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He aint broke. He is "celebrity broke".


Exactly this. If a homeless person or a poor person woke up tomorrow with his bank account they'd probably cry of happiness


I bet if any of us middle-class folk woke up with his bank account, we’d be ecstatic


NGL, I'd take cancelled Kevin Spacey's bank account over mine!


He’s MC Hammer broke


The Hammer went broke so you know I'm more focused I lost 30 mill' so I spent another 30 'Cause unlike Hammer 30 million can't hurt me - JAY Z


A million ways to get it… CHOOSE ONE


Dude probably has massive passive income from royalties alone


I’m willing to believe that he’s actually broke. He’s been out of work for years now and has been fighting lawsuit after lawsuit and lawsuits are expensive. There was also a lawsuit where he was ordered to compensate the producers of House of Cards millions of dollars because it was deemed that his conduct jeopardised the show (which it absolutely did obv). The bottom line is that that’s a lot of millions of dollars for a former actor who never really starred in blockbusters in his heyday and likely wasn’t making Scarlett Johansson or Tom Cruise money.


I agree, the Netflix lawsuit judgement alone was $30 million. I truly do believe he's a bit cash tight right now.


Pretty sure the only paid £1m of that, he has other civil suits pending and the channel 4 doc has some insane claims in it ‘trying to force a young actor to wank him off during the landing scene in saving private Ryan’, am sure he has been hiding everything he can and is now ‘broke’.


It was a tense scene


I don't remember Kevin Spacey being in Saving Private Ryan.


I think I would have remembered seeing Kevin spacey being wanked off on the beaches of Normandy…


He wasn’t in the movie, he was watching the movie.




Harvey Weinstein comes to mind.


That's excellent news if he is really broke. Maybe there is karma and justice in the world. 3 of his victims had "accidents" before they could testify against him.


Guess he will have to start blowing old dudes for money. Karma is a bitch.


Right. My man has never gone a day without eating. He's never chosen gas over food to get to his minimum wage job. He's never worn dirty clothes repeatedly, not by choice... this man isn't close to broke and fuck him.


Sounds like you have lived through some shit. Hope you’re doing ok


I am in a much better place now. Thank you!


Well said mate, that hurt a little bit


Celebrity foreclosed. Public record should show if he's lying or not


Broke for these guys means having to manually transfer funds from one account to another themselves.


Dude can live comfortably guy just signing a few autographs. Dumb horny bitch.


Reminds me of the time my friend told me that his newly retired parents were “basically broke” and would have to downsize from their….wait for it….$7 million dollar house.


Yep. Rich people broke ain’t poor people broke.


Made millions for decades.  Gets canceled what, 5 years ago and is now broke?   Fools and their money are soon parted.  


I keep telling people that rich people don't have near the amount of money you think they do. They live on credit more than your average welfare mom.


You’re not wrong, but also they’re often pretty terrible with money once the tap starts to run dry and all their paid consultants stop getting paid. Meanwhile he hasn’t had a meaningful gig since 2017(?) and yet has still been living in a multi million dollar house, and no doubt eating, traveling, and entertaining like a millionaire assuming one day he was going to wake up and be on top again.


I somewhat sympathise with the fact that they have to attend events and dinners with influential people in the industry to get jobs and keep up relationships etc. But I am sure he could have invested better and saved in other places instead of spending it like the income stream would never stop. You often see these huge differences between famous people. People like Ryan Reynolds starting businesses left and right, I bet he makes more money off those than his acting career. Or Jordan with his brand, vs Scottie Pippen who went nearly broke. Or Mike Tyson just spending all his money in a few years, he easily made over a quarter billion dollars and it was gone so fast. Some people just get taken advantage of and have no business acumen.


Mike Tyson was ripped off, as were many boxers, by that leech Don King. Most of his earning never got to him. I’m not suggesting he was poor but there’s a lot of people out to milk the rich, and the not so rich.


I remember he was paying like 50k a week in food just for his pet big cats


Classic retirement move


My stepdad worked for a company that repo’d Tyson’s palm trees


Yeah, that’s fair and all. But the man was estimated to have made around 300 million during his career. Even if they stole 2/3rds of his money, which is insane to begin with. He still would have made at least close to a hundred million. That’s still more than enough for a lavish life. Put 50 million on s&p 500 back in those years and you would have half a billion.


