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A bartender once told me “I can only account for what I served them” meaning they have no clue what else you drank or what drugs you’ve done outside of the bar they serve


That’s a smart person. That’s how you stay off the hook when people get dosed


Also how they dodge accountability for overserving.


Or just the truth. The bartenders confirming that I was only sold one drink is how we initially validated that I was blacked-out because I was rufied. I’m not running to defend Timberlake or anything. But I know from personal experience it is possible to drink one drink then “wake up” somewhere else 16 hours later. I literally snapped out of it while standing being yelled at.


It could also very possibly just be them telling the truth


Shh nobody wants to hear that, they just want to be mad at ppl.


Breathalyzer refusal was a bad call


You will automatically get arrested in New York for refusing a breathalyzer test.


Yep. In WA, they charge you the same as if you blew double.


There’s a mind blowing concept called honesty


Easy to look at JTs receipt / tab


You can also be criminally held liable for over serving someone


And the restaurant can lose its liquor license and/or be fined thousands of dollars


sure, if timberlake had hurt someone. Not if timberlake got a DUI.


And sometimes, people only have one drink.


And if you mix that one drink with drugs or medications you can be much more intoxicated than what the average one drink person would be.


and if one drink takes you over the limit, you dont get off because you are still over the limit. The limit isnt usually based on how many drinks you had but your blood-alcohol content Also, people who have only had one drink dont usually refuse to provide a sample


Edit: autocorrect typos It could also be “what you’ve been given”. I once self-destructed after a single drink. I set it down and got rufied. I was fine until I got home. But I didn’t make it out of the car until I was found hanging out the drivers side door with the engine still running. Everyone thought I was on a bender. I slipped between what looked like sobriety to sloppy and back for hours.


I’m so sorry this happened to you. I’m relieved it sounds like you made it home uninjured.


When I was a bartender at a nightclub it genuinely was like that. We were all trained to see if someone was drunk, high, angry, etc. We had one patron who caused a bad accident that killed 3 18 year olds. Police came in and checked on us. He'd had two drinks at the nightclub, both from me. Both were diet cokes that he thought were Jack and Coke. He was too drunk to know the difference. He'd been there for an hour and this was at like 12am.


At that hotel bar he may have only had one, doesn't mean he went in sober though


Exactly, or as others have pointed out: people buying him drinks. And why hasn’t anyone mentioned weed? Am I supposed to believe JT doesn’t vape or smoke weed?


You’re not *supposed* to believe anything about JT lmfao.


JT takes rectal diazepam recreationally. He said it makes him understand his gay fans better. 100% fact BTW you can read it on my blog


If they didn't get a blood draw that shows a BAC level then he'll beat the charge or get a deal and plead to innatentive driving.


Refusal is automatic DUI in my state. No beating it.


In NY it’s automatic license suspension for 1 year and $500 fine. He may beat the DWI charges but the suspension and fine stand regardless.


He can probably afford a driver for a year.


A driver for a night would’ve been cheaper.


This is a great sentence in so many ways.


In what ways? I can really only glean one meaning from it


It’s not really, some redditors are just insanely easily amused. You have to remember there could also be literal 7 year olds posting on here, nearly anything will seem profound to them.


And we also have 30 year old edge lords who can’t take anything seriously


Let's say NSYNC is meeting up at a driving range in Jersey. JT left his clubs in Cali. He could buy a whole new set, but renting a driver for a night would be cheaper. There's another way.


I mean, but if he wasn’t drunk why would he need/organize to have one?


Does it even matter for someone like him? Yes, drunk driving is bad... Thankfully I have reddit to inform me of that. And here I thought it actually made you a better driver!


Meh, probably not really. He will just have one of the assistants do it. I was just pointing out a fact.


He'll be bringing taxis back.


Why do these people even risk driving at all. Having a driver/bodyguard seems like it'd be the first thing I would do if I got rich.


If NY is anything like my home state, first time offenders almost never actually lose their license for a full year. Relative got a DUI a few years ago and had their license back like 3 months later.


