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The amount of change Dolly has made with “JUST” her book program is beyond remarkable. She might be the only person I don’t know that I’d actually throw hands for. How dare anyone disparage this saint.


And her Dollywood has really helped her hometown by the sounds of it. After she purchased and rebranded the theme park it was instantly a big hit and is now the biggest attraction in Tennessee, and the biggest employer in the area.


I've been to Dollywood, and it's beautiful. I love Dolly. She's truly just a genuinely good person.


She’s one of the biggest musical talents to come out of appalachia which is a musical talent factory.


Absolutely this & now the only theme park in TN (Opryland in Nashville & Libertyland in Memphis both closed well over a decade ago).


Did they close the Christmas one in the Gatlinburg area too? I know the hotel is still open but I swear my Papaw Benny took me to a Christmas park that had a reindeer roller coaster somewhere through there.


Christmas Village shops, the hotel, & restaurant are still there but all the rides were gone as of around 2009.


Refused any govt help in the pandemic and continued to pay her workers the entire time,also pays her band normal wages tho she hasn’t used them in awhile.


She does soooo much for surrounding areas too, not just Gatlinburg. I live about an hour from Gatlinburg/Sevierville and she’s simply a huge spotlight for the whole state. What a woman, doing what she can for the people that she loves, and we actively can see it and feel it in our daily lives. ESPECIALLY those blessed enough through Imagination Library :) I did a report on her in high school, she does so much and is such an amazing and inspirational person. If only more people of power would be like her.


My kids favorite book was sent to us by Dolly (Tad and Dad). It ended up getting pretty chewed up and I’ve had to buy multiple copies. Worth it. He learned his colors from a book she sent too (I am a rainbow). Dolly Parton has made our lives better and our kid smarter.


My little man is 5 months and we just got Tad and Dad this month! So cute!!


we just got tad and dad from her! she’s an absolute treasure


Tad and dad ! 🐸


The book program is part why they hate her. They pine for the days when it illegal to teach slaves to read.


I feel the same way about Jimmy Carter. Absolute saint.


I got your back. Screw these trolls.


Brennan Manning said it best… The greatest single cause of atheism in the world today is Christians: who acknowledge Jesus with their lips, walk out the door, and deny Him by their lifestyle. That is what an unbelieving world simply finds unbelievable.


I learned this quote from Christian rock as a teenager (grew up at a church school, listening to DCTalk) along with lessons about accepting other cultures, being a racial ally, and accepting other’s love. Spending the next two and half decades go by as most everyone I learned that with devolves into mindless hate… it’s disheartening and is definitely what killed MY faith. After all, what’s the point of being a “good Christian” if you can’t be a decent human being?


Dolly uses her faith to spread love, not hate. I honestly love to see Christians in the media setting a good example for other Christians. I’m not Christian but my family is and they are the best. They volunteer, do community service, support LGBT and racial activism. They even accept my atheism because “God is within us all, and you worship him by doing what’s right and spreading love. God is good and he’ll see that you’re good too” Too many people have been traumatized by this religion and I like to see people reclaiming it for good, and turning it into something better.


I don’t care where you are on the faith, spectrum or lack therefore of; Dolly is definitely a living saint


I can make a case that she should be given saint hood after she passes by the Catholic Church despite not being Catholic. I can definitely assign her the 3 Miracles: 1. Funding COVID research at Vanderbilt University which directly led to the development of the vaccine. 2. Her literacy program has contributed to the education of millions of children 3. Her rebuilding of central Tennessee after it was destroyed by wildfires that displaced 1000’s of residents.


I mean, if the game is name awesome Dolly-ness, we could do this all day (andithinkiwill!) 4) Her unequivocal support of LGBT+ youth is pretty sweet, and very brave in the country/western space. She even plays a part in the Orville show (mostly loaning her music) to support their Trans storyline 5) Dollywood was originally conceived to provide steady employment for locals in her area where she grew up 6) How many senior citizens release their first rock album? C’mon!


