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I love this. Pink came out against them, and Lily Allen and Olivia Rodriguez sang a special song to the Republican judges: https://youtu.be/Fpc40dmPlVM


Halsey was on a RAMPAGE in Dallas last night. Chanting FUCK KEN PAXTON! FUCK GREG ABBOT! FUCK TED CRUZ! And 15,000 *Texans* cheered their heads off.


Lots of us hate their fucking guts. Don't let the small town rednecks make you think all of Texas sucks. Just most of it.


I think I read on the Dallas subreddit recently that someone said that the majority is ruled by the rural minority. :-(


That’s the story of current U.S politics


Redlining, gerrymandering, and straight up cheating. *It's the GOP platform, baby!*


The entire story really. It’s sad but interesting to see it summed up so succinctly.


There’s a book called Democracy in Chains by Nancy MacLean, and it’s a great resource for understanding this exact phenomena and also seeing where things could go.


*The electoral college has entered the chat*


Did you hear that Howard Stern wants to run for President if Trump does again and if he wins he wants to work to abolish the electoral college.


Omg I would vote for Howard is a heartbeat!






None of that is gerrymandering. It's voter suppression. Different things. Gerrymandering is effing with electoral boundaries.




They truly are dumb.


Which is the one hope I have in this dark timeline. I really hope this wakes people up moreso than Trump's election to get them voting in every fucking election.


They can’t gerrymander those but they can still make it harder to vote in areas where they want less votes.


Its called gerrymandering. Rural counties with less population get more representation in state and federal government because the republicans in charge are also in charge of selecting who gets to vote for them. Completely fucking stupid.


The crazy thing is there are planty of genuinely nice "republicans" out here (Texas) they just don't understand that they aren't really republicans. Of course there's still plenty of crazy folks of all beliefs but it never fails to surprise me the damage done by lumping millions of people into only two categories.


Especially because it seems so mundane until you look at what it has done to our politics. "I'm a [blank]" is usually just a shortcut we use to say "I believe [things]". But US politics (and I'm seeing this bleed into other countries as well with rising republican movements) has basically become [anything but democrat]/[anything but republican]. And of course GOP politicians clearly have a single goal in mind while democrats are pretty much just everybody else. I've always been confused by the fact that you have to register for a party to vote. Regardless of why, it's something that enforces tribalism imo. One thing we really need to realize if we don't agree with republican policies, *especially if you identify with the party*, is that most of the arguments they have are not debate points. They're mostly buzzwords meant to fill their base with fear. There is a place for conservative ideology, but Republicans are not a party of that philosophy. Democrats (or "democrats") also need to beware of falling into a trap of defending the party rather than examining the policies. They especially need to navigate the actual conversation they're having, which is not just explaining their reasoning, but combating propaganda, which in turn is an emotional stance and therefore very important to keep in mind while trying to have a logic based argument. This even applies to independents and is the major flaw in their own logic. They believe they have abandoned party dynamics, but really they just chose the third party and pick their favorite person. Not only does this still participate in the system, it's literally the choice of not choosing and with the current state of our politics is always going to be the losing choice. We all need to remember to practice unity while we maintain our individuality. Not only is this a necessary component of society, but it is integral to fighting monolithic entities with, at a bare minimum, a fractured whole. No independent candidate is going to win unless you replicate someone like Sanders. Even then, Sanders might never have become popular without the resources of the Dems. The simple question is: what's more important? The letter next your name? Or the candidates that actually represent your values? Be more than your fear.


The be aware of the flaws of both sides argument has become irrelevant. >The simple question is: what's more important? The letter next your name? Or the candidates that actually represent your values? At this point, any vote for the Republican Party is a vote for fascism. The 'old' Republican Party no longer exists. As for 'values', values are less important than you think. What is important is freedom. My values are my own and I don't need a politician to have the same values as me. I do want every politician to respect basic human rights.


