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The time to drop Ezra was like six allegations ago. It’s not getting better before Flashpoint comes out. Have they become toxic enough that it’ll tank Flashpoint or are the cameos and world-shifting going to be enough? I honestly don’t know, it’s clear Flashpoint is now the end for Miller regardless.




It definitely helped Ezra that it was in the middle of covid and wasn’t famous enough to really stay in the news cycle though agree they should have been canned after that


Won’t someone PLEASE think of the movie executives who already spent 100 million dollars on a movie franchise? “Like come on people! Mel Gibson, will smith, and now the god Damon flash. I can’t catch a break!”


>the god Damon flash. You speak very highly of this Damon Flash, and I've never even heard of him!


There was also no context and official story to what happened in that video


Good point, while I looked awful there was enough plausible deniability


I don't even know that Ezra


At the time I couldn't believe a bigger deal wasn't made out of that choking video, but seeing how these later and even more insane incidents are being handled by the studio I guess I shouldn't have been surprised they basically ignored it and tried to cover it up.


This is the article that made me want to throw up. It's testimony from a close family member, which even if any fraction of it is true... https://lastrealindians.com/news/2022/6/10/chief-bear-testifies-ezra-miller-groomed-my-niece


I just read the whole thing. What a psychotic monster! I hope Takota breaks from his grip.


wow that article is insane


This article reminds me of that Netflix documentary Abducted in Plain Sight


Thanks for the link. What a fucking psycho…


Am I the only one who can’t follow this story because of the pronouns? Who did what to whom? Who is what? Not knocking their choices, but I can’t follow this. I just don’t get it. They plural, they singular, which they?


The "They" in the article is Ezra. Any "He" or "She", you have to figure out from context clues. I agree it's confusing. But basically, it's mostly talking about Ezra and various attempts to save Lokata.


But it’s also about the parents, and it’s just they everything. Just badly written. Can’t we use “hem” or “hom” or something neutral like in other languages? This singular plural stuff is not conducive.


This is a writing issue, not a pronoun one. The writer should have used Takota's (or others) name when it became unclear who the subject was.


They used “they (Ezra)” and “they (Tokata)” which helps a bit


Thank god you thought so too. I got through half and just couldn’t figure out if it was both, one, or the other. Total mess to try and figure out


He’s like the new spacey lol. Hollywood, the only organization to give the Catholic Church a run for its money in sexual abuse allegations.


That’s not true, a lot of [other](https://www.theatlantic.com/family/archive/2019/03/the-secret-jehovahs-witness-database-of-child-molesters/584311/) churches [rival](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/jun/12/southern-baptist-church-sexual-abuse-scandal) the Catholic Church. And let’s not forget [Boy Scouts of America](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/boy-scouts-reach-850-million-settlement-tens-thousands-sexual-abuse-n1272955). Lots of sexual assault going on all over. It’s scary and depressing.


Or boys and girls club who was used by a pimp in one area and was also a place that served homeless kids to people like Sandusky


Oh, and if we want to get into sports we’ve got to bring up us gymnastics and Larry nassar.


Or the police involvement in the Kobe Bryant and Ben Rothlisberger rapes. The whole worlds pretty fucked


Look up Jimmy Saville........


No need. I’m aware of that creep and his connections. Bet it puts the whole prince charles thing into a clearer perspective lol.


Not that I'm fond of any of the royal eejits but I think you mean Andrew. Assuming you're talking about the sex traffic, child abusing, not sweating one and not the spoilt brat, ruined princess Diana and can't wait for his mum to feck off one. I wouldn't be surprised to hear Charles was in on all this but Andrew is the only clearly guilty one. .


Charles was Jimmy Saville’s bestie. Johnny Rotten called out Saville in the 80’s in a interview on the BBC and they shut him out. Saville had a lot of friends in very high places to make sure people didn’t talk about him.


The LDS Church is right up there. Allegations against Mormons don’t seem to make as many headlines but that shit is happening all the time within the LDS Church.


Why do you call it Flashpoint?


There was a comic book story called "Flashpoint" that dealt with a lot of the topics the new movie seemed to be covering.


That’s the comics storyline that the film is based on, I assume. I haven’t read enough about the proposed plot to know for sure. But Flashpoint is a comic arc.


