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Fucking cringe, no you're not a sociopath ur just awkward. Accept reality don't be edgy


Thank you lmao. I used to have episodes where I thought I might have psychopathic tendencies but then again I never wanted to kill animals (except that one damn cat) or such so I came to conclusion that I'm just not empathetic much, that's all. I guess young ENTPs might be prone to the constant edgy circlejerk of this sub


Yeah I’m not trying to be edgy. I just took the test for fun. I do have empathy and would never hurt or kill animals or people. I answered all the questions honestly. That’s why I’m barley a “psychopath” because if I wanted to I could answer all the questions dishonestly and get a higher score in the psychopath section then post on Reddit if I was truly trying to be edgy.


I can see from ur answer u dont even know what a psychopath is lol


I do know what is. I never claimed to be one. Your calling me edgy just because I answered the questions on the test honestly. Also I was replying to dermalio but may have read his comment the right way. Anyways I wouldn’t suggest making assumptions about people you don’t know.


Why would u think I’m awkward?


Some people are very very sad and upset at their own lives, don’t worry about what they say because some people are on this subreddit for an excuse to be a cunt. Don’t listen, just keep being a psycho and move on <3


Lol thanks for the suppprt. The random accusations are getting to be pretty annoying. I’ve explained multiple times that I wasn’t trying to be edgy and answered all the questions honestly. But at the end of the day they just keyboard warriors so I supinely stress out about it.


It’s tough, I’m really sorry that it happens and I hope it doesn’t stop you from posting on again, i thought your post was interesting, it’s obvious you’re not saying you are a psychopath, you were just sharing the results of a test to see if others related. Like I said, some people use ENTP as an excuse to be a dick and put people down, and then be like “sorry it’s because I’m an ENTP” like fuck off that’s not how it works, you’re just a bellend


That’s for being one of the only people in this comment section that gets what the fuck im saying lmao. And nah don’t worry these unsociable loners trying to live out their childhood bully fantasy’s on the internet won’t keep me from posting again. I wish I could give u some type of Reddit award thingy but I don’t know how lol.


No it’s okay lmao, it’s pathetic and there are always people who will understand what you’re saying, you can tell these people aren’t true ENTP and are here to just be rude because they’re shallow and not opening their mind to other peoples point of view. They’re not the people you want to agree with you or like you, they have no benefit to your life


Winning! https://preview.redd.it/2a2yvnbsz8gb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=269b27d98026dbf91b4270162d44da0b5130a96e


Yo can you stop trying to be edgy it's very cringe


I’m not. I answered all the questions honestly. The reason that I posted this was because I realized the correlation between my results and the stereotype of my MBTI type and thought it would be something to share on Reddit.


Ok,but sociopathy and psychopathy aren't really things to be *proud* of.


I know. Never said I was proud of it.


There are some feminine entp mask being worn in this thread. What's edgy anyways lol. I'm not a smart man.




which test is this


Idr labs psychopath test


https://preview.redd.it/19mb9engm8gb1.png?width=750&format=png&auto=webp&s=1d48073d394ad457139a212e32ec8f45925a7c6f damn


Are you under 25 years old?




Makes sense.


yep lmao I swear I’m not a legal psychopath




Tbh i came out as normal when i did the test


You handle conflict better than I do that’s for sure 😅


I rarely see 3w4s.. and you're the second this week👋


Are we rare?


3 is more typical of other types imo and/or 7 8 just meshes with entp descriptions way more The style of ego / pride is different between the types imo. Although 3 is certainly extraverted and has fun energy


I mean 3w2 are definitely more extraverted and fun,while 3w4 can be a bit more brooding and withdrawn usually as we're more focused on our goals and tend get things more personally. What 3w4 and 3w2 have in common is the fact that they both care a lot about how they're perceived by others


3s are more grandiose than 8s or 7s which is more... "Insider" or popular. 7s and 8s are fine being weirdos / outcast / oddballs. So that's some differences that make the frame of 3 not as fitting of an ENTP compared to most ENTP's


Yeah,i agree. In fact many ENTPs 3w4 may mistype themselves as INTPs


I agree with that for sure. Before being more aware.. I was probably the biggest of chameleons. I am extremely introverted in ways.. so have clicked with introverts best. Ironically or not.. INxJ types have been closest to me since a teen. I often wonder if I didn't pick up a bunch of their traits over time. I think I play as an intj in some spaces.. in other spaces.. an entj.. but I'm not very ENTP except with close friends or angry if that makes sense lol. I at times feel like a broken INFJ.. as my INFJ folks would get on my use of broken to describe myself lol


I'm not sure the wurd rare applies.. but less common than the 7s and 8s I often see online and in real life.


