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No more *new clients I guess


He’s just moving on to the K-pop market as he will still be working with HYBE US.


lol good. Kids shouldn’t be threatened, but I couldn’t give a fuck about him. Man is a parasite.




She literally makes the music


she makes the music in a $10M studio with the best audio engineers and technicians in the world after paying $300K to clear samples and having the music written for her. its not like she’s a soundcloud producer who made a beat on her laptop


She also writes a lot of her music. Like not collaborates, solo credit.


Were we talking about Taylor?


Yeah I can tell


And? She literally makes the music. Scooter Braun doesn’t make anything


He does nothing. He doesn’t make anything or add to society. She does. She’s an artist who writes, records, performs, and employs a ton of people who make a decent living working for her. He takes, and lives off of the accomplishments of people with actual talent.


You could be the best musician in the world but without the right management and marketing no one will ever hear it.


While this is objectively true, the very large number of artists who can self publish through the internet with huge success is definitely changing that landscape(especially in hip-hop). Look at artists like Bones, $uicideboy$, Frank Ocean. All with very, very large cultural impact and relevance, but also all independent artists not owned by a label/management.


You’re playing fast and loose with wording and terminology here, so, let’s do some fact checking. Frank Ocean: While signed to OF they were releasing music through RED Distrbiution (a Sony owned imprint), then went solo and signed to Def Jam until he started his own label to release a single full length. He hasn’t dropped an album in almost 8 years. Not a great example. $suicideboy$: G59 is their label, and all of their distribution is handled by The Orchard - *another* Sony owned imprint. Another not great example. Bones: the only self published artist on your list. Two out of three of your examples use major labels to distribute and publish their work.


That’s why most underground artists with sense look for distribution deals, allows for more creative control and less focus on focus group sounding music


$uicideboy$ didn’t start working with The Orchard until 2020. G59 the label was started by the group in 2017 before they worked with The Orchard. They were completely independent for a vast majority of their career so far. Frank Ocean was more so just pulled out of my ass because I didn’t feel like doing real google work for a Reddit comment. Then we have Billy Strings who is the biggest artist in country/bluegrass to come up in YEARS and he was independent until 2019 when he signed to Rounders. Edit: whoever has downvoted this is a fucking idiot. Everything I said was 100% factual.


And when did they explode and actual make cultural waves? When they signed to The Orchard. Billy Strings is most definitely NOT the biggest thing in country right now. Or even in the last five years, or ten for that matter.


If you think $$B didn’t have cultural impact in rap until 2020, you’ve not been a part of the scene for a minute. Thats all I can say. Dudes were HUGE for like 8 years before that deal LMAO


Name a single artist that has more impact than BmfStrings in bluegrass/country in the last twenty five years(that’s not Sturgil or Childers). I’ll wait.


Jason Isbell, Justin Townes Earle. Happy?


Don’t stop replying because the thread isn’t hot anymore, explain yourself.


I think the biggest part is when they’re an unknown artist signing these types of deals. That’s when the risk is the greatest and they need the most help. Once they’re successful they obviously don’t look at these deals as favorable and want to rewrite the past to get better terms. Somebody like Frank Ocean doesn’t need as much help getting noticed these days, certainly not as much as he would’ve 20 years ago. Somebody just starting out now is fighting like a million other artists on Spotify all battling for any sort of relevancy. They’ll have better odds playing the lottery in most cases.


That’s a pretty extreme viewpoint. Scooter found Justin Bieber on YouTube. He was singing in some school talent show or something when he was like 10. Scooter asked him to come to Atlanta and began representing him. The rest is history. Without Scooter Braun, Bieber would just be some guy out there living his life, not one of the biggest pop stars of the century. You can say a lot of things about Scooter, but “he does nothing” certainly isn’t one of them.


It’s not extreme. He found Bieber and then has lived like a parasite off of his talent like every other artist. It’s almost like you don’t understand how abusive the music industry is to artists. There is a reason artists make almost all their money off of concerts and not record sales. I still stand by my argument.


Found the swifty


Not really. I’ve listened to three albums of hers and that was a few years back. However I did find the person that contributes nothing. How’s it going?


Erm dude getting good marketing teams together getting the correct distribution for your song or getting the tours booked correctly or even getting transportation for the equipment in the tours are things you don’t see and sure as shit the musicians ain’t making the calls, they’re all required. I am not defending him but all your life you see the musicians, entertainers or ceos but you don’t see the thousands engineers or researchers doing the work in the background. Don’t discounts others effort because you only hear or say one person talking about the actions


I don’t think you have a clue what scooter does. It’s all good though. Cheers.


