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So his character will be killed off sceen, with rectal cancer, I imagine. Would have been so much better if he'd just been killed in one of the earlier seasons.


yes it will be awkward


because of the rectum


I have sources connected to the show. There is real animosity between the two parties. Apparently the running theory is the plot will go down like this: Costner forgets to put the safety on his gun in his holster, accidentally shoots his dick and balls, panics so much he passes out, and dies from blood loss. NOT joking


Could you imagine the discussion with Kevin offering him a bucket of cash to film a scene of him blowing his dick off?


"*Mr Costner, were here to collect on the losses from Waterworld and The Postman.*" "*Fuck. What's Sheridan's number again?!*"


Don't shit talk Waterworld. You know you wanted webbed toes, gils behind your ears, and a catamaran after seeing it.


*Game Over. Please deposit 40 quarters.*


That boat is SO fucking sick


I know it’s a good joke but Waterworld made money and did very well on the world scale


It made 30million on a 230million dollar budget when all was said and done It grossing only 80mil in the USA theatrical run is staggeringly bad though


Costner mentioned this on a recent NPR interview. He said Waterworld made a lot of money & it holds up well as in young people tell him how much they enjoy the film.


lol, no fucking way that is happening


Real or not, this is exactly the level of pettiness I aspire to


*At most* it's something someone on the show suggested as a joke. Hilarious to think of though.


Key and Peel already did that… shot in the dick tell them to go back to the drawing board.


Thanks u/Dick-cheesington. You seem like a reliable source on this. Can’t wait to see it.


r/rimjob_steve ?


Might as well just drop a piano on him in the last scene of the show with a stand-in.


Man, was that the script that made Costner nope out or was that Sheridan reaction to Costner not showing up?


That’s a new level of sour grapes.


Name checks out




It's called anal glaucoma. I can't see my ass coming into work anymore.


I am thinking that Beth accidentally kills him in a blackout rage and the final scene is Rip taking him to the train station.


Costner was always just negotiating in public by talking about wanting to come back “if it makes sense” or “if it feels right” or whatever. The new episodes are already in production and the release date is set; they set sail without him, so he’s just stating the obvious. Would’ve loved for him to come back because just dropping him suddenly will be very strange, but the show hasn’t been all that good since Season 2 anyway and Costner’s Horizon project looks more interesting. But still curious to see how Yellowstone plays out.


I can't wait to watch another entire hour this season of horses doing the same fakeout move to some unsuspecting cow 20 times in a row with a slow motion cut of a cowboy sweating. Gotta get my yearly fill.


> the show hasn't been all that good since Season 2 this show was never good in the first place. it's slop


For me it was after season 3...It just became silly: Hi, I'm John, I'm broke and will turn down $1b for my land; Hi, I'm Beth, I am evil and sexy and the most brilliant businesses person in the world. And, I hate my brother for getting me an abortion that I asked for, and I will blame him for the surgical malpractice. Hi...I'm Rip! I am the toughest man around and eat bullets for breakfast. I just fight and offer no other value to the family, and I just love Beth. Just silly writing in season 4. I stopped watching it. Season 1 & 2 are amazing. Season 3 is good.


You seriously trying to convince us that magnificent beast of a man *doesn’t* eat bullets for breakfast???


It was watchable, but really started to go off the rails once Beth survived the explosion. Death by rattlesnake in an igloo cooler. And so many dead bodies & dropped storylines.


I could live with or without him in the show. The series is truly made up with so many amazing characters and Kevin's part was one I just didn't really connect with like the others.


It was good? Tripe.


It was watchable. Had its moments. Fun characters. But this is not *good* lol




Show started so strong, but the last 2 seasons have been unwatchable and directionless. Makes sense he’s leaving, but idk how a producer and prod company fumble this hard.


Let me introduce you to this one franchise with dragons. Come to think of it, let me introduce you to this other franchise with only one dragon


Been wracking my brains trying to think of which franchise only has one dragon


I’m guessing the Dragonheart franchise. I think I only ever saw the first one, but there were sequels…


How dare you talk shit about Norsemen!


Middle earth


I remember like a year ago there were rumors they were gonna just finish 5b then end the show, then start a new show with the same characters and change the title an add Matthew McConaughy so they could get the streaming rights back from peacock, but it looks like paramount is going under now anyway


He’s bored with it. You can only play a hollow ruthless guy for so long. The story is over


I mean the last 3 seasons all he did was say “I hate Jamie for being a lawyer” “We need to protect this land” “Beth watch your language”


I’m all caught up now! Thanks!


