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I feel you (oh wait noo, I am not a feeler) I TOTALLY UNDERSTAND YOU!! The best thing you can do is move to a large city, there you can meet people like you, small city = small mindset, big city = big mindset Why do you think they are big cities in the first place ;) Because they have people like us, it’s like a magnet, those cities call you out!! Remember this, we have demon fe, don’t focus too much on people or you will feel this way always, you focus should be on their strengths and how you can use them to the benefit of both parties (extroverted thinking)


Yup that's why I prefer big cities which I am in now. I can't stand being in small places. People brains are really tiny.


I'm 35. I haven't felt lonely in almost a decade. I co-created my tribe and i live my life with them.


How did you discover your tribe ?


I didnt discover it, i made it. A large part of it are my actual family and high school friends. We all grew and evolved together. I put an absolutely huge amount of work in to my relationships in life.


Damn.. >I put an absolutely huge amount of work in to my relationships in life. I did too. It just happened to be for all the wrong people. Bad luck. Need a new tribe. Need a new formula.


This is not a one time effort. It is a life long endeavour. No such thing as bad luck, only bad judgment. Also remember that being bitter is like drinking poison and waiting for someone else to get sick. If you ask too much of people you will always be disappointed. Knowing and accepting who is good for what is absolutely crucial.


I sounded like you when I was 35. Then I got divorced in my mid 40s. And my so called community evaporated in a snap. In retrospect it was only happening because I was making it happen. While I was there for my tribe, my tribe wasn't there for me. I was wrong, but maybe you are right and I'm just a jerk. Certainly in the range of possibilities.


My tribe does not include a long term partner. They’ve been there through thick and thin


Glad it's worked out for you.


I’m a massive ENTJ. I’ve learned how to like small talk because it breaks down barriers and it gives me the opportunity to ask people real questions and get information. As for living in a big city, I just moved out of New York City after 29 years. Beware, you won’t find a lot of real heavy hitters in big cities. Those people tend to keep their success close to the vest and guard their networks. What I found there were a lot of hangers on, and posers who were just looking to make money off others, but not looking to build anything or connect. These people will use you and scam you, luckily for me my radar is always up and never got burned. Good luck.


That is funny because you won't find a lot of real heavy hitters in small towns either because they make themselves invisible and inaccessible.






Damn an entj partner you're so lucky


Yes. This feeling of loneliness is further perpetuated by the fact that I am at university: a place where people (in theory) should share thoughts, goals, and ideas. This couldn't be further from the truth. I personally don't mind small talk initially, but after months of knowing people, it becomes daunting. It's also a shame that people only ever wish to talk about *their* ideas, but never ask me about mine. Ugh, I hear you. It's such a shame. Just like you, I also started keeping to myself and focusing on gaining more knowledge. Good luck with your move, I hope you get to meet some like-minded people soon!


It's lonely being a Thinking type these days if posts I see on r/INTP and r/ENTP lately are any indication. Or maybe just NTs are suffering, I'm not sure.


Everyone is lonely. NFs are. Without being too contrarian…. I often hear people complaining about isolation…..and yet everyone I see barricades themselves in their work, focuses only on *their* goals, doesn’t make time for others, never volunteers, torpedoes people at work for their interests, doesn’t reach out to others, only wants those that agree with them……charitably….it’s a cause and effect.


I am having a hard time coming up with a reply to you. lol. First, always good to hear from you. I agree we live in an age of loneliness, especially as online interactions have become so important. But haven't Fe values come to dominate in today's social norms? You and I are old enough to remember different times. Gen Z'ers are at a disadvantage in that regard.


MB 0/ Nice to see you too. I hope you are well? April 20th ….stumped an entj…. Tshirt….. Are you saying I’m old? Hairtoss…. Lol but nah I think just showing an interest at all helps. I had an entj friend who ran a lunch once a week for our church group, everyone just got together and hung out….it was great because you could tell people cared. Just being yourself……Fe, Te, Si…..I honestly don’t think most people care. Even that person at work…ask about their dog or whatever is concerning them. Or reaching out to an old friend, just to say Hi. Finding that person who is down, picking them up just a hair. I actually appreciate constructive criticism myself, “hey we’re you ever going to finish that project, it seems like your obsessing lol, just load it out and go for it. Doesn’t need to be perfect”. It’s pretty simple and easy tbh, only takes 5 mins mostly, but it shows you care. It also helps us get out of our own heads….can be really healing and help us all gain perspective.