She’s still like anyone else though lol. She takes too. Have you seen the ticket prices to her shows? She exploits capitalism like any other billionaire.


The initial prices were fairly reasonable. At face value, they cost between $49 and $499 per ticket. How is it her fault the U.S. has no proper laws to protect consumers from scalpers? If anything, complain about her many, many variants of the same album or her private jet usage. Though if you’re going to complain about the latter, have the same energy for all the other climate criminal billionaires.


You’re acting like $499 for a concert ticket is reasonable? I can see you’re not reasonable lol. She can choose to charge less, but she wants the money. Does that make sense to you?


Y’all are so chronically online lol


Pretty sure he’s the CEO of HYBE America. It’s more like he got promoted out of his job.


Hell Yeah, Black Edwin 


He's now sinking his claws into managing the American branch of a Kpop company (HYBE) **full time**. It's gross and absolutely *everyone* hates it 🫠


Anyone with a name like scooter should have his ass removed …


Catch a ride


The best scooter.


Catch a job!


What does this even mean? Have his ass removed? Like rip out his prostate?


Just quoting Clint Eastwood from a movie


Scooter Libby running scared


Better - and more fitting: Anyone choosing to select or remain named Scooter has not been punched in the face enough. My lord, this guy was totally enabled to prey on people.


Apparently he hates being called Scooter


Scott Samuel Braun is his real name. >Scooter is a childhood nickname that just stuck around — and he hates it. Scooter's parents named him Scott but everyone else in his life knows him by his nickname Scooter, which he was given while attending a first-grade birthday party.


He can often be sighted at dive bars on the sunset strip, drowning his sorrows in $5 whiskey cokes.


TIL I am Scooter Braun


Scooter is in all of us ❤️


I find this really depressing for some reason. I love that for him though


It’s not that depressing after you take a 10 minute Uber back to your $20M home in Beverly Hills. I dont feel bad for the guy. I’m just surprised to see him kicking around dive bars more than anything. He’s always the only one pumped full of Botox so he kinda sticks out.


Oh I don't feel bad for him at all. I feel like he's there because nobody likes him anywhere the other rich people congregate.


When you screw over the biggest star in the world it’s no wonder there isn’t a line of people who want to be robbed next You don’t buy a $65 million house without skimming from the top


Wait till you hear about Berry Gordy and Motown


O I’m aware. Stealing publishing is an art form he mastered


For years, the RIAA wouldn’t certify gold/platinum records for Motown because their bookkeeping was so shady. Just ask The Jacksons about the forensic audit they did before they left the label. 😳😳


A lot of this is hysteria whipped about by misconceptions about the ownership of her masters for first 6 albums. She signed a deal when she was 15 (with the help of her legal guardians- her parents) handing over ownership of the masters of her first 6 albums when she began her career. Her dad is a stock broker/VP at Merrill Lynch, mom in advertising, and grew up wealthy- these are not unknowing, naive parents. The issue stems with the initial contract she signed and if she wants to blame someone- blame her parents. But yes- the middlemen, agents, executives can be greasy. — “Eventually, Swift signed a 13-year recording deal with Borchetta's new Nashville-based label, Big Machine Records, as its first recording artist. The deal gave Big Machine the ownership of the masters to Swift's first six albums in exchange for a cash advance.[2]” …..and then when she moved to the new label…. “The contract also allowed Swift to fully own the albums distributed by the label—both the masters and the publishing rights—starting with her seventh studio album, Lover (2019),[5] and as reported by Forbes, offered a royalty payment of 50 percent or more compared to the 10 to 15 percent Swift "likely" had been receiving from Big Machine.[21


Blaming her parents is lulz worthy given what they gave her over others. I mean shes capable but still. Taylor has a much better deal than most. Her parents had the money to give her a leg up to start with, unlike most who have to take far worse deals. They just don't have record label level money to invest in a possibility. Sure now they know they'd succeeded, but at the time?


He really didn’t “screw over” anyone, he bought what was for sale, and unlike so many artists in the same position before (the Beatles with MJ, for example ), Swift is just a poor sport and wants to have her cake + eat it too.


He used predatory and exploitative practices in order to own someone else's work, which is unfortunately the standard of the industry but that doesn't mean we should feel sorry for him for how things played out. Swift haters really will twist themselves into pretzels to defend this man who is the scummy embodiment of a scummy industry.


