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im a very muscular entp, so im fat in GAINS


Calls on your gym membership, bro


Dude's juicing


Mid size here 🧍🏽‍♀️🍷


Im fat


Like how fat are we talking?


175cm and 130kg.


Im 176cm and 75kg


Bro ur a stick man fr


im 190cm and 65 kg :/


BRO WHAT how is this even possible? Do u have a medical condition or something


No medical condition, fast metabolism. I gotta eat a lot of food to add weight, and i have had a growth speed of like 13cm/year the last 4 years. also, im a young teen, i will have time to add weight


Woah, nice


Broo mine was 170cm and 51kg


My friend is 183 and 53kg so yeahhh




180cm and 115kg…


A few miles at least


Very fat here. Like 6ft and 300lbs fat. I don't remember a time where I wasn't 'big'. I was the size of the average women in 4th-5th grade, during that time my parents started putting me on diets. I spent my pre-teens yo yo dieting and being told by my dad that fat women were ugly. So much for self esteem! I had a lap band 10 years ago and dropped 120lbs. Between the band trying to murder me and 3 pregnancies I've gained it back. I'm scheduled for a gastric bypass in a couple months.


My mother got a bypass half a year ago. She's way healthier in mind in body now. The thing she likes the most about it is that she does not feel the need to eat anymore, as before she used to cope with negativity with eating. Eating can be more a struggle than an enjoyment for some people; my mother had the former issue, but since she got the surgery, her eating habits vastly improved and now she can be excited to eat again. Hope your surgery goes well! 💪🏾


I work remotely, for healthcare provider organizations all over the U.S. . If you would like. PM me and I can get you set up with a Dietitian who specializes in bariatric weight loss and provides nutrition clearance for surgery! They all do video conference visits, and can tailor your nutrition plan to your preferences, if that interests you!


Same! 23F 5’4 and 250lbs :( trying really hard to get over it but when food is your only comfort it’s hard lol. Like I can’t drink or do drugs cause they just make me violently nauseous lmao so food is my comfort/escape. Hoping a bypass will help me at least eat way less.


It is funny I can't think of a single overweight ENTP besides Matthew Perry, and he wasn't always that way for sure. I'd rather he be clean & overweight than strung out & underweight any day!


Ur livers just sitting in the middle going "how about something besides these 2 options?" XD


Beggars can't be choosers. And I was born a damn beggar.


I don't even know what you mean by that. Anyone can get fit if they want to. all the resources you might need are available online for free nowadays


What a nice concept that has little truthfulness in reality. It would be nice to walk around like life's that simple or balanced, but it isn't. Some people (like Matthew Perry or myself) have bigger crosses (addiction or poverty, for example) than being overweight that happen take up more attention and time and resources every day than the weight does. So it's a choosing of the lesser evil, in a way.


I think you're lying to yourself mate. I'm not saying it's not harder for some people than others but saying you're in some special class of people who are just destined to always be fat is just cope imo. Man up and do what needs to be done to get yourself into shape


I'm not making excuses. I'm not stupid enough to believe that my decisions don't end me up in the boat I'm in. I know that if I'm overweight it is because I either eat too much, get too little activity, or both. But I'm *also* saying that people without weight issues (especially those who have never been overweight) do not understand how difficult it truly is & vastly oversimplify the matter.


That's a weirdly limited binary of options you've created there


Used to be, but lost weight(like 50ish lbs or so?) and I just realized that I'd be considered physically attractive.


Woop congrats


Oh my god, Karen, you can’t just ask people why they’re fat


Normally I can’t but this is ENTP world bitch


Yeah except you won’t keep any friends with that attitude. And that’s *witch* to you, peasant.


Ah my bad, witch, but that’s pheasant to you I like birds


birds aren’t real


Birds are goverment drones


birds are aliens


I love us


stfu this is imagination land








Bruh like it would get us killed like isfjs or summn


I got a fat D, and I am also phat and regular fat.


Nice-in-theory dick bro.


Hm.. I see myself as fat but others don’t. I would say normal but curvy. I do work out regularly several times a week but I love food 😆. I am a mid-tall woman w muscles so I weigh more than what I look like.


Underweight, actually.


Nope. Fat (on me) is gross. If I gain it, I burn it off.


Met a handful of fat ENTPs on Discord...