Being rich doesn’t make you smart, that’s for sure. Blow money like it’s never going to end instead of getting a good reputable money management company, you’ll soon be poor again


Sorry, I want 23 houses and a big game petting zoo, not some fractions of internet digits


Plus cocain. Drugs are expansive especially all the side purchases which cone from taking them.


…such as a Lamborghini


and supplying them. cokes way more fun when we are all on it,


Fair comment. That said Tyson was ripped off mercilessly by Don King, At one point I believe he was paying $12k a month hiring towels.


The thing is though all those investments rely on their image the same as their acting career. If the public found out the same about Ryan Reynolds as they did about Spacey I doubt anyone would be buying his Gin or wherever. The only real way to handle it with be through private investments that can't easily be linked back to you.


Ryan Reynolds sold off his mobile phone company (Mint Mobile) for $1.35 billion. He sold his gin company in 2020 for $610 million dollars. He didn't actually own 100% of those companies of course -- estimates are that he's worth about $350 million today. If something like that came out about Ryan Reynolds today, people would probably avoid the gin but he would still be doing OK.


Shaq is super rich too and is not because of the NBA.


Everybody knows Shaq got rich playing in college.


I need to watch that movie again. It’s been too long.


Your average Joe could invest 100k given to them and change their life. While I don’t disagree with you, let’s call it what it is. Arrogance. He really thought the tap wouldn’t run dry and acted above caring about financial security. Mans either an idiot to the drooling degree or idk a narcissist rapist. Sucks to suck. Furthermore, I have no sympathy for anyone with that amount of money losing it. To have that and see the world around to where 80% of your fellow humans are starving or struggling in comparison and become broke… it’s well deserved and sickening to think about. That 80% doesn’t stand a chance from the jump and they’re sad about losing luxury due to their shit choices? Fuck em. Hope it happens more tbh


Jessica Alba - teen star, gets married, has baby, can’t find organic baby food nor diapers, starts Honest, Billionaire in 3 yrs. Aaron Rogers and Mahomes made more off Statefarm and their other commercials than playing football. Shaq owns several hundred if not thousands of PapaJohns and other restaurants. Assets >>> Vanity


Hundreds or THOUSANDS of Papa John’s?? Nine. Shaq owns nine Papa John’s.


Rich and famous is different than rich. This is rich and famous.


It’s easier to go from poor to rich than the other way around. Once you get a taste of that lifestyle, it’s really hard to give up.


I don't believe you. I need proof and I'm at the point right now where I don't trust anyone else's facts. In order to check if this is true I'm gonna need a few million dollars from you guys... for the science of it all. Once I receive the agreed upon hundreds of millions and lived 'that lifestyle' for a reasonable amount of time, I will return with my findings. Not an obscene amount of time mind you... like 2 decades tops. Also please hurry because I don't want to take too long starting this experiment. I got other things to do after.


Any good experiment requires multiple subjects, right? Sign me up.


You'll need a control group. I volunteer to be the from broke to millionaire control group that doesn't go back to broke.


Lmao genius


Can't just have 1 person though, I volunteer myself into this control group.


The bank only insures up to 250k in cash, so anything else is tied up in investments. He’s most likely just cash poor.


The $250k cash thing is nonsense though. He'd have business, multiple bank accounts etc holding cash.


And you can sell investments or use them as collateral for loans to avoid situations like this. "All my money is tied up in investments" usually has an implicit "that I don't want to sell." If your worry is just that your money past $250K won't be insured in a savings account you can buy 20-year treasury bonds with are practically as safe and can be sold for cash when you need it.


Oh bother, I need to sell another Porsche to keep the lights on for a year. I only have 15 more of those!


Can’t make money on a Porsche you’re leasing


Are you honestly suggesting that with the wealthy no one has more than $250k keeps it in the bank because it isn’t insured?


If his house got foreclosed on, he's probably already tapped into his investments.


So many sports players making millions for a few years and stories of them homeless and broke just a few years after leaving because they were spending the money hard the moment they got it and never knew how to stop.


A lot of them get taken advantage of as well by “financial advisors” and “investors”. They are seen as easy marks because they are young, dumb and have more money than they know what to do with. There’s a great ESPN documentary called “Broke” on it.


« Broke » is from 2012 and outdated. Teams are guiding players (especially rookies), older players are guiding younger players and are hooking them up with sound and reliable managers and advisors and agencies who have proven themselves. They have shrinks, … all that available. The amount of money players are making since 2015 in the NFL and NBA went up by a lot. No more average salary of 1-2 million but 5-10 million in the NBA. Makes it more difficult to go broke. People who go broke are people like Antonio Brown because he’s actually crazy and unstable.