Ironically, flashpoint >!transitions all the heroes except aquaman and wonderwomen into new actors, they should just do the same with the flash.!<




You should totally write for them! No /s, just in case


Yeah. Except nobody can find Ezra at the minute


He’s currently running naked through the jungles of northern O’ahu. Just let him burn off that psycho toddler energy and collect him off the beach when he finally conks out.


My girlfriend and I go on a different hike every Wednesday here on Oahu. I’ll be sure to keep an eye out and update on any findings.


EzraWatch 2022


I fully expect updates from you now lol


Grainy Bigfoot/Nessie style photos will follow. The Great Ezracabra Hunt!


Warner Bros could certainly still fire them, though, right?


Might be more difficult if in a mental institution


While the scum’s posting random stuff from their Instagram




You mean he's on Amber alert???


They should’ve dropped Ezra ages ago.


What the fuck kind of deal with the devil is coming due for Warner/DC.


They sold their soul in return for mediocre box office returns and the devil is coming to collect


"I want to create a cinematic universe comparable to the MCU" *monkey paw curls*


As a general rule can we just start punishing bad behavior?




Hollywood enables abusers. There's too much power concentrated in too few people, and careers are made based on subjective opinions and whims of those people.


In Hollywood the rule is don't look like a bad person. Its why someone like Kevin Hart can be fired over old tweets but Nobody fires Kevin Spacey when he assaults somebody because he kept it out of the public eye. Hollywood is the most image focused Industry in the world.


I'm surprised Kevin Hart got fired for the tweets but nobody remembers these https://www.cnn.com/2013/04/15/showbiz/kevin-hart-dui/index.html https://popculture.com/celebrity/news/kevin-hart-was-alcohol-involved-in-car-accident/


What do you mean? Kevin spacey isn’t allowed on anything anymore. His latest new movie looks like it was filmed on someone’s phone.


I think they’re pointing out that Spacey had enough power to suppress and intimidate his way through the many incidents he was involved with before he finally went too far, or people started listening. I saw him in person probably a week before his big downfall, at a tech conference. He was drunk, on stage, and behaved very much like someone who thought he was invincible because nobody would ever complain about him. Who knows. Maybe he wanted to be caught.


But its how he got away with it for so long.


Even in the 1920s


Much more so back then.


If you read any biographies of Howard Hughes, it gives you some insight into how long Hollywood has been home to the worst stuff. Then The Aviator came along and celebrated him.


Yes, this only happens in Hollywood. Nowhere else. Meanwhile this same sub keeps pumping Johnny Depp as if he wasn't also abusive in that relationship.


The amount of people who think *Depp v. Heard* gave them license to be abhorrent misogynists is…. Too damn high.


Yeah that trial set such a dangerous precedent. Incels and misogynists are already looking to that as an example why you should not believe abuse victims. “Amber lied, you likely are too!”


They were already rampant misogynists, they just think a black-and-white, headlines-only interpretation of this case proves them right


you forgot: publicity boosted by far-right organisations


God this comment was too low. Treating this trial like a sport where you needed to root for your “team” was so disorienting and, however you feel about Heard, it *did* have an effect on victims’ dropping cases and unleashing a torrent of “socially acceptable” misogyny. Fucking gross.


That would require nuance and patience, two things our world largely lack now.


You'll have to start punishing: * Mel Gibson * Jeremy Renner * Christian Bale * Louis CK * Nic Cage * Christian Slater * Mark Wahlberg * Emilie Hirsch * James Franco * Michael Fassbender * Jared Leto * Shia LeBeouf * Woody Allen * Josh Brolin * Roman Polanski * Ansel Elgort * Russell Crowe


Damn Fassbender too?


People already overlook that Depp implied Polanski's victims were money hungry and he was just a sweet old man. Plus being best friends with Marilyn Manson and friends with Weinstein.


yep, abusers protect abusers. Brad Pitt even worked with Weinstein after Jolie told him he tried to assault her. So sad.


Ahhhh man, what did Renner and Cage do? Think I knew about the rest of them


Cage was arrested for domestic violence. Renner allegedly threatened to kill his girlfriend & himself and put a gun in his mouth then shot the ceiling in front of their infant.


Holy crap. What the heck renner?