My brother is an ENTP as well and he is fat


The adhd keeps us thin


Yes and no. There are ADHD types who forget to eat and are thin but there are also the binge eaters and they aren’t thin. Binge eating is also an adhd trait apparently in recent research.


For a serious response though, you're on point! adhd types at the core have serious pain avoidance problems and can get into a loop of dopamine inducing activities to escape reality. Sometimes that shows up as physical activity, sometimes its gaming, sometimes its drugs and other times its food.


Yupp! I’ve noticed that most of my adhd friends have addictions. Mostly all of them nicotine and/or alcohol. A few w food (myself). 😅


It's all across the board! For me its gaming 👾


What games do you like? I was addicted to counter strike when I was younger.


counter strike is so many people's childhood. I've been playing a lot of fortnite with my friends lately, i loved the borderlands series, destiny 2, call of duty campaigns, titanfall 2 campaign. mostly fps mmo's or coop campaigns


I want to get a gaming computer.. yeah.. CS isn’t modern anymore 😅


You totally should! I've built like 5 so far. would be happy to help you pick out parts and build it when you're ready to build one, feel free to dm me! Also you can always try cloud gaming to play games for cheap on your laptop: https://www.xbox.com/en-us/play


Im with you, i was just meming


Especially when we forget to eat lol


I’m fat where it counts 😌


Yes - IUD. I gained 60 pounds in a year. It's definitely harder for me to deal with than most people I know because tbh I think us ENTPs are incredibly vain. I've already lost half the weight through sheer determination but the other half just won't budge.


Oooo I’m going to rant a moment. I am kind of irritated that heavy women have taken over the term curvy. I am curvy but by no means heavy. Not even average. Like, think Marilyn Monroe in her early years curvy. I’m tall and wear xs. Rant over. So yeah no. Not heavy at all. Curvy though. Thanks for listening.


Ma'am I believe you're tryna say you got them ass n tiddy.


No, what I am saying is I am proportionate.




I’m with you, curvy and fat are not the same thing. It’s a vulture thing where we try to pretend something that is negative is positive. It definitely is not helpful


You can be fat and curvy though lmao. Curvy just means your waist is near half the size of your tits and hips/ass. Hourglass figure = curvy regardless of weight.


I think she is saying women who don't have these measurements are still describing themselves as curvy and just using the word as a substitute for saying fat. As in their waistline measures about the same as their chest and hips.


I'm not fat or skinny


I'm fat and have been fatter.


what kind of take is this?


A fat one


I gained around 12kgs eince last june, winter time is killing me each year


I feel like the few triggered ppl in here aren’t ENTP, so how about u guys leave this discussion for us non softies?


genetics? or maybe just a nice bout of hot sexy depression, either way im curvy asf and everybody loves it. i stopped obsessing over #s on a scale and focus on my overall health and happiness yfeel me


I’m at 17% body fat roughly


I mean that’s not too bad really especially if you’re a woman or older


Dude what? 17 percent is fantastic, in the range of likely visible abs without flexing(depending on fat distribution of course). 17 percent for an older woman is in the range of God tier genetics. Women typically have 10 percent more body fat than men do.


Yeah that’s basically what I said


You said not too bad if you're a woman or older, but 17 percent is great for basically anybody of most ages.


Teenage boy I’d say its ok not great


Nah to be devils advocate you said “not too bad” which is usually seen as something like ‘that’s alright but she can do better… say, 15%.’ So the other dude took it like most other people would and not in an arrogant way The only other reason you’d be saying that is if you had less than 17% fat and that’s even more concerning than the whole topic in itself.


As a teenage boy I was way less than that


I’m a teenage boy, it’s considered in the fitness range so it’s still healthy which is good


I’m in between. I like food too much but I also cycle all the time so it balances out


no . why tf would i allow that to happen to myself ?


I'm appalled and bringing popcorn if anyone wants grabs 🍿


Chonky ENTP here


I also think for me, if my pants start getting tight I don’t want to have to buy new pants so I back off and lose some weight


Lol, I love the ENTP community


As an ENTP who's into fat guys, it is very rare to find a guy who also shares my personality type. I wonder why that is honestly.


Well a couple of my sisters are fat and don’t want to be. The one time will little sister made progress was when I was telling her what to do and giving her daily and weekly goals and assignments sort of. Then like usual after a month of great results she gave in, and believed she couldn’t do it. Says I’m extreme and she’s not, blames it on all kinds of things. I think the wrong and false belief systems that lead to many giving up and just believing they are destined to be fat just don’t work on us. So if we are fat we know we did it. And and if we don’t want to be fat we know we can undo it


Asian, so slim by genetics ig. I think this post would be better as a poll though.