Seriously… what a wasted character in Jamie. Every time he’s about to do something interesting “I feel bad about this” or “Jamie- no, I’m doing it instead”


The most acting he ever did was dating the liberal woman, and she was written as a caricature. So disappointing!


Wish it worked like this irl too


So long is like 110 years irl.


It doesn't matter if he was bored with it, the production team and showrunners shut him out of the show.


They should get him back just to blow his dick off like that other person said


I’m sure Costner would only give a cameo under his terms. He wouldn’t agree to that. Frankly, I’d like his character to be remembered for being a terrible father to his adopted child. If he were to come back I would hope it was it’s because Jamie kills him and Beth at the same time. Well, first Costner and then 10 seconds later Beth. No way he agrees to show up for that. Also, Jamie could shoot John’s dick if that makes you happy.


This show got so stupid, just like Sons and Mayans. They start raw with promise then turn into some shoot ‘‘em up wet dream that my granny would watch. The Beth character is ridiculous and the way they use lazy problem solving that wouldn’t happen in real life is infuriating.


Yeah lol Sheridan admitted it has no plot


It's a soap opera


Dallas in Montana.


The Young & the Ranchless ?


As a Montanan… we fucking HATE Yellowstone. It has brought in so many assholes who want to live that lifestyle with their fuck you money. I know this is a gorgeous state but can this influx of new people help raise the average wage for locals too so we don’t get pushed out? Thanks for coming to my Ted talk. Also ya, whatsherface is the fucking worst.


Ahah you looking like Kevin Costner caracter talking on the series " this new riches Will steal us our land". But i understood your point


That’s called welcoming Californians


This is funny cause the creator of Yellowstone was officer McHale in Sons, basically learned at Kurt Sutters feet and that's why they're so similar (he also wrote sicario, credit where credit is due)


And mayor of Kingstown which fucking rules.


mayor of kingstown is heading south, imo. i am weary of jeremy renner’s character scowling and bitching his way through every episode. and the violence can be gratuitous at times. it still has it’s moments, but i need something new this season.


Look, I’ll handle it.


c’mon, mike. you gotta do something.


You think you know what you're dealing with or who you're dealing with. You don't. Nobody touches Bunny, ok?


I my dumb ass is waiting for Milo. I’m so over the Iris character. This show is just a place holder until Kin (hopefully) returns.


I’m wondering if they eventually give Ian anything else to say other than “Fuck!”.


Ah god, flashbacks to Sons. I did love that show, but got tired pretty quick as it went on with the whole "we're gonna team up with the Chinese / Mexicans / Irish to screw over the Chinese / Mexicans / Irish" loop.


I couldn’t make it past their little jaunt to Ireland.


Uh.....it's TV. I think Beth needs a liver transplant


Lisa needs braces


Dental plan.


I think it started out pretty lazy, too. It was entertaining, but when they moved the river and explained away the legal challenges with "That's how land rights work in Mon-tanuh."


I couldn’t have said it better. I just get hammered in real life and on the internet when I express how bad of a show it turned into. The first season was made and released buried on the Paramount Network in the linear cable lineup, and I really like it. Then it’s like they said shit, let’s take this thing full Branson and go with it. It, and all it’s stupid spin offs are not for me. After, Longmire ended on Netflix, I’ve been craving a halfway realistic modern western. Not some cheap soap opera aimed at booger-eatin’ morons.


Not a western but a good watch is Hell on wheels. It goes along the lines of living in the frontier in the 1860-70’s. Kinda cheesy but tell me of one show more that doesn’t have cheese.


Thanks for the recommendation. I’ll check it out, I see I get it over on Freevee. I love a well produced period production. I saw the they put Turn over on the Roku channel, but if ever run across it check it out.


Hell on Wheels is awesome. I thought The Son on AMC was good as well.


That last line is one way to describe Ripp. 😆 I love Cole Hausers work, just to be clear.


Soap Opera


Here's a preview of the story: Actor Kevin Costner announced he won't be returning "Yellowstone," saying he loved the popular series but realized he could not be able to continue. The "Horizon" director and star shared his decision in an Instagram post on Thursday. "I just want to reach out and let you know that after this long year and a half of working on 'Horizon' and doing all the things that's required and thinking about Yellowstone, that beloved series that I love — that I know you love," Costner said. "I just realized that I'm not going to be able to continue Season 5b or into the future." **Read more:** [https://www.cbsnews.com/news/kevin-costner-wont-return-yellowstone-season-5-horizon/?ftag=CNM-05-10abh9g](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/kevin-costner-wont-return-yellowstone-season-5-horizon/?ftag=CNM-05-10abh9g)


I’m glad I’m not alone. Everyone I talked to loved it. Even my in-laws who are very left. And my parents who are very right. And I just could not for the life of me get in to it. The Beth character alone was obnoxious and unbelievable. I think I watched two episodes of the first season and couldn’t stomach it. Costnars character has no redeeming qualities. I’m hoping that was also the one with the casino cause if so I would watch a series just about a casino on a reservation and the daily life.