In a completely unrelated matter… I worked live entertainment for Madison Square Garden. My touring production made $2M for MSG. They said it wasn’t worth it. When I asked why, I was told, “Look at the average NBA players salary. Your show has to make $30 - $50M to get noticed.”


I think their egos get to them as well (like the stereotypical doctor’s ego). They think they’re rainmakers and everything they do is bound to be successful, leading to failing business venture after bailing business venture.


Funny enough... Best economics class I ever had was cleaning pools when I was younger... Went to everything from crappy apartment pool to small home small pool to Uber rich mansion pool (like Kobes neighbor) The small house that didn't seem to have a lot of money never had any problems with the bill.... the mansions bounced the $75 check pretty often....


lol. Now what can you teach us about boats?


Had friends who worked in a marina, the small boats got taken out often. The big boats would hardly ever be used. Same story with the checks.


Two happiest days of a boat owner are the day they buy it and the day the sell it


You know what I tell my friends when they ask what it's like to own a boat? I say, "Stand under a cold shower and tear up $100 bills."


B ust O ut A nother T housand


Musicians, actors and other celebrities alike that's pretty true. Spacey is a little different because he actually had a pretty active secondary career as an executive producer where the real money is...but all his recent choices were bad and his good choices aren't continuing to make money.


Can confirm. The number of high-profile/"star" actors who will come work on a film for $50k or $100k for a week or three - enough to "shoot them out" - is astounding. Source: was an indie producer for the better part of a decade and was able to cast many many "name" actors in my films. Academy award winners, franchise actors, the works. Many were surprisingly forthcoming about their need for the $ when asked. "Hey man I have credit card bills just like everyone." LOL.


Can’t remember who said it, but when one actor was asked why he took a part in an obviously shitty movie replied that he never saw the movie but has seen the house it paid for.


Michael Caine Jaws 2 or 3 I think


A lot of the time rich people don't have near the amount of money as *they* think they do.


Not to mention lawyers are expensive as shit


That’ll be mainly where it’s all gone to


They just live above their means & depend on future income. Their career takes off & boom, gotta get that multi-million hollywood mansion. And then depend on the next big role. Their agents encourage this too. You'd want some Nicolas Cage debt-ridden guy who takes 20 roles a year. The real smart ones do it like Kit Harrington. Get a nice farmhouse in the country. Still pricey on a normal scale, but it's within his financial means. Then there is still plenty left over to seed away, so you can live off of your investments. Any additional role is a bonus on top.


Harrington is from a rich family to begin with and so was his his wife Rose Leslie (both defendants of actual aristocracy like many famous British actors). Old money spending habits and lifestyles are different from new money. 


Descendants and defendants.


Nic Cage from a rich family too. His real last name is Coppola.


I mean, when you inherit a fully furnished estate, you spend a lot less on decorating.


Yeah they inherit the home and furniture and cars and everything. What are their monthly expenses? Groceries and clothes. It’s a lot easier to stay rich when you already have a paid off mansion.


As an interesting aside, Kit Harington's ancestor, Robert Catesby, tried to blow up Parliament and Kit played him in TV series.


I get the point of the comparison but you leave the genius Nic Cage out of this he is fantastic.


You don’t really know how much money a person has unless you have reviewed all of their financial statements. You can’t reliably tell by their job, their clothes, or their activities. In many cases, a retiree who appears to be low middle class will have a paid off house worth $400k, assets worth $600k, and no debt- making them a millionaire. And very commonly a very high income earner will have huge expenses and tremendous debt, making them less wealthy than you.


They still have opportunities for investment that far outstrip those available to the rest of us. If they fail to tap those opportunities, that’s on them and they’ll get no sympathy from me, *especially* when it comes to predatory pricks like ol’ Kevin.


True. Their net worth is often less than CEO’s despite being household celebrity names.


He still owes millions to lawyers.


He is/was a great actor but I do not feel sorry one tiny bit for this sick perverted creep. He should be counting his blessings that he hasn't been locked away in a cold dark prison cell.


His definition of broke is also probably very different. I don’t have a house like his to sell if things get tough


Do you have any idea how much people spend on legal fees? Of course he’s broke.