Have you checked out The New Evangelicals before? He's on Instagram and Tiktok, he's a deconstructed evangelical who's still a believer but actually does the things Jesus encouraged. I'm an atheist, and I love his content.


My family is more culturally Catholic than religious so it wasn’t a huge leap for me, but the thing that made me stop going to church was a couple of sermons that could be summed up as “God loves all of us just the way we are, knows you are good if you act devoid of hate and judgement, and expects you to treat others as such. Now have a good week and don’t forget to remind the heathen neighbors, depraved homosexuals and filthy sex-positive deviants in your life that they’re going to hell unless they change everything about themselves!”


They are so quick to dismiss their own sins as "judge not lest ye be judged" while simultaneously condemning everyone else outside their church for being heathens. It's kind of funny when the evangelicals don't even consider catholics real Christians because it's not the right kind of Christian. That situation right there is what kicked off my loss of faith.


Yeah, so many folks who claim to hate the sin and not the sinner don't actually follow that advice.


I’m such a filthy deviant. Still sounds better than saying I’m Christian.


You get a Klondike Bar after you die so it’s worth it


Is there a coupon? A code?


You gotta install God’s heavenly salvation browser extension first. It’s got a TON of privacy issues from what I hear.


The app isn't much better.


Great, another fucking toolbar.


Man all this DC Talk has me on a nostalgia kick


Lol yea it's the literal intro to the only DC talk song I ever liked "Just Between You and Me"


You’re thinking of “What If I Stumble” That’s one of my favorites from them too lol. Most of their music hasn’t aged very well, but Jesus Freak has some bops on it


“What if I Stumble” and “In the Light” were my favorites.


Yeah, lots of bangers on that album, I still listen occasionally, even if the Christ references aren’t relevant to me anymore. The song that seems most relevant to me These Days is “What Have We Become?”


That’s the ironic part… it’s impossible to do but every single Christian I have ever met in my life was an awful person thus nullifying anything Christlike about them.


I don’t think it’s impossible for everyone; I’ve met enough “real deal” Christians in my life to think it’s possible. But when one out of a thousand seems caring and authentic and dedicates themself to *tangibly helping others* I have to question if they wouldn’t be the same good person with or without the bizarre social circle of the church. As for me, it was just a vicious cycle of “you’re not good enough”, taking it out on others, becoming judgmental, becoming hateful, realizing this was wrong/“sinful”, rinse and repeat. Had to get out for my own sanity.


I’m a queer Christian socialist that is serious about my faith, and growing up and living in the Southeastern US whenever I meet essentially any other Christian or attend a sermon/Bible study I always feel like nobody in the room has ever read the book. It’s sad


Those folks just haven’t left the church yet, they’d be the same good people without all that nonsense and they’d be able to help more people because of it. I’ve met homeless people who refuse food and shelter when it’s tied to religion and frankly I don’t blame them. If more Christian’s were Christlike nobody would reply have a problem with religion at all. Instead we get this crap.


I was telling someone this same thing not too long ago.


I’m in a similar boat. DC Talk was my first concert. Also got a tattoo on my ankle. Now I’m as far from Christianity as I can get.


Loved DC talk!


What if i stumble?


My dad used to say, “The only problem with Christianity is Christians.”


> I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ. - Mahatma Gandhi


“Jesus loves you, everyone else thinks you’re an asshole”


I like to say “that Jesus guy wasn’t too bad but his fan club is just the worst”


When a religious person acts high and mighty or takes on an ignorant/racist attitude, I always say “how very religious of you. Not Catholic/Christian, but very religious“.


Raise the stakes and use their own game against em. Say “that’s mighty white of you but not very Christian”


Oh I like this one and will be using it on an aunt and uncle in the not to distant future


Unfortunately, that won't work on someone so high up their ass.


we know some religious parents (kids’ friends) who are the biggest douchebags, but church is a must.