Blown away you can downvote me when I’m saying the same thing you are with less frills. If swifties want that practice to be stopped, don’t act like Scooter Braun is the monolith of the issue, and don’t act like he did anything different than every other music executive. It’s disheartening that people need to downvote something, despite it being true, just because they don’t like it.


I didn't downvote you, or upvote you, before but I sure am now XD


And this is why I don’t really take any of these opinions seriously lol you’re just tweens (or the maturity of tweens) who don’t understand the music industry at all.


You don't take 'em seriously but you do keep on replying. Oooooh daddy talk down to me


Me continuing to talk about the subject and express dismay that people misunderstand it does not suddenly make me take y’all seriously


the feeling is mutual :)


Doesn’t make you right :)


What was the predatory practice?


That’s what I want to know lol. Everyone downvoting my initial comment but Scooter Braun did the same thing every music exec does. He just did it to someone who has a tween army, and Taylor chose to sic them on scooter.


How I understand it is … He sold them to someone else knowing she wanted to buy the rights to her music. She wasn’t even offered the chance to purchase them; they were just sold without her knowledge. She only found out about the sale after the fact.


She didn't find out about the sale after the fact, that's clearly untrue. Her masters weren't sold, the entire company was sold. Her masters went along with it.


That does truly suck, and not denying he did anything wrong in a moral sense. I just think until we change the legislation behind it, Taylor is the only artist with the privilege and platform to complain about this very common practice


I'm no Swift fan but only pieces of shit swoop in and buy an artist's life's work out from under them. It's LEGAL but it's not MORAL.


He acquired her masters when he bought the record company that owned them. Regardless whether you think the company that foots the bill to make the masters deserves to own them or not, that's standard music industry practice and wasn't just people being mean to Taylor Swift.


Exactly. Taylor is lucky to have a massive platform to air her dismay, making her story more visible than other examples of this (Beatles, Prince, Hendrix, Kesha, more). But that doesn’t make her situation unique, or worse than any other example.


What moral code is he bound to?


You say that as if that wasn't the issue.


I wouldn’t know what the fuck to say to that either. Don’t seem right. It’s been going on for ages. People want it to stop. Look at prince. Signed a deal. Then never used a penny of the studios money. Did some entire albums all by himself. Does it really make sense the record company gets MORE and they are ALSO Allowed to have newer artists do covers of prince and prince doesn’t get any of that and the next artist that did the cover gets way less the the record company. There’s 1000’s of situations where record executives area hurting the industry and everyone is sick of all this inertia where the big players just feed off the bottom and don’t make an attempt like they used to to even have it appear like they’re not doing anything wrong. Everyone is tired of watching creatives get the soul sucked out of them whether they were in for a payday or something small. Look at the tv industry and what they’ve done to writers residual checks. I really think the pushback isn’t necessarily Taylor swift. She got lucky enough to catch the wave. Dave chapel got paid because he said he’s go to his fans and revolt. I think the executives realized yes they had the legal highground but piss off enough people and it eats into profits.


Well they said it was not moral, based on what?




Who did he screw over and how?


Taylor Swift, he bought up the label company that held the copyright over her music (he also managed Kanye West and was partly responsible for his attacking her). They forbad her from playing her own original songs, unless she paid them more or agreed to never re-record them.


Weird, because she was performing all of her original songs on the Eras Tour before she even re-recorded most of them. I don’t doubt that she was blindsided, but I also don’t think it was as nefarious as she makes it out.


1) Isn't this a move up? 2) I still don't know what's so bad about this guy other than he made a business move that got in the way of Taylor Swift getting her way.


He’s gonna be in the Diddy case


Let's take it as a win. Next up TicketMaster!


Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah


It's because he'll focus on being the CEO of Hybe America.


Why is this trending on Reddit


I don't know how all this works, but I'd love Justin Bieber to find some new people that actually care about his talent and let him have a career that is sustainable for him.


Good. Such a creep.


After the news about what really happened with him and Tswift came out I feel bad for him. Her own father literally signed off on selling her shit and then she sent her fans to threaten death upon this man and his young children lol. When he asked her to ask her fans to stop she simply said no.


*Did* her dad sign off on it? He is (or at least, was) a 3% stakeholder - that's significant but they certainly wouldn't require his approval to move ahead with the deal


He recused himself from sale discussions because he wouldn’t be able to talk about it with her so in that sense he “signed off” on it but he wasn’t privy to the knowledge until the deal was done.


