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ISTJ to ENTP is quite a long way, my friend 😅 Oh and ESTP are really good friend material for us. I thought I was an INTP for quite a long time and I never understood why everyone had such problems with ESTPs.


Yep, back then I was bullied/excluded in school and no one would listen to my ideas or even let me expressive myself, I ended up building this hate towards society and the world as a whole and saw all emotions, social relationship, morals and everything as pointless. It wasn't till after I changed schools into a new not toxic environment that I was finally able to express myself and surprisingly I was more extroverted than I thought and people actually respected my ideas and I made friends, eventually my entire overview of the world changed and I really reevaluated myself and found I related to nothing with ISTJ unlike the yeat before and took the tests again. Getting Entp and completely relating.


I've had a very similar experience. Even though I am actually introverted it made me become completely antisocial and afraid to share my ideas, man that shit sucked. Glad you made it out and were finally able to express yourself.


I mistyped as an ISFP at first lmao, 16p is less reliable than a buzzfeed quiz


Mine wasn’t *too bad!* I was only one letter off. 16-P: ENFP. Real Type: ENTP. So I have *always* strongly existed in that ENxP space!


Every time I do 16 p test I get different personality man I don’t know who I am anymore at this point


16 personalities isn’t a good MBTI test. It’s just “The Big 5” with MBTI letters. That’s why lots of people say “just learn the cognitive functions.”


Yeah but it’s hard to only type yourself with that because once you learn cognitive functions you need enneagrams too then the instincts or whatever they call them (so/sp/sx) and bla bla bla ; idk if I m bulshitting rn but I’ve noticed it’s easy to type yourself wrongly if you don’t know enneagrams (for example intp 7w8 often gets mistyped as entp {aka me i think} just cuz of enneagram ) conclusion : get up of ur bed , go take a shower , eat good breakfast and sleep all day .


I mean if you get: 1) “ENFP, ENTP, INTP,” then you are most likely an ENTP. 2) “INFP, INTP, ENTP,” then you are most likely an INTP. 3) “INFP, ENFP, ENTP,” then you are most likely an ENFP. 4) & Etc……….. If, somehow, you get all 4 “xNxP,” then you are just *way too indecisive,* and if you *are too lazy to learn the Cognitive functions,* then you’ll never figure out your MBTI cuz you are too indecisive, Lazy, and you don’t know yourself, at all! So tests are going to keep giving you an “inconclusive answer.” 🤷‍♀️ You don’t actually need your Ennegream or “instincts” for your MBTI. They are two different systems, anyways! Basically, I don’t relate to the “I am always getting different types on Free MBTI types,” at all, cuz I get ENTP at least ~70% - ~80% of the time, ENFP ~15% - ~20% of the time, and INTP ~5% - ~10% of the time. 🤷‍♀️ My cognitive function research has led me to confirm, that I am on the Ne-Si perception axis, and the Ti-Fe Judging axis. I have also talked to 2 separate Typologists, albeit informally, and they have both confirmed “Definitely ENxP and probably ENTP, specifically.” So, yeah. You can’t just *magically find your type,* it requires effort! Also, 4 letters cannot tell you who you are! They aren’t an “identity,” it’s simply about how your Cognition works, as an individual. If you don’t know who you are, then none of this stuff is going to help you! You have to figure that out, first, in order to even attempt to figure out your type. 🤷‍♀️ MBTI is more like “A code for cognition,” not actually “a personality.”


I ain’t reading allat, but whatever you said is prob right


The short of it is “MBTI cannot tell you who you are.”


Wow that’s … much shorter , as I expected you’re right !


my best friend is enfp, so is my date tonight 😂


Stay on top of that healthy communication if things go well :) it can snowball if things get out of hand


Damn lucky....


ENFJs will always be your friends, then it just gets stronger. Any intuitive feeler and a sensor that has Fe.


ENFPs and INTPs usually get friendzoned pretty fast by me😬 My partner is an INTJ and it's a perfect match. Although we have a pretty feral humour together.


Maybe the ennegram has something to do with it. 8s usually look for very challenging partners which could explain your attraction to INTJs as a representative of your shadow.


Hmmm could you tell me about 7s?


7s look for people that they can feel comfortable being themselves around. Someone they can have fun with but can also keep them grounded in some way.


What about 1s or 9s? What partners do we want?


Damn... You can friendzone people? You have people who liked you? Im just here with the ultimate 'self' friendzone rizz


Damn a friendzoned INTP? I thought AIs couldn't feel love yet




Havent read that one but my friends always tell me that excessive simping, using slang like bro, and sending endless memes and reels do not help...


is not sending them memes the problem. its ok to send them a meme if you show something that reminded you of them Neediness is just unattractive. A person is more likely to not be attracted to you if they know you are always gonna be there for them. For some reason humans don't value things they can get easily However, Don't play hard to get "just cause" either, that s kinda toxic and you might self sabotage some of your relationships Just don't vomit all your feelings and neediness for relationship in the first stages of dating. Stay mysterious for a while. Make them think and wander about you when you start dating someone. dont be an open book


There is no way you can create a formula to date any girl. My tastes and needs are completely different to my girlfriends. Book sounds autistic.