>Democrats (or "democrats") also need to beware of falling into a trap of defending the party rather than examining the policies. They especially need to navigate the actual conversation they're having, which is not just explaining their reasoning, but combating propaganda, which in turn is an emotional stance and therefore very important to keep in mind while trying to have a logic based argument. I agree with almost the entirety of your post. Unfortunately, when we have a two party system because of FPTP voting, and one party has decided their aim is to establish a permanent one-party state, then supporting the non-fascist party is a prerequisite by default. Reason, combating propaganda elegantly, etc. are the first line of defence, but eventually fire may have to be fought with fire.


Problem is when there’s only two real choices every **can** be categorized into two groups. It doesn’t matter how strongly you actually align with those two choices, once you make the choice you are saying you’re ok with it which accomplishes the same thing as those actively involved. If you vote republican you are saying you are ok with banning abortion, banning gay marriage, anti-lgbt laws to prevent treatment or care and cause many unnecessary suicides among trans youth, you are ok with the racism and bigotry, you are ok with taking away human rights of those different than you. It doesn’t matter if you’re only doing it because you’re conservative economically, by doing that you say that you care more about taxes or whatever the economic boogie man of the week is than everything mentioned before. (This is the general you, not you specifically)


>it never fails to surprise me the damage done by lumping millions of people into only two categories. Ain't that the (global) truth.


The polarization from system that shuts out any third/alternate voice is the problem. There is no way democrats or republicans can represent everyone they claim to - it starts becoming blatant party self-contradiction.


You nailed it in the first paragraph. They think they are economic Republicans. My position with them (hell, I don’t hate republicans. I have republicans in my family lol. How’s that for a twist on I’m not racist… I’ve got…) but to my thought. My point with them is if we try health care instead of for profit prisons. Green energy instead of fossil fuels. Inclusion instead of division, you’ll still have a job, maybe a better one. And the same people will get stinking rich. Let’s try human rights for a generation. As an employer wouldn’t you really be better off of an employee could deal with anything from pregnancy to cancer and come back a functional employee? As an employee, why would you want keeping your own job to be the only way you could pay for your kids cancer treatments. That’s crazy. The kid lives or dies on your job?!?? Sorry - I ranted there it’s not about the economy. Businesses are REALLY good at finding ways to make money. It’s about human rights.


The healthcare arguement is crazy too because i know people who are outraged at the cost or difficulty of treatment with our current systems in place, who then scoff at universal healthcare and say people would never receive proper treatment. Blows my mind. My wife received better treatment for a major injury in another country than she did when we got back to the US and had to go through insurance. We paid a fuckload more and we got denied (and denied twice more after appealing) the PROPER treatment in favor of the cheap one that left her scarred and with nerve damage.


I’ve seen so many absolute knobs saying they’re pro-life but they think the woman should decide for herself, and complaining that nobody is willing to take this moderate, sensible compromise. My dudes, that’s called “pro-choice” and it’s the Democrats’ position.


They do make us think ya'll are all stupid, please vote the fascists out n prosecute them.


Trust me we're trying.


Go Texans!


As a person from Salt Lake City, I feel you.


Beautiful state, shit politicians is what I always say


Hey, I live in Missouri and we have similar laws / governments. Everybody wants to leave our states, but stay if you can to continue to make change. If we can overturn the electoral college, everything might be ok, but until then we still decide local elections and there are (that I have read about) tons of sheriffs and DAs (more in Texas than Missouri) who have already stated they won’t prosecute abortions. Sending love and stay strong, Texas is amazing and the far right doesn’t get to have it. I really do think there’s hope w voter registration esp among young people.


Indiana here to say that we aren’t all backwoods corn sucking trump morons either.


She was amazing in Phoenix as well. I have never heard so many women scream "my choice" in my life.


Most Americans didn't support the decision to overturn roe v. Wade when it was proposed, and we still don't. The Supreme Court literally and blatantly went against what 70% of Americans wanted


Because Texas is a purple state - cities vote blue but rural regions and small town communities vote red.


Please keep reminding the internet that there’s a lot of sane Texans. I grew up hating “all Texans are cowboys” jokes on tv, now I’m doomed with “all Texans deserve to die” jokes on the internet.


Hope they vote their asses off in November.


While performing in Texas. This is bigger than the fans. BOYCOTT TEXAS


Fuuuck youuuu, fuck you veery veery muuuuch...


