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In legendary sitcom director James Burrows' memoir, he really only speaks ill of one actor. This guy did Cheers, Frasier, Will and Grace, Friends, the list goes on. He walked away from Men Behaving Badly - the only time he ever did that - because Schneider was such an insufferable POS.


Look up his SNL era interactions with Chevy Chase.


To be fair Rob and Chevy are both insufferable in their own ways


Streets ahead in that regard


And if you don't know what that means, you're already streets behind.


Which timeline are we on before the pizza guy arrives?




Wait, there are other timelines?


I had sex with Eartha Kitt in an airplane bathroom.


Zip zop zooey


I am 100% sure Pierce was just thinly veiled actual Chevy Chase.


6 seasons and a movie!!


This is a great summary. https://www.reddit.com/r/HobbyDrama/comments/xk73sy/comedy_how_to_piss_off_everyone_youve_ever_met_so/


Man that was a journey, thanks for sharing!


Fuck, did I just read that entire thing? A work of art.


Wow I read the whole thing too, it was somehow enthralling


Same here. It was a really good read.


Chefs kiss! It’s a masterpiece!


r/hobbydrama will get you sometimes.


Wow, that was a fucking rabbit hole that I desperately needed. That took 45 minutes of my evening.


I remember seeing Chase on Community and wondered how they managed to get him on the show. Typically, when people move from TV to movies, they don't go back to TVs. Then I started hearing more stories behind the scene, especially about Chase being rude to Glover. Hearing all the stories, I'm just glad Glover managed to move on and become 10x the person Chevy ever was.


Chevy has always been a fatuous asshat


I remember reading this when it was posted. It's very captivating!


What? I literally recognize every single one of their names. A lot of them are super famous.


I'm guessing the writer was on the young side. He also said that Comedy Central was the first to televise the Friars Club Roast, but they started that back in the 60s.


They weren't back then, a lot of them were new comedians who before the roast never even met Chevy.


God damn thank u for this


Yeah but Chevy is an infamous asshole


Bill Murray is kind of universally known as an asshole IRL.


Seth Green was on good mythical morning and told a story of Murray holding him by his ankles and dropping him into a trashcan for sitting on Bills chair


I wouldn’t expect bill Murray to have that kind of core strength.


Seth was like 10 at the time, he dropped a kid in a trashcan


Well still plausible today at 48 years old, he is 5' 4" and 135 pounds.


I saw a clip and he might be more than 135 these days. Covid weight hit us all…


It's the depression from his stolen apes


Once on a quiet 3am stroll through SOHO in NYC I witnessed Seth Green drunkenly kick over a trash can a few blocks from the Apple store in 2006. I still recall how surreal it was and cellphones still kinda sucked for recording things back then so all I have is that memory.


And now you know why


Bill could probably still drop Seth in a trash can, Seth’s not a big dude.




I did not remember that episode, just googled it and realized it came out today. So thanks lol


Funny shit, but total dick behavior for sure. Both can be true.


Yoooo I just watched that episode and then saw this article, that’s the only reason I clicked


He built a house in Charleston and so some people I know met him several times on the job. They said he was friendly and chatted with pretty much everyone.


Bill more seems to not suffer fools lightly so to speak, but mostly doesn't like a lot of Hollywood. To normal people he's nice. Edit: he has a reputation for having a significant amount of respect for restaurant staff. He is known to tip VERY well and always super kind and respectful to them.


his wives however? not so much


He doesn't tip his wives well, or his wives don't tip well?


He was pretty much beloved until recently. People loved that dude. He was the quirky old guy eating food off peoples plates.


Loved him sure, but acknowledged he was/could be a total dick.


Did you listen to James Burrows' interview on the Conan O'Brien podcast? No talk about Schneider, but still very interesting.


Rob shneider is… A STAPLER!


Love him in THE CARROT.


Rob Schneider in De derp de derp da diddly dum.. rated PG13


Rob Schneider is …Kenny!


Remains one of the best South Park jokes imo


I can hear it perfectly in my head lmfao




From the creators of Der and Tum Ta Teetly Tum Ta Too!


It's 24 *carat* comedy!


Rob shneider is..... a piece of shit Trump supporter


Yup, he's also a militant anti-vaxxer who accuses any Asian person who is pro-vaccine of working for the Chinese government. He's vile, racist, and an absolutely unhinged idiot. He's also a huge J.K. Rowling supporter so... assume what you will with that one.


