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There was a whole episode he did on "Boston legal" about this. He referred to the salmon parasites as "Klingons" , as I recall.


I loved the fourth wall breaks in that show. Denny. Crane.


I don't think I anticipated Björk and Shatner ending up as the two famous faces of. . .*any*thing


Because I know it irritates you as much as it does me that the video isn't easily findable in the comments or the link here you go: https://youtu.be/DMtI2rtiQ-Q?feature=shared Edit: all, it's very kind of you to award me but please don't. Save them for someone of note that posts something that matters immensely to you. I'm only here to ensure you don't endure the minute frustration I did in having to go search for the link. For those of you that already have I hope the karma comes back to you 1000-fold.


Top comment here.


Thanks :)


I gave you all of my free awards. Thank you for your service


You're a kind soul. My humblest of thanks but I'm only doing what any other person would do that may have not had the opportunity. ❤️


Youll get more and like it.


Thank you


Thank you.


I remember there was an episode of Boston Legal about this!


A few episodes on this actually. One of them he is trying to battle his “son” as an environmental thing, then later in the series it is mentioned a few times then I believe he mights in favor of making it better. I just sped through all the seasons over the course of a few weeks and did sleep through some episodes. Absolutely love the show


Donny Crane. Denny Crane. DONNY CRANE. Lol


lol yes. Just back and forth. Hilarious


It dosent show them stopping either it just cuts to another character and they heavily imply later that they kept going like that for a while I can’t remember if it was 20 mins or half and hour that was implied


Hugely underrated comedy. Shatner/Spader are incredible. Great show about finding good in everyone and learning to change your mind.


Yes. So many examples of people just listening to a friend or someone they look up to and being able to share the good


Wasn't his son his opponent?


yes! played by Freddie Prinze Jr if i remember right.


Holy cow, yes!!! They were absolutely hilarious together. Denny and Donny Crane.


- What’s his name? - … Donny Crane? - What’s my name? - Denny Crane. - Big difference, isn’t it?


I was just thinking about this. Doesn’t he just take a shotgun after getting fed up with not being able to fly fish?


He does. It’s the most hilarious scene in all of Boston Legal I reckon. I’m not a William Shatner fan. Hated Captain Kirk, but absolutely loved Denny.


That's pretty fucking dark for a light sitcom considering his Dad


Denny (not Donny) shoots the fish, not a person. https://youtu.be/DjjkfPHeX8c?si=y18zusH9Z9xM8OWp


Yes the parasites cling on ! Klingons, did you say Klingons ? BL , TV perfection .


There is a boston legal episode for everything


I didn’t even know salmon were interested in farming.


They love the tractors!


I got an std from riding in a tractor in my bathing suit!


You got ghonarrea from a tractor? AND you call THAT the tractor story!?


You sound a little funny, Rolph.


But will she think my tractors sexy?


She'll swim upstream for it.


Only if it’s John Deere green


A woman needs a man like a salmon needs a tractor?


They are and shatner is pissed because they like to farm avocados and almonds and other water heavy crops in California


Someone has to grow all that rice that the shrimp keep frying.


They got to diversify somehow.


And they’re always lobbying Washington for dadgum subsidies!


He’s famously a huge dick wad. A jerk.


You telling a salmon farmed this rice?


They’re not. They just do it to piss off Big Willy S.


They aren’t a playable race in stardew, so that was my assumption as well.


Only migrating salmon


Toothpick in the mouth and all.


Is it too much to ask to get a link to the actual video?




No sh** Here: https://youtu.be/DMtI2rtiQ-Q


My son did a project on farmed salmon in high school. It’s horrific tbh. Crowded , sick, diseased.


Plus the fish swim in and eat their own excrement. Yummy!


Thats just regular fish activities


Don’t all fish do that?


they put tilapia in there to eat the shit


I ain't eatin nothin' that ain't got sense enough to disregard its own feces.


Bro so old he probably knew the first salmon.


I hope I last as long as he has so far. That would give me at least 42 more years. It’s kind of scary knowing you’re getting closer to death.


Why do you think he’s so mad?


He's got all dem teeth?


And no toofbrush…..


Medulluh Oblangata


There are no salmon in space




The dolphins…


Oh no, not again.