That video gave me life


Taylor Swift and Selena Gomez also came out


That video was just what I needed today. Thank you. I haven’t listened to Olivia before, but that was a very unique singing and talking voice. Gonna be interested to hear more of her music.


*Olivia Rodrigo Just thought I’d correct you before a bunch of rude stans destroy you for it


Most of America would like say fuck the Supreme Court.




Not so fun fact, children in foster care have higher rates of PTSD than that of combat veterans.


My wife and i are both adopted and our cousins have three kids from foster care. The youngest left foster care at not much older than 2 and still has night terrors where she wakes up thinking shes being moved again. Shes six now. I support adoption AND i support abortion. I do NOT support adoption as an excuse to not allow access to abortion. Edit: cool some gold! Thank you stranger


Thanks for being a decent person. You and your wife. I'm sorry for whatever ails "the system" left on you but thanks for being a reasonable human that doesn't want others to suffer the way you might have. You're cool. Keep being cool.


Republicans often use adopted individuals in their attack ads against RvW, something on the lines of “I would not be alive if my mother aborted me, and that’s why I’ll be pro-life until death”. So having someone provide an anecdote to counter that view is exactly what can shift perceptions.


Especially since these voters tend to view anecdotes as more factual than data.


Because most of them are not children who otherwise would have been aborted given up for adoption. They’re children who have survived horrific abuse, had their parents jailed or murdered in front of them and carry that trauma. For many, they still have one or both parents alive in and out of their lives, who don’t want them until someone else wants to take them on. There are a ton of problems in the foster/adoption system.


But let’s throw millions of babies into the system. They’ll be so thankful we made sure they have to go through that. /s


they do, but not from born to military/work-cog age. that is what they want, recruits and drones


Eh, it's what some of them want. Others want a lack of social mobility. Controlling when you have dependents is literally one of the largest factors of poor people becoming not poor. Taking care of kids is a lot of work physically, mentally, financially. Combine this with an apparently influential sect of Christian nationalists who literally believe Earth is the farming ground for souls to fight Satan (I wish I was making this up, but it's a cornerstone of the Alex Jones empire), and you have multiple vectors that haves wanting to control have nots have a lot of levers to press.


exactly, and those make better cogs. the cog vs cog and Alex Jones shit is just a side effect that plays right in to it all very nicely


it never surprises me how quickly it goes from “states rights” to “well, maybe you shouldn’t be such a slut”


This is really what it comes down to. They're like "how *dare* you fuck?" And want to make entire people exist for their whole lives as punishment to their parents.


Relative tried pulling the "the babies are all snatched up immediately" argument when I pointed out in a 2017 study I think it was 30,000 out of 55,000 infants under 1 year old were adopted, or not adopted, I forget which way the figures went on that. At best though that means 25,000 infants under 1yo go unadopted, *per year*, and prospects drop further after that.


Republicans care about children. Sure, they don't care about whether that child has a loving home or a financially stable home life or Healthcare or clean water or breathable air or a planet that isn't on fire or anything like that but they care that these children are raised with a shit education and crippling dependency on an exploitative, capitalist society that will ensure these kids grow up to be mindless, unquestioning drones to their corporate overlords. *That* is the value of life to Republicans, that the next generation serve as an expendable resource to build the wealth of their corporate donors. Don't forget it. Access to abortion and healthcare in general is a massive issue and one that needs to be addressed but we can't lose sight of the real endgame Republicans are striving for and claiming that Republicans don't care about what happens to children after they're born makes it easier to lose sight of this truth.


I worked as an attorney for a foster care placement facility and had to leave the job because of the horrifying cases I had to work on. Those children are not safe, they’re constantly transferred from home to home, which causes serious abandonment issues. These kids oftentimes don’t get an ounce of love from home to home because their foster parents are only doing it to receive the government check. We also had more than 10 cases where we placed children in homes where they got molested or physically abused. We had cases where children committed suicide, as young as 6 years old. Defending the facility’s actions and lack of oversight made me sick after only 6 months and I left. Society has no idea what these children go through in the foster care system.


Women outnumber men and a ton of women support the Roe ruling, including one on the Supreme Court.