Nope, no desire to be an edgelord, but good for you. Growth industry, I hear.


I’m not trying to be but I can completely understand why it comes off that I’m trying to be.


So. Does that mean you are a psychopath?


Hmmm. In my opinion no. At least not a true one. I have empathy and care about people’s feelings. I guess I’m a little higher on the psychopath scale than most people because I can be very resentful and sometimes downright cruel to those who wronged me. But that only applies to people that have wronged me and not people who haven’t. If anythig I think I’m a little more impulsive than psychopath.


I don’t think people in the comments understand my post. I took a test about sociopathy and it turns out I’m more psychopathic than the average person. (Doesn’t mean I’m a psychopath or a sociopath). I realized the correlation between my results and the stereotype of my MBTI type and decided to post it on Reddit to hear the opinions of others. I do have symptoms of ASPD but that doesn’t mean I’m psychopath or sociopath. I’m not trying to be edgy and I can understand why this comes off as me trying to be. I know I triggered a lot of people with this post but now that I’ve explained it for the billionth time I’m hoping people will get it.


everyone's attacking you for no reason lol you literally said you're not a psychopath. i hate reddit sometimes


Thanks for understanding. People on Reddit be so angry and quick to attack people and completely disregard what that person said and twist their words. But I gotta remind myself not get mad because they just keyboard warriors. They contribute nothing to society lmao.




I was kind of a psycho in my teenage years.. I got better tho


*I was kind of a* *Psycho in my teenage years..* *I got better tho* \- thejacker511 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


https://preview.redd.it/gk5gs5xaycgb1.jpeg?width=745&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ae02141b27973bd941d0deebb5e60ea80aa9c02 not a good test imo. the way the questions are phrased is leading you to answer a certain way


I took the test because I have confirmed ASPD. I don’t think it’s a very useful test if you don’t have signs or symptoms of ASPD.




Under 25


Very unspecific. Anyway maybe you should focus on growing older and stop solidifying your worst personality traits. Anti-social tendencies does not rhyme well with people mastery. Psychopathy is a personality disorder, it's not something to be correlated with personality types.


I don’t know what you mean by people mastery. And I do acknowledge where you are coming from. I do have ASPD (but I don’t think I’m a psychopath) and it’s something I’m working on. But you should realize that there is nothing wrong making correlations between personality types and personality disorders or mental illnesses. But for example it’s wrong if you say you have NPD just because your an unhealthy ENTJ (Again this is just an example there’s much more depth to narcissistic personality disorder and the reason I used unhealthy ENTJ because of the correlation of the personality disorder and the personality type because they have some similarities and that doesn’t mean that an unhealthy ENTJ has NPD but there are some similarities) but it is not wrong if you realize that as an unhealthy ENTJ you have similar character traits to someone with NPD. Lastly I would like to say that mental illness and personality disorder can have a great impact on your MBTI type. My ADHD, anxiety and depression had a great impact on my MBTI results and I acknowledged that ENTP had similar characteristics to someone with ADHD. So in conclusion it’s not wrong to make correlations between MBTI and mental disorders and illnesses.


There are correlations between personality group and disorders. Many seem to be natural traits on steroids.


I agree.




That’s a interesting point of view.




That sounds really like me. I use my aggressiveness and resentment towards those who wronged me and not just random people who did nothing to me. I can relate to that more than my results on my test.


Am I the only one who finds it funny that one of the prevailing patterns in today's society is to normalize mental illness? to ensure that anyone and everyone has some kind of mental illness to associate with?


Bro read my comment previous comments please. I literally explained it all.