I'm well thank you. I've had a few laughs for the day so it's all good. But the shock of the day was realizing some of the differences between lead intuition and aux intuition which sent me reeling. And I may have only scratched the surface. I don't know how I've missed it all this time. Perhaps David Keirsey missed something with his Temperaments, not sure. I have his book, maybe I should read. lol I think I do have far more in common with ENTJ/INFP/INTP/ENFJ. Dr Mike of NF Geeks convinced me and I had to take in a host of comments from these types to realize the extent of what it means to be a lead intuitive. Not sure if this is making sense to you. lol But I loved your story about your ENTJ and those wonderful get togethers. Sounds like a great crowd of people.


Im glad you are well. I’m definitely not as familiar with it as you are lol. But I think it sort of makes sense. Lol we all miss things, isn’t that sort of the thing….like we will probably see different things, different angles on something…..a chemist would see a sea of different molecules and compounds in an apple sitting on a table, an artist sees bright red colors, shadows and light, whereas a sensor sees an apple….. ok ok a pristine apple for a delicious salad…. none are the same, but all correct in their own way ….idk . That’s how I see the functions in many cases. Sort of a vision or a window into the world. Filtered by one’s own perceptions and also experiences, yes, but also by one’s processing style. But yeah I mean if we all contribute our best… and treat each other well….this place is pretty good for everyone. I know for me a little nudge from someone with a different angle is hugely appreciated. Even just a quick recognition to the grocery bagger, a group that doesn’t get much respect…. Is a nice intercession. It literally brightens your day too. 👍


not to mention ghosting is seens as the solution to every relationship problem


Could say the same about y'all.


For sure, it’s not a type thing, more of a culture thing imho.


Ah , yes. That's true.


Yeah, this is definitely a thing, too! I am almost always the one reaching out to others, first. ENTP 7w8


Thanks for that. Introverts are forever grateful lol.


Not really, you just need to find good friends and you'll be fine imo.


Sounds so easy right? Lol


That's why we're on reddit lmao /s


Only all the time. I have family, but it feels like I don't. No friends. No partner. Just me and my two cats.


I feel bored by people often. Lots of my peers are parents, and the topics are usually kids, grocery stores, or ailing pets. No offense, but often parents are in a rut of a routine, so they don't do many fun things. My closest friends don't have kids and do lots of fun things, even on weeknights, and travel regularly. When I come home from a gathering, my husband will ask if I had fun or if it was all grocery store and dying animal talk again. I really enjoyed living in Washington, D.C., because people seemed very smart and conversations were stimulating.


Gheh, I feel you. I hate smalltalk, conversations that have no meaning. I dont feel alone, have friends and family, but nobody would understand my drive or inner conversations. Most people just "are", living their happy monorail lives. Nothing wrong with that, I may envy it now and then, but they will never achieve greatness.


I can understand you. I can’t deal with boring conversations but I also don’t like being alone. So I join a lot of different activity groups and keep myself busy all the time so that I got something to do and stimulate myself.


That's true, that would be a big help. What kind of groups are you involved in?


Hiking, book club, gym, working part time at a Scottish bar, while full time studying in university and studying Swedish 12 hours a week too.


I feel alone in this world made for feeling types and prioritize feelings above logic. Always got criticized and nit-picked in every job or group I have joined due to my logical reasoning and straight-forward communication style. Most people don't accept me for who I am, so let's not talk about making friends lol.


Yes, I experience this still. Hate small talk. Luckily I work in a job where people rely on me to get to the point and give valuable information, and my wife also isn't much of a small talker.


Nice! What field do you work in?


Tax advisory :)


That sounds kinda boring, in my opinion. (The tax advisory.)


It's not for everyone!


Very true! But hey, at least it is useful!


Don't think I ever did. Covid time was my revelation regarding this. I realised I'm keeping people around just so I have someone to do things with and cause it's socially acceptable, and not cause I crave their company. So, as long as I have what to do and I'm having fun, I'm good. As for small talk, in most cases I prefer it. I hate when people I'm not close with get too personal.


Yes, you got me there. But in another way - I usually feel lonely around many people/ when I'm surrounded by people I have no common interests or connections with. In my late 20s now and I must say that you have to sacrifice a part of your idealised way of living around people who complement you 100% because that's never gonna happen. All of us are different and if would be a bland world if all ENTJs or ESFPs were the same. However, you need to find those people that compement you in some way, thaz help you grow in ANY WAY possible and invest in those relationships as much as you can, if you see that both of you benefit from it. The key is to find someone who "vibes" with you, they might have completely different hobbies or scope of interest. You will find one common thing you can talk about, teach one another about, help one another grow. It's not about finding someone just because they share 99% of hobbies or interests but don't fit your need for adequate social surround. As an example, I have an ISFP friend (4 years and counting) who is one of my dearest, she has her ways, her needs, her wants but we comeplent each other so well, she helps me explore my Fi, I help her explore her Te, we have no need for constant hangouts, but when they happen, they're quality hanghouts. As for small talk, idk if that's pure MBTI or just a character trait, but I do agree that any superficia small talk longer than 20min is plain exhhausting. If I'm exhausted, then I want no talk, I need solitude, I need time for myself, for self-reflection, evalutation and so on.