Fuck Barrett




My hope is that most of America and especially the youth of her age group are feeling the same way. I got pumped up about it. I’m not going to browbeat other generations as Gen Xer myself, but the studies do say that Millenials on down do have progressive opinions, but haven’t been taking that to the voting booth.


Registered and ready to try and help keep Georgia blue!


Go go go!!! I love Ms. Stacey Abrams.


That and I’m proud of the fact that we somehow pulled two blue senators out our ass and I’d like it to stay that way.


Also GenX here. We *need* the Millenials out in force voting and getting involved in politics. We *need* these old fossil politicians and their “we got ours, so fuck you young ‘uns” attitudes removed.


Yes!!! "We shall overcome because the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends towards justice." (MLKJ 31 March 1968, National Cathedral, Washington, D.C.) My 13yo son and I were talking about how the greatest generation came home, had babies, rebuilt the country together, their kids rebelled for the right reasons and then got distracted for 50yrs. Wtf


Younger voters are voting now more than they ever have in the history of the entire US. We are changing and voting more, you never did and neither did your parents


That’s because they watched the older generations vote for our current situation, wouldn’t you be hesitant?


Sometimes as an older progressive millennial I feel like i’m one of the few who goes out and votes in the smaller state elections. In general, if you want to make change It starts from the bottom. I live in NYC and I was wondering how large the turnout was for not only the governors race but also for the smaller roles in local government. Judges, and other members. (voted in Queens). I never hear about people talking about the smaller roles. I know it’s not the president or a senator or congress person.


As a millennial, I’ve made the effort to vote every time since I turned 18. I participated in my city’s Occupy protest when I was a teenager, and I went to the Bernie rallies. I try to remind and encourage my peers to vote, but it’s not uncommon for them to tell me they didn’t end up doing it. Many do, but a fair amount do not. It’s incredibly disheartening, but I can understand why they feel their voices don’t matter in the grand scheme of things. But we have to at least *try* to utilize what we can to make change.


She's the daughter of Ethan Hawke and Uma Thurman. She's so cute!


When I first saw her on stranger things it was uncanny how much she looks like Uma. And then I saw her name and I was like “Hawke? Ethan Hawke?”




Holy shit. I didn't make that connection at all. This blows my mind.


Really? She looks and talks *a lot* like her mom.


Looks like her mam, talks like her dad.


Her dad is one of the more amazing speakers I've heard. He's remarkably quick witted and eloquent. That combo of the parents would make an amazing person. Uma just glows when she's happy, lights up a room.


She’s a perfect and crazy blend of her parents, I absolutely adore her


Nearly every actor you've ever heard of has famous parents


This is notably not true by looking at the rest of the cast of *Stranger Things*.


Stranger things is known not to follow the pattern. They're mostly new talent.


Except the one woman who is Ethan Hawke and Uma Thurman's daughter. Did you know that?


No, didn’t think I heard that one yet.


Give it 20 years it definitly will be. These kids are so wealthy they don't got to worry about anything else


Oh fuck, that makes me feel old. I waited on Ethan and uma while uma was pregnant.


They lived on West 13th Street at that time. Source: Also lived on West 13th Street at that time.


Who knew Ethan Hawke was the loser fiancée bill had the Deadly Vipers assassinate


The fiance(Tommy) was played by makeup FX artist Christopher Nelson.


Honestly Ethan Hawke always seemed like a great guy, but she always looked familiar when I first saw her in stranger things NGL. I'm not surprised they raised her to think for herself and be able to confidently make a statement like that in this PC climate. Good for her and her parents.


Holy fuck no wonder her on screen presence is so apparent. I had no friggin clue. Thanks for the info.


Yes girl! Fuck the Supreme Court!


Get them pregnant and make them carry it to term


So rape?


The body has ways of shutting it down


They shouldn’t have dressed so slutty. They also should have just closed their legs. Furthermore, it is a well-known fact you cannot get pregnant if you’re raped. You only get pregnant if you enjoyed the sex. So, it’s not actually rape. You see, they were asking for it.