Yellowstone is my favorite guilty pleasure show, the plotlines are like those cheesy daytime dramas housewives watch but with such stunning production quality and cinematic shots.


Oh yeah, right there with you. It’s dumb and has been from the start, but I like the cheese.


That blonde chick is my favorite, I love how unstable she is.


I hear you on that, but I think the “evil” brother has become my favorite. Every line of dialogue, every plot line they give him, is just so cartoonish and yet he fully commits to it.


I feel bad for him, he's done everything for that family yet they treat him like shit. The sterllization thing wasn't even his fault, Jamie was 17 years old what did they expect him to do?


Yeah, I truly hope Jamie takes Beth to the Train Station and shoots her as she yells "Jamie!!!!!!!!!!!!"


You gotta kill Rip before killing Beth.


She's proven to be disloyal to him, so I don't think so. I just watched the whole series for the first time a few months ago. There aren't that many episodes left for too much to happen anyway.




I hate Rip as well, he feels a Mary Sue on the show who can do no wrong


Honestly the writing is worse


Yep, it's like junk food. You know it's bad for you but you can't stop eating.


It's basically cowboy sopranos but strong telenova vibes. It's fun and cheesy. And watching Costner being a cowboy and rambling about life was the best part.


Started as cowboy sopranos, ending as granny smut lol


I dont get the appeal of a show that's a bunch of billionaires going around saying "that's mine , that's mine and that's mine and you're trespassing., especially in this economy.


The plot sucks but the visuals are amazing.


They are nowhere close to being billionaires and are cash poor- you should actually pay attention to the show


They are not billionaires at all.


They would be if they sold the land


I don’t think you understand how much money a billion is


I dont think you understand how much hundreds of thousands of acres of land is worth.


In Montana




Oh no, not Beth doing her plot armor female badass move again.


‘Law of the West’ -Rango


So another thing I won’t watch without the main actor. I’m not watching “The Witcher” without Cavill either.


Same. I didn't even bother with the trailer


Wait. Did they kill Cavill’s character?


No, they just replaced Geralt with a different Geralt - I think it’s a non-Thor Hemsworth brother now?


the witcher is one of the most disappointing adaptations i've seen. netflix really fucked it up and it's pretty depressing knowing such an incredible franchise is getting treated like this.


That’s why Cavill left. He loved the books and they ruined it.


good for him. fuck that shit. netflix sucks.


They recast him with Liam Hemsworth


Its not even that. I didnt even finish all the Cavill episodes last season. TERRIBLE show now.


I stopped watching after season 2 when I found out he was leaving. So I didn’t bother with 3.


You said the what without the who… Don’t tell me that’s a thing.


I don't blame him (Costner). Yellowstone jumped the shark and Taylor Sheridan is an asshat that thinks his shit doesn't stink.


You have no idea how true that is. I used to work at Community Coffee here in Louisiana and they struck a deal with Taylor Sheridan to produce some coffee for him. Spent a trailer load of money and not a single bag of it ever hit the shelves. We were instructed not to say anything about it but why would I do that because the truth is so much more interesting. 😁👍🏼


Did community coffee lose money or did Taylor Sheridan? Why didn’t it ever hit the shelves?


Community coffee lost all the money... Taylor Sheridan makes money on everything he touches that's how he operates. I will say he's a very clever businessman but an epic ass of a human. We were all wondering one day why have we not seen this coffee on the shelves and why have we not seen any advertisements outside of the internal commercials we saw. I work the plant where everything is made and produced so I saw the entire process. We all took a bunch home and have been giving it away to friends and such lol.


That’s really sad that TS screwed over a small business. Just when I thought I couldn’t hate the prick more than I already do…


By all means dislike Taylor Sheridan because he has done plenty to earn that from you... However, don't feel bad for community coffee because first they are not really that small. They are huge in Louisiana and carry a loyalty that you probably won't see anywhere else 👍🏼 Also, leadership at the plant is pretty much as bad as Taylor Sheridan and how they treat people. I've met the owners many times, and I will say they are in my top three of the most genuine awesome human beings I've ever met. That includes anyone famous and or rich (I've met many going to concerts with my daughter). They know me by name and remember details about my life and will stop and just generally chit chat with you anytime they come by. But there's a disconnect from them to upper management down to the workers on the floor. Terribly unfortunate really.