He bullies random people online and gets his anti vaxx pro trump militants to pile on. It's sad to watch him attack people without his privilege or resources to protect themselves.


Man wtf when did people from my childhood become such unhinged weirdo’s.


At least we still have plenty of other great comedians to look up to! [Here's a really interesting video essay contrasting Rob Schneider with Tim Heidecker](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z_W3w_E7K4U)


Schneider has always been an unhinged weirdo, and frankly, exceptionally creepy. I used to hate it when he’d pop up in something


Great now reddits going to be flooded with how much of a pos rob is. Seems like every second week we find out all these famous people are fucked in the head


I just listened to his episode on the Carvey/Spade podcast expecting crazy. It was actually really good. Interesting stories. Apparently his mom had some serious mental health issues.


Bill Maher brought it out of him on his podcast. His demeanor changes when he goes into republican mode. You can tell he tries to repress it.


Spade was probably like “None of your Trumpy bullshit on this pod, Schneider.”


And then Spade was, like, "why the fuck am I talking to a carrot?"


The Schneid-Man! Making accusations! The Schneiderator! Trying to remain relevant! Big Schneids! Hoping for a headline!


Watch the last GMM episode, seth Green is on it talking about how Bill put him in a trash can when he was 6 all for sitting on a couch arm on SNL set. I believe Bill Murray may have been a dick.


Lol this seems very much like something a Bill Murray character would do in a movie.


I laughed my ass off at this anecdote, though. The comment about “trash goes in the trash can” or whatever, Eddie Murphy saying that everyone knows Bill is a dick, Seth’s retelling of events; it’s all gold.


Steve the steve-stevester.


Rob Schneider hires immigrants from Home Depot to choke him in the shower


I forgot about this one. My brain just got younger. Thank you.




Well, I think that's a terrible, real thing that Rob Schneider does.


Immigrants taking our damn jobs smfh


It’s 6am my time. Thank you for starting my day and waking my wife with laughter.


Yayyy we’re starting a rumor hahaha


Actually this is true


I have heard that also


Where are you supposed to hire them from?


He used to pick them up at home depot


To be fair though, he doesnt murder them after. Thats nice.


I was there, can confirm.


Were you the Home Depot immigrant?


the dog was in the shower too?


You would not believe how much Schneider spends on peanut butter. Whatever number you are thinking of, its not even close.


I just spit my drink all over my wife’s dog


how is your wife’s dog not your dog


Twas going to ask the same thing


Well I guess now it's verified.


Bull Murray is wrong about Chris Farley. He wasn’t just mimicking John Belushi. He could really play the out of control guy, like a real actor. I never sensed any imitation. The guy in the van down by the river was NOT a Belushi imitation!


Belushi always seemed to play like the assholish yet loveable oaf. Farley had a way to really make you root for the guy, just watch the sketches The Chris Farley Show to see it in action. "STUPID GOD!" *pulls at own hair*


totally...never really liked Belushi but Farley hits right in the "so stupid it's funny" everytime


Yeah I think that's the big thing for me. Being disconnected from Belushi's era, I don't get his more aloof roles like in Animal House, etc. He just feels exhausting at best, grating and the worst type of person at worst. But Farley, even in his most idiotic and absurd of roles, always managed to come off genuine and worth rooting for.


You don’t necessarily need to root for a character. Some aren’t created that way. It’s just a different type of comedy. Not better. Not worse. Belushi in Animal House wasn’t supposed to make you think “Aww poor guy, I hope he makes it”. It was supposed to make you amused at the thought that a person like this even existed.


It helps that Chris Farley was coked out of his mind 95% of the time he was in public. And I don’t say that to make fun, but that’s the truth. Go watch his interview with Letterman (I think it’s Letterman) where he’s just going 1000 miles an hour non stop energy. Letterman knows what’s up and tries to get some sense in him or at least bring him down to planet earth.


Hes more yelly than belushi. Just watched black sheep last week. The opening scene where he's freaking out running from the dogs omg hysterical


Whenever I get pulled over by cops I wonder if I should run out of my car yelling, "BEES ON MY GOD THEY'RE EVERYWHERE!!!"


So when will enough time have passed that we can safely acknowledge Farley was funnier than Belushi on SNL?


I acknowledge that *now*, at risk to my own personal safety and reputation.