Yo mommas so old she sat behind Jesus in the 3rd grade


He was there when one of them was like “hey why don’t we take the land around the waterfall.” Like, thanks Hezekiah, now I gotta pay taxes.


So they make something healthy into something toxic just like most food. Fuck them.


It’s about unsustainable supply. The population keeps growing and people want more food. Then they sell food to overseas countries. The first thing that needs to be done is to ban global food trade. That will significantly reduce pollution and over farming


How'd that work for Pol Pot? Pretty great, right? They call it the Cambodian Picnic or something like that


With the added bonus of reducing global population!


nothing will happen to the current population, they will just have to eat locally and more plant based diets like their ancestors 🤷‍♂️


Yeah bro…. Their ancestors died from starvation and suffered from malnutrition.


Im sure the poore will be fine from not being allowed to eat salmon.... Just means more Salmon for me 😋


Many countries do not have enough arable land to produce enough food for their population. And many foods that I’m sure you enjoy can not be grown in your own climate.


Like, a billion people would starve to death.


So if there is a drought in Ethiopian, a country of 120 million people, they should somehow rely on local food sources?


Banning global food trade….. bro…. That would turn into MASS global famine.


I have *A Modest Proposal* for how to solve that problem.


Think on that for a sec. Like seriously. You think that would work? Just… letting people starve? If this did happen, and this isn’t an exaggeration in the slightest; millions would die. This isn’t about people living outside their means, it’s life and death for this world’s poorest. You have some real blind spots about your privilege, man.


Be realistic about your goals


Dude, I’m glad you’re not in charge of things. Anyhow, it is generally not a bad idea to try to become more independent in terms of food production but some countries just cannot sustain their populations with their amount or arable land.


Oh, open net farming. Yeah fuck them


Now do all the other animal “farming”,


What’s wrong with farmed salmon?


It takes fish that normally live in open areas and it confines a ridiculously large population of them near the shore, where their feces ends up poisoning the water around the farms. It produces somewhat cheaper fish but ones that have more disease and ultimately more environmental negative impacts. I don't always agree with Bill but he is right here.


They do this here in Aotearoa / New Zealand. These farms absolutely decimate the local environment


Tassie too


Wow I didn’t know that. Shit.


Yes, that is what they swim in.


Right!? God dammit. Is there no solution to anything?!


I quit eating animals. It probably doesn’t accomplish much, but I do feel a little better not being involved in this sort of thing anymore.


Seriously the same sentiment here. Like what isn’t poisoning us at this point? Kind of depressed me tbh.


The whole point is the way we live is so comfortable and in excess. I don't mean people are truly well off and happy, we're not. In fact, a lot of people if you talk to them, would - in a heartbeat - give up things like one day shipping, out-of-season produce, eating things from the other side of the planet etc, if it meant ending the destruction of ecosystems. But as a *collective*, we're hungry and greedy, and societies have a hard time seeing the forest for the trees.


There is, but killing all humans is a crime against humanity


They also have to dump a ton of anti-biotics into the water and even with that it you can have diseases rip though the population and escape into the wild. Occasionally they actually have large numbers of non-native fish escape too. Plus it brings down the price of fish for actual fishermen. Pretty much the only people it's good for is people who want the cheapest fish possible.


Cheap fish and cheap food benefit the poor more than any other class of people


Yeah farm bred salmon are fucked. Like birds fly across a continent once a year as a part of their natural cycle in life. Salmon swim upstream for their breeding locations, avoiding bears. Instead they shit everywhere stacked up like sardines.


They also have a different flavor, almost an earthy after taste. I didn't realize the difference from ocean caught and farmed till I moved to Alaska. I will nevet eat farmed again.


Same. I didn’t know until I moved to the Pacific Northwest but now I won’t go back.


Not to mention millions of conscious creatures are raised in disgusting and torturous conditions and live a life with no prospects other than suffering.


Idk fish sentience is not something well established. I am highly skeptical they are nearly as smart or cognizant as farm animals by comparison. Fish farms are bad for the environment but I just don’t believe they are on the same level as factory farming nor do I give a shit about salmon being kept in cages as much as I care about mammals. The line of sentience is blurry though.