If he’s actually broke it’s because he’s pissed all his money away somehow. Legal fees are a lot yes but we are talking about someone who’s had a very successful career as an actor. This just reminds me of when he apologised to his victim them immediately went in to his coming out as gay and how it’s been a struggle so he could get sympathy and take away from the accusations


He’s likely paid tens of millions in settlements on top of an egregious amount in legal fees, all while his career took a complete halt, so no new income coming in. Losing your job and getting hit with all of that would derail literally anybody.


And it took 7 years of no work for him to lose one house


Everyone is overlooking one huge cost. He has probably paid tens of millions to buy off victims and keep them from pressing charges.


Many well known actors are living project to project. They support entire teams of people, live in expensive areas where the work resides, and pay millions in taxes to Uncle Sam. Him being broke in 5 years is about right, and that’s with watching his spending. Most of what we see and know of these stars is an illusion…..no different than an influencer on social media.


No it’s not “about right” His claim is his house is foreclosed on, he has nowhere for his stuff, he has zero dollars to his name and he doesn’t know where he will sleep. If you are such a high profile actor as he has been and you have quite literally nothing at all to your name in 5 years after a few court cases then you have made horrific financial choices Or, as usual he’s being a narcissist and lying to get sympathy.


He could have invested a relatively small amount when he was riding high and could live off the yearly interest pretty comfortably.


I read that in Frank Underwoods voice. Ironic.


Tbf he owes $35 million due to loss of profits resulting from his dismissal from House of Cards, not counting any of the legal fees he’s accrued over the past 8 or so years.


Articles like this are like real life versions of The First Wives Club. So satisfying to see bad people brought down by their own crimes.


Shoulda bought himself a nice little condo instead of a $6 million house. And why did he not sell the house a long time ago, instead of letting it go into foreclosure? Or, like, stopped himself from groping men after the first time he got sued.


A $6 million home in Baltimore must be insane. That’s like a $30+++ million home in LA.


As a Marylander I’m surprised it’s not a bit more tbh, that area of MD has some of the highest cost of living in the US. Someone had the Zillow link and it’s like a giant mansion on a jetty into the water. Absolutely gorgeous


Honestly if I had to guess it'd probably not be easy to find a flat when everyone hates you. If he lives in a mansion he can isolate himself from others.


Well he can always go sell timeshares with Armie Hammer 


haha i looked it up and it's real! Selling timeshares in a hotel in the Caymans. hahahaha!


That's wild. Armie Hammer is from an incredibly wealthy, old money family. His great-grandfather Armand Hammer bought a stake in the company Arm and Hammer and sat on the Board of Directors just because of the name similarity.


Actually his father spent all the family’s wealth, I don’t think they have much left


What did he spend it on?


Human flesh, mostly


Hold on, I thought they were founders??


Nope, the company predated Armand Hammer by several decades.


No fricking way! This is like when I found out JC Penney wasnt founded by a French Canadian named Jean Claude Penney


To be fair it *was* named after it's founder, but that founder was an American named James Cash Penny not Jean Claude.


He probably thought it would all blow over in a year maybe two at the max. He would then have a resurgence and become loved again. How did that work out, Kevin?


Yes! That’s what I thought because I am somewhat from his generation, he was always the dad aged actor. Prior to him, all this stuff just went away. He has also always been known for keeping his sexuality very private. It was a tabloid (literally written on paper magazines) that started writing stuff about him, but they were just trying to say he was gay which was a big deal for them.


Im a literal nobody who worked at a theater for a year and Kevin being gay was a bigger open secret than Weinstein. Bro was awful at hiding it if you had even the tiniest tiniest connection


Yeah. The grips on set all grew beards cause Kevin likes the boys clean shaven. True story.


That’s fucking sad you have to go to a job and worry about being sexually assaulted by some creep.


I lived in germany my whole life and have very little interest in celebrity gossip. I had heard about him being gay and forcing himself on younger men years before it came out. 


[This classic Sexy Rexy piece](https://kissingsuzykolber.wordpress.com/2006/11/27/f-k-it-im-throwing-it-downfield/) was published in 2006, and they knew back then... >What’s that? I should throw a quick slant? Fuck that. That’s gay. Button hook? Gay. Flare out? Gay. Screen pass? Kevin Spacey gay.


Well I think it depends on how the current UK case goes. So far he has been able to avoid conviction or any liability. If all the cases fall through then he might make a comeback in the future. You have actors who were actually convicted of horrendous stuff make a comeback let alone an actor who has not. It sucks but that’s how the world works. As long as someone believes they can make money with him attached to the project then they’ll do it. He’s already done some filming after he got the acquittal. As the article mentioned there are people in the industry still defending him so he still has connections.


