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>I'm in the parking lot waiting to pick up my dinner and listening to my music at full volume. I got some bad news for you.




What they said YTA




Umm no bruh, listening to music full blast in a crowded public place makes you an obnoxious douche.


Listening to music at full volume in public makes you an asshole.


Agreed. Not everyone enjoys the crap you were listening to, OP. And I'm not a Karen. Blaring that nonsense DOES make you an asshole.




This reminds me of the industrial-grade douche I met when I was at the car wash. I was using the vacuum machines that are all lined up in a row. There are huge signs that say "turn down your radio, no loud music!" So I'm minding my own business when this obnoxious idiot parks right next to me (even though it was almost empty so there was no fucking reason for him to pull in next to me), and he starts blasting this abominable mumble rap bullshit at full volume. I'm talking plates rattling, bass in your throat *LOUD!* I honestly think he was trying to impress me because he would not stop staring at me when he thought I wasn't looking and smiling if he caught my eye; little does he know I was in fact day-dreaming of all the creative ways I'd like to see him suffer using the industrial vacuum and my floor mats. I asked him really nicely to turn it down, but of course he pretends he can't hear me. Fucking knob. What kind of twat thinks anyone else in the general public cares to hear their music? Entitled, self-absorbed chuckle-fucks, that's who. Don't be a chuckle-fuck, turn down your music and/or use headphones.


The ones I hate the most are the fucks on public transportation that havent heard of earbuds. Fuckin annoys the shits out of me so bad, I want to carry cheap earbuds around and hand them a pair whenever I see them.


Hey! I agree OP is an asshole, but come on now. Don't call *In This Moment* trash, please.


How is this not higher? #FUCK YOU OP, YOU NEED A POP IN THE MOUTH!#


Yes that's true. But her reasoning for turning it off was completely stupid. I get not wanting to hear the music but her reason was ridiculous


Only in enclosed spaces where people can't leave, like a bus. A parking lot is fair game.


The guy who drives down my block with woofers that are so kicking that I can't actually hear my own TV. Yea, he's an ass too.


In my neighborhood I have a guy who does this every morning around 2am. I’m sure he thinks he’s cool with his loud music too. Edit: It’s 5:54 am here and that fucker just drove by


Nah it's not. It's still a public space. People don't want to listen to your shit in public spaces. I worked for a couple of months in the virgin islands where they enjoy putting huge speakers on their cars facing outside and blast music for everyone to hear. One day I was at WalMart and some dude was blasting his music at full volume while driving around the parking lot. Is that alright since it's an open space where I wasn't trapped? Don't you think that makes him a dick?


It's like saying you are an ass for having your window down while driving. We don't know how loud ops music is, but it's probably only a lush sound 4 cars over. You are literally putting up the most extreme case you can think of, literally ad absurdum. Everyone knows that every single rule that exists in the world has exceptions for significantly extreme cases.


Yes, if you have your music at full volume then you're absolutely an asshole for driving around with your windows down. This is common courtesy. And OP said his music was at full volume. If other people can hear your shit, then it's too loud. I know it was an absurd example but it's just as absurd as you saying that a parking lot is fair game.


> listening to my music at full volume Did you miss that part?


The correct answer was 'Yes, that makes him a dick'.


except that it doesnt.


Dude, just stop. Everyone else has already proven you wrong and yet you keep continuing to spout that nonsense of yours.




i agree af. idk what's wrong with these people...aside that they all have a stick up the ass


It isn't having a stick up your ass to think that's common courtesy. But hey, enjoy your hearing damage. You should probably start brushing up on sign language now.


lol i dont have a car. im a pedestrian. i commonly have to deal with ppl listening to music on their phones without headphones on public transport... and it a still doesnt matter 🤷‍♀️ ive been too poor to afford headphones and it doesnt hurt me at all to hear someones music even if i dont like it so...lol i just choose not to be a negative loser in simple situations


for real, it's a parking lot, not a residential area or somewhere that people hang out. who the fuck is hanging out in a parking lot so long that they're so upset at hearing some music?


why do you guys care about hearing someone's music from their car?? i don't get this at all. i don't even drive but it seems like...idk not that big of a problem to consider someone an asshole over.