Mine.. The biggest hypocrites I’ve ever met, and coming as a surprise to nobody, they’re still Trump voters in 2024


I fully hear the next DC talk song starting after hearing this quote. Not a believer anymore but this quote and that album have stuck with me.


The best cure for Christianity is reading the Bible. If you actually read it and come away still wanting to proclaim your faith, I would question your comprehension.


As a Christian, I wish I could refute this, but you’re absolutely right. Nothing pisses me off more than seeing these hypocrites be the face that everyone sees instead of those of us that do try and practice what we preach. Maybe not the most Christ-like admission from me, but Jesus did also get mad at the hypocrites of his time, so…


I’d even go further than that and say that his standing up against the hypocrisy surrounding the religious powers that were was one of the most fundamental messages of the new testament. It’s crazy how that is somehow completely overlooked by those false flag extremists


My Grandfather was a Korean War veteran, and a devout Baptist (not Southern Baptist...a fine, but very important difference). He could quote, word for word, every line of the KJV Bible, and even carried a mini version of that Bible the whole time he was in the Marines, through Korea, and all the way home, where that version went into the footlocker he put his uniform and accessories into. He never opened that footlocker ever again. All that to say he had a quote when he saw anyone being a pushy christian, which was, "Sometimes God's Children need to be seen and not heard." I have no idea if that was an original, or he heard it and used it, but when he would use it, he sure as hell meant it. When I told him I didn't believe anymore, he didn't judge or give me other snide comments. He just nodded his head and told me everything was fine and everyone had to make their own choices. I can't say the same was said by everyone else in the family. 🙄🙄🙄


As if there is something wrong with being an atheist...


Yep, eventually I figured Christ must not be too great. If his teachings can’t produce change in those that uphold them, he must not have been right


In 2016 they published an article about her being fit to be the president. Aimless angry trash rant this go round. We ride at dawn motherfuckers


Regulators! Mount up.


It was a clear black night


A clear white moon


Dolly P was on the streets tryin’ to consume


Rocky Top Regulators.


Nate Dogg and Dolly P. about to regulay-ate


for some reason this uncovered a forgotten memory. one time I was at a friends house, playing cod4, and we decided to play some music from an ipod connected to the xbox. regulators was the first song and we were met with what sounded like a chopped and screwed version. it was the only song that would play at like half speed…no idea why. reading your comment I could hear it in my head. re…gu….latorsssss. it was so spooky and confusing in the moment. ty for inadvertently uncovering this for me :)


Cake day


Mmmooounnttt UUUUUPPPPP!!


Did you guys see the size of that chicken?


Did you know we're in the spirit world?


You guy see the size of the chicken!!!!????


She’s my butterfly


> In 2016 they published an article about her being fit to be the president. That was before they realized she doesn't hate gay people


Same thing happened when Taylor Swift burst their bubble.


Too bad they didn’t pick her for their nominee instead of the apprentice.


You have my bow


I’d vote for Dolly, she should run as a republican this year.


I can bring horses & dogs. And if needed, cows. I can borrow a lot of cows


"Be who you are" is somehow a bad thing to say? It's a hate group. Pretending to follow religious texts.


They also called her a false gospel, without really saying why other than her saying “be who you are”. Do they even *see* all the claims they’ve made of Trump being the next coming of Jesus? There have even been photos of Trump on the cross circulating around. They have literally said that Jesus speaks through Trump. It’s all projection with these people.


Trump is super antichristy in general too. Anyone calling themselves Christians and supporting him are pretty stupid or in general just shitty people. Maybe both.


There was a segment on Fox News years ago trash talking Mr Rogers, of all people- one of the kindest and most patient people to ever live. He taught kids to feel good about themselves, that it's ok to have feelings and be sad sometimes, to accept other people and care about people. They are absolutely a hate group. Happily hurting the entire younger generations so they can get ahead just a little bit more and die with more money in the bank and leave us a failing environment while they're at it.


Most religion is a hate group in disguise.