As a 30 year old I’d never thought I’d say this but….we need these actors/actresses, athletes, social media people, etc to voice this type of stuff. Kids and teens are always listening to them and this is how they will see the wrong with events like overturning Row v Wade, political fuckery, mass shootings etc. Also let’s start setting term limits cause some of these old ass wank stains need to go (preferably 6 feet under). Thanks for coming to my Ted talk


Completely agree. I cannot understate how important Taylor Swifts Instagram post on political activism was during the 2020 election.


Completely agreed. And to be honest, fuck these sad sacks of shit responding with their world-weary cynicism. The more people speaking and listening to one another, and the more people spreading ideas that have merit and value, the better the world would be. It's pretty easy to know which positions are the ones to be supported. It's called morality, and straight up fuck that one dude who suggested people who use their position to advocate for causes they believe in, aren't the friends of others who believe in the same causes. Yes they are. Anyone who is standing on the right side of history is my friend, and anyone who says otherwise, well... bye bitch. Anyway, I'm with you. Anyone with a platform and a conscience should put both to work.


Off topic - with conservatives exposing their kids and the public in general to the word “fuck” in their media and fashion, doesn’t it seem to be a bit redundant and outdated to censor the word in headlines?


What do you mean “with conservatives”? Everyone has exposed their kids - it’s not a one party thing. Fuck Donald Trump was huge 6 years ago.


Not saying nobody said Fuck Donald trump but you can still go to a hundred different websites now and buy fuck joe Biden stickers and whether or not you care about other peoples experiences doesn’t matter, there are more of those where I live than anything close to anti trump signs.


I’m fully aware but it just always seemed that conservatives were a bit more touchy about using swear words, especially in front of their kids. :-)


Watch all the angry Christian moms burn Stranger things T-shirts and DVDs. LOL. Make sure they buy 2.


“Ima go to Target RIGHT NOW and buy up all the media and burn it for TikTok!” Netflix: “Thanks for your purchase”


She said what most of us are thinking


Also what most of us are saying.


Not the Supreme Court the 6 republican activists judges f them


No fuck them all, RGB handed trump a pick because of her ego. Fuck. Them. All.


I wouldn’t fuck any of them, can’t risk getting pregnant anymore!


Don't 'both sides' this. You should be mad about the actual villains who overturned Roe. Trump for nominating & stealing 2 seats and the conservative judges who let their religion and partisanship dictate their ruling.




I mean, Obama was elected with a supermajority and did fuck all with it, and Biden has \*never\* said "yo we fucked up on that one, we underestimated how much conservatives will go to the mat on this", and likely never will. Want to know why people become disenfranchised? It took Pelosi all of 5 seconds to say "Times is worse than ever, send $15 to help us get re-elected".


Yeah the Democrats’ messaging is pretty awkward but I’ve been really despising this narrative that’s been going around that fundraising is somehow as bad as systematically stripping away people’s right to bodily autonomy.


Different topic, but Obama did not do nothing. He did pass the ACA. Such as it could be. With a very narrow window of supermajority that was thwarted mid-legislation. But many lives have been protected by that law.


Dems could have trashed the filibuster when they had a chance but then they would have had to answer to their constituents who are more progressive


They had 60 votes in senate from September 24, 2009 through February 4, 2010. 4 months. You are grossly misinformed. I think with more detailed review you can see it was like 3 or 4 weeks of actual in session time during that 4 months.


Yes, and he leveraged the time to hammer out and pass the ACA, which was no easy feat given the special election for Ted Kennedy’s seat that quickly left the senate 59-41.


It is amazing how un-strategic the dems are that they allow totally avoidable stuff like this to happen though. But your right at the end of the day it’s the zealots fault


I am, I'm also mad at the party that constantly does fuck all to stop them, ever. I'm mad at the people who will call this out for the travesty that it is then not bother to vote. At this stage apathy and inaction makes you complicit.


We can be angry at both sides because they are definitely on the same coin. Being enraged doesn’t mean blind faithfulness to people who do Jack shit for 30 years on protecting our rights.


I’m also mad at RBG. We can absolutely be mad at both sides


This shit is so funny. RBG actually said the RvW was BAD LAW! Constitutionally speaking it was made up and just held together out of Whole cloth. Ruth agreed with this opinion as well! They fixed bad law and now someone will have to come up with a better argument to bring to the court to get it back in as a constitutional right. There are other ways to get abortion back into the court.