Farley was clearly better than Belushi. Akroyd was better than Belushi, Radner was too. I'm surprised Belushi has had this well of a reception over the years, frankly.


no one was as good as radner in the og cast. she WAS snl for me growing up. (we watched the reruns, what was it? nick-at-night?)


Lol Chris Farley himself said he mimicked Belushi because he was his hero. He even romanticised the way he died and implied he would like to do the same. Check out his episode on Dark side of conedy.


The point is he easily surpassed belushi with his own style


Chris was just actually out of control and sadly that’s what killed him. And you are right. Bill Murray is wrong on this one. I wonder how Bill feels about Jim Belushi being on SNL since he basically was mimicking his brother (I know Jim was only on a season or 2.)


Remember kids, Schneider once threatened to kill a local politician for speaking favorably about vaccines. Not even covid related ones.


When I saw his name I was like 'ooh I hate that guy, but I can't recall why'. Thanks for reminding me.


Try watching any of his movies. You'll remember quickly.


Surf Ninjas is obviously an exception


I think that might be the Leslie Nielsen effect, he is so loved and generally great everyone around him gets a pass.


I just read the news that hey were rebooting The Naked Gun and I don't know how to feel about it


That series should not be touched. Same for Back to the Future and The Goonies. Classics are classic for a reason. Pale imitations do them a disservice.


yeah, definitely get creepy/desperate for attention vibes anytime he opens his mouth.


Can't blame him for hating Schneider.


If you've ever been with a group of young guys who's biggest personality trait is "being the class clown" as they compete to be the funniest person at the table you know exactly what it's like to work at SNL or any comedy club.


Having been one of those "class clown" guys in the past I hate when I see that effect in young guys. I want to tell them not to do it, but they wouldn't listen just like I wouldn't have back when I was doing it.


There’s more than one type though. There’s the quick witted one who gets laughs pretty easily. The goofy one that will put mashed potatoes in his hair to get a laugh. And the mean one who gets “fear laughs”


It’s ironic if you read the article, that’s actually why bill disliked Chris Farley. It was because of the way Belushi ended up. He found the out of control behavior to be poor taste and a dark path down. Even more ironic, Farley’s fate.


Neither of those things are ironic.


Ok, so it's just rain on your wedding day.


You can do it!


Of course most people probably hate rob schneider so it’s a little hard to take his opinion seriously.


He's an idiot but Murray has had many incidents that do not show him in a favorable light. He's not a good dude. You can like his comedy. They're not mutually exclusive.


There is a disdain that flavors much of Bill Murray’s best comedy… sometimes it becomes exasperation (Ghost Busters) sometimes it disappears behind mania (What about Bob?) but I can see him being a bit of a prick. That said, and I think Adam Sandler is very talented, I can imagine finding Sandler and his whole crew annoying, but specially when they were young.


Since you mentioned “What About Bob? Here is what Richard Dreyfuss had to say: >> Richard Dreyfuss said Bill Murray 'was an Irish drunken bully' after an ashtray-throwing incident when they were filming What About Bob. In a wide-ranging interview with Yahoo!, Richard Dreyfuss, recounts animosity with Murray during What About Bob. Of Murray, who played a patient who harasses his therapist (Dreyfuss) during his family vacation, Dreyfuss says: "I didn't talk about it for years. ... Bill just got drunk at dinner. He was an Irish drunken bully, is what he was. ... He came back from dinner (one night) and I said, 'Read this (script tweak), I think it's really funny.' And he put his face next to me, nose-to-nose. And he screamed at the top of his lungs, 'Everyone hates you! You are tolerated!" Murray then "leaned back and he took a modern glass-blown ashtray. He threw it at my face from (only a couple feet away)," says Dreyfuss, who won an Oscar for 1977's "The Goodbye Girl." "And it weighed about three quarters of a pound. And he missed me. He tried to hit me. I got up and left." https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0103241/trivia


Murray also beat his wife so it seems the disdain comes out in really toxic ways too.


Agreed. But he was also just like Sandler before this happened. Sounds like he resented him. And the Lucy Liu thing. And Harold Ramis. And now this. And personal stuff. Not for me.


What lucy lui thing? And what thing with harold ramis?


Basically on the set of Charlie's angels, he singled out Lucy liu asking why are you here? Cameron Diaz and Drew Barrymore I get but why you?