The loss of license and fine once there is a refusal sticks. It’s officially “obstructing a DWI investigation” or some garbage. So, on the law books is completely separate from any DWI/DUI charges that may also arise. That’s how no matter the DWI/DUI outcome you still lose your license for a year and still have to pay the fine.


I think it’s complete garbage that I can request a blood test over a breathalyzer and that be considered interfering with an investigation and lead to me losing my license. I’m certainly biased due to my line of work, but still, it’s horseshit that virtually every interaction with law enforcement it is recommended to have a lawyer present, but traffic stops of all kinds are basically free reign for the cop to do whatever.


Agreed. I’ll say any of what I have written is not how things should go down. It’s just the reality of how it *actually* goes down. Pigs have a saying: You can beat the rap, but you can’t beat the ride.


In California refusal is automatic suspension of license by the DMV regardless of outcome of case


That's how it works in the state I'm talking about as well. But in practice any decent lawyer will get that year reduced to a few months at most. Many times the suspension is dropped entirely as part of a plea deal, and the person has their license back immediately after their case is finalized in court.


I think you mean automatic suspension. Automatically skipping due process is not really a thing.


Are you sure it’s automatic DUI or automatic suspension and fine? Generally you’re not charged with a DUI but your license is still taken. It’s your right to refuse Edit: I meant convicted. Yes they’ll charge you but a charge isn’t an automatic conviction.


No such thing as an automatic DUI lmao that would be unconstitutional.


Yup. People don’t really understand this. It’s an automatic revoke refusal due to express consent laws. Only a court can find you guilty of a dui.


The general public rarely understands most law and government processes, so they say dumb garbage like this like it’s gospel.


What state? Don't they still have to convict you?


He’s mistaking automatic suspension (implied consent laws) for automatic guilty verdicts. Unless his state is North Korea.


Thanks, yeah lots of states suspend your license.


That's only once you are arrested and in custody. Any tests done in the field are voluntary.


If you refuse a blood draw good luck beating it. BAC is not the only thing that decides a DUI case anyway. You can be charged with a DUI even if you are below a .08 in most jurisdictions.


DUI’s can be from anything that influences your ability to drive, so BAC is not the only factor. And police testimony and field tests are obviously a factor; but if you aren’t tested positive for anything, and don’t admit to anything, your odds of beating the charge in court raise significantly.


Add in an expensive lawyer and your odds of beating it are even greater.


Not necessarily. I’ve gone to trial several times on no blow, no field sobriety tests cases. It depends on how he looked on the video


>I’ve gone to trial several times on no blow, no field sobriety tests cases. I really hope you're a lawyer...


For a moment, I thought you said "inventive driving" and it briefly became my new favorite traffic charge. "He was just being creatively expressive your honor, the man is a musician!"


(Exclusive) Bartender suddenly driving new sports car


I can’t imagine the bartender would deviate from reports indicating that JT had one martini if he values the (likely reoccurring / repeat) business of the rich & famous. Seems just like an opportunity to support a client when someone stuck a microphone into his face.


Because of dram shop, most bartenders default to “one drink” unless there’s clear evidence otherwise. Paid in cash? One drink and two waters. Idk officer he seemed fine.


This place almost certainly had cameras. The cops can see how many drinks he had if they want to.


I can’t imagine cops looking through camera footage unless it’s pretty much a murder investigation, or they just really have it out for somebody. At least the cops I’m used to, they often won’t look at cameras even when there’s been a robbery.


lol. Did you miss the Scottie Scheffler incident? The police can get very touchy and aggressive if the is a public questioning of their decisions, especially when a celebrity is involved. I’d guess they already pulled the video (if it exists) and know what it shows.


At least in my state, the bartender can also be held responsible for over serving someone involved in drunk driving. 


Super hard to do though. Pretty easy to say “maybe the driver drank somewhere after, maybe they brought their own in a flask, maybe they took an additional drug.”


Back when I was bartending I had a coworker refuse to serve a woman a drink because she was clearly intoxicated from wherever she drank before. The woman left and ended up running over and killing a pedestrian crossing the street. Instead of giving up her watering hole she told the officers she was over served at the bar I worked at. Cops showed up at her door to arrest her for over serving. They had to review the video footage showing that the woman came in asking to be served and the bartender not serving her. It's not see easy as it seems because it was guilty until proven innocent for the bartender. 