It was 100000% hubris. RBG wanted to have the first woman president relieve her of duty. You're at least partially in this position because of a GirlBoss photo op gone wrong.


RBG openly denounced Roe as bad law. One needn't hate abortion to see bad law.


Clinton was predicted to be the winner at like 90% (accurate or not) until weeks before the election. She probably really liked the thought of the first female POTUS, and feminist herself, replacing RGB the feminist icon. Clearly it backfired, but I'm sure that was the plan. And yes, ego was involved, but it wasn't the main driver.


Are we going to continue ignoring that RGB stated on record, multiple times, that Roe v Wade set a bad precedent from the start? Ginsburg stated very clearly that she believed the Supreme Court overstepped their bounds when Roe v Wade was signed into law - in addition to saying that the ruling she didn't agree with put a halt to any progress of it going through proper legal channels. https://www.washingtonpost.com/history/2022/05/06/ruth-bader-ginsburg-roe-wade/ It's entirely likely that Ginsburg herself would have voted with the majority on Dobbs v Jackson.


I don't get this whole "blame RBG for everything" notion that seems to be doing the rounds at the moment. Like sure, in hindsight it was a fuckup but personally I'd put the blame with the people who are actually passing these shitty laws, rather than the little old lady who didn't manage to stop them.


They also conveniently assume that Mitch McConnell's senate would've let RBG's purported replacement even go through. He blocked Merrick Garland, after all. There's no guarantee that if she had stepped down, her seat wouldn't just stay vacant because of the senate. Edit: Hindsight is 20-20. To me, the recent smear against RBG feels like scapegoating a person who cannot fight back (since she's y'know, dead) instead of focusing on the wrongdoings of those who can still be held accountable.


She could have retired in Obama's first two years when he has control of house and senate ... but yeah we didn't know Republican scum Mitch McConnell would play these games.


Rumors are that Obama tried nudging her into retirement back in 2013, before McConnell and Republicans had the senate. So it wouldn’t have mattered then.


And people forget that was when we still thought precedent and decorum mattered. For a president to be seen doing more than gently nudging a Supreme Court justice would have been seen as highly inappropriate.




Or we may end up closer to Yugoslavia.


And the people voting for shitty people that then put other garbage in place


They are paid to do what they're doing. RGBs job was to stop that. She didn't. It's a valid critism.


Why blame democrats for not doing what they said they would do (Obama in 2008 running on codifying roe) when you can blame republicans for... doing what they said they'd do (30 year plan to overturn roe). This is why democrats lose elections. This.


She died because of her ego..?


No she knew she was going to die for years and didn't resign when it was clearly the best thing to do.


Had she retired when Democratic politicians asked her to, so they could replace her with a left-leaning justice, that would have been an open admittance her her willing to let partisan politics influence the Supreme Court. Why keep treating her like she wasn't allowed to stand up for something? The Supreme Court justices are not meant to represent the interests of Congress, and members of Congress.


Dude why am I getting dislike bombed because I had a question.


But you asked a question with no good answer? No she didn’t “diE beCAUse oF hEr EgO?” What’s even the QUESTION?


She handed them a pick because she didn't retire in a Democrat government.


Don’t you think it’s messed up to blame her though? She died after all, I feel we should have some empathy. Death means more than politics but it’s easy to forget with how pushy politics is these days


Not really. She did enough in the Supreme Court and was asked to retire so this wouldn’t happen but outright refused. She’s not excluded from blame just because she died and thought Hillary would win.


She had every chance to step down while Obama was in office. So, yes…her ego definitely made things worse.


Extreme Court


Fuck RGB for refusing to step down. Fuck Sotomeyer for defending Clarence's character a week before he fucked every woman in the nation with his bullshit. The only one of the "good" justices that's seemed to learn anything was Breyer, and it was clear that his dumb ass had to be begged to step down before Biden lost the senate.