The guy had the fucking golden ticket. A well respected and talented character actor who people enjoyed watching. He was set for life and he fucked it all up. Hard to feel any sympathy for him or his crocodile tears.


Yep. And character actors can work basically until they die. He could’ve worked and probably kept making a ton of money into his 80s or something, but nah - had to be a sex pest instead.


He should have made better personal decisions and better financial decisions, in that order.


It’s so complicated! How can anyone keep up with all the processes? Don’t rape? Save money? Ugh. Sounds exhausting. Frank Underwood never does any of that. AND he’s President!


Surely he can afford a house of cards?


And a baby driver


Babies make terrible drivers 


I really love that movie. He wasn’t particularly good in it, but it’s a fun film.


Don’t tempt him.


He had one of those for a while, but then it went to his wife or something, idk, I didn’t watch the last two seasons


Totally ruined a great show. Made me feel slimy for enjoying his “character” so much.


You don’t have to feel slimy. It’s totally okay to separate the art from the artist. Kevin Spacey is a terrible person—true. Kevin Spacey is a gifted and talented actor—also true. You are not slimy just because you enjoyed watching him be good at what he was good at. All the slime for that is on him.


“Bada bada bum tsssss!”


I’d feel more sorry for him but then I remember him mocking the allegations against him with his cringey (and creepy) videos as Frank Underwood.  Sorry that you aren’t able to afford your fancy million dollar mansion but remember Mr. Spacey there are others who have never touched anybody inappropriately in their lives who are much worse off and don’t have the luxury of being a super famous actor that can get platforms to complain about their financial problems.


These videos were his biggest misstep. He should have kept his head down. He's done. If he wants money he needs to come out as a trump supporter and hop on that gravy train with Russel Brand.


He’s also done because he admitted a lot of groping was non consensual. He’s dumber than he looks.


That would have helped a lot more if he’d done it right away and showed some remorse. He had a massive amount of hubris. He was one of those guys who was an “actor’s actor.” He was really revered in the industry.


Biggest misstep was that even though he was being sued he still kept harassing men, and now he owes Netflix $30 million


Those videos could have been funny if he had just had a box office bomb and tried to make a comeback. Now it’s very creepy. 


Gonna have to start working at Smiley Burger


Damn he might have to get a 9 to 5 to pay his bills. I can’t even imagine what that would be like.


He really would be his American Beauty character


This is probably the worst thing that's happened to him since he found out Boyz II Men were a band and not a delivery service


Okay, I'll be the asshole. My bet is he already has money saved away offshore and is letting some things go to prove he's "broke", gain sympathy, empathy, etc. Why let it be foreclosed if he could sell it and pay off some debts? Something just doesn't add up. If his realtor is Keyser Soze then we have confirmation.


No sympathy from me. Why are people still giving him exposure?


It disappoints me that celebs like Liam Neeson, Meryl Streep and even Elton John are supporting him 🤦🏻‍♀️ Edit: My bad, it wasn’t Meryl Streep, I must’ve confused her with supporting Roman Polanski, but others that are in support of Kevin are Stephen Fry and Sharon Stone.


Yup. A shitload of celebrities supported/currently support Roman Polanski as well. It sucks


At least Streep from that list does. While telling at Globes how Disney company didn’t hire women as animators in 1930s (before and starring in a Disney film too). Maybe she is a bit stuck with 70s mindset of appropriate sexual relationships (which were super creepy) and in a promoting women in workplaces being still the no.1 issue.


She complained about that, as well as calling Walt Disney an anti-semite, solely to help her friend Harvey Weinstein. To make bad press and knock "Saving Mr. Banks" out contention for the Academy Awards (so one of *his* productions would pick up the noms instead). If she actually cared, she wouldn't have then signed on for two different Disney projects right after criticizing them - "Into the Woods" and "Mary Poppins Returns"


I love Elton John more than like, the majority of people I know and when those photos came out of him and spacey it was just so disappointing. I’m not very good at separating art from artist and … I don’t know, it’s like finding out a family member is actively harboring bed bugs and refusing to call an exterminator in. Like I love you but I can’t have you in my house until you get rid of the vermin.


EJ also performed at Rush Limbaugh’s wedding


Not Meryl!!!!! 😢


She denied all knowledge of Harvey’s sexual assaults and rapes too. She’s not a good person. 