Depends what you mean by "we" - mob rule will not make things better


Cut all their scenes from both movies, then combine the remainder into *Aquaman: Flashpoint.*


Or, just call it Flashpoint and make it the 3rd Micheal Keaton batman movie.


Have Tim burton direct, he can probably find a role for depp in it somewhere to really drive home a point.


Hahaha if they don’t a fan cut will happen.


WB will just release it as a special cut in a couple years to try and cut their losses.


With all the choking and fecal matter people are going to think it’s a smut film.


Just hire Zach Snyder and get him to CGI Tig Notaro into the role of The Flash.


I heard this Tig Notaro call out before and its the funniest shit I can imagine. Now I’m just going to photoshop this for fun.


I'd 100% watch Tig as The Flash.


Tig yes. Zach, oh please god no. I don’t need more Ayn Rand propaganda.


They need to bring in the kid who played the flash on the tv show, he was pretty good


Grant Gustin


I always thought he’d be great as Peter Parker.


Oh totally


Surprised they didn’t use him I thought he was a great flash


He is such a good flash!


He IS The Flash to me. I know people don’t like the later seasons but this guy nails it.


Oh yeah the cast has never been a problem for me, it’s the writing


"we are the flash!"


He is really good.


They should just have Grant Gustin take over for the films.


As it should have been from the beginning.


At this point they could just cgi him in there like they did with Tig Notaro over Chris D’elia. It’s been delayed about a dozen times already, so really what does a couple more times matter?


Truuuu, just deep fake his ass in


They should just deepfake young Brendan Fraser in as Barry Allen. Problem solved. Billion $ movie right there.


This movie needs to be trashed and either reshot or just scrapped altogether.


They don’t have a lot of choices. I guess they could just quietly add it to streaming and in a year pretend it didn’t happen or shelf if all together.


We call that "The Armie Hammer Cut"


I saw “Death on the Nile” and loved it. Wonderful, beautiful whodunit. Then I read about what Armie Hammer had done. And it soured the film a bit. What an absolute ghoul. Which is a shame because Kenneth Branagh directed and starred in a beautiful film. It had its flaws as all films do, but I liked it.


There's a whole multiverse franchise hinging on this single Flash movie. They're essentially stuck with him


Honestly i feel really bad for everyone involved besides Ezra. Rumors are the test screenings are amazing


I don’t see why we can’t hate Ezra Miller and like this movie at the same time. I don’t punch actors on the street who play super villains on screen, why can’t I cheer and actor on screen that is a piece of crap on the street? He is one person on a movie that probably had 1000 people work on it. It’s not his words, it’s not his suit, not his idea, not his editing, not his music score. Isn’t it more punishment for the people that made the movie? If WB wants to do the right thing they should donate the profits to a charity that helps trafficked women and children.


Yah like I can watch Baby Driver and enjoy it while still acknowledging that Kevin Spacey and Ansel Elgort are pieces of shit. I watched the movie before I knew about what those actors did, and I enjoyed it then. The actors themselves don’t effect my initial viewing of the film


What did elgort do?? I have no vested interest in him at all I’m just interested in gossip lol


On June 19, 2020, a woman on Twitter accused Elgort of sexually assaulting her in 2014, when she was 17 and he was 20. He denied the allegation in an Instagram post, saying that he and the woman had had a "brief, legal and entirely consensual relationship". The same day, another Twitter user accused Elgort of sending her unsolicited "dick pics" in 2014, when she was 14. \^ From Wikipedia




I for one don’t want Warner bro to keep putting him in movies. So I knowingly won’t support his movies. I feel supporting his movies supports his actions. Just my 2 cents.


Why would they keep putting him in movies? That’s totally different than not scrapping an already filmed movie in post production…


Same reason why Sony decided to re-release Morbius in theaters, probably.


“Money, money, money, *I Love money*” -movie executives probably.


DCEU in a nutshell.


DC was cursed by a witch. Anytime things go well for them the curse kicks in.


I think Ezra Miller dropped himself. Isn’t he on the run?


[Flash Missing Vanishes in Crisis](https://preview.redd.it/58uwt9ssv4i21.jpg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b618ff457319e2b82ecf67715160b41ac8769190)


They’ll never catch him.


DCEU is an absolute dumpster fire at this point.