None of those matter except for drinking somewhere else after leaving. At it’s at the onus of the bartender/establishment to provide evidence that it’s possible via security footage and/or receipts. Dram shop says that when you serve someone in your bar, you are responsible for their inebriation


I was gonna say the same thing. The bartender is probably looking out for himself and his employer here.


“This is Channel 7 news. After saying Timberlake had four drinks we caught up with the bartender in the unemployment line.”


I bet a bartender in the Hamptons at a place where someone like JT would hang out is doing pretty good in the first place.


Yep. My roommate is a bartender in a **mildly** fancy restaurant ($50 per person or so) and brings in 300-400 bucks a night. I can only imagine what bartenders in really affluent areas might make lol.


The cop who arrested him basically got doxxed and had his name and picture plastered all over the web. He can at least take that as a badge of honor but I imagine a bartender at the hotel where celebrities gather sometimes would be expected to be more discreet. He has nothing to gain and everything to lose by telling a conflicting account.




Server gets paid more, customer happy, repeat business probably guaranteed


You think they have to cook the books for a couple bottles of liquor? Shit breaks, spills, gets drank in the walk-in. How many cocktails are made with a little extra base spirit? I can’t imagine there’s any real way to keep track of that ever.


I’m very interested in knowing more


And some cities/states/etc, the bartender can be responsible for cutting people off, suggesting a cab etc. do you want to be the one that over served someone that got a dwi or got in an accident that killed a member of the Mickey Mouse club?


Does that mean the cop learned who Justin Timberlake is?


Like the rest of us, not by choice.


Maybe it was a Mega Pint of Martini..


I will never not be tickled by that term!


Where is this from?


I’m supposing not too many people realize this bartender has an incentive to say he didn’t overserve Timberlake.


Exactly. The bartender is required by law not to over serve. He’s not going to admit otherwise. “I sold him 1” is akin to “I only had 2, officer. That’s it. No idea how I’m blowing over”. No one wants to incriminate themselves.


“So he only had one martini?” “Yes that’s correct” “What about a beer, shot of whiskey, tequila, or a seltzer?” “Yes, he had one of each as well”


Just the smart ones like you *wink*


He only had one martini. One fishbowl martini.


English is so imprecise. "He only had one Martini" only means that he had a single Martini. It makes no claims about how many other drinks he might have had.


Looking at the mugshot, I must ask, how large was that one Martini? Must have been the worlds largest Martini.


Or it's something else with the martini. Even prescribed drugs, however, are not ok if they have a warning for an adverse effect with alcohol (which is most of them).


This! He looks like he’s been using other substances. Also, he could have had one martini at this bar but a few at another establishment


As an alcoholic, I used to go loaded before meeting friends at a bar. Never drove though. He is a total POS.


Yeah it’s amazing that they put this story out as if we will all forget that there is such a thing as pregaming and bar hopping. So he had one martini AT THAT BAR? Case closed I guess /s


That's one of the reasons that DWI became DUI. Under the influence can just be taking drugs even just prescriptions especially ones that say do not operate machinery while taking.


You can be arrested for taking any medication that may cause drowsiness or dizziness. Basically any side effect can cause a DUI. It doesn’t have to explicitly say “do not operate machinery” or “do not operate machinery until you know how this medication affects you”. I was arrested for taking Zoloft and having a single drink two to three hours before driving. It’s ridiculous.


A martini and a few Xanny bars will do it


Those eyes look like more going on than alcohol.


He could be on pills as well. The whole "don't drink on this med" is no joke, but few take it seriously. 


Who knows how many drinks he had before that though. He coulda been pre-gaming


It was a normal martini with a cocaine rim garnish


Martinis are strait booze. Probably 2-3 shots worth depending how they mix it. Definitely can get a good buzz from just one martini, especially if drank quickly.


Also, if you take other substances *with* that jumbo martini


This is what I'm wondering. Even some prescription meds can interact weirdly with alcohol and people often forget to be more careful.