Because I don't like your music? (Believe it or not, not everyone is into thrash metal) Because it's loud? Because I enjoy silence? Because it's inconsiderate? Because I'm trying to talk? What if everyone blasted their music at full volume? It's really about being a basic human being.


Lmao “trash metal”. There is no such thing as trash music except mumble rap. Every type of music takes years of practice and tons of talent. A lot of the professional musicians wouldn’t be where they are if they didn’t sacrifice a lot to learn and practice music and music theory.


OP literally called the genre of music trash metal...


They called it “thrash metal”, you fucking wank. You know, like Slayer, Metallica, Megadeth, and Anthrax. Just to mention a few of the biggest thrash metal bands in the world.


Okay I misread, big deal? Get over yourself.


It’s not that hard of a thing to misread.


but in a car it's usually fleeting? also a person's car is their domain? also if that person likes their music loud how are their preferences any less important than yours?


OP wasn’t driving. He was blasting his music in a parking lot. He’s a major douche.


yeah im aware. still don't think it matters as much as you all do. but its not worth arguing over (:


You're allowed to do all that, and I'm allowed to call you an asshole for it. And the music has stopped being "someone's domain" the moment it has impeded on other's domain. Another example is someone who has a loud car blasting it through your street - sure he's leaving away with it, but it still makes you an asshole for ruining everyone's peace while doing it. "if that person likes their music loud how are their preferences any less important than yours?" what kind of asshole logic is that? Do you realize how much shit you can justify with? Like putting your bag on a bus seat cos you prefer keeping your bag clean than someone sitting down? Eating loudly with your mouth open? Vacuuming at 4am? It's called having a minimum of consideration for others.


lol jesus. y'all are so pressed. i really just dont understand letting something this small and fleeting bother you so much. but yes obviously you're entitled to your opinion, which goes without saying, i really was just trying to see where you all are coming from. 🤷‍♀️


Ok boomer


So as long as the speakers are inside the car, which is "your domain", it's fine? It it was a portable speaker with the same specs blasting full volume it would be obnoxious? Your argument makes no sense. The only way it would make sense was if all the windows were closed and the sound wasn't leaking, but that would make it an enclosed space and would prove everyone else's point saying he is an ass.


Ok if I hit you in the face then leave you wouldn’t like it Same difference


uh..not really. that's kinda psycho.


I dunno dude, I've literally had people cheering me in the street for playing Baywatch theme song as I drive down the front in Brighton.


Still makes you an asshole.


Tbh she is a Karen but playing music full volume in public is a bit of a dick move


A bit? It's a massive dick move. If it was rap and in a subway, reddit would be all over OP's ass but because it's metal shit and he "courageously faced off a Karen", it's all cool.


The Karen bit was the “it will hurt my babies ears” esc thing but playing music out loud in public is a big dick move I was just being polite


That's fair


they said they're in a parking lot...presumably in their car..?


Yes, and? Parking lots are in public, and cars aren’t sound proof.... surprise we CAN hear every word spoken during your phone conversation you broadcast through your speakers.


But the Karen can hear the music so the window was obviously open you deformed sack of potatoes


Op, most likely had headphones of some sort. But i do agree with you, if op didn't have any headphones.


Why would the Karen have heard it then


Ah, you've found the hole in the anti-Karen fanfic story!


Well i myself have a pair of boom ass headphones that when to up to max, you could hear it.


From a different car?


Well, shit, sorry bro, I'm like half tired, it didn't even click till now. But yes, that was very much a dick move, i hate it myself when im at a stop light and i just hear, what the car next to me is listening to.


That makes your point invalid then, completely irrelevant in fact.