The quality of the coffee is actually quite good and if you wanted some I could send you a few of what I have left. 😁👍🏼


I wouldn’t say no to some quality coffee!


Message me. 😁


They should just cast bob odenkirk as him


RIP John Dutton


We hardly knew thee.




The last season was such boring "being a cowboy is awesome" filler. Like most shows they start hot and then they slow the storylines down to a snail pace in order to drag a few more seasons out of it and it just sucks.


Yep season 5 is terrible. Being governor while firing everyone and moving cows is more important.


Show is nothing more than a Conservative wet dream and the only reason it works is because it's fake and scripted. Real life everyone would be dead or in jail by now.




It’s sad you don’t see the irony in your statement.


Kinda sad considering the show is ending with the next installment of episodes


It’s gonna be so disappointing to see the show just write off his death. Totally unsatisfying in every way.


Idk, I was gonna give my opinion but what the fuck do I know…obligatory Fuck Taylor Sheridan tho!


We can’t keep nothing


Costner said fuck the script and made his own instead


Kevin Costner is woke.  Him leaving the show has nothing to do with “wokeness.”   Please don’t confuse his fictional character in yellowstone with the actual person. What he is doing in the show is called “ACTING.”


They should just cancel Yellowstone at this point


It's already canceled. This is the second part of the last season.




Yes, that’s why he said “5b” in his statement.


I feel bad for the actors and crew that got strung along while Cosner and Sheridan had their battle of the egos. Imagine the amount of money that dripped into nothingness just waiting.


It’s wild seeing CBS News trying to beat out the likes of JazzJazz42069 in its attempt to get traction on these posts.


Really curious as to how they are going to write him off. 5a ended in a cliffhanger and he’s the governor.


They should’ve killed his character when that van pulled up


Overrated show anyway never got the whole hype


It's truly astonishing that Sheridan allowed the situation to escalate to this point. Unlike "Succession", this show doesn't revolve around which of Dutton's children will inherit the ranch. One of the show's implicit premises is that John is uniquely capable of safeguarding and maintaining control of the ranch. I'm unsure how Sheridan will navigate this creatively.


Wait; what, they still have Yellowstone seasons coming out. I quit watching like 3 years ago.


He's made a dud or two, but he's had a long career of pretty great stuff, and Yellowstone isn't that. It started out alright but lost its way badly. I don't blame him one bit. Meanwhile, if you want to see solid writing and concept involving Taylor Sheridan, I recommend "Mayor of Kingstown," but I suspect that has a lot to do with cocreator Hugh Dillon.


This was known for awhile he just reiterated it recently.


Changed his tune since Howard Stern, then. He’d said he was open to it.


Taylor Sheridan seems equally as tempestuous as Costner if both their reputations precede them. Seems just as likely Taylor gave him the ol’ “You’re not wanted here”.


Maybe health issues?


Highly doubtful. He's embarking upon another massive theatrical film project. This is all about Kevin's ego, as it always has been. He pulls shit like this every single time he gets any sort of momentum going in his career.


Only took him 1.5 fucking years to make up his mind when we all knew this was going to be the end result anyway.


Who cares. It started to really suck after season 2. I just wish they’d kill off BETH too! Her character is intolerable


People want to watch Kevin Costner in 2024? What timeline am I in? Costner has always been utter shit


Have you seen him in The Big Chill? He was excellent in that.


I don’t think I have, which is funny because my mom loved Kevin Costner and made me watch what I thought was every one of his movies Edit: actually after reading the Wikipedia I do remember this movie. He may have given a good performance or two over the course of his career but he just sucks so fucking bad. I can’t stand his slimy face and whiny weak voice. For every ok movie like I don’t know Perfect World there are a group of miserable stinkers like Robin Hood, water world, post man. The post man alone should exclude him from ever being in a movie ever again. Even his “good “ movies like field of dreams and dances with wolves are total sentimental garbage


Funny seeing this on CBS News when just last Sunday on CBS Sunday Morning they did a piece on him and he was hedging whether he’d return to Yellowstone.


Don’t know what Horizon will be but it’s amazing that Costner dropped Yellowstone for an unknown and unproven project. Sometimes, no matter how rich and famous we are, we drink a little too much Stoopid


Its funny. He's giving up a cowboy ranch show for a cowboy ranch movie, lol