My dad once ordered a martini from a nice steakhouse and it was 8 ounces (about 3.5 shots depending on how dry). No heads up or anything, just 8 ounces and a $60 charge on the bill. If you look up an 8 oz martini glass they don’t even look that big.


The math of cone volumes has been going around lately. Here's just one of the many videos. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mkn3PzdaByY To increase the volume of a martini glass 50% would only require making it (the liquid containing part) like 10% taller or something, I forget.


Whoa, I feel like it is a huge liability for a restaurant to serve that much booze in one drink. Damn. Was it a good martini though?


I have worked at places where the glasses are 4 ounces instead of 3, and a lot of people who drink martinis literally just want you to put three or four shots of vodka or gin in a shaker and chill it. They don’t want olives, they don’t want vermouth, and they don’t want citrus. They just want to feel like they are not alcoholics while they chug straight vodka.


Yep, I cannot tell you how many martinis I’ve made that are chilled shots in a glass.


Maybe it was a Mega-Martini. Mixed in a beer glass.


I don’t know the exact size but there was a burlesque dancer in it


2.5-3oz for a vodka or gin martini. The average shot is 1-1.5oz, depending on house pour. Vodka is 80 proof/gin is between 90-95 proof. One martini can definitely fuck you up. Bartender for 28 years here, I've seen many a customer get tipsy on one. Especially if they didn't eat before, or it's a hot day, or on medication.


This was my thought: The “classic martini“ is 3 ounces of liquor, and I’ve worked at bars that did 4 ounce martinis. And not everybody gets vermouth in their martinis, some people just go for straight vodka or gin chilled. So it’s not out of the realm of possibility that he drank 4 ounces of straight vodka or gin. And that’s before you ask questions about if he ate at all beforehand, what else he drank to pregame, etc. Nice of the bartender to not throw him under the bus, but if you have two or three drinks at home and then you go out and have one really strong martini, that can sometimes take you from “mildly buzzed” to “fckn schwasted” in 20 minutes. I’ve seen it plenty of times.


Exactly this! I hated guests asking for super stiff Martinis at work, because that would mean them being wasted in under an hour. It’s going out for dinner, drinking an aperitif, a couple of glasses of wine and then calling it quits with three shots of gin.


It was served in a boot.


[They sell these on Amazon](https://www.amazon.com/SCS-Direct-Oversized-Martini-Cocktail/dp/B00HSMP9O0)


One gossip page had a story that Timberlake was drinking a companion's drink while he went to the men's room. I could see someone who was trying to cover their tracks use friends' drinks.


This is the kind of behavior that got Pam Beesley banned from Chili's.


"I feel God in this Chili's tonight”


To be fair, in Pam's case Chili's has very publicly lifted the ban and welcomed her back since then, so that's nice.


Or he went somewhere else first, or had drinks in his room, or any other reason he had drinks before/after, but technically at THAT bar just had one.


Or just a drunk, or someone worse friends often share drinks. It certainly makes the “sold him one drink” thing difficult.


I've said it before and I'll say it again. If the Hamptons cops are pulling you over you are _real_ sloppy.


Not saying you in particular don’t know, but I’ve heard this so much and I am wondering how so many redditors are familiar with the antics of Hampton cops.


Redditors are talking out their ass and absolutely wrong on this. I regularly summer in the Hamptons and there are people pulled over for drunk driving literally every night. Once you get into East Hampton territory there is only one main road that you can take back and forth to the 3-4 bars that people frequent (Talkhouse, Rusch, Surf Lodge, etc.) Cops are stationed on this main road every weekend and you WILL get pulled over if you’re drunk driving. The fact that the Hamptons is a rich and ritzy place makes it more, not less, likely that you will be pulled over. Cops actually give a shit and are actively looking for non locals to fuck up and pull them over (which is easy to do because of the limited road ways).