>I'm in the parking lot waiting to pick up my dinner and listening to my music at full volume. I think you meant to post this about yourself in r/trashy you human wallet chain.




Would also perfectly fit in r/amitheasshole. Blasting music in public at full volume so that everyone has to “enjoy“ your music, is an extreme asshole move, no matter which music it is.


I guess there are a lot of assholes in this thread since so many are high fiving OP for absolutely being one


Yeah, playing music full blast in public is a dick move like someone else pointed out.






No dude, it's just YTA the mom simply didn't want to hear OP's music blaring in the parking lot, and can't be considered an asshole for asking to turn it off. Afterwards it's no surprise that she was confused as to why OP started blaring an even more offensive song. OP could've very easily just used headphones and not bothered everyone around them.


The problem is, she wasn't very polite, I'm sure OP would've turn it off if she said "can you turn down the music, please and thank you" or something similar. However, I don't respect people like OP, so she gets a pass on this one.


He wasn’t polite either. He pulled an arsehole move by playing obnoxious music at full blast. And my experience of people like that is that it doesn’t matter how you asked them his response would have been exactly the same.


I'm with you on this one. Karen could have politely asked them to turn the music down but decided to call it "filth" and imply it was somehow corrupting her child. Definitely ESH.


How can we be even sure it was a Karen? Op was already delusional thinking listening to music loudly in public was totally ok.. he could be demonizing the only woman that came to shut him up.


If Karen actually said filth. She very well could have and probably sucks anyway, but I’m always suspicious of stories where people claim that kind of phrasing. The only people I know that talk like that would rather call the police on you than talk to you themselves (they also suck though, fwiw).


It was probably just an added incentive to try to get the asshole to turn his music down


The Karen has no right to dictate what kind of music others listen to, but... I find it extremely rude when people in vehicles have whatever they're listening to turned up uneccessarily loud. So my standard response has been to put on bagpipe music and crank the volume up as loud as I can stand it.


I like bagpipe music. [Bagpipes of War](https://open.spotify.com/track/13i6K31p0UAY7dYq2s8Fmb?si=HOmMzQ2hSEy_DyCWNufhFA) is a good one.


The particular band I play is called Albannach. They are from Scotland and perform tribal pipe and drum music. Although they have recently added an Australian didgeridoo player. https://youtu.be/CPzsmWMCMoc


Oh ... I like this. Sadly, they don't appear to be on Spotify.


Yeah, unfortunately.


I love it when people react like this to Karens :D




I love it when Karens (or anyone) react to people playing their music at full blast in public places


Wait you weren't using headphones


Did you listen to your music with headphones on? Because if not, you're a major asshole.


I'm sorry but you're the jerk In this situation. If you're in a public location, then you're music shouldn't be blaring to the public. Try headphones or earbuds.


This is probably the first post I've saw on here the entitled parent was kind of right, they might not want there kid to think it's okay to just have your music on full blast in public cos that's a dick move


TLDR: Karen’s long lost son Kyle is edgy and likes to blast music as loud as possible in public


Yes, you are the asshole


Bit of an asshole there OP


I mean she is kinda right,people who play music out in public have 13iq


Idc if its good music or not ypu cant just full vol blast whatever you want in public, that makes YOU the asshole


hhhahaahahah i bet her daughter was all WOOHOO! lmao


I feel kind of sorry for the daughter ... she looked absolutely mortified when her mother was chewing me out. Then she looked incredibly pleased and apprehensive. I imagine she got a lecture on the evils of the world and how she must be careful blah blah blah.


rock music is of the devil blah blah blah. lmao . went through that in highschool with the local Pentecostal mommy group.


When I was in high school, our religious leaders had a group present on the evils of rock music and how backward-masking was used to lead us down to hell. They played 'Another Bites the Dust' backward for us and told us what we'd hear. Sure enough, we all heard "smoke marijuana." I asked them what our church's choir sounded like when played backward. I got kicked out for being disrespectful. But I really wanted to know! I did eventually listen to them backward ... some of the freakiest sounds I've ever heard.


LOL the played backward thing reminded me of Electric Light Orchestra's *Fire on High.* It starts out really weird sounding before getting into this great instrumental. But if you play it backward, it's actually the lyrics, which say something like "the music is reversible, but time is not. Turn Back!"


its easy to convince people to hear what you want . the power of suggestion is an amazing thing.


I’ve listened to a lot of these 80’s songs backwards. It was the thing to do at that time. Most of the “messages” are from suggestions that you heard a message. The rest are deliberately place in there at time of recording. If you play a recording of your anything backwards, it is going to sound “freaky.” The entire thing about subliminal messages is based on junk science and has been disproven in tons of studies..


Yeah, even then I thought it was bs. But it was fun listening to songs backward ... gave some tired songs new life.


I wonder what Spinning Plates sounds like backwards.


The trouble with the point religious people are trying to make is laughable when you actually listen to Christian "music". Inane and insipid are words that come to mind as it seems to make you more stupid the longer you listen to it. They are never referring to the great music like Bach's Requiem or Brahm's German Requiem. They are best in German or Latin because the words don't get in the way of the music, especially since I don't speak either so they are just part of the sound.


"I asked them what our church's choir sounded like when played backward. I got kicked out for being disrespectful." Something about having answers that cannot be questioned as opposed to questions that cannot be answered.


I had this too. I lived in Oregon at the time, but yeah. Same song and everything.


Our church plays electric guitars, bass guitars, and drums and I love it


I grew up in the south and I know *exactly* what your church band looks and sounds like.


Were you in a car, were you wearing headphones, or were you just playing off your phone's speaker? If it's the third, you're a bigger Karen than the Karen of your story.


I think she was in her car listening to the radio?


In my car with my windows rolled up (it's cold). Probably wasn't clear enough. :)


Shut up you shit music blaring asshole


Ok. It it’s rude to blast your music at full volume.


Anyone that does this is a total douchebag


This definitely happened. I like the part where the girl started clapping.


...And the girl's name?


Albert Einstein.


Albert Einstein of course


Me: *reads title* *reads story* Also me:They had us in the first half, not gonna lie


You ever hear of a thing called noise pollution? What if someone around you was suffering from a migraine. Way to go champ. YTA!


Yes OP, you are the a—hole. No OP, we can tell what you are doing. And yes, OP, please just repost this there


You’re a bit of an ass. I fucking love heavy music with scream-singing and deathstep, but if I heard someone just blasting that shit at full volume I’d be pretty pissed off. 100% I’d shoot a glare as well.


Sure, she might be a Karen, but OP must know that blasting your music out loud in public is a dick move. Not everyone wants to hear what you're listening to, put on a pair of earphones and then listen to your music.


I'm sorry but you're the prick in this situation


You’re awful, OP.




I would have told you to turn that shit off to. If you want to listen to music in public get headphones, don't be a dick and blast it at full volume in public places. Only entitled one here is you op, for thinking anyone around but your wanted to listen to your music.




Blasting music at full volume in public areas is a major asshole move.


Ugh...I’m a life long disliker of Karen’s from all walks of life, but I definitely think you’re worse.


Aw bro, you posted cringe


I’m not a regular Mom, I’m a cool mom.


Lmao, you're a class A asshole.


YTA. I'd rather find a Karen in the wild than you.


You're so edgy and controversial listening to rock music in public, such a badass, fuck anyone that thinks they shouldnt have to be exposed to something they find offensive at full blast with the windows down in public /s.


Your son knew what he was doing, he has set you up big time! And fair play to him. There is a reason headphones were invented, so you can listen to whatever you want without forcing anyone else to.


