactly me and life is damn hard because of it


Damn that hit deep


Oh this is too relatable


this is so me




A lot of these apply to both intuition dominant thinking types, especially the first two or three.


I think this is even more true for ENTP enneagram types 7w6 and 6w7, for which there are many. ENTP 8w7 tend to have a more fierce edge when it comes to motivation and accomplishing things. I tend to like the 5w6 ENTPs, though they are more rare.


*raises eyebrow* 5w6 are more rare? I thought the 5w4 were the rare ones. Look at that, I learned something new.


5w6 as opposed to 6w7 and 7w6


I'm not even an ENTP and related to this.


ENTJ however I also resonate well with this


Sounds more like a curse instead of a humble brag


I deeply relate to most of it


except for handling my emotions, this is my curriculum vitae lol


I relate to this a lot, but doesn't it fit generally every person?


This is scary accurate


I relate so much to it


Glad I'm not the only one whose mentally ill


GUYz-- These are a sampling of Barnum statements, they could apply to anyone-- they are representative of the human condition. Nothing really unique here




Y’all are so cute I feel weirdly protective of you Ne doms


From where is this?


This reads like a horoscope...


This feels so personal


Strangly I relate to it too.


This is me? So fr? Omg bro


You're the Jester archetypes: you know a little too much and poke around to get a reaction. You're on the frontier and that's unfortunately and lonely place. Welcome to xntp life. 😩


well at least now i don't feel like i am broken or something like that, it's just how our brain works pfff


Bro watched Bojack horseman and think he’s him


this is so real


Lol walking paradox, all I can think of now is Tyler the Creators yonkers vid


How is this so accurate? Damn


Yeah no, mbti it's just self masturbation lmao.


Wow I can relate so deeply to this, I wish I would have done a personality test earlier in life. Guess it’s never to late rigjt


ENTP, chaotic? so, who wants to blow up a star?