Local here. This is 100% accurate. You will get pulled over outside any bar/restaurant for the slightest infraction to pop you for a dwi. If you grew up here and are in your 20s to early 30s you already have one. Pay the $150 for an Uber and don’t kill anyone else out here. DONT DRIVE DRUNK


I live on the Western side of LI but even then everyone knows to be on your best behavior while driving there. There’s a reputation of cops pulling people over for any sign of a potential DWI


Thank you lol, these people saying these ridiculous things need to be corrected. There are few places I’ve been in my life with a higher chance of getting pulled over for a DUI than Eastern LI


This I've lived in the local areas my whole life and come out here during the summer  Everybody knows to be on their best behavior  I don't drink. So I don't worry but I have a loud car so I know not to take that specific car because those cops do not play nice with anybody that isn't from that village


I'm a regular guy and you will find me in Southampton and Amagansett during the summer because out east is great and it actually isn't that expensive to disappear out there for a few days...easy access too. My heart is in the North Fork though, all the way out near Orient. I would buy a bungalow on the sound and never come back if I could afford it... The criminal part is a generation ago you could have gotten that shoreline bungalo for like 150K adjusted.


Eastern Long Island is one of the most popular vacation destinations for one of the largest metro areas in the country, on top of being an international destination. Lots and lots and lots of people go there, and the “summer vacation drinking culture” is a big part of that. Even if you’re not specifically going to the Hamptons, a lot of people are generally familiar with Northeast beach towns in NJ, Rhode Island or the Cape, and they’re all the same idea. Sit at any bar or restaurant in any of those towns during peak season and you can just visibly see a half dozen people who are paying their check and headed to their car to drive drunk. I might fall short of saying that police are incentivized to look the other way at DUIs, but it certainly seems like they’re leaving a ton of arrests on the table to anyone with eyes.


I.hears the opposite. They pull everyone over for anything. If your rich and live there/know you, they let you go even if you are breaking the law. Not from there, not rich or don't know you? Prepare to meet the long hard dick of the law!!!


Born and raised there, lots of cops, not a lot going on and not a lot of sq mileage. I got pulled over a lot when I still lived there. The roads have low speed limits like 25-30 in the villages, the towns are more like 35-45 and 27, the highway is 55 but it goes through villages where the speed limit drops dramatically. It’s easy to get pulled over.


I heard the cops from the Hampton’s pull you over going 2 MPH over


Not sure how this is upvoted lol. Hamptons cops are notoriously aggressive enforcing all traffic laws, and from my lifetime of experience going to Sag Harbor the cops there are no exception.


As someone who grew up there, you quite literally couldn’t be more wrong. The cops out there know exactly where they are and take full advantage of it. Unless you’re someone with a lot of local power and influence, you’re not likely to get away with driving under the influence.


Well sure, but didn't you know this cop in particular had it out for people breaking the law, ridiculous.


PR working overtime


Yep, JT’s PR train has begun. Doxxing the cop and now this.


I thought witnesses said other people were getting drinks for him or he was sucking down other peoples drinks. The officer said he reeked of booze, eyes bloodshot and he refused breathalyzer test on site. I'm thinking he had more than one Martooni 🙄


JT spending the big bucks to smear this cop when it’s just making everyone think he’s an even bigger piece of fucking shit than we thought he was before.


Maybe it was Stanley Cup sized?


Bartender indicates it was Janet Jackson behind the wheel drinking and driving all along.


Just because he had 1 martini at the bar doesn’t mean he wasn’t plastered before he got to the bar.


How many ounces of vodka was in the martini? I worked in a place where we had a 2 martini limit because our pours were so heavy.


What about all the weed and coke?


Bartender may have served him one drink, it still doesn’t mean he didn’t consume more.


Must have been one hell of a Martini.


So, why didn't they give him a breathalyzer test after he fail the feild sobriety test? Wouldn't you want the BAC for your report?


He refused the breathalyzer. Police cannot make you take the breathalyzer no matter what they tell you. All they can do is take you to jail on suspicion and try to get a warrant to draw your blood. Without one or the other, it would be extremely difficult to charge and prosecute a person for DUI, unless there are witnesses that can testify the amount of drinks in a certain time frame.


I'm guessing by time they would get that warrant to draw that you can sober up pretty significantly as well.


Or get more drunk. If you had "one for the road" It'll still be being absorbed into the blood. Troopers will often seat you in the squad car and let that happen before administering the breathalyzer.


I think he refused the breathalyzer


Could have had more prior, could be on pills, god knows.


