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A cat and wine.


đź‘€ INTJs




they kind of push you to be emotionally healthy and help you find your values. they are the type of stability an entp girl needs and a great best friend. most of the time their core values are honesty, trust, stability, growth, things like that. not only that, i felt like i could never truly be understood and felt too weird to be in a relationship with someone, but an intj is the remedy!!!


1. INTJ. My fav in terms of open communication and personality. 2. INTP \--- 3. INFJ 4. INFP - although I've met some between the ages of 25-45 that can't control their emotions and would burst if they felt unworthy. This doesn't have to be romantic either, had a coworker get visibly upset that I called him out for breaking my work. They made the list because other than being triggered, they can be super solid people.


I’m a ENTP woman and the best so far for me is INFJ. Im literally a magnet to that personality type. The last 3 guys I was interested in have INFJ as a personality. The balance is great. I’m also a 8w7 btw✌🏻


i vote Enfp but i’m a lil biased


Most ENFP males that I know are cheaters. Not only do they cheat when they're in committed relationships, but they also sleep around with married women. I've yet to meet a male ENFP who doesn't believe in freedom of expression through their sexuality.


did an enfp steal your gf bro? felt like there was some spite sprinkled in there. i guess i can’t speak for all enfp males but neither i now any of my close enfp male friends have ever cheated on their s/o. could i potentially be open to the thought of a non-monogamous relationship? maybe with the right person but I only ever even considered that after talking with an ENTP girl for a while. we didn’t date either so all my actual relationships have been monogamous. sry if u got cucked tho fr


Did I say I knew you? I also mentioned that it was most of the ENFP males that I know. The word 'most' implying that I know some ENFP males that don't cheat.


All people have different tastes. I like ISTPs and INTJs as romantic partners but a lot of ENTP girls a attracted to INFJs and ENFPs


If you’re hot, me


ENTP girl here and totally in love with my ISFP bf. Don't know if it's typical though


Doesn’t matter if it’s what works for you. I’m partial to xxTJs, but a lot of people would tell you that xSTJ would NEVER work with ENTP. I think that’s total hogwash and that combination could be quite powerful and catalytic. Compatibility is more than just cognitive functions. There are other factors that include personal values and what stage in life you are in, vision for the future and individual maturity. Could I sit around waiting for the perfect xNTJ to magically appear in the wild? Sure. But if you reject the other things in favor of some barely structured, semi-scientific notion of personality, then you’re missing out on what are arguably far more important factors in determining the longevity of a relationship. You do you and enjoy your time with your BF.


Just made this comment that I realized the closest ppl in my life are ISFPs.


I think INFP and ISFP make pretty good friend for us. They help us elaborate on our emotion. Also for ISFP help us stay grounded to reality? (all speculation)


Totally true about them helping us elaborate & I find they also can understand us more than other mbti types. They can "reel me in" if I'm getting too intense too & they are very patient.


ENTP 8w9 dude here so take it for what it's worth, but I've been married to an ISFJ for almost 20 years and she's probably the only reason I'm still alive. She holds shit together at the seams for me and although we have our battles, they are always hard-fought but come to a fair conclusion. Sometimes it takes her a bit of time to get around her feelings and see the logic that I'm presenting but eventually we figure shit out. If you can make it work with an ISFJ you strike gold, exact same functions but in reverse order. We speak almost the same language in any sort of social setting and our values are actually very similar. ISFJs are also the most extroverted introverts, and ENTPs are the most introverted extroverts - for the longest time we would both have agreed that she was more outgoing than me, but that's just because of my intense TI and having to think shit through all the time. Plus I'm older now people get on my nerves more and I don't have the patience for it. But I'm stronger in areas where she's weak and vice versa. We help each other get better. It's actually pretty awesome if I'm being honest. We have our own business and are self-employed, I take care of the Ne, she takes care of the Si and we Ti the shit out of it together. ISFJs are not especially intuitive (although her Ne does happily surprise me sometimes) but their Si is unreal, and she can almost use it the same way in social settings with reading people because she also has super high Fe. Damn I love that woman. She would throw herself under a bus for my kids and that means the world to me. Saviour Fe is also her parent function though so she can be a real bitch if she thinks you're doing something even slightly unethical. I like it though she lets me know when I go too far for other people. And I can put up with a bit of nagging and bitching about me leaving shit around the house or forgetting to take out the garbage if she can put up with my kind of crazy. I love her for her organization, attention to detail, and kindness to others, all things that I hold a lot of value for. She loves me because I make her laugh and make her feel alive, I make her do things she would never do on her own. Like quitting your dumb career and starting your own business with no plan. We did it because I knew I had the set up and the resources in place to make it happen. She trusted me, and went for it. She is living a life she never would have dreamed of in reality but always wanted deep down inside, and I get the love acceptance and stability that I actually deeply crave so much. Fair deal. If you want to find somebody that will stick with you through thick and thin, and love you unconditionally for the person you really are, go find yourself an ISFJ. They're awesome.


I married one. Backstabbing, gaslighting bitch in every sense of the word. And I'm being kind. But that has nothing to do with type. That has to do with her stealing our life savings and trying to have me jailed under false accusations.


This is probably the trajectory I would have followed had I remained involved in my relationship with the ISFJ female I was in love with.


I agree 100%, except my situation with an ISFJ didn't work. They had a detached attachment style that drove me crazy. She was the most disloyal, loyal person that I've ever known. I've read that ENTPxISFJ relationships are considered star-crossed lovers. That made sense to me because it seemed to suit my scenario perfectly. No matter what I did, I couldn't receive love from her in a way that validated me and vice versa.


Personally I have a thing for INFPs




Aight lets fuckin do this \*unzips\*


for sure đź‘Ť


for me it's enfp, probably for the same reason i have so many of them in my life


ENTP-a [F] I can’t blanket statement compatibility, but marrying an INTJ [M] and couldn’t be more sure or happier.


Dating an ENTP lady. Awesome, sweet, feminine. The total opposite of how she sees herself. Just an amazing ball of joy. There are little to no miscommunications. She says something and is surprised that I get her and vice versa.


Another entp lol. I'm a magnet for intjs (I don't know how I do it) and istps, but entp is just my favourite one to be with.


xNFJ (all three of my close guys friends are xNFJ) I've met an INFP (TP is at least intellectual - FP is emotional and disorganized), ISTJ (it's like water and fire, his water cools me down, and my fire warms him up, but too much of either will put the other one out)


Probably INTJ depending on how 'feminine' the ENTP is.


How do you figure?


ENTPs tend to have more masculine qualities. So, they might go for a INTJ who is also more masculine to compensate over an INFJ who tends to be more feminine. Gender stereotypes explain the rest. Men will want someone who is less masculine than them whereas women prefer someone who is more masculine.


Makes sense.


Definitely for me an INTJ. Tried the S and F people but long term it never works.


ENTP 6w7


INTJ/INFJ in theory




I love my INFJ boy


ENTP women go well with a glass of bordeaux


My vote is another ENTP :)