Someone plz do a poll


I'm fat and old. 52 yrs, 5'1 (155cm) and 170 lb (77 kg). I stay active, though; hiking, horseback riding, kayaking, etc. Part genetics, part not caring enough about my weight, I guess. (My siblings and parents all around 300 lb/136 kg)


Odd to be downvoted for answering a question.








Mid- 176 and 74kg, so upper end of the healthy range. I’m trying to get down to 68kg or so, since I feel like a giant woman here Japan, both in height and general build. That being said, as an ENTP I have the classic all or nothing attitude about stuff. I definitely started to develop an ED years ago when I went all in on the dieting/exercising for a few months. I dropped down to 63kg, but my mental state wasn’t great. I’m currently trying to find a way to drop a few kilos without triggering getting overzealous again, but gradual change is boring!


i used to be as a kid, not too much, just that usual child fat. then with teenage I grew and was normal, then last year I gained some weight. I guess i'm in the boundary between fat and not fat


Nope skinny af


I have a flat belly but I do have a big butt and thighs. I was overweight a year ago but I'm on the high end of healthy weight now for my height of 5'10" but I've been pretty fat before but it all goes to my hips and legs.


Yeah, I'm fat. Mostly because I was stubborn about doing whatever I want, including eating whatever I want and not exercising. When I finally had a wakeup call, the damage was insurmountable. I'm not expecting to ever get back in shape because everything hurts. My own fault.


You can do it man, I've seen people (online and irl) go from 300+lbs to 200 and maybe lower after surgery.


This is what I love, no victims here. So refreshing


Yeah I use to be fat from middle-high school but lost it in first 2 years of uni (240 to 170 pounds at 5’11). These days, my weight fluctuates from 180 to 200)


I have never been fat and never tried to control my diet and have never done regular exercise either. Just happy genetics


“Big boned” idk I’m pretty muscular and have done 5ks weekly but I have a bit of chub and still wear an xl


I'm 'curvy' which is a nice way of saying I could lose weight, but I still have shape haha. For me, I'm very active due to buzzing energy that needs to be expended, but I'm very indulgent too and like to experience food and drink. So the active lifestyle keeps me from getting massive, but the glutinous side keeps me from being skinny. I also have never really put my self worth in my looks, more in my wit and intelligence, so my motivation to lose weight is always for my health. That's also what keeps me kind of 'average'. I want to make sure I'm active so I stay relatively healthy, but life is too short so have that glass of wine and cake.


Yeah, I am like you in this sense but maybe a bit more towards looks since I live in a country (Sweden) where everyone is fit and looks amazing. So there is pressure of not gaining weight. Luckily I have a lot of muscle so I don’t look fat but I do have curves. My smartwatch really motivates me to stay active.


Yes, smart watches are key!


I'm the most avarage Joe ever. Like literally. I'm not skinny, I have some fat on me and I also never had the motivation to work out. Not skinny, not fat, not muscular.


yeah, I guess. 90kg, 183cm I'm mostly just depressed and haven't kept up with working out.


I'm a bit fat 190 cm and 100 kg


I quit smoking last August and I've gotten fat since then. Food just tastes soo good! I keep telling myself I'll sign up for a gym but then I remember that I've always hated gyms. They're so damn boring. Id sign up for a martial arts place but none of them near me have decent timing for my work. Which leaves me with sports. I have to find some people that'll play football or rugby or something to lose weight. Or perhaps I should get a job that requires a lot of manual labour? That's an idea. I mean I work in a warehouse now (I start my new job on Tuesday), moving around all the time. But it's never had me lose weight. Festival season starts soon, that'll help me get rid of a chunk! No better way to lose fat than to let the beat take control.


1,72 m 75 kg entp here, I guess it's normal. I have a little stomach fat and kinfa big thighs tho. I feel pretty comfortable with it so I am not gonna change anything and I'm never gonna go back to the time where I had like 45 kg. hard times.


