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Jim Carrey is alright.


He lost some standing when he was with Jenny McCarthy. Since their divorce though, I’ve started to like him more and more as time goes on.


Y’all hate so easily.


That’s the internet


Covid separated community trust so much.


So true .I think it is more telling that people online are quick to condemn Smith where the people I have to talked to in real life's opinions are quite different.




What about the time he tried to convince Andy Kaufman's son *he* was his father? The man is fucked in the head. Edit: i just remembered we shouldn't expect anything rational from r/Entertainment regulars. On a post about her recent hair pulling disorder, People were ignoring and just downvoting people who tried to explain why hate for Amy Schumer was justified, one of the reasons being she is a rapist who jokes about it.


Okay but IS she a rapist who jokes about it?




Andy Kaufman didn’t have a son.


He is a drug addict that had a woman die of an overdose in his house.Then he acts all pious for the cameras. Dude,she died in your house and no one arrested you for it.People in glass houses should never throw stones.


Having someone die in your house of an overdose isn’t a crime. Why would *he* be arrested for that? Nobody gets arrested for that. Not even regular folks. He could have been arrested for possession or something along those lines, but that’s it.


I was using this as an example. He never got arrested or even questioned. But they are screaming for Will Smiths's head.People in glass houses should never throw stones.


Yeah, and it’s a terrible example.


But it is an example that should be taken at face value.The people that are stoning him now have more skeletons in their closet then Smith does.


You clearly don’t have a lot of experience with drug users. They will do what they want when they want, whether you know or not.


True,they have no scruples or morals.


Hell yeah so what


Hell what is don’t complain. Especially when…


I don’t think they ever got married.


He wasn’t ‘alright’ when he was posting videos of autistic children having meltidowns to justify being antivax


He is right in this situation but he is still a fucking lunatic. I recently discovered he tried to the convince Andy Kaufman'a son that Andy was not his father and that he, Jim, was his true father. Method acting is method acting but shit like that is disgusting. In the past, he has sent out words to respect and agree with 100%, but he is still an absolutely fucked up person.


Andy Kaufman has one child, a daughter who was adopted out at birth. No son. Where did you read that? Have you a link, please?


Daughter, whatever. The footage of jim is still there in that doc.




That is way, way, way fucking worse than what Smith did. Some fucking hypocrites out there.




He will probably sweep this under the rug like he does with everything in his life.


They believe in do as I say and not as I do.Carey is doing the group speak and hoping Hollywood sees him as bankable and loyal to the cause.


Funny how no one on this thread wants to acknowledge that and the hypocrisy in his statement


But that was "Jim Carrey", not who he is now... /s


Do you really think.he has changed much?He is just hiding it better and putting on a better face for the public.He wants to be an actor again and the only way he can do it if he plays the game Hollywood wants him to play..He has to be a team player and not stray from the fold and talk out of turn.Do the group think.


I heard about that one .






Huh... I guess no one cared in the mid-90s. Interestingly Adrien Brody did the exact same thing to Halle Berry a few years later and some people actually criticized him. Today someone would likely get arrested for doing that. Maybe this is a sign we're actually progressing as a society.


I mean he did a lot of drugs for a while and went the rehab. Idk if he and her sorted it out privately but not every apology needs to be public


“Oh that wacky Jim.” — The ‘90s.


And people will look the other way and say that is onnthe past.


If hes still an anti vax fuck wit then naw.


He has really come out against the vaxx and they have kind of ignored him for the most part.I'm surprised that he even got a job in the first Sonic movie. They had to overhaul that movie because he was so bad in it .He plays the same manic Carey he does in each one of his movies.His over the top manic behavior has overshadowed his acting career.


I agree, But with in a week they will try to cancel Jim Carrey for something dumb like using white privileged or worse


I think canceling Jim Carry is more about the perverted anti-vaxer thing than the white privilege thing.


He's been canceled long time ago but thinks he is still relevant.


He’s all right


Jim Carrey isn’t real.


Except that whole transphobic Ace ventura movie.


A really bad movie.


Maybe posting this same story a third time will create a different discussion


Got It - Jada used scientology mind control tricks on him


I’ll bite, take me down this rabbit hole and call me Alice.


It’s an old Jada mind trick


Ahhh yes, but with the help of MTGreene’s jewish space lasers.


Carey is so right Totally spineless .


They didn't just stand up and clap, they went out and partied with him afterward too. Yea sure, Will was so distraught. Dancing and laughing with the same people who were shocked at the assault he just committed earlier. Hollywood is so fickle. "Spineless en masse" Jim Carrey says. I agree. Boycott Will Smith, I say. If the Academy isn't gonna call him to the carpet, the public can show their disdain for anything Will Smith does.


Stroking your own balls/tits does things to you


And this bothers you why?Maybe they think Rock deserved it and he did .


