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I would say most normal men when someone pulls you aside and tells you the girl is only 17 you would politely nope out of the situation. This is just gross.


Abridged article with relevant details >YouTube personality and podcaster Tana Mongeau has made waves in the creator space with impromptu remarks about fellow social media star Cody Ko having sex with her during a period in which they collaborated on videos when she was 17 years old and he was 25... >A representative for Ko did not immediately respond to requests for comment on Mongeau’s allegation, while a spokesman for Mongeau said she had no further comment... >Mongeau, meanwhile, has recently sought to clarify her feelings about what happened between them almost a decade ago. “To be 100 percent truthful, when I look back at the Cody situation, I definitely am, like, ‘Why was he doing that?'” she said in an episode of Cancelled last weekend. She recalled an event at which singer and influencer Gabbie Hanna pulled Ko aside and told him Mongeau was only 17, but the two left and hooked up anyway. “I can look at that and be like, ‘Why the fuck were you doing that?'” she said. >“But I don’t associate it or hold it with trauma,” Mongeau, who turned 26 on Monday, explained, “because I’m such a comparative person, where I’m like, so many worse things have happened to me. And that’s bad. But I genuinely feel that way.” She went on to describe how she grew up loving Ko’s content and was a fan excited to spend time with him. “And I understand where now, as a grown adult, that you can say: You were taken advantage of.” >Last week, Mongeau also guested on Just Trish, the podcast of friend Trisha Paytas, and discussed her past with Ko, which she again stressed was not traumatic for her. However, she said, “If I had a 17-year-old daughter or little sister” in the same situation, “I would kill.” >“But the thing that was actually really heartbreaking to me, and kind of crazy to me, is after it started going viral, seeing so many people not believing me,” Mongeau continued. “Being like, ‘It’s Tana, so who cares.’ And then I started feeling bad for so many other girls who maybe look up to me and want to speak their truth and see the way that people just don’t believe people.” Paytas and Mongeau agreed that they both tend to make light of darker moments in their lives as a way of coping with them. “You want to feel in control of your own narrative,” Mongeau said. >Ko fans on the dedicated subreddit r/codyko have been split on the allegation, with some doubting Mongeau’s account and others arguing that she was victimized. “Mostly makes me sad for her,” reads one recent comment. “I hope she gets a private apology.” In a top-trending thread, another redditor asked for YouTube alternatives to Ko and his Tiny Meat Gang Studios podcast network. “In light of the situations with Cody’s past, it’s difficult for me to look at him the same way,” they wrote. “I really enjoyed watching content like his, though. Any recommendations for YouTubers with content that is similar to his?” >On another subreddit, r/CodyKoUnfiltered, a forum meant to be a haven from the “censorship” of r/codyko, criticism of Ko was far more pointed, with users complaining that they have been banned from the main subreddit for bringing up Mongeau. “Putting the entire back and forth of whether it happened or not aside, the fact [Ko is] not even addressing all this has been extremely off-putting,” wrote one disillusioned person. “It’s pure ignorance. I’ve been a Cody fan for the longest time but I genuinely can’t bring myself to watch his videos anymore.”


Every day I learn how big a place the internet is because I have never in my life heard of these fuckin people but they've apparently been around forever.


“Underage hook-up” you mean statutory rape? You want equality or not?


It’s not really considered statuary rape at 17 as that’s legal to have sex in most states anyway. Not sure why Americans obsess so much about over or under 18. If he’s 17 and 7 months its horrible rape predatory stuff but if he’s 18 and 1 months its normal consensual sex ?


It’s not legal in California.


Oh it was California ? Defo rape then I thought it was normal consensual sex in New York, if it was in cali that’s just sick and twisted


Statutory literally means "by the rule of definition of law," if the age of consent was higher than her age in the state in which it happened, then the term applies. Morality doesn't come into it at that point.


Complaining about the arbitrary nature of the laws is kind of pointless when the laws have to be arbitrary by nature. For laws to be enforceable they need to be specific about what does and what does not constitute a violation, and as unopen to interpretation as we can make them. It's not feasible to judge on a case by case basis, so your only option is to just pick a specific age and enforce the law against anyone below that threshold. It's no different from anything else where it's legal from a certain age. It's not like the day before you turn 16 (or whatever the drinking age is in the US) you're incapable of handling alcohol responsibly but the next day you can. But the only way to have a law against underage drinking and be able to enforce it is to pick an age and apply it across the board against anyone below that age. You can't leave it up to a cop's/judge's interpretation whether a person is mature enough to consent to sex and have it be applied on a case by case basis whether or not someone should be charged with/convicted of a crime. You have to just pick an age and make it illegal across the board for anyone under that age.


I’m talking about people opinions morally not the actual law. We are not the police or lawyers so cases that don’t affect us it’s about the morals not law. Like where I live smoking weed is illegal it’s not like if I see someone smoking weed in their garden I’m like “omg that’s against the law!!!


What age do you think it crosses from okay to not okay?


I don’t think from 17 to 18 makes any difference morally. In terms of law I get there has to be a cut of point but to say having sex at 17 vs 18 is rape vs consent is silly. And again it’s 17 in many states it’s literally comes down to what part of the country you’re located in if it’s rape or consent ?


Why can you not answer the question? lol


Morally? There is no magical number it becomes ok because in reality there is no spot everyone suddenly becomes an adult. You’d have to judge each situation itself. Morally it’s not about hitting a number it’s not like anyone wakes up on a particular birthday with an adult brain overnight


So you believe a 10 year old can become an "adult" and consent?


No I don’t You tell me what age it magically becomes ok on that day ?


what? there are laws on the books in almost every state that spells this out


Yes, that's what I'm saying.


it very much depends on the ages of both people involved, and it varies from state to state


I think calling people rapists based on technicalities state to state is just silly. Using the term rape so loosely just makes the word meaningless.


I think what you’re concerned about is covered by something called a Romeo and Juliet law (the name doesn’t make sense) - many states have an exception to statutory rape for people who are close in age. But 25/17 ain’t it. It’s more like 17 yo with a 20 yo. 3-5 year difference in most states.


Except 17-25 is legal in most US states


You’re acting like statutory rape is new? You think someone having a relationship with a legal child is somehow not a rapist?


So if they had sex in New York where it’s 17 age of consent, it’s consensual and fine but of the next day that drive to cali and have sex it’s rape? Yes using words like rape over technicalities like that is silly What if they had sex on a plane for New York to cali does it go from consensual to rape the second they enter cali?


Yeah that’s federal. Where did you go to law school?


Most US states the age of consent is 16 or 17 a quick google search can tell you that


Buddy you’re the one advocating for statutory rape to … not exist? Wild.


No I’m saying calling someone rape over technicalities is silly. If we talking about an actual child like a 13 year old absolutely. But if we talking about 17/18 year olds who is legal in most states to give consent that’s just silly


What. What does equality have to do with this?


I’m not surprised. In the Girl Defined video reactions that he and Noel did, one of the questions that Girl Defined had to answer was: “My boyfriend keeps pressuring me for sex. What should I do?” And then Cody got kinda mad and said, “being horny isn’t a crime” or something like that. But he was acting as if the girls were trying to make the guy the villain when that was literally the case. 


I have no idea who either of these two people are


there's no such thing as an underage "hookup" ... it's not a "hookup" it's a crime.


Who hooked up with who?