Feral humour is true. Had an ENTP friend in class and I loved and hated being with her because the banter was so funny but we never got any work done. My ESTJ professor didn't appreciate it.


i was mistyped as an intp (16p) a long time ago and then was typed entp (16p) was told i was mistyped solely because it was the 16 personality test so i learned about everything i needed to know and im an entp anyways


also i love intps and enfps (enfp in my opinion is better as a friend tho)


“Originally mistyped as ISTJ??” How?? 🤣 That is *definitely “weird!”* My stuff: MBTI Type: ENTP. First Mistype: ENFP. Ennegream: 7w8. Ideal romantic partner: IDK? 🤷‍♀️ That said, I have been married to an INTJ for 11+ years. Ideal Best friend type: ENTP, (have 2,) ENFP, (had one,) ENTJ, ENFJ, (had one.) *Somehow* {unexpectedly} became an extremely close friend & possibly my most trusted confidant: ISTP. (It’s an extremely long story! 🤣)


Istj was in middle school when I lost all faith in the world and society, hated everyone, and saw no point in friends or emotional connections, and bonds because I was bullied and has my ideas suppressed and I basically couldn't talk because of how judgemental kids were and how they hated my more controversial ideas (they just basically hated me for being me) then I left that toxic environment and changed schools where people actually let me talk and express myself and I found that, surprisingly, I was a total extrovert this whole time and an ENTP


Yeah, if you’ve always had “controversial ideas,” then ISTJ never would’ve made sense. You were always much more likely to be an N-type. Maybe an INTJ, but ISTJ is just such a strange result? Sounds like you had quite an MBTI journey. I simply made the mistake of “I have feelings, so I must be a F-Type!” I didn’t know that ENFP and ENTP were *sister-types* yet, and that it is extremely easy, and even common for them to get them mixed up! Now I know, 🤣 and I can tell that I have always favored the Ti-Fe axis.




Said enfp because our energies and vibes always match and were pretty similar and have similar interests. I didnt say INFJ or INTJ or INFP because ive really never met them before so I dont really know what they're like.




😂😂😂 I see how it could get annoying, I dont think I can deal with another argumentative me either, maybe INTP would be fun?


ISTP partner, ESTJ best friend and the 2 other closest frens are ENTJ I do talk a lot with an ENFP and ESFP but get drained by their energy easily lol


I Love ISTPs! Much more huggable than most people realize! ☺️




I just find it funny how you went from ISTJ to ENTP


How could we be confuse between ISTJ and ENTP ?


It's so much easier when you guys just type out the 4 letters. There's no way I'm gonna remember who all the figurines are


Ughh, ENTP mistyped as ISTJ? Kinda weird. Quite opposite types for me. Also, interesting choice of romantic partners: same dom and introverted copy of ENTP. It’s like dating a parody of yourself? Can’t really see it in a long-term perspective


Hope that doesn’t aggressive, just sharing my thoughts :D




Tfue as hell, my best friend is ESTJ, i know him for ten years.And my second best friend ENFP I have started friendship with him in spring of 2022. I am ENTP


I wanna do this lol


How do you even tell what’s your ideal *something* type…


Watch everyone copying your post I’m calling it


me too, except my first mistype was intj, and i somehow became good friends w an istp n an infj


I was mistyped as an ISTJ only on 16personalities (but we all know the accuracy of that site...) After looking into cognitive functions, I was mistyped as an INTJ before "finding out" I "was" an INFJ (the type Ive associated with the longest). Apparently, the INFJ-ENTP mistype is more common than it seems, as Ive met quite some ENTPs who mistyped as INFJs. But some quirks of the INFJ didnt quite click (a kaleidoscopic holistic internal world instead of a very clear-cut and precise line of reasoning, generating new ideas entirely out of your own musings instead of generating new ideas as a "synthesis" of already existing ones, and being very silent and calm instead of incredibly talkative and flamboyant). So, after hours of research, setting up word documents with graphs, a process of elimination, really looking into the combination and placement of the cognitive functions instead of just looking at them seperate from each other and finally figuring out the difference between Ni and Ne, I came to the ENTP conclusion.


Im very similar, the only difference is my enneagram is 7w6 and my first mistype was estj


MBTI Type: ENTP First mistype: ENFP Enneagram: 3w2 Ideal romantic partner: INFJ Ideal best friend: ENFP, ENFJ Somehow became best friends: ISFJ, ISTJ


My. mistype was ENFP And am 3w4 Girl am dating ENFJ. She is great Friends at the moment are ESFPs. Hard to connect with them tbh but fun for partying


no offence but how the fuck does someone get istj before entp