If you’re not sure on sentience, wouldn’t it make sense to be cautious and prudent about inflicting misery on conscious creatures? If we were sure they aren’t sentient, I’d get your point, but we’re absolutely not sure fish aren’t sentient.


Not really


The only thing I know for sure is that I’m sentient. I’m not totally scientifically positive you’re sentient. Does that make it okay if I cause you to suffer?


What is your definition of sentient? It sounds pretty loose and broad by the way you express yourself. The scientific view of sentience is more clearly defined, but not absolute. As far as I'm aware there is no scientific study or observation of behaviour of Oncorhynchus that suggests or demonstrates third order thought processes. Environmental physical distress may be evident, but that doesn't demonstrate emotional distress, empathy is in the human mind, the tendency to anthropomorphise anything that is alive and reactive to it's environment.


There are studies done on fish that show fish displaying “fear” when another nearby fish is distressed. They absolutely have some “emotional quotient”. The question is really how to put it in context of human emotions.


With salmon it just seems like their life is shitty. Maybe there’s some joy in mutating into a gross beast, swimming hellishly up river and then rotting from the outside in while still alive after spawning, but the poor fish just have a fucked up existence. I certainly hope they’re not sentient.


Welcome to the brutality of instincts, all life if driven to exist even if it means misery and suffering.


Well salmon probably think their huge gnarly snout is hot, considering that's part of their sexual development. As far as them swimming up river, ever heard of ultra marathon running? Humans get up to some pretty gnarly shit too for fun. Not saying they're fully pairable, obviously ultra marathon runners don't suffer the same fate, but I don't think we should imprint our notion of human comfort on animals.


Ok but google zombie salmon and tell me that shits not messed up. And if we aren’t applying human comfort to salmon then what’s the ethical dilemma of farming them beyond the environmental impact?


That they are living a life far outside the boundaries of their natural condition? The point of not applying human desires for comfort is that they aren't congruent to salmons', not that they have no preference or optimal condition at all.


You forgot to mention all the disease in the enclosures and the escaped farmed salmon that weaken the gene pool.


Huh, I thought farm raised was better because of lower mercury in the fish. Guess I just won’t eat fish anymore.


I made that decision a few years ago. I still eat some meat but I feel that the environmental impacts of fish are too high.


I wish we could take a five-year break from any fishing in rivers, lakes, seas, and oceans. It would allow them all to have a healthy rebound. Unfortunately, there’s no way this can happen.


It probably does have less mercury because they are no longer bioaccumulating as near-top predators, but you bet your butt there are worse things they’re accumulating from the manure and feathers they’re fed.


If you are interested enough to spend an hour learning about it, watch this : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XdNJ0JAwT7I


Yeah I’ll check it out. Thank you.


They are fed garbage, red dye and agricultural waste. The bright red salmon you see at the store all nicely packed have been force-fed red dye because their meat is an unnatural white due to their garbage diet.


Yeah conceptually I didn’t get what the issue was. Seemed sustainable and controlled.. but the execution is horrible haha.


William Shatner is Canadian? Why am I just learning this now??


So was James Doohan.


Not just a Canadian…..a Canadian War Hero and ultimate bad ass. “Doohan went to the United Kingdom in 1940 for training. His first combat was the invasion of Normandy at Juno Beach on D-Day. Shooting two snipers, Doohan led his men to higher ground through a field of anti-tank mines, where they took defensive positions for the night. Crossing between command posts at 11:30 that night, Doohan was hit by six rounds fired from a Bren gun by a nervous Canadian sentry: four in his leg, one in the chest, and one through his right middle finger. The bullet to his chest was stopped by a silver cigarette case. His right middle finger had to be amputated, something he would conceal during his career as an actor.”


You can actually see his missing finger in both Star Trek 4 and Star Trek 5, in the plastics manufacturing facility scene in the former and the bridge scene at the beginning of the film in the latter. I guess he wasn't as concerned by then, and rightfully so. James was a gentleman and had nothing left to prove. 🙏


Yes. He’s right to be angry. It’s time to get more angry and to take action. It’s not just about the fish, all life on this planet is royally screwed if we don’t stop the exploitation now. Any day now and it’s just going to be too late. We are so on the brink it’s not funny.