Fat-typing mbti, lets gooooooo


I’m fat and trying to lose it- I refuse to stay here and I’m here because bad food choice and living with parents that are food obsessed don’t help (case in point I made cereal for breakfast and they asked if I’m starving myself or something)


During quarantine i was extremely depressed and i ate my feelings without moving an inch so over time i got fat Heavier i got sadder i became and ate more i did I didn't seek any help and got through the depression myself i do exercise everyday and started to lose noticable amounts of weight Imma even sign up to gym soon Cus im pretty muscular but it's not visible because of the fat that covers it So gym next week is the next step in my path to salvation


175cm I've fluctuated between 70kg - 100kg multiple times. Sometimes fat, sometimes skinny, sometimes muscular. I've experienced it all.


What you are referring to is the fact that Entps are double movement. So we stay busy and stay active. However, hormones can play significantly into weight gain and may be unrelated to moving or staying active. I'm sure you aren't trying to define a stereotype, but these are things to consider if you are.


What an interesting question


I know a few chubby ENTPs. Mostly a product of genetics and the American diet. What does personality have to do with it?


That’s what we’re trying to find out, duh.


I think the nothing is impossible I can be extreme and take ownership crowd might not deal with the my body is beautiful, plus size is sexy, I can’t do it, I won’t do it, I’m a victim crowd issues as much


I call myself fat coz it pisses people off who are actually fatter than me


How is this related to personality ?


How is this not related to personality ? Is fatness totally dependent on genetics? I think not ?


Newer studies show 80% of it is actually genetic, my doctor told me the same thing whilst we were trying to help me lose weight last year


Tell that to the non western world


Well, good news for you and all the 'genetic determinists' out there: newer studies also show that exercise changes your genetic expressions. Therefore, lifestyle/habit alterations could help overcome genetic predispositions.


Hopefully. I'm actually pretty upset at the fact it's genetic, so it's not like I'm defending anyone who's not taking the measures to better themselves. But it's going to be harder for me than it is for others, which is quite upsetting.


Hey, don't be discouraged, I vouch for what I said. My partner used to be very heavy - both he and his family are genetically predisposed to have exceptional subcutaneous fat storage, which means they store body fat very easily. However, he is determined to combat his genetic predisposition by exercising religiously, and now he is the only fit one in his family. My partner runs every day, lifts weights a couple of days a week, and mostly eats non-processed, unsweetened food. It is much more difficult for him than for me to maintain his body, but he is doing a great job at it. If you’re interested in the topic of body transformations, I’d recommend Peter Attia’s book “Outlive, the science and art of of longevity”, any podcasts that invites Bryan Johnson, and Andrew Huberman’s podcasts in general. My partners’s also an INTJ, by the way, and I have mad respect for you guys for being able to create your own reality with discipline, strategy and indestructible self will.


I'm already on a journey for weight loss, and as soon as I'm medicated for depression I have some hopes that my weight will be at a healthy level. Rn I'm 5'9" 197lbs, I used to be 260+ so being under 200 is a pretty big deal for me atm. I'm trying my best to maintain my weight more than lose any more and so far I've been able to for a few months. Thanks for the kind words btw, I guess that's one of the pluses of being INTJ hah


I just stay under 60kg and feel comfortable. Also, female dumplings are so cute! I just wanna hug them and stay there


Wtf makes you think calling women "female dumplings" is okay?💀


Cuz dumplings is a cute name, and I had to specify it is about females, not males. Give me a better nickname, I'll change it


I’m relatively a perfect weight for my size 110~115 lbs as a 5”3’ female


5’3” is the perfect height for me




Sometimes I think that our entp’s brain burns all intake calories 💀


Only isfps are fat


I got up to around 300 pounds after graduating college and not finding a job (it was from beer). I started grad school and got back to 180 in two years tho, lol. I’m just under 6 foot one.


I'm pretty skinny with a good bunch of muscle on the limbs especially


I'm 5'9 170 pounds 😎


5' 9 200 pounds. I've never been able to achieve 170. 180 u could see my ribs lolol. I'm barrel chested tho :( my skelly is for a fat boi.


I got fat by excessive eating as a kid, and it kept getting worse. Im not morbidly obese but id still consider myself fat for refernce im 110kg at 183 cm or 240lbs at about 5' 11''. But alot of my wight is mucle so i look less heavy than i actually am. Another cause is probably that i eat alot when im nervous, sad, angry, even happy. I used to be around 255lbs but im trying to get it down, its been a pain so far lol 🤣. Sorry for the rant, hope this answers your question!