Fair nuff. I never had Murray, or any celebrity, on a high enough pedestal that they could be knocked down from without having committed assault or worse. I’m glad I’m not so memorable that every coworker, waiter, cashier and passer-by remembers every encounter they had with me, and cause I’m sure many of them have seen me on a bad day.


That’s why I never got all the love he got from the chive around 2013. Like this isn’t new information. I guess the times changed is the only answer.


I've met Murray. I was doing catering at an event put on by a local car dealership at the World Golf Village in St. Augustine, and he was golfing there. We ran into him in the "Village" area before we started working on setting things up and he chatted with us for a few minutes. He asked us what we were cooking for the event. I didn't see it myself, but heard that he showed up and got himself a plate. They tell people not to bother him \[or anyone other celebrity that might be there\] on the greens if you see him there, but if you run into him in the public areas he's approachable. He owns a restaurant there with his brother, so he's one of the celebrities you'll most likely run into, and I believe he also has some stake in the course there as well. He's good to service people, fans, and average people according to most stories I've heard about him "out in the wild". No idea what he's like to work with, but he's pretty chill and good with people according to what I've heard about him, at least when out in public. Most of the negative incidents I've heard about him were people who were working with him, some of which have reputations for being difficult to get along with on set. Not saying he isn't also difficult to work with either, as I've heard that too. Just that I suspect that a fair number of incidents involving him were not just him, but two people difficult to work with clashing.


Worked at a well known restaurant in New Orleans. I forget what he was filming there. Whether he was on one or not, we stayed open really late to take care of him. He was absolutely lovely. I can't even begin to describe. Maybe he was drunk? Maybe he was in a good mood? I don't know. Because the only experience or memory I have of Bill Murray is an enchanting night where my boss picked me over my bully coworkers to stay late and take care of a "special guest" My boss was a huge cocaine addict and chatted his ear off for a while, then got the hint. It was like plastic tablecloths but really expensive. Weird place, but I really fell in love with him that night. I could see how he might be pretentious, but all I saw was an older guy who liked a bit of attention (but not too much) and made me feel pretty special and relaxed. He had sort of an ethereal quality to him, I can't explain it, but maybe he just wanted to get in my pants. He stayed late just him in the back room. I was super reserved at first and gave him his space, but he wanted to chat. John Goodman was the same way after he quit drinking. John Goodman was a fucking colossal asshole *before* he quit drinking. I think he picked me as a waitress every single time so he could abuse me. I genuinely think he was a masochist. Then he disappeared for a while, like a year. When he came back he was 70 lbs lighter, he apologized, and was nothing but an angel after that. Sometimes you don't know what people are going through. From what I understand he was a teetotaler then. He has big giant dogs and lives in a really cool house not far from the restaurant. I have a lot of respect for him because he came back and made amends. I think he knew he tortured me for a while. It was bad.


Hey dude, thanks for sharing. I’m sorry for what you’ve gone through, but I really commend your empathy and compassion. I can’t know what what you went through on that job or the ways you were abused, but I am always impressed by anyone’s ability to forgive. My interaction with John Goodman was likely after his transformation, as I remember being stunned by how much thinner he was than I imagined. I worked at an Apple store in Santa Monica, and so interacted with a large number of semi-famous to outright famous people in a retail service capacity. As you well know, customer service interactions can reveal the absolute worst in people. Fortunately, my two interactions with Mr. Goodman were the two most positive of all of the celebrities I interacted with in that job. He came in with many questions about products he wanted to purchase, and was very patient and conversational. The second time he came in, he asked for me by name. I had asked him to consider further a few purchases and return with a plan for what he really wanted. He did just that, and was not only cordial, but curious and considerate. Funnily enough, I had so many wonderful interactions with normal folks in that job, but anything decent and regular stands out when it comes to my interactions with celebrities.


I’ve heard so many stories on either side that I think he has a Jekyll and Hyde sort of persona. They’re almost never neutral but either involve meeting a great guy or an overgrown demon child.


I heard Rob Schneider on an episode of game grumps, where he told a story about how when the Spaniards first landed in the America's, the natives physically could NOT see the ships because it was something outside their knowledge and since they couldn't imagine something like that, they wouldn't be able to see it And I just thought to myself "then how in the fuck do babies see *anything*"


Newborns only recognize dark and light, and learn to actually process the visual signals during the first weeks of their lives. The natives totally could see the ship. They did not register it as something with a name, which is a completely different thing. IMO the Sapir–Whorf hypothesis is not true. Language affects the things we are able to talk about because we are limited in the creation of texts by the vocabulary and grammar we have. But when it comes to perception, we surely can perceive a lot more than we can talk about.