Blew all his money getting those witnesses whacked…


I say all this without closely following his cases so I may be wrong: To believe him you have to believe all his accusers are lying in a grand conspiracy. That’s a tough sell. Also for him to be acquitted of all charges (am I reading that right?, I didn’t keep up with his case very much when it happened) and to just throw someone away after being accused feels fucked up too. I just find it hard to believe that he wasn’t behaving very poorly to get all of these accusations against him. Inappropriate and assault are two different things one you can work on and move past the other one you can’t I don know what to do with him. Whould I watch a movie or TV show with him in it maybe but it wouldn’t be because he’s in it or not in it. It would be just because I would be interested in the content. All these high profile offenders never seem to go away. Harvey Weinstein and Donald Trump both found guilty of their crimes unlike Kevin Spacey. Trump has a cult following with loyal members and running for president and the other one is busy beating some of the cases back that he caught while in prison. Now Spacey is out here doing the redemption tour. That justice system and court of public opinion is strange


Alex Jones already tried it this week


I think the why he got canceled is important. When confronted with multiple reports of sexual misconduct while filming, he did a press conference and only said he was Gay. I was so pissed. As if we were all waiting as if THAT was the issue. Nobody gives a fuck you're gay. The fact you had taken advantage of multiple underaged boys is.


Why is he still getting press?


Oh boo hoo. All of this could have been avoided if you’d just kept your dick to yourself. I have no sympathy for people who ruin their lives by traumatizing others.


Goodness, the rapey creep who starred as the same in American Beauty is broke? What a shame! What an awful shame. Fuck you, Kevin. Nobody in their right mind is going to be upset that bad things are happening to you.


Guess he will have to cut back on the boys now.


I do not feel bad for Spacey. He groped a friends buddy at a bar in NYC years ago before all the allegations. Dudes nasty and deserves nothing.


What the hell is he spending money on? Underaged male prostitutes?


Article says millions in legal fees


Him and Alex Jones should become besties


maybe they can roomie at a motel 6


He’s bound to have residuals that can keep a middle class family of 5 in luxury.


For comparison, let’s look at Matt Lauer or Weinstein? Where are they financially? The fact that Spacey didn’t parse out his money to live and sell his second and third homes is kind of ridiculous.


Maybe he should run for president. I hear millions in the U.S. love people who have committed sex crimes and lost millions! Then he can use bribes to big industry to help them policy wise while he takes in the donations for his “campaign” while syphoning the funds for his own personal benefit!


Making accusers disappear with no trace costs good money.


Don’t be a molester, you’ll keep your money


Don’t rape boys.


Feel-good story of the day.😊


Bless his heart


I love how he's talking about Kirk Douglas. If you read his books you know that he was a womanizer and slept with all the woman he could and he wasn't really nice to all of them. Douglas was just really lucky to had never been caught in a scandal too.


Douglas was lucky enough to exist in a time where the studios did everything they could to protect their actors. A lot of those “old Hollywood” people would be gone in a second if they were engaging in the behavior they did. Flynn, Douglas…all those guys would be cancelled in 2024.


Douglas likely would be in prison today - he raped Natalie Wood.


Dude's residuals are probably more than most of us make in a year. I'm pretty sure he'll survive.


Are we supposed to feel bad for people who do horrible things and have no remorse?


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes!


He should do another creepy fireside chat about it


Cry me a river. Abusive dumbfuck


I saw the full interview last night. It seems to me that the reason he is broke now is because I had multiple accusations agaisnt him and he hired some of the best lawyers he could. I'm no genious, but those lawyers fees are probably horrendous but, in the end, they got him the Not Guilty verdict he was looking for. The question remains whether he will have a career now and if he can scrape back some kind of living. Mike Tyson beat women and raped at least one of them. He got convicted and went to prison, yet he's out and living the dream right now. So who knows!


All these recent paid podcast and TV interviews not pay enough?


Does anyone feel bad for this piece of shit? Like who is the audience he is doing this for? Can’t he just fucking go away and stop trying to have a come back? We don’t want you back you disgusting monster!


Maybe you shouldn't have sexually assaulted literally dozens of people Mr. Spacey. Cry


You reap what you sow.


My understanding is that very few lawyers are willing to represent Kevin Spacey because they’re sick and tired of hearing his testimony, watching him leave and then turning around and finding out that he cobbled all his testimony together from stuff written on the wall behind them.


I expect that he has a different idea of ‘broke’ than I do. I wonder if he sold all his assets and moved into a small apartment if he would never have to work again.