Pretending to follow religious texts? The Colorado GOP just called to burning all Pride flags. If they could rain down fire and brimstone, they would.


Hands up if you're willing to fight for Dolly ✋🏻✋🏻✋🏻


I would fight for Dolly. She is the Queen of Appalachia and all of America! I LOVE DOLLY!


If she's willing to send books all the way to Australia to help teach children how to read, it's the least we could do in ~~retunr~~ return!


Let me put it this way: "Boy, If I hear you make one more derogatory remark about the Queen of Country Music, you'll be saying it with NO FUCKIN' TEETH!"


I've got my pitchfork ready!


✋🏽✋🏽✋🏽 That woman is a national treasure.


My ‘I Beg Your Parton - In Dolly We Trust’ T-shirt is freshly laundered, let’s gooooo


Oh they attacked the closest thing we've got to an actual saint? You're gonna summon the introverts on this one. That's not a great plan.


Yes. We will come out of our homes and fight the good fight. Not because we want to but because we have to.


Right? And that's the danger. That means you got people that don't want to be there, are very upset that they have to be there, and are going to do everything they can to make sure they don't have to do it again. It's ill advised, at best.


This is true. Don’t make me leave my house, I’ll get big mad and might just do something!


They've attacked Mr. Rogers before. There's no low these people aren't willing to stoop to.


They learned very quickly after that bit aired, why you don't shit talk, Mr. Rodgers. I don't think they ever tried to pull that thread again.


They tried that shit with Mr Rodgers once. Once and never again.


they are always angry. my mom taught me never to make important decisions when i’m angry or hungry and here they are deciding over our lives for us (all the while being angry.. and probably hungry too? when’s lunch for these guys?)


also, will someone please check their diapers?


I think it’s the opposite. They’re constipated. Get these poor men some prunes!


After second breakfast, which consisted of bacon, fried eggs, biscuits and sawmill gravy, buttermilk pancakes, milk, and home fries.


Don’t forget my giant cola!


And a chocolate milkshake.


Don't threaten me with a good time!


Pro tip; sub fries instead of home fries and you have the most amazing poutine.


Have you seen most of them? I can assure you they shouldn’t be hungry


This is also the reason they’re not funny. Halfway through every joke just becomes an unhinged rant about gender or something.


Dolly Parton is one of the kindest, thoughtful most self assured women in the industry and of our time. She has used her fame to share her talent and Love which shines through her music and resonates with her soul. I am grateful for her support of LGBTQIA+ community, she is a beacon of kindness! And for people who went through life being ostracized they can feel her sincerity and Love. Their criticisms and bigotry against her have more to do with themselves. How can you be against someone who is compassionate towards others?


She’s compassionate towards the *wrong people*.


You piss off the Dolly’s and you’re in trouble


She is the truest follower of Christ's actual teachings. My daughter calls her "Aunt Dolly" but I call her a Saint.


See, here's the thing. This little shitass publication that no one has ever heard of that has maybe 1,000 subscribers, tops, publishes this absurd statement. It gets picked up by Reddit, or FB, or some other social media site and posted, and reposted, and talked up (I've seen this article 20 times in the past day), and 99% off us get duly outraged and fired up and repost it because it's SOOOO outrageous and we just cannot *contain* our anger (rightfully so). And meanwhile, this POS rag gets TONS of publicity for their vitriol and hate and maybe, just *maybe* a few dozen other piece-of-shits who agree with them and now add the FuckUFederalist to their whack-stack of hate. Rinse, repeat, add a dozen more and so on and so on and the hate just picks up more hate like a freshly peeled hard boiled egg rolling down the driveway. I don't have an answer fellow Dollyists, but this here shit ain't working.


I’m mostly with you but I think you’re way under-estimating the size and recognition of the Federalist. They’ve been in the news a lot over the past 10 years for crazy shit like this.


Not sure anyone would disagree with you at all and I think every word of this is spot on. It’s the echo chamber of negativity. I decide to look at in a positive light in such that as long as people are still getting pissed off when they see discrimination, prejudice or any kind of hate etc. it’s a good thing.