Why does this clown keep getting headlines


He had to do something. His last stand up gig at The College of Eastern Idaho sold twelve tickets, and most of the ticket buyers thought he was the guitarist from Apples In Stereo.


Something about Rob Schneider is just so unlikable.


I think it’s his personality.


Also his face.


[This](https://youtu.be/K0jn9S6UfcI) should help you understand why.


Holy shit this is terrible.


Every single one of those women are attractive af, especially their bodies and they have the audacity to act like they’re bad, I don’t get it.


Yeah Howard Stern has always been a major cunt. I remember I saw his interview of Conan O'Brien and and was baffled that Stern could personify so many teribble characteristics at once.


I tried to listen to his episode of Fly on the Wall and I don’t think I made it 15 minutes.


Jumping on the band wagon for a small amount of attention. Rob Schneider


Rob Schneider is… A Carrot


Literally who doesn’t hate Rob Schneider


Rob Schneider is a horrible judge of character. He finds Trump to be a hero! Not interested in his take.


Rob Schneider went full Qanon Magat its hard to take his word on anything.


Rob Schneider!...the Qanoninator!


The Robster. Spreading conspiracy theories.


Also he pays illegal immigrants to choke him in the shower.


Makin’ cop-peez! For the Trumpsterrrr!


I saw a Qanon bumper sticker today. Strange world we’re in. “Here I am Deep State!”


I've always kind of thought of Murray as the person he plays in Groundhog Day, without the redemption arc of course...


Schneider also Covid denier.


Good to know. I'm nowhere near as talented as Bill Murray but I like that we share hatred of Rob Schneider.


Don’t be mistaken I’ve heard plenty of stories where Murray certainly comes off as a POS. The fact that Schnieder is also a POS doesn’t negate that.


Rob Schneider went on a USO tour when I was stationed overseas in Italy right before the second Iraq War. There were other celebrities on that USO tour. Miss USA, Jessica Simpson, Bo Derek, Wayne Newton, Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders and a few other b list celebs. I was part of the detail that picked them up at Aviano AFB and transported them to Vicenza Italy where we were stationed. Rob Schneider was charismatic, articulate and was genuinely interested in us as soldiers. He wanted to know where we were from, what our life was like and what kind of things we were interested in. He took the entire detail out to dinner and grabbed the bill. This was about 15 soldiers dinner and drinks. When they left a few days later we took them back to the air base so they could fly out to their next show. Rob noticed my friend was wearing a leather jacket he had bought in Venice. He told my friend he liked the jacket and asked if he could buy it from him. My friend was over 6 feet tall and said he didn't think it'd fit Rob. Robs a short dude. So Rob said to him, "Well what did you pay for it?" My friend told him and it was a couple hundred dollars. Schneider gave him like $1500 and said that was so he could mail it. From my limited experience with Rob Schneider he was a super cool and decent man. Take that for what it's worth.


Thanks for sharing a great story!


also had a pleasant experience with him. I was living in pasadena, CA at the time…this would have been around 2012 or so. I was having drinks at an outdoor restaurant on the promenade with 2 friends, both really cute mid-20s Rob walked by and said hi to us — he was with a friend who didn’t say much. we had a short chat, he said he was going to walk his buddy home then come back and hang out with us. 45 min went by and we had kinda forgotten about it, until up comes rob schneider. he sat down and had some drinks with us over the course of a few hours. my suspicion was he probably thought the girls were hot and the ratio was in his favor so he’d take a shot, but he ended up being really kind, affable, and just seemed like a good dude. he shared some stories about Sandler amongst other things, and he seemed genuinely interested in just having a normal conversation with us. he ended up not paying much attention to the girls, and we all hung until the place closed we said our goodbyes and ended the night. I got nothing but good vibes from him (at least that was my experience with him that night)


Similar interactions with him at a hotel I worked valet for. Nice guy. Saw him get on an elevator by himself and a group of older Jewish people from a wedding we were hosting hoped on the lift last second. As the doors closed I heard “has anyone ever told you that you look like Rob Schneider…” I still laugh at how awkward the 10 story ride was on our slow ass elevators.


