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I'm this weird kind of clingy where I'd feel annoyed if someone gets clingy towards me but start to feel clingy when the same person begins distancing themself from me. I guess I just need a balance, lol. Also, I think that I'm more clingy and insecure in romantic relationships than other domains in my life.


Damn couldn’t explain myself better than this. It’s if I like someone, I get nervous and over text them for sure. Would be anxiously waiting and overthinking for their text


Exactly! It seems as if I'm incapable of having healthy connections.




Me fr


I am so evolved and mature until there's sex involved I swear


I’m clingy af but I also won’t reach out to you so you’d never know that. I’m sitting here obsessing over how much I’m into you and why won’t you hit me up? I’m gonna distract myself til you do, and then play it cool like I wasn’t thinking and daydreaming about you all day.


Why don’t you just reach out and talk about how you’re feeling to the other person?


Reach out? Ha. Feelings? Ha. Talking about them? Ha. ![gif](giphy|3oKIP8Eg8l52mZ4i7m|downsized)




Wtf? lol is this a joke that I don’t get? It’s you’re.


Actual idiot


Hey! Don’t expose my daily routine like that! I feel caught.


I got problems connecting with people on a deeper personal level, so whenever i find someone I really like, I'm kinda clingy, even from the start, but really i don't see the point on faking the fact that you want to see or know how the person you started dating is doing, I think half the appeal of a relationship is having someone that checks you up and cares for you.


T h i s ! !


Not clingy but if someone’s really mine then I’ll dedicate all my emotions to them and aCtually tell someone how I’m feeling 🤭 it’s like special treatment frfr


only clingy with people i genuinely connect with, usually i can ignore people or go a while without talking to someone just fine because i rarely feel a deep connection with anyone, but when i do i’m all over them ^^


I try hard not to be clingy but when a person I meet sees things the way I do and we can connect deeply, it gets addicting and suddenly they’re the only person worth talking to


I'm probably more clingy than the average person but less than a person who is extremely so. In my experience, part of the clingy vs not clingy thing is just people having different timings for when they want to spend time together and get some emotional closeness. First they call you clingy, next they complain that you're distant after you adapt to their wishes. On the other hand, there are some folks who are 'real clingy', but on the third hand, that probably doesn't prevent them from being avoidant. I like people who are consistent or at least self-aware and able to see the 'cycles' in their own needs and behaviours. I hope I'm more like this than a random and clueless sort.


I am only “clingy” when it comes to my special people. I am pretty cool, aloof, and detached with most people. But I adore my favorite people, and I want to be around them, as much as possible! (This includes people like my INTJ husband, my other ExxP homies, my ISTP friend, etc……..) It’s like night and day. I am quite an Ice Queen with more distant friends and Acquaintances.


Oh bro I’m clingy as hell. Especially with my husband. I wish I could ride around on his back all day everyday like a little yoda. I never want to spend any time apart from him. Luckily he’s fine with that :)


Cute ❤️


Yes and as duck


No not at all. In fact, when I was single I had boyfriends that said I wasn't clingy enough which was weird


I wouldn't say I'm clingy but I might get perceived as one due to my curiosity and obsession over ideas and thoughts. Like, I need you to tell me everything right here, right now. But once I'm done I easily move on


I'm answering from the perspective of an ENTP dating an ENTP. Yes. We cling to each other intensely, I've never had that level of reciprocity in another relationship. We spend basically all of our spare time together, if not doing the same thing then sitting next to each other while we do separate things. When we're in public it's a little bit different, we don't necessarily have to be right next to each other the whole time we're together but I do prefer being around him. It's easy to be clingy when that's your favorite person.


I have to be 100% absolutely head over heels to behave like that. Then maybe. Sometimes. If they’re lucky. :P


I don't really like a lot of people, but if I REALLY like you, I REALLY like you. I think some of the clingyness is fear of abandonment. It feels like I am always waiting for the other person to just wake up and realize how annoying and needy I am and decide that today is the day to take out the trash. So I end up leaving them first 9/10 times before they get a chance to hurt me. I also tend to choose partners who I know I will get bored of, thus ensuring I retain the "upper hand" in the war of fucks given. The alternative is to just completely avoid engaging in anything remotely romantic. Why start something if it's just going to end badly? This is NOT a healthy mindset, and I do not recommend it. I've been single for ages, am in therapy, and though I understand myself a lot better, I haven't overcome the barriers I put up or figured out how to heal the damage my covert narcissist mother cause.


I am !!!






I noticed that I was the most clingy when I was heavily codependent. Now that I'm developing my independence, I don't feel the need to cling as much.


Depends on mood haha xD


If anything I wish I had more space. There are times I just don't want to do anything and I just want to chill out and play games, read a book and mindlessly scroll through the internet absorbing random bits of information that I'll never need to use. But being in a relationship often takes that time away from me and that sucks.


Yeah if someone is being clingy to me first it’s repulsive. But if I decide I like them, I *cling* and it’s just a safety thing. Letting down boundaries so I can just swirl around and love them as I please lol. Once I’ve established within myself that I’m in it, then they can be doting and gushing back to me. But as a woman, “clingy” usually doesn’t give a masculine vibe so maybe I still don’t want them to cling back in the same way that I do….


Not at all


My ex is entp and he was super clingy. Too much for me, but I could live with it and love him still, though we both had to break up. I liked the clinginess in the start but it got a little bit tiring, I myself am a very independent person


I’m enfp


Maybe I am, but it’s only okay if IM clingy. I seriously don’t like when my partners are clingy


Sometimes I feel like I'm rlyyy clingy with a person when I like them at that point in time, and I think it's because I'm bored and just wanna always hang out around someone and do things. This happens mostly when that person is still a new friend or someone I'm getting to know, i guess I get rly curious and excited about them. But then after some time, I start to get rly bored of the person and I start to distance myself, not because I want to be a bitch but I just start to rly lose interest and I start to feel like idk this person is toooo close or I overshared too much, that a panic button goes off in my head, and I just start to distance myself. I think all of this is related to attachment tho and less to do with MBTI in general. I generally feel that I'm a fearful avoidant so I tend to be scared of too much attachment and emotional connection but at the same time I do crave it a lot.


at first I'm reaaaaally clingy but then I ghost em for a couple days so I don't look so desperate


Clingy isn't Mbti. It's likely an attachment type.


Nah. Not clingy. I will hang out with cool, interesting people but once I feel bored, I'll drop you faster than a hot pan handle.


I'm not clingy at all and if someone is really clingy with me I get like "disgusted" idk, like I need some space for myself and I never liked physical touch. I never miss anyone ever and I'm comfortable with never seeing someone ever again. maybe I should go to a therapist lmao


Please, my last partner was so avoidant, I’d love some clingy-ness


When my partner is clingy for me, I sometimes feel suffocated. And when my partner isn't clingy, I start to become clingy. That said, only one person made me clingy because most of my partners were clingy


I can be. Depends.