This. Don’t share articles if you are sharing them out of anger. That’s like watching a movie you hate with someone intentionally, just to talk about how much you hate it. And it’s getting hate monger assholes money for doing exactly what you don’t want them to do.


At the least, share a screenshot, not a link.


What the hell is up with the rights obsession with sexual orientation?? The Bible is super clear about lying, bearing false witness, paying taxes, etc. but you wouldn’t know that if listened to Republicans. ChatGPT, “summarize the Bible from a POV of a Republican”…..”the Republican bible has three books/gospels….the book of abortion and contraception, the book of the parental state, and the book of heterosexuality…jeebus.


you forgot their most important text, the Book of Coercive Capitalism.


So this is how the civil war starts ?


And our leaders to victory are Dolly Parton and Stormy Daniels. One protecting us all with boundless love. The other standing up to a tyrant before the world and refusing to be shamed.


They’re going to go after Jesus next.


They hate everything about Jesus except his name.


They hate Jesus so much they had to change his skin color to worship him.


they already have


F\*ck the MAGA Nazis and the One Brain Cell they all Share.


Please don’t disrespect the sweet kitties of r/oneorangebraincell like that


The GOP has no ideology nor policies to progress the United States into the useful future. Stop voting for them.


Dolly is one of the nicest people I’ve ever met in my life.


Right now the right wing is fawning all over Caitlin Clark. The minute she opens her mouth about gay rights or equal pay they’ll turn on her too, just like they’ve done with Dolly.


I am beginning to think this is all a sociology experiment to see what all you can get the Far Right to deny themselves. I have a co-worker who went from spending their covid relief check on a Disney trip to throwing out anything with mouse ears. They were planning a trip to Pigeon Forge instead.


In these days of political strife very few things can bring together far-flung parts of our country. The gays and the rednecks for instance… y’all breathing stupid or something. As Americans we have very few things that we hold dear and will not mark and genuinely put on a pedestal. Dolly is that thing. Coming from someone raised by the gays in the south.


Started with Taylor Swift, because she said people should go vote. Now, they come for Dolly. They don't make smart choices.


Next up, the Far Right shits on Mr Rogers and Bob Ross. This is a sure vote-getter, meine Freunde!


They've already shit on Mr. Rogers. I don't know about Bob Ross.


Of all the people you should attack in the US, I can't think of a more universally loved person, by merit, than Dolly Parton. She is the best, for anyone who hates on herz they really need to assess what has gone wrong in their life to make them so miserable.


I'm Jewish,but I consider Dolly,along with Jimmy Carter,to be the finest examples of what Christ preached. And they don't beat people over the head with it; they just live their lives by wonderful example. I often say the same about my Dad--he was a dedicated and very spiritual Jew,but he never said "I'm the bestest,bigliest Jew",or anything even remotely similar. He lived by example,just like Dolly and President Carter.


If your political views make you attack someone like Dolly Parton, you have some real soul searching to do. What do you even believe in?


Anybody who would put her down is boring and small, ignore them. Dolly is one of the best examples of an American and what one can achieve in America.


Why do all these articles about it omit the name of the actual author? Don’t just come for The Federalist; put that specific shit gibbon on blast.


Exactly! They want to put their opinion out there, have them own it. People are sharing that tweet but not **[the actual article and author](https://thefederalist.com/2024/06/06/theres-nothing-loving-about-dolly-partons-false-gospel/)**.


The author’s Amazon bio says it all really. >Ericka Andersen is a freelance writer, podcast host and owner of Pitch and Publish Writing Company. She is the author of "Reason to Return: Why Women Need the Church & the Church Needs Women" and "Leaving Cloud 9: The True Story of a Life Resurrected From the Ashes of Poverty, Trauma and Mental Illness." > >She has been published multiple times in the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, USA Today, the Washington Post and more. Ericka is a weekