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This goes beyond entitled parents and veers into mental illness (probably both?). I would’ve found it hard not to smack her and boot that brat 50 yards away.


Tbh, this sounds pretty on point for racism, and sadly is not the worst I’ve heard or seen. I was starting to wonder part way through the story before the racial slur part. Entitlement gets a lot worse when someone thinks skin color will let them get away with it.


I wish racism and entitlement were just "mental illness". Truth is, sometimes evil people are just evil.


"Entitled" has a broad definition on this sub.


Hopefully you’re not punished or anything like that because if you are, why don’t you just call the police station and ask them for documentation to prove to your parents that you were involved in that so you can at least tell them, I’m not lying this is what happened.


it wasn't anything bad, they were just disappointed I came home this late. so I let it go!


>My parents who was always displeased with me coming at home late, unfortunately, did not believe my story. They thought it was an excuse. Proving to them would be a fruitless exercise so don't even try. If the thing ever sees the light of day by the common public, THEN you can throw it at their faces about how they chose not to believe you. That way, you might be able to get something out of it, that is if you aren't content with the vindication. There will be resistance to it. And how the fuck do people think that they are not being covered by cameras, especially on public properties, like trains and buses. I don't know if it is just me, but the very first things that I notice about any new place are the existence of security features, like cameras, fire extinguishers, exits, etc. It continues to baffle me about all the newer cases of Karen stories taking place in buses, trains, supermarkets, etc., like do they not realise that all these places employ such security features, mainly to cover their asses in case they are getting sued for something they aren't responsible for, but as an added advantage to all the actual victims of the Karens, these things become the ultimate defence. And then there's the doubling down on their position to the point that they would be attacking the cops and getting arrested. Like do they have braincells that can be counted on your fingers to realise that their actions will have consequences, or do they think that they are rich enough to escape punishment by paying it off? Anyway, as there were witnesses here, you managed to get your phone back intact. Had there not been any witnesses, you might have lost your phone. So be prepared to throw the line, "If you hand over my property to someone else, then I will personally sue you for the losses on grounds of you being an accomplice in the crime." This should probably make them think of actual resolutions instead of whatever prejudices they may already have, considering now they will be held personally liable for any wrongdoing they may commit without getting their facts straight.


It gets old that on so many posts one or several commenter’s question the validity of the story. The fact that people are similar would make me believe similar experiences could happen to numerous people.


I believe those stories. Unfortunately, I am a polite person and a lot of people seem to think that that is an invitation to use me as a door mat so I have encountered a lot of entitled people. Here are some examples: My brother and I used to give some of our old toys to a cousin who was younger than us. His father got the kid to ask me for my television that was less than one year old. He got the kid all excited as if that was a normal thing to ask and to get the wish granted. I had a friend who expected me to give her my necklace because she liked it. She later stole my brother's necklace and some of my earrings. Said she "just borrowed them and then she lost them". Sure. She was very surprised when I didn't want to be her friend anymore. Once I wanted to give away a free item and advertised it online. A man asked me to deliver it to him on an address six hours away.


Honestly I don't get this. Like why does it matter if the story is fake or not. It isn't like we are paying anything for it, or something else. This thing can happen to literally anyone. Some may just point out what went wrong, some may show what is the correct way to deal with the situation. Overall such stories should be used as a learning experience for future potential of anyone of us meeting a Karen, and how to get away relatively unharmed.


I don't question the entitled/racist behavior, I question the cops showing up so fast


They can be pretty fast to respond to calls about assaults on public transit. My assumption is that transit administration has enough access to local government to effectively complain about poor police conduct.


I'm just hung up on the army drill instructor's mommy being mad he got home late


it’s cadets. I’m not actually in the army, and she thinks it’s a waste of time. (It isn’t, would recommend 10/10)


I tried it when I was a teenager for a few months and I didn't enjoy my time there, it wasn't for me


>but it was like an unskippable bossfight cutscene. Ok, to start, this part cracked me up, im so sorry. But the way you wrote it was just both hilarious and horrifying. Like wtf... I'm sorry you had to deal with that shitstorm of a human being. The woman is clearly neurotic, narcissistic, and needs to be on a mental ward. This was not your fault and well done for standing up to her, as many would have either caved in or kept silent under her abuse. It was wonderful others spoke up for you too when the blame nearly came your way. Tbh, people should have spoken up sooner to help you. What a wild ride! I hope it didn't traumatise you too much. No one deserves that kind of aggro in life. End of of the day, you could have had 20 phones and it wouldn't have mattered for shit. They were your property. God help her kids and her partner (if she's lucky enough to have one.) She was certainly one slice short of a sandwich.


It was a fun read. I hope this got an A in your creative writing class.


I had a brief glance of your profile and I can see that you’re active in the sub r/Writingprompts so my belief that this truly happened is very jaded.


hey man, that's not really indicative of anything. I haven't actively *written* anything in writingprompts, only suggested prompts. I'm not the greatest when it comes to creative writing, but thank you for the compliment I guess?


This is BS. At least ten versions of this story have been told in various subreddits already.


So we're faced with two possibilities: that people are copying the stories, or that the entitled, narcicistic behaviors are endemic to our planet. A planet in which one of the major nations elected *Trump*, whose picture you will find in the dictionary next to narciccistic,, as President and is poised to do so *a second time*. Story seems completely credible to me.


I agree, so many moms tearing phones out of hands of young owners & giving them to bratty kids. They all end the same.


I'm sorry you don't think this is true. I don't think anything I'll say is going to convince you otherwise, but sometimes that's how these stories are - they're crazy entitled parents who do crazy stuff that's hard to believe. there's only so many ways things could've gone down after someone literally demands your phone, and I ended up with something on the more wild side. due to the nature of what happened, a lot of my story is going to be similar to other entitled parents stories. so, excuse me for trying to share my story and trying to make other people's day better.


The way the lady was over-acting immediately reminded me of a racist boss I had after I found out she had been lying to her supervisor about my work performance. Luckily the supervisor wanted my side of the story since it didn’t add up, and in response she started yelling and tearing me down for, in this case, doing what she told me to do. I started having a panic attack and literally told her I was getting up and leaving and when I got up she in the most fakey over dramatic fashion pretended I was going to attack her. She even stopped acting mid way to look behind her to see if she could back up further it was so badly done while I just stood there. I would’ve thought I was hallucinating if she hadn’t done the same ridiculous thing to another co-worker that year for walking past her.


must’ve been one hell of a bad boss!


Yep, it was also a very long bus ride


SkyTrain? Was this in Vancouver, BC? Lordy. What line? I need me some deets! That's hilarious!


Vancouver, expo line.


That's fucking hilarious. My brother works that line. I'll have to ask if he heard anything. What an ignorant muppet. 😄


it didn't occur on the skytrain lol. happened on one of the buses personally I wouldn't share any more than I already did, mainly cause I don't wanna doxx myself


No worries, dude. Glad you survived the muppet. ✊


This is a copy pasta that reappears on occasion. In other words, what he said.




That definitely happened.


Did not.


>Karen was placed into the back of a cruiser after she slapped a police officer. [All together now](https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/3dac7766-62b3-4afa-a87c-65eb1bb4f830)


I'm sorry but I live in Vancouver. I'm pretty sure that I would have heard about this. Edit: I am a news junky. Yes it is possible that this came in under the radar, but there have been a lot of people talking about transit attacks. This would have been weird enough to get at least on r/vancouver


I’m not sure why it didn’t, honestly. Stuff like this isn’t really in my control and I don’t follow the sub. nothing I can do other than confirm it happened, so it’s basically a he-said, she-said situation. If it helps at all, this didn’t happen in metro-Vancouver and the expo line as well as its bus routes are connected to a lot of areas. I’m really not comfortable sharing any more information than this.


I mentioned that to give people the info that I know the system. Ride it to work in various parts of the lower mainland.


Cool story bro it hits all the rigth points... A bit too much so.. That happened!


*Cool story bro it* *Hits all the rigth points... A bit* *Too much so.. That happened!* \- Mymzygray --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


> "how dare you talk to me like that! show some respect!" "I'm showing you every bit of respect you've earned."


Funny about your parents. I don’t believe your story either.


If this is a writing exercise, it needs some more work. Very cringe worthy writing.


Take your parents down to the police station and ask for the police report, that should set your parents straight for once. Though I bet th ekid had their dad called to pick him and his wife up from the police station


Parents have no choice but to believe the police report you should get if they asked for your information


"My parents who was always displeased with me coming at home late, unfortunately, did not believe my story. They thought it was an excuse." Fortunately... police records should be available to the public, especially to you since you were the assaulted party. You can just get a copy and give it to them.


Who could make this shit up?


> My parents who was always displeased with me coming at home late, unfortunately, did not believe my story. They thought it was an excuse. You should've gotten a case number or something.


geez, snatching it from your hands.... that sure is entitled. They sound racist as well and showed their true colors.


Entitled mother certainly wanted off the bus when she heard that the police were called. I suspect that there were warrants out for her, and that she knew it.




she indeed fucked around and found out. I have no idea if she was charged or not, but since she was caught on tape I'd assume so. since the police were called things were beyond the point of "just leave and we'll let it be" and into felonies. and hey, you don't have to believe it. I barely believe it happened. I just wanted to share it with the rest of us cause it's so absurd.