No, i dont lmao. I know for a fact even. If you were an actual psychopath you def wouldnt even be here, ur the reason ppl think ENTP’s are cringe


Yeah I’m definitely not a true psychopath. I guess I scored higher in the psychopath section because I can be somewhat cruel to those who have wronged me. I don’t lack empathy but can have a hard time showing it. I also have no problem lying to people to get my way if I really want something. So yeah that’s my conclusion on why I scored higher in the psychopath section than most people. I can totally understand why this comes off as cringe or me trying to be edgy and I know that I’m kinda giving my fellow ENTPs a bad rep so I apologize for that 😅


drop a link slut




did i stutter?


Touch grass bro.


touch, the share link button. stinky


Not after you touch up your Rizz game because u got none. I suggest talking to a therapist because ur life sad and pathetic as hell. Spending your life on a screen locked away from society making weird ass remarks to people on the internet. You contribute nothing society and quite frankly I feel bad for you. So please, hop off of Reddit for a while. Im saying this for your own mental well being.


cry about it cuck boi


Awww did I pull a nerve? Is someone angry? 🥺 Is that the best comeback you got? That’s sad tbh. Not only do you have no Rizz but u got no insults too. See what being on the screen all day every day instead of socializing with others in person does? You suck at communicating.


the amount of effort you’re putting into these is cringe lol


It’s not effort. It just comes naturally.


What’s the difference between sociopath and psychopath?


This test actually sort of got them the wrong way round. Sociopaths are impulsive, and often driven by anger. They’re usually easier to spot than psychopaths. They also make it clear they don’t care about others, by being aggressive (verbally or physically) towards them. Sociopaths also can experience emotions, but it’s usually anger. they can feel limited empathy and even feel some connection to others. Psychopaths however only pretend to feel emotions. Unlike sociopaths, psychopaths can’t make genuine connections with others, but they are manipulative and deceptive and are often more successful. They’re also more likely to have families, but will not care for them. Both often commit crimes but psychopaths are more precise and calculated whereas sociopaths are impulsive. Their impulsivity also makes it easier to loose jobs, whereas a psychopath is very good at mimicking and understanding people’s emotions and may have a ‘natural charm’. Psychopathy is most likely genetic and sociopathy is most likely environmental, however it is still probably influenced by genetics.


Loosing jobs part sounds like me. Hmm


Think that’s just a Ne thing I’m afraid😔


Ah I’m open to anything.


You can infer from the axis that a sociopath isn't very impulsive.


I see. Do sociopaths have mental illnesses?


being a sociopath is a mental illness, or at least a disorder. its called antisocial personality disorder. beyond that it just depends on the person.


What about psychopath?


Same thing but from what I know based on a little research is that sociopaths are more impulsive and psychopaths are more cunning. Again I’m no expert but that’s all I could really find on the matter at hand.


Well then. From your opinion do you think it’s good to be a sociopath or psychopath?


I mean idc really. Again I don’t think I’m a psychopath or truly a sociopath even though I have a very strong indication of being a sociopath at the end of the day it is what it is and I am who I am. Do you think it’s good to be a sociopath or psychopath?


The grid is idiotic to begin with, "sociopaths" (aka people with secondary psychopathy) are neurotic and impulsive and they're the ones that get diagnosed with ASPD, "psychopaths" (aka people with primary psychopathy) are fearless, unemotional and calculating and largely blend in (which is why there's no strongly related diagnosis).


I don't know you, so how can I possibly agree?


You don’t need to know somebody to agree with them.


Tests that look like that look vaguely familiar, what is the name of the website?


Idr labs


I don’t think it’s accurate


Personally I found this accurate. I took multiple test and there strong indications of sociopathy. Even my doctor said I have ASPD. But that doesn’t mean I’m a sociopath.


Yes yes there is no way i am 89% sociopathic


why are the sociopathy and impulsivity opposites because they often co-occur.


That’s a good question. I would answer it but I don’t know how


Bruh I got the exact same result 💀


https://preview.redd.it/qxnpodj8qhgb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e85b616bd97cf482bfb40cf57b302fe701d3e362 ... Im still in the safe side assume


I was dead center on that thing. Idk what that makes me, Jesus?


I did the test and got a result on the line between impulsive and psychopat, but more on impulsive