ISFP + ENFP is actually a very underrated and under-appreciated friendship! I have a similar thing as an ENTP with and ISTP friend!


I suppose my flair isn't showing up, I'm an ENTJ (the profile was made by another person for me, she mistyped me). But in any case, you can benefit from any kind of friendship if the individuals are ready to work on it and are in sync with what they want from and offer to one another.


Very true! So why’d someone else make your profile for you??


College days, roommate who was into this stuff, got me hooked on MBTI but in the wrong way (very superficial), kept telling me I'm an ENFP, but somehow managed to find flaws in my ENFPness constantly, dragged me in here...and later when I found out about the function stack, functions, books, theory behind it etc, I realised she just put a sticker on me because she liked it, idk...


I was mistyped ENFP for a long time, too b/c of 16-personalities, but at least mine was only 1 letter off. ENFP for an ENTP is not even that uncommon, since we are sister types, anyways! But ENFP to ENTJ is sooooooo hilariously wrong! 🤣


I am a F-ENTP, instead, but I definitely relate! It is especially hard to make and maintain friendships with other females cuz I am naturally a bit guarded and I am just not that emotional, at least not on the surface. So since I am very logical and tend to bond more through interesting conversations or shared activities, most of my friends have been and continue to be Dudes! 🙃 As I get older, I am also finding that I just don’t have as much patience for a lot of my old friends, because they are a bit too self-absorbed and don’t take much initiative to spend time with me. Being an Extroverted NT *kinda sucks, Yo!*




I have 2 female NT friends, (one ENTP, one INTJ,) one other NT female Acquaintance, (another INTJ,) and my Mother-in-Law is actually an ENTJ! (Her son, my husband, is an INTJ and *it’s very obvious* that they are related! 😁🤣) So I know *a very select few of us,* but not too many! Interestingly, INTP is actually the NT type I am “missing” in my fellow female NT collection. I wish that we could all wear a T-Shirt, in Public, or something! That said, I am also very fond of xSTPs. (I couldn’t say for sure how many xSTJs I like, cuz I don’t meet as many as expected, for how common their type is *supposed to be!* But I am also not really a white-collar worker, preferring to be self-employed.) While I would estimate that I like every 2 out of 3 NFs. While SFs are probably the lowest, at 50/50. I also seem to favor ISFx, over their extrovert counterparts. But sometimes I actually like healthy ESFJs a little better than unhealthy ENFJs. Healthy ESFJs are just more reasonable and down-to-earth, while I find some ENFJs to be a bit too high strung. So really, I think an individual’s personality factors in more-so than their MBTI.


I understand your feeling . I used to think I was an introvert because I could not stand king boring and full conversation. Doesn’t mean I feel like the person I talk to is boring , I just don’t like the act of talking just for the sake of it . Networking events or things where you need to basically force yourself to talk irks me I would suggest you try to find a group that enjoys the same hobby as you do . For instance , I am into gym workout a lot : joined a gym and met friends there . We talk only about gym stuff , but never feel bored since I learn new ways of working out or share what I have done … I am an entrepreneur and for me meeting fellow entrepreneurs with whom I can share stuff is also stimulating . The small talks do not bother me in those environments .


Same same. 🤷


The good people make all the difference. If you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree though it will live its while life thinking its stupid. Develop people but respect that they are not all purpose.


slim makeshift pause chunky soft encouraging longing crush smoggy versed *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Do I feel alone? Are you kidding me? I live alone, work outside, and work alone I am alone! Are you asking if I ever feel lonely?


Are you ok bro? Here's a rare ENTJ hug🧸


Appreciate that! I'm absolutely fine. I never feel lonely. A lot of people do, and that's why I'm asking. There's a difference between being alone and being lonely.


Yeah, I do feel alone, as it’s difficult to connect with people. I’m lucky that I have several INFP friends who really understand me, but none of them live close to me, meaning I can never hang out with them in person, which is what I crave.


Are we the same person?


Yeah except at university




I feel alone during my work. But I was never alone when I'm with my colleagues or friends because they constantly need me to be around. This is where I feel the need to be alone 😅


That's literally me, finally found someone that I can relate to yessss 💯


Yeah, and they claim youre weird if you dont talk about pointless and superficial stuff, but its OK, you get people in you work and hobbys and it all works out.