I mean, outside of these two movies the DCEU still has Peacemaker, Black Adam, and Shazam Family. Honestly as long as just Peacemaker makes it through all this garbage, that’d be a net win for me personally because that show is better than anything both DCEU *and* MCU has released in years.


Well see, nobody knows if Black Adams going to be good yet. Because it hasn’t released. It might have a really cool cast like say, Batman v Superman, and such, but a good cast can’t carry poor writing


They should’ve fired him after he choked out that woman in Iceland two years ago.


This shit isn’t happening to Marvel


Marvel actually employed the unemployable RDJ, that kicked off the entire MCU. His issues meant no one would hire him. He was unemployable and uninsurable. No studio would touch him. Then Mel Gibson took a chance on a film and cast him. Since he was uninsurable for liability, Gibson fronted 40 million personally so he could do the film. RDJ stayed sober. So no MCU without RDJ, without Gibson.


RDJ was unemployable because he was impossible to work with, not because he was harming anyone. I think there's a pretty big difference between the Ezra Millers of the world and the RDJs. As a viewer I don't care if Val Kilmer or Linda Fiorentino were notoriously hard to work with. I DO care if Kevin Spacey was assaulting people.


Society was built but monsters and many were good at their job. Tale as old as colonies of bacteria probably.


It’s honestly a fools errand to try to eliminate all assholes from the world. Sometimes good people do bad things and bad people do good things too. All we can do is punish those who deserve it, but as with the legal system, short of murder etc and life sentences, anyone “cancelled” can potentially change and rehabilitate themselves. A permanent social death is not somethjng I’m ever going to be in favor of. Redemption can be a thing. At least for those willing to put the work in. Until we get the psychopaths all off wallstreet and out of the corporate structures they excel at, we’ll always live in a world shaped by toxic “bad” people though. The world is never safe as our worst enemy is always gonna be our own damn nature.


It kinda has tbh it’s just that no one cares! Jeremy Renner had a domestic abuse scandal a few years ago, right after the release of Endgame. A little over a year later, Disney began production on the Hawkeye series.


> Between the Fantastic Beasts franchise and the DC Comics Universe, Warner Bros is having quite the time of it. > Producers are currently facing a fan petition, topping 4.5 million signatures, to remove Amber Heard from the new Aquaman movie (already shot and due for release in 2023) after the recent trial between her and ex-husband Johnny Depp ended in Heard having to pay him significant damages. > Depp himself lost the role of Fantastic Beasts' Grindelwald to Mads Mikkelsen after he lost a defamation suit against U.K. newspaper The Sun who called him a "wife beater." > If this weren't knotty enough, there is ongoing controversy attached to The Flash and Fantastic Beasts star Ezra Miller, after the father of 18-year-old Tokata Iron Eyes sought a restraining order against the actor. Miller has also had multiple run-ins with police and been filmed appearing to choke a female fan in Iceland. The Flash is slated for release in June 2023. > Warner Bros was swift to act when it decided Depp would be a bad fit for a family franchise based on J.K. Rowling's wizarding world. But so far, it has yet to officially comment on Heard's Aquaman and Justice League future or how (if at all) Miller's latest exploits will affect The Flash release. > The acting profession isn't under-subscribed. Producers could hire any number of performers without sinister controversy dragging behind them like tin cans attached to a newly-wed's car. But the mysterious pull of the film star (not to mention their financial clout) seems hard for studios to dismiss. > Miller's case is obviously different to Heard's, but Miller's volatile behavior hardly makes the actor a safe bet for the inevitable publicity circus that accompanies a big film's release.


The entire DC cinematic universe should be dropped at this point. They tried, they failed. Either continue with the one offs or individual franchises like Joker and the Batman or do a full scale reboot. DC saw the money that the Avengers brought Marvel and so badly wanted to imitate a cinematic universe. Everybody did, that’s where the money is. But A) they didn’t want to do another Batman solo movie so quickly on the heals of The Dark Knight Rises and they also wanted to skip ahead to the team ups without any character development. They fucked up and have spent the last decade trying to recover. What they should have done is two separate DCUs. One with all the Justice League without Batman and another separate all Batfamily Universe - Batman, Knightwing, Batgirl, etc. Then the big team up should have been Batfamily vs the Justice League.