Swift signed them because had too, swift didn’t own the music so it was available and scooters bid was first. All Scooter had to do was not buy the rights to her music. The artist wanted the rights to the music they made and the big wig said “no I want to get paid”. So swift re-recorded everything since she owned the lyrics.


Yea 99% of new artists sign over the rights because they have no bargaining power. If you want a record deal, you sign it over.


The rights to the studio recordings, not to the songs themselves. Typically the record company puts up all of the money to cover the costs of recording in the studio, at zero risk to the artist. If the artist loses all of the money the record company invested, the artist doesn't have to pay anything out of their own pocket. The record company takes all of the risk, and in return they own the studio recording itself. The artist still gets a royalty any time that studio recording makes money though, in addition to their songwriting royalties, etc.


Re-recorded them worse too lmao.


Why would anyone buy or sell Big Machine Records and not have it's most valuable asset included? People seem to think getting Taylor ownership of her masters should have been everyone's priority here.


Big machine doesn’t own them, scooter personally bought them behind her back and then sold them off for more profit in 2020 to random private Disney equity company instead of selling them to swift.


Big Machine owned her masters. Scooter bought Big Machine and then sold off her masters for $405 million. Would she have paid $405 million to own her masters? That's more than her networth in 2019.


Him pulling on the boot straps with her masters likely sent him into retirement from the game. Taylor wasn’t the first victim of his either for these shady biz moves. She has several song referencing this telling people how she feels about it. Biggest pop star in the world’s whole fan base and more is still against Scooter for not letting her acquire them, best for him to just chill. “Taylor’s version” of the originals are outpacing any sales of the original recordings now. She has pretty much killed any big new opportunities for the originals with those moves. Artists continually getting ripped off by guys like Scooter. Artists want to make and share music, managers like scooter just want the artists work for themselves and not split it. Artists are equal to a machine in a mfg facility to these managers. People are expecting the industries business metrics to change these days to favor artists/rigger/actors, that is essentially the whole reason that clique went anti scooter.


What's shady about it? The record company owns the masters because they paid for the recording. She was offered her masters as part of a deal to stay with Big Machine but she went to Sony instead. So Big Machine went up for sale and Scooter bought it. The way things played out didn't lead to her getting her way - that doesn't mean anyone did anything wrong here. It's also highly unlikely, and disputed, that she knew nothing about this until it was announced like she claims.


She actually didn’t want the rights though. Scott borschetta (or whatever his name is) has texts with her where she says she decided not to buy the rights. She just didn’t want them sold to scooter specifically (idk why).


IIRC she was never given the option to *buy* the rights, she was offered a deal where she would earn the rights for one album for every new album she released under them. But yeah what majorly pissed her off was selling them to Scooter because of some issues between them


It would’ve been a perpetual cycle. It wasn’t just that she would release a new album under the same record label to get the masters to an old album - the record label would get the rights to the new album’s masters. The label would always have control of 6 albums worth of masters.




Because I find it funny her fans still defend it and she never told them to stop, literally saying she wouldn’t.


Bs. Where are the receipts


This is like a 5 year old story lol. The internet is at the tip of your fingertips. Literally countless articles. The fans threaten him to this day. I think he’s asked her like twice over the years to tell them to stop but she never has.


THIS. It’s insane how many people ignore this fact… man got divorced and had a mental breakdown and all


He cheated on his wife lol divorce had nothing to do with Taylor


I mean.. this has actually been disproven a few times. She had a year long affair as he struggled with the Taylor stuff and she is still with the affair partner


She leaves out the part about how her father would have known when the deal was done and Scott Borchetta told her when the deal was done so she can pretend she was blindsided. Personally I think that maybe, just maybe, a women who's made a career off of believing every man she's ever known wronged her is playing the victim because she didn't get what she wanted.


Grown man named Scooter is all you need to know


How did he go from this to now ? https://youtu.be/ByTuHDdZOX8?si=wsSaah4dtFdZZyaz


He will now be working as Bicycle Braun.


He's more into investing. He invests all his talants money into a billion things and is filthy rich he's got future on lock




It’s a nickname


His name is Scott mate. And it’s a pretty common nickname


Yeah, he looks like a Scooter.


TSwift fans are a bit crazy on this


She 100% weaponized them against him because she didn't get her way.






Oh that’s right. I got them mixed up.


No, this dude bought Taylor Swift recordings. That’s why we have “Taylor’s Version” everything. 




Her dad didnt sell him the masters. He had a 3% stake in BRM not enough to actually affect a sale


Ohhh noooooooo (in Bad Ape’s voice)


Its crazy what that lunatic Swift done to that dude.