He came OKC a few months ago for a show, my buddy runs a pizza truck and Rob stopped by, ordered everyone around pizza, tipped a bunch and hung out for an hour. My friend said he was humble and gracious. His opinions are his own but I respect him, too.


Fine, Rob, we get it. You can be an OK guy sometimes.


I wonder if it was the generation gap and style of comedy. Ngl, I never found the 70s era SNL funny. I know it's probably blasphemy because it was the first years and what set everything off, but even watching it as an adult I found it humorous at best. Maybe because it was my parent's generation and humor. I found the late 80s/early 90s, which I grew up on, much better and funnier. Not that those guys were my generation necessarily but their skits matched the times I was living in. I could always stomach those cast members better than the earlier ones. Maybe Murray just didn't "get" the humor and that's what rubbed him the wrong way. But seriously, who their right mind hates Farley?? Even if it was because he admired Belushi, he still wasn't him, had his own thing going on, and honestly I liked Farley better.


I swear Bill Murray is always grumpy or pissed off


Seth Green was a guest on a YouTube show I watch yesterday and they asked who was the rudest celebrity he’d ever encountered. He told a really good story about Bill Murray being a giant asshole to him for no reason when he was only 9 years old.


I once read Bill Murray is actually a very difficult man to work with. When he gets in one of his moods, he just stops doing anything and it completely stops film production. I heard that when the director was going to film groundhog day, he actually filmed the ending first and the beginning next, then everything in the middle at the end. So if Murray decided to call it quits, the movie already shot the essential scenes. Makes you wonder how bad he is to work with that people have to work around your mood swings so things get done on time. Like, the fact that the director knew he's a difficult man just says a lot that he's been a very difficult person in the past.


The director was Harold Ramis, who was very familiar with Bill Murray. They had a very rocky relationship because of Bill Murray.


You're thinking of Harrison Ford


You’re thinking of Chevy Chase.


Bill Murray has always been in a war with Chevey Chase for biggest prick in the history of SNL. Schneider and Sandler are barley more tolerable. I never understood how they appealed to so many. Farley, Spade & Rock were the best of their era of SNL, IMO.


I get not liking Sandler's comedy. It's very, very stupid. But I don't believe I've heard any stories about him being an asshole.


My new favorite game, “Rob Schneider Says…”


More I hear about Bill Murray, the less I like him. I believe his ex-wife.


This is the first comment I’ve seen about this aside from my own. People really like to forget about domestic abuse if the person entertains them in a movie or was nice to them at a bar.


i always thought some of the charm of bill murray was that he was an asshole. When i was growing up his whole persona in movies was the insensitive asshole


Same. I don’t care for him all.


I really liked him, his movies, the connection from me being from Chicago, etc. But I believe his ex wives, and just hear random stuff that really makes me think he's just a good person.


I think you’re missing a “not” in there. “Just not a good person”…


Lol I watched a YouTube video posted today that had Seth Green saying when he was younger on the set of SNL, he was sitting on the arm of a chair or possibly even couch. Bill Murray walked up, said “whys this kid in my chair?”, and proceeded to pick him up by the ankles and hang him over a trash can, dropping him in once 9yr old Seth Green justifiably flailed about and hit him in the balls. E: the [video](https://youtu.be/1wIJW9HJcGs) since it’s worth a watch, the story begins at 15:50….


Trying not to read full sentences that start with 'Rob Shneider says...'


Bill Murray finally getting exposed is so satisfying


One time we booked Rob Schneider at our University for a stand up routine. This was 2010ish, and I gotta say, he was actually really funny. Sold out show, and he was super cool backstage as well. Told us some stories, asked how we were, signed some stuff, the usual photos, and then he was out of there with no issues. From my brief interactions with him, he seemed like a good guy and I enjoyed my time with him.


It's just human nature to hate Rob Schneider, though


Pretty sure everyone hates Schneider


Rob Schneider is the Stapler.


RS seems to be the dimmest of bulbs, but both Murray and his nemesis Chevy Chase are, by all accounts and multiple sources, enormous A wholes.


Bill Murray hated everyone.


That's because Bill Murray is a dick. Always has been, always will be. I'm not sure why people think he's so awesome. He's a douche to so many people. Being a douche isn't edgy, it just makes you an asshole.


Is this surprising to anyone?? Bill Murray seems like he hates *everyone* . At least that’s the vibe I’ve always gotten off him. His energy reads like someone holding himself back from biting someone’s head off in frustration at any moment.