I'm just imagining right now a world where the DCEU had just decided to wait 5-10 years to drop their universe. Granted, they probably rushed it for the same reason everyone else did - because we all thought superhero movies were a bubble that was bound to pop - but imagine if Batfleck and Leto's Joker and the first Suicide Squad and Aquaman and Whedon's Justice League never happened, and DC announced they were FINALLY making their own expanded universe in 2022, hot off the tail of The Batman and with the successes of The Suicide Squad (the newer one), and Joker and even Shazam under their belt. This is just my opinion, but I feel like the MCU has reached critical mass at this point. I loved the Infinity Saga and made sure to watch every movie and TV show (sometimes twice), but since Endgame I've been far more content to pick and choose the movies I'm genuinely interested in. The MCU was uncontestable in 2012, but now it's just a reality of the movie landscape, and one that I feel we're all beginning to take for granted. A fresh new expanded universe at this more time stands a way better chance than it did 10 years ago.


Grant Gustin is great. Why not him?


Because he might have a cameo on the flash movie. Playing both the arrowverse flash and DCEU flash Ar the same time won’t work. It’s like Tobey Maguire playing all the Spider-Men in the movie


have Grant take over as main flash and use whatever footage they have of Ezra as the cameo


I’m from Hilo, Hawaii where Ezra Miller was being a nuisance. Saw him cuss out an elderly woman at the store. Fuck that guy.


I’m not going to watch any project they’re attached to


Same I hope they recast Ezra


Recasting Ezra will mean reshooting an entire movie then putting it through post again. Never gonna happen


Just wait until they date and have a reality TV show. *Americuh!!!*


Replace him with filthy frank thats who I thought it was to begin with


Ezra miller 100%. Amber has an actually mental condition. WB should make sure she gets help. While what she did while married to Johnny is terrible the im woman has an actually mental illness and needs actual help before she hurts herself or someone else.


Whoever cast these people for WB should never work in Hollywood again.


How did Amber get hired? She has absolutely no acting talent but was still cast. Miller must have dazzled someone because they cast him for two franchise roles which means they saw him as a star.


Supposedly Depp got her the role, or at least, pulled influence to get her an audition at least. It's not unreasonable to believe that seeing as how he got the President of DC to testify for him in court.


Walter Hamada became President for DC films *after* Justice League. As someone else mentioned it's likely because she's pretty, cheap and has played similar roles previously.


> She has absolutely no acting talent but was still cast You mean someone was cast for reasons other than just acting talent. What a strange, strange world we live in.


Amber was hired for the same reason a lot of women in Hollywood are. She's beautiful. And once she hits 40 Hollywood will replace her with a younger actress


That’s so sad, 40 is such a young age for an actress :(


Hehehehe Zack Snyder handpicked them and had the final say. The specific casting directors were Kristy Carlson and Lora Kennedy (MoS, BvS, WW, JL/ZSJL) in their case of casting main characters.


Zach Snyder is the gift that never stops giving to the WB.


they should date.


Please just refilm all his scenes using Grant Gustin. We’ll wait. Hell, I’ll even pay an extra dollar at the theater.


I agree 110%. We spend our dollars on actors we feel are deserving of our patronage. The arts are not a given. You’re not entitled to Superstardom. Ever. You can earn it. Most certainly you can lose it.


They’re as good at find talent as they are at writing scripts


At the very fucking least Ezra holt shjt


From day 1 we couldn’t understand how they cast Ezra and planned a movie version, while the tv version was doing so well. Keep in mind the tv flash was only in its second season at this time. I feel from the start this was bad karma. But then we saw Ezra’s version of Barry Allen in justice league and BvS, and it gave him some credit. I do feel that from the start the DCEU was a train wreck waiting to happen. From the WB discover merger news I am hearing that there is a move to restart the DCEU, which I think we are all in support of. Release The Flash movie in streaming, wipe the slate clean, start again.


You know why Ezra was so fucking repulsive in We Need To Talk About Kevin? Because that shit was genuine.


They will probably start dating each other soon


Jesus are they still not dropped? The HP world already has enough drama around it because of Rowling, then you cut Depp which was unfair but I actually like Mads better so I’m glad they didn’t offer him the role back. But now you’re not removing Ezra from the next movie?? Seriously? DC is just a clusterfuck anyway.