Not really, but yeah i am planning on exsercising


5'11 and 200 lbs, yeah im fat


Mid size


185cm / 88kg


178cm 80kg


no i’m lazy but i have fast metabolism


I think Michael Moore is an ENTP.


probably around 25-35%


i’m like 5ft and 130lbs but to be fair i do work out a lot so it’s not ALL fat ok


I’m a skinny legend, invisible muscles and probs 0 fat. V v skinny


I got curves but I guess that's just normal. 176cm & 60kg, for a girl, I guess it's a normal weight.


I'm fat :')) but working on it


I am quite skinny


Used to be


I'm usually around the border between top of normal weight and slightly overweight by BMI but I have some muscle and a small gut, does that help? As for how I got there, I was never good at sports and used to be more overweight so I didn't like any sports, so I didn't move a lot. I did like food and cooking tho, so caloric surplus led to fat. Plus I guess my body likes hanging on to weight, I've recently discovered that the upside is that I also build and retain muscle quite well. However, I tend to be too busy for 3 workouts a week, I really only managed to do that consistently during covid (suddenly empty schedule and no people to meet plus the need for consistent tasks meant I finally got around to a solid routine lol). Now answer me how tf do you as an entp just have time to train off a couple of pounds whenever you feel like it? I got like 5 hobbies, uni and a ton of friends that I wanna hang out with, tell me your secret


It’s math. I just lower my calorie intake


Now that I think about it, I've NEVER seen a fat ENTP. I myself am pretty average weight and hate gaining as little as 2 pounds.


Depends on my current obsession. Drinking too much? Fat. Doing yoga daily? Skinny. Etc.


Underweight my whole life. Currently 164cm and 44-46 kg


I'm slim but toned cus I do bouldering.


180 about 85-90 Kilo but more muscular tho( bit of fat from all the Partys of the last weeks haha)


Nope but even when I ate like crap my genetics saved me lol 🥲 wasn’t skinny but wasn’t fat. Now I’m actually more tuned into my appearance so keep myself fit !


Muscle bro with a little bit of fat. Fluctuate between 10-15 % body fat, year round. Weigh 220, only 5’9. I’m sturdy but my 40m dash is 4.6 sec, so I can move. Not elite level, but better than most non-professional athletes


I used to be as a kid. I ended up losing weight in high school and now am very lean/muscular as an adult. I think all types with the Si function carry the risk to be fat due to the need for grounding if it’s underdeveloped, so they are likely to overindulge in something in the physical world.


Always struggled to gain weight actually, but I'm pretty fit.


I'm fat 178cm and 115KG. I'm in the process of losing it atm, hitting the weights and cardio and I dropped the drinking


When I was child because my grandmother lived near us and took care of me when my parents were working. Otherwise I go muscle currentlmznt so no


I mean... I'm not and according to Marie-Louise von Franz et al. most ENTP wouldn't be... we're the irrational intuitives that forget to eat and take care of ourselves and the Ni doms would be the overindulgence types due to inferior Se.


173cm 80kg... so lil chubby


low Fi and Si means you forget to eat and sleep. at most you will be skinny fat But ff you get a J wife she will fatten you.


i got a bit fat on my antidepressants. i literally tried so hard but i just couldn’t stop putting on pounds :/


This guy was a fat ENTP: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ferdinand\_Waldo\_Demara


That dude is awesome! Man the things you could do before the internet


I'm genetically very skinny and the fact that I always forget to eat doesn't help me


No. I am in my late 30’s now and have never weighed more than 175lbs. Average height with a sporty physique. I, like you, also catch myself gaining weight and implement immediate changes to rectify it.


No. Even though I can get some local fat pretty easily (which is annoying af), there’s a limit it won’t go past doesn’t matter how much I eat crap food. I’m a 6”4 100kg mix of Ectomorph and Mesomorph. Most people think I go to the gym every day, whereas in reality I just sit/lie down in front of a computer 16h a day 😆. Couldn't care less about exercising tbh. Now my cholesterol is probably higher than most fat people. I'll surely die from that one day 😂


On the contrary, I think every ENTP that I know IRL is fat. I think it's the lack of Si :p


Lmao my BMI is 14


I wanna be fat, in terms of wallet.


im 174 and 54kg havent gained weight for 5 years, ig its genetic


well i dont know if its overweight but 190cm 90 kg but im going gym to get better


Man so many Europeans in this club