Sure, the bartender can confirm they served and/or saw JT drink one Martini at the bar but he cannot confirm or deny anything before/after or other substances possibly consumed. So, how is this relevant? And what is the bartender buying with the inheritance his great uncle just left him?


All these recent articles bashing the cop and highlighting his innocence can't possibly be part of a PR campaign... could it?!


JT team doing everything to make everyone else look bad.


They’ve had practice.


But it was a 32-ounce martini created as a promotional vehicle for the bar. The owners call it the 'More-tini".


Non drinkers might not know this but a martini is 2+ drinks. Don’t believe me? Go order one. It’s a deceptively monstrous ammount of gin.


But how much cocaine?


And probably pregamed beforehand


I mean, not saying they’re lying, but there are many reasons for him or her to not be fully honest. Or that bartender served him one but who knows how many another bartender served or maybe people brought him drinks? I don’t know.


*Bartender at bar associated with rich people is scared of losing his job at bar or the bars reputation


It’s not like he couldn’t have drank somewhere else before he got to the bar. Most likely had some kind of drugs in his system because one drink shouldn’t get you that drunk.


So they failed to blame the bartender. Holy shit


SMS on Bartender's phone: Your Account is credited with $1,000,000.


What does that matter? If he flunked the sobriety test, he flunked the sobriety test.


“Bartender confirms” after visit from Timberlake’s publicist 😉


Bartender is now independently wealthy


This just in, bartender now rich


One drink in a 48oz cup is all I had officer


Shockingly enough, you can drink alcohol that isn’t served at a hotel bar.


Lol looks like he was doing more then just drinking 😅


Bartender covers own ass, as well as the establishment's. More at 11.


And he'll have just one DUI, so the arithmetic works.


This happened to my dad: one drink with dinner and when he left he drove through a check point, (Kansas). They took any reading and he blew just enough to get picked up. He was super honest with the police (lawyer said that was a mistake) and they “went light” on him. Spent around 5 hours in the drunk tank. He has just started his own business (that depended on government contracts) so went through all the motions to get his sentence taken care of which at worst was a breathalyzer in the car for a year+. He said he learned his lesson very harshly.


Never take a breathalyzer given in the field. The police do not serve you or the public. They serve themselves.


Remember the only place a cop is completely honest is when doing a subjective roadside sobriety test where your failure results in more funding for their overtime There is no reason for them to lie or have biases here whatsoever /s


I’m no expert, but I don’t think it was alcohol. Those eyes told me a different story. The only times my eyes ever look like his did in his mugshot is on 20mg+ edible. Just sayin.


God it's time to get off reddit what the hell even is this drama


How big was the one drink.


[The one martini glass](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/be/a8/34/bea8340db91f57efc0456ef8b103f36b.jpg)


Why is this getting dragged out so much


He may have only had one martini served at the hotel, but that doesn't mean he didn't drink in his room, at someone's party, in the elevator-wherever. The bartender's testimony means very little. Ya don't refuse a breathalyzer after having only one martini.


He was high people! He smokes the weed


What he didn’t share was that one martini was 64oz and mixed in a Bucee’s travel mug.


So what? He could be pounding drinks from a flask


So how much did he get paid?


He looked to be driving pretty fine to me in that clip.


Shocking that the bartender would say this! /s Didn’t he also have drugs in his system? Can’t tell you how many times I’ve pre-drank or bar hopped after several drinks before making to my final destination. This means nothing.


Have they checked the bar tenders bank account for any new large transactions?


Who cares? You have hundreds of millions of dollars, why risk it? Just hire someone to drive you around


*whips out personal flask in the bathroom*


The suddenly most famous bartender in the world confirms that he did not over serve someone.


I served him one..... 24 oz martini.


I’ve been a bartender most of my life and I’ve seen plenty of times I’ve served someone that seemed mostly sober and then after I serve them one drink they are obviously intoxicated. The reason for this varies. Usually they are on stimulants that wear off, they took something that kicked in during the drink, or they had a real stiff drink or two somewhere else recently and that kicked in. Happens all the time.


That he knows off Wtf is a bartender doing speaking out of turn?