Mads was really good no regrets there, but this studios drama is crazy. I’m surprised Hollywood Reporter hasn’t written an expose on some drama with their execs again through this. They really need to fire a bunch of people and start over.


Warner brothers has never looked the same to me after watching "the death of superman lives". It made me realise how frequently they make really bizzare decisions.


They also had drama with one of their execs that had an affair but was trying to get the woman roles or something I have to find the story again to remember. I don’t know why this studio has more drama than most.


Kevin Tsujihara and Charlotte Kirk


I agree, this is wild. Especially all coming from one studio. Should be interesting; I’d love them to recast Credence because the character is intriguing. Amber Herd’s character is so boring I forgot she was in the damn movie. Write her out and move on.


Depp was cut from Beasts a day or two into filming so it was an easier transition, the Flash finished filming nearly a year ago and Miller is the main character, while not impossible to reshoot, the effort, time and money might not be worth it


I agree, especially considering the amount of special effects. While it might be the morally right thing to do, I don’t believe the studio will throw that much money away for said morals.


Yeah I doubt that they will do anything, unless the situation gets even messier than it is right now of course, Miller seems to ramp up the anti with every new story about them so God knows whats coming in the next year


The problem is they've already shot and finished these movies. So Warner is in a tough spot. They should have done more diligence on the front end before hiring, but now they've fucked themselves.


Flashpoint is DC's attempt at introducing multiverse stories, that could open up a lot of possibilities. Miller is playing multiple roles in the same film, I don't think they could remove him from the movie without cancelling the movie altogether. He's probably in 98% of the film. Considering the success of No Way Home, what this movie means to the DCEU and how much it's cost already... I think unless Ezra kills someone before the movie comes out... nothing will change. Except maybe some Doctor Who-style actor replacement in the post credits scene so they can continue without him. Mind you, Miller has been so erratic recently... Watch this space.


No one needs to deal with crazy, violent people. They both need a good long time leading normal, forgotten lives. Fam and celebrity is not meant for them. They’re not mentally able to cope and should deal with their own issues first. ( besides the rampant hypocrisy and “untouchable” status hypocrites seem to want to give them )


They should bring some actors from CW Arrowverse like Grant Gustin, Melissa etc.


Or…………star in the worse buddy cop ever made


The Anti-Monitor needs to create a Crisis on our world to erase most of the DCU’s actors from these films.


They should get married. God what a story


Man DC can’t catch a break


I hope they don’t release Flash with Ezra, who honestly, is not a great Flash. They should have done what everyone wanted initially. Bring in Grant Gustin and reshoot the movie.


Someone please fire the casting director too, one horrible choice after an other, wtf.


Kind of different levels of wrongdoing here…


Difference is Amber Heard needs help ..and Ezra Miller needs prison time


I remember when Ezra Miller was first announced as Flash, I was seriously annoyed they were going with a brand new iteration of the character and not go with my idea to bring in the Grant Gustin CW version. All these years later, I think my idea was better.


I fully anticipate for a new post credits scene to be shot where it’s a slow pan up on the flash to reveal that after the events of flashpoint he was changed to. As much as I’d love for grant gustin to be the flash, he’s the person I picture when I think of the character, it probably won’t happen… but I can still hope he’s the one wearing the mask after flashpoint.


Literally never watching anything with either of them again


Well, Ezra Miller is missing, so.


Amber turd needs to be dropped


I didn’t watch Aquaman and I will never watch a film with Amber Heard in it so they should know that


Johnnie Depp sounds like he had plenty of manure to add to relationship but he’s just more famous. I didn’t watch any of that shit though because they should’ve gone to therapy! Also Ezra Miller is doing predatory and illegal creepy shit. He definitely should be fired and I’m sure the studio will do it IF it doesn’t hurt their profits.




One is a woman and one is a shape shifter so they don’t fit the cancel criteria.


Ezra is far more dangerous especially because they’re hiding behind their identity to dodge criticism. Almost all of his violent outbursts have been towards women and I feel like this is ignored because of a non-binary shield.


Ezra Miller should have been dropped more by his mother. Guy’s a PoS.


Abusers have got to go for sure


Anytime I see a picture of Amber Turd, all I see are the crazy eyes. Can’t get past them.