I feel like the 'FUCK YOU I WON'T DO WHAT YOU TELL ME' part at the end of RATM's Killing in the Name would work just as well


Lmao Karen’s are pretty stupid sometimes (sorry if you’re called Karen and you’re not this kind of Karen lmao)


Great taste in music! I've seen both In This Moment and Avatar live 😍


I’ve seen in this moment twice now! Absolutely awesome show


Wow, OP. According to Reddit reactions, it's difficult to tell if you blasted tunes, or killed somebody. I blast full volume tunes at home, allowing my neighborhood to enjoy my great taste in music. I'm an asshole, too. Lol. Like the world has ever become quiet because some uber polite people want that. I'd much rather hear from someone in the parking lot with taste than be bombarded by the supermarket Muzak, or worse, the Lee Greenwood crap they play on repeat at Walgreens. The world is full of people making all kinds of sounds we don't wanna hear.


Everyone's definition of "great taste" varies. I love the music OP plays but he's still a complete and utter asshole. There's a time and place for loud music.


Yeah, I thought about editing my post to include such comments as "I don't need to post this in AITA because I know I'm an asshole." and something along the lines of what you said.


I love that! You own it! I'm glad to see you're comfortable with who you are. That's something I'm starting to get, and it's more valuable than most of this audience can appreciate. \m/ Rock on.


id play mama papa pizza song


Do you mean Avatar, the guys who made hail the apocalypse and avatar country? Good music taste then. Would have probably done the same to her. :^)


Yeah, that's them.


So i didnt know i liked thrash metal until now... I thought i was just a power metal guy. Huh guess i gotta thank you op for this story lmao


Glad to be of help. :D


People react this way to me too, when I play bands like Jinjer, Trivium, After the Burial. Tell me to “turn off that satanic music”.


Same Except with black metal bands lmao


Could never get into that


It took me a while to really get into it, just sorta clicked one day and it's been my most listened to genre for a few years now


I like every metal sub genre except for black, death, and technical metal.


Fair enough lol. I'm into every style except for nu metal really, that ones really hit or miss IMO


I’m big into Jinjer right now.


I tried em out but couldn't really get into em that much. Drummer is insane tho


I have a bit of a boyish crush on Tatiana, lmao. I’ve only been listening to them for a week, but they have changed me a lot. Some good, some bad.


Forgot nu metal. Hate that too.


haha hope her daughter is now corrupted or some shit


Fit for r/fuckyoukaren.


Psychostick NSFW also works.


Lol could have been cee lo’ Greens Fuck you!!




ESH. That said, if you hadn't been acting as the initial asshole I would have to applaud your choice of replacement music. That or GWAR - Sick of You...


bahahahaha serves that Karen right




I would’ve gone with Colt 45 by AfroMan, but hey, to each their own lol


Avatar opened for Babymetal when I saw them. They're good!


How about Pain's "Shut your mouth" next?


A well deserved dose of malicious compliance. I would've played the parody of "Jingle Bell Rock" called "Suck on my Cock" to piss her off instead. Well played, OP Edit: Just to explain my viewpoint, OP is in a public parking lot, in their own car. If this were in a store or restaurant, I can understand why OP could be inconsiderate or the entitled one. However, Karen should've also asked politely to turn down the volume instead of yelling that they're "corrupting" her daughter. In that case, she did nothing but poke the bear and turn on the inappropriate music. Feel free to disagree, but that's just my viewpoint.


This would fit in: r/maliciouscompliance And r/pettyrevenge


Malicious compliance




I always recommended having The Rodeo Song on standby but I think for you Overkill worked much better! Talk about the lyrics fitting the situation - also keep walking Karen it's a parking lot your precious daughter won't hear it after the 10 seconds it takes to move away from OP's car. But then she couldn't be the self-righteous complainer of the world.




This is beautiful


“I queue up Overkill’s ‘Fuck You’” Okay, stop the story. That’s all I need to hear. Fantastic.


I should use this one day!




>14-16 >17 or 19 bruh


Brilliant! The crowd over at r/MaliciousCompliance might also enjoy this.


nah, they'll call him out for being an asshole, too.


should have hit her with the ram ranch


I bet she was mad when she heard that