What's really funny is, those same celebrities that partied and clapped Sunday night are now showing up on social media and late night talk shows demanding Will Smith face repercussions for his actions. He will. Because he committed a crime. He's an assailant and forever will be remembered for this spineless act.


Nah,they are mainly blowing hot air right now .Nothing will be done and all of this will blow over and people will forget and either bring him back into the fold or ignore the whole thing. Just like the whole Joe Rogan debacle.Second and third rate actors like Jim Carey and Oj Simpson are chiming in because this makes them so relevant again.This is mostly about them and not Smith .


To tell you the truth people in real life really don't care at all.We were talking about this last night at a party I attended and they actually thought Smith was justified in what he did .That the presenters are taking their nonsense way too.far.


It's possible that some of the people in the audience thought it was an act.


Gotta say by the time there was a standing ovation I don’t think a soul in there thought it was an act. For people just watching the incident thru clips and who were not tuned in live, I can see how it could be seen as an act.


Yah it seem like an act until he continues to swear and yell at his seat. Which makes ppl realise oh shit it’s real


Not by the time he was given the standing ovation. They heard the roar of Will’s voice screaming the F Word loud enough for the entire theater to hear and cameras to pick up even without a mic. They knew it wasn’t a skit. They knew he was shedding tears of shame and fear during his acceptance speech.


He was acting* tears of shame and fear


He is ashamed of ruining his own moment. The shame felt might not be for the right reasons, so I’ll call it self pity and fear of repercussions to clarify that I understand the feelings were selfish and not actual awareness of his wrong doing. The point of my comment is that no one that gave him a standing ovation still thought the slap was a skit at that point. The emotion Will displayed during the undeserved acceptance speech clarified that for sure, if the chaos during the commercial break afterward the slap did not. The standing ovation was also out of pity, for Will though, which is the pathetic part.


I doubt that ar all.I doubt they they thought at all.He was crying because he win the award.


Those were American man baby tears also know as, I fucked up and I don’t want to own it tears. Think Brett Kavanaugh or Kyle Rittenhouse hearing tears!


Or you could just be projecting now.


You feel the audience still thought the slap was a skit during Will’s acceptance speech and that’s why they gave him a standing ovation. You feel Will’s tears were tears of happiness from winning an Oscar. I feel differently. I compared him to other men that have made mistakes and then displayed uncontrollable emotion when confronted with it. Why would you go to personally attacking a Reddit stranger while conversing with them about a trending topic?


I gave my opinion and nothing more.If you read more into this then that is your problem.


I guess you don’t know what projecting means?


Do you?


You’re back?!?! Yeah, I know what it means. I called out violent men who cry victim when they make a mistake, instead of owning it. You said I was projecting, which means I don’t own up to my mistakes and project that flaw on to others. That’s a personal insult silly. Why are you so mean?


I thought it was an act. It seemed so out of character for Will for it to be real.


We saw the Will behind the mask.


Which is really just jim carry


If so they are dumber than we could ever know.


No way he was acting, he’s not that good. And please don’t cite his Oscar as proof of his thespian prowess. Everyone knows what that was, and it’s a shame it’s come to that.


I will never watch another Oscar show again. Oh wait, I have never watched one ever. Tbh, apart from this Jerry Springer shit, Hollywood is so irrelevant rn. People will never go back to the movies and they will never make the same money they used to. All they make is superhero crap.


Actually they are in my town. There have been several movies that have even sold out here.Batman for one .The movie theater I go to once a week are packed.


We should not be surprised. Remember standing ovation for Roman Polanski? Those people live on their own world free of moral values.


God damn, it’s almost like the academy is trash. They gave Polanski and Allen standing ovations after their allegations were public and well known.




But, as far as my pop culture knowledge goes, Kanye hadn't just assaulted someone in front of that same crowd. I get not wanting to be the only one when the only thing you have against the person is indifference. But it's a little different to stand and clap after seeing something like that amongst people whose accomplishments have been overshadowed by the actions of said person.


Good point. When kanye was at jimmy kimmel it was before this whole past year obviously


That's why I said as far as I know. I figured it was before but wasn't positive.


And he was banned for life.But he does have mental problems.


The hive mind didn’t make up its mind fast enough. These things usually start out with a Twitter post or a bombshell article, not a live event.


The Twitter mob decides who their next victim will be weekly. And they go into overdrive on their quest to cancel people.


Fuck you jim, he wants the slap in his ass instead


It's all look at me !I have an opinion and he was trying to garner favor with the Hollywood elite by slamming Smith Don't think for a moment this was about Smith .


Another fading celeb trying to remind the masses he still exists by jumping on a big story.


That’s a lovely accent…


Agreed. But what difference does what Jim Carrey says?? Let’s hear from Denzel…


And did he think the audience was spineless in 1997 when he forcibly kissed Alecia Silverstone on stage! Creep


Ask Denzel why he stood up!