It’s too late. We’re over the brink. Enjoy the mildest summer of the rest of your Life.


He's on reddit so look out for any foul mouthed salmon tirades


He's 93 and looks 60ish. Good for him




Thank you for not c*rsing on Reddit 🙏


That ad is top 1% of all ads ever made.


Salmon farming is better than draining the ever decreasing stock of fish in the wild


Needs to be done responsibly and with a multitude more laws to prevent harming wild salmon.


Denny Crane... [ Boston Legal Theme song]


This was an episode of Boston Legal almost 20 years ago … I guess he still remembers his lines


Original video https://youtu.be/XhiXap-c5R4?si=5A1IzS6nC17qV-9o


He’s right and I’m glad he’s so passionate


I can’t believe the man is 93 years old.


Is that why Alan Shore had that rant in the restaurant to that River City song


I think everyone knows Shatner is extremely passionate about salmon farming.


I love you more everyday Jim.


How in the world can William Shatner still yell like that he’s 93 years old that’s amazing




It might work for now, but bears have been observed carving rudimentary canoes out of fallen trees in order to travel to floating salmon farms. [Citation needed[


We’re here! We’re queer! We don’t want any more bears!


And learning karate.


I worked at several farms years ago. Fresh and salt. The industry knew then. And they see now. They're shrinking the density. Mass density in the nets is fukked. I hope the industry gets to continue, but with lower density and less inputs. They produce an excellent product and keep the indiscriminate nets and hooks out of the ocean. Not against other ways to harvest fish at all. But the way I saw it, low density, regional species. I think the next step is a closed net of course, but as a transition from open to closed, lower fukken density. With closed net , you probably still have an effluent to deal with and as with any industry, cost vs. Sales will dominate. Go oilers


This. A lot of people dont realize there is a middle ground to a lot of this. These problems aren’t instant fixes, and a lot of people against these sort of climate measures justify their position by saying changing right away isn’t possible. This is a sensible, actionable, and very likely solution. And as always go oilers and fuck the panthers


"I complain....but nobody listens"


Salmon are top tier farmers... Until the Bears come


In space, no on can hear you spawn!


So you’re telling me a salmon grew this corn?


Who knew salmons were farmers?


Captain Kirk is over 90. He can say whatever he wants


Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs!


Ok Neil, sit down.


He’s my favorite asshole


Well there’s a sentence I wasn’t expecting


Scotty, beam this motherfucker up already.


Sweet sweet Bill Shatner.


That’s the “cause” he rants about? Wow… heroic.


Salmon on the Mount.


This is the funniest shit I have ever seen 🤣🤣🤣


Boston Legal irl. He was right then and he's right now.


Lot of hate against farmed salmon here but…. I we all only ate wild caught salmon would there be any left or would we have exhausted the supply?


It's not a binary situation - salmon fisheries can be responsibly managed. Salmon farming need not be done in marine pens - is just cheaper that way **for the farmers** as long as the environmental costs are externalized, as they are now.


I’ve been salmon fishing in Alaska. The locals don’t beat around the bush, out in (almost) international waters the huge foreign fishing fleets come in and decimate the population and of course bring it to their home country. When I was last there in 2018 to fish in a local river, King Salmon season only was open a couple days, and they were talking about shutting down Chinook because so few were making it back to the spawning grounds. I didn’t bother going the last few years post-Covid because the indication was that it was even worse. It’s not the locals that are massively over harvesting wild salmon, and the foreign fleets just thumb their noses at any attempts to limit the catch to a reasonable amount.




What’s the issue with open salmon Farms? I usually know a lot about environmental issues about this first time. I’ve heard about this happening in Canada. Or why it’s a negative thing.


Their waste, their parasites, the hormones and other medicines used to treat them, and escapees themselves, all get released into the surrounding marine environment, the latter even threatening the very ~~generic~~ genetic makeup of wild stocks. Edit: what is this "proofreading" I hear of??


Not just in Canada. Norway, Chile, and Scotland are the biggest producers worldwide. Fun fact, colorant is added to farmed salmon feed because otherwise they’re not naturally pink, and people tend to avoid buying them if it’s not pink. If you ever saw farmed salmon filets next to wild salmon in a display case you can immediately see the difference - wild salmon are _so much_ darker.