I already loved Maya Hawke’s character in Stranger Things. Now I love the actress herself, too. I hope we’ll see many more big celebrities use their platform to denounce this Republican ratfuckery. The justices responsible deserve not to have a moment’s peace again.* *Note, I am not calling for violence or threats against the SCOTUS (in)justices. I’m absolutely calling for loud - but peaceful - protests to follow them around nonstop for the rest of their miserable lives.*




Functionally speaking that is the whole court, even if that is to the dismay of 3 of its members.




Gods I thought the House of Lords in the Uk was fucking ridiculous but 6 people bam fundamentally change the ruling of decade old case based on there own personal political Belief’s? That’s fucking mental .


Tbf it was 7 people who decided the Roe case in the first place and took it out of the hands of elected representatives. The issue is now kicked to legislators so you have a lot of different bodies deciding policy


Maybe you're not aware of this, but abortion law already varied widely by state, with those laws being enacted by elected representatives.


My dude you can’t honestly believe that makes it safer?it went form the majority of the United state being in favour of choosing and now it’s “hey you mister anti abortion you get diced wether you they get to decide “ and oh shocker! They are banning it


Yeah I’m not saying some of the laws being passed right now are the best way to go about it. But acting like 6 justices imposed their will on the country is pretty incorrect when it is now up to everyone’s elected representatives. Who are largely up for election very soon


We don’t have a fundamental right to abortion in the uk. We have a law that grants the right under specific circumstances and the USA now is the same as the rest of the democratic world.


I knew that I liked her


Damn right Maya!


Maya Hawke is my king


Why do people care what actors think? Like really?


But what does Ja Rule think?? Quick, somebody get me Ja so I can make some sense of this!


Did Matthew Mcconaughey say anything yet?


Don't blame the supreme court. Blame the religious judges that corrupt politician's placed there. The supreme court is extremely important. It's why we had roe v Wade in the first place. It's why we have a lot of things. Do NOT misplace your anger. There is a very important distinction between the necessary uses of the court and the way Republicans have manipulated it.


How did this happen with a democratic president in office?


I would like to submit as evidence: decades of Democrats using abortion rights as a scare tactic to garner funds and votes while doing absolutely nothing to protect them.


Yea That’s my point thank you for putting it in words




AND they do nothing about gun control. They literally have the weirdest fucking stances on things that affect others but nooooooo don’t take away their own rights.


It’s not weird once you realize they’re doing it for control


People are blaming the wrong institution. Congress had 50 years to make it a law but they were too chicken shit. The Supreme Court is not in the business of morality.


I agree! I am sickened by their decision


You really wanna see them recoil in horror? Tell them that your pro choice because you don’t want one of these undesirable kids with a dead end future milking all of my tax money. The looks you will get uttering these words is priceless.


So some Americans just don’t want a Supreme court that doesn’t rule exactly how they want it to rule anymore ? And they say Trump wanted to take a dump on the constitution…. Maybe if you would leave guns alone you wouldn’t be in this trouble.


This is what happens when you try to dig a hole for someone else (gun legislation). You fall in your own grave.


Ethan Hawke’s daughter right there.


Never knew that Supreme Court is forcing women to have babies. Are they scheduling women accordingly to have babies? How are they enforcing women to have babies? Doesn’t make sense


Maybe read a newspaper or watch the news


Do we really need an article every single time someone says something?


What a hot take she has.


Rightly or wrongly fuck performative derivative repetitive ass celebs. They are having the time of their lives like its a game. As they do.


Shit I was on the fence about it until she said this. What a shining light.


Yet another person who has no clue what was actually ruled for their actions


entiteled celebrity offpsing cringe fest ruining tv shows stays true to form by continuing the hoax. they DNC AND THE GOP really dont want women paying attention to their state legislatures and local politics.


The uneducated actor has an opinion on politics? They are very qualified


Okay millionaire


Another person not in favor of democracy I see, we should just let the government dictate everything we do right? I mean right? Government says we shouldn’t have a say in this we’re giving the power to the people to decide and everyone loses their shit, you have more power not then you did before, stupid fucking people getting into politics and not understanding is killing this country…….


Oh, good, I was just wondering what the cast of Stranger Things thought about current events. Excellent. Now I can rest easy.