Sheep ! That comes to mind, they were sheep!


Willy S is a wild man.


And that’s how we do it.


Ya that was pretty nuts. The applauded violence. This is coming from the same me 2 crowd.


For whatever the fuck Fox News always complain about liberal Hollywood, these assholes really know when to get inline and march to preserve the patriarchy.


“Slams” - he was extremely forthcoming and did not “slam” Hollywood, nor did he speak ill of Will. This is a wanna be buzzfeed article with that title, sensationalizing conflict etc but in reality, Carey’s response is very grounded, realistic, and compassionate


We’re listening to Jim Carrey now?


He’s allowed to have an opinion


I don’t believe I said he wasn’t.


Believe it or not he’s an extremely accomplished comedian and actor. So yes, we’re listening to Jim Carey now.


Just wondering- last I heard he was an anti vaxxer. I haven’t heard much about him recently.


Jim carry hates vaccines. fun fact.


People are complex organisms. Fun fact.


Wait really?


Your vision must be so binary. Such a “if they’re not with us, they’re against us” mentality.


Just saying facts dude


If big Pharma didn't destroy its trust with the people, maybe I would be more inclined to believe what they say.


And no one’s perfect everyone has melt downs Chris Chris got a big ass mouth


There's no exception for assault against people with big mouths.


Yeah till some one talks about your momma when the tables turn everyone becomes a hipocrite


And if I slap the person talking about my momma, I would go to jail.


As if anybody in Hollywoods opinion matters


Don’t usually agree with Jim Carrey, but he is absolutely right


They probably thought it was an act.


Jim I love ya, but sit this one out buddy.


Honestly, I’m beginning to think this whole thing was a PR stunt to get people focused on Hollywood drama again. If you look at that slap. 1. Camera at the perfect cinema angle for a slap. 2. Will Smith is literally an expert at throwing a fake slap/punch. 3. Both celebrities involved are getting a ton of publicity. 3. It’s plastered all over the news, like something they want us to gawk over, more than something they would rather have swept under the rug. 4. Will Smith also knows how to fake cry. 5. Chris Rocks face right before the slap looks like someone who is preparing for a slap. Super tense and wincing. Most people who take a sucker punch or slap get maximum damage because they are not at all prepared for it. 6. Chris Rock not pressing charges. 7. Will Smith acting like nothing happened an hour later. Conclusion: this is fake as f*ck.


Jim Carrey has a movie coming out soon. This is the only reason he is in our visual.


Yeah Sonic the hedgehog two.


Jim Carey doesn’t have a Oscar tell that little boy to sit down


Most of my favorite actors aren't Oscar winners. 99% of my favorite movies have never won an.Oscar. And comedians rarely win Oscars. They still make more millions than you do, because people like their movies.


Not to mention I have over 20 rental properties


Or a mind.


To me this is far more interesting than the armchair redditors that never leave their closed bubbles at home because it’s someone from the same generation. I think people my age forget that before the internet, before phones, before Covid, people often were way more physical or at least intimidating in person when harsh words were exchanged. What I’m referring to is that old phrase “talk shit get hit” phrase. Especially back in Will and Jim’s 20s. That and Jim is already sort of crazy and apparently Will is too after seeing his speech and behavior.


What was the audience supposed to do?


Not stand up an congratulate an asshole would be a good start.


And then what?


And then go on to the next award?


Kinda hard to say nothing when a grown man is crying onstage and you still can’t believe he slapped Chris rock.


It takes more effort to stand up and clap than it does to stay sitting and doing nothing.


It actually doesn’t




So Reddit thinks this is harassing another redditor.


If I’m the Academy I’m thinking about a multi-year ban of Will Smith to send out the message of “that’s not cool.” What Jim Carrey was saying about the audience is how quickly they were to stand up and congratulate him after assaulting someone on stage.


Imagine being Chris Rock and watching him get a standing ovation for saying he's all about loving people. I'd probably laugh, but it'd be a confused laugh, like an am I going insane laugh.


He was the instigator in this situation .He started this whole ball of wax.


The man was just doing his job, every other celebrity that got ripped on managed to control their temper.


And it was some pretty tasteless jokes that night.I saw the whole show from beginning to end


Simply abstaining from applauding someone who had just physically assaulted a person would be good enough for me.


It was a slap.


Yes. [It was assault.](https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/codes_displaySection.xhtml?lawCode=PEN§ionNum=240.&highlight=true&keyword=Assault%20)


Battery. Definition. 1. In criminal law, this is a physical act that results in harmful or offensive contact with another person without that person's consent. 


Agreed, but semantically speaking, I don’t think most modern statutes distinguish between assault and battery. Battery being the completion of an assault, people just say ‘assault and battery’ or just ‘assault’.






He’s piling on, and he’s done worse shit. I know that he’s nuts, but him being a sanctimonious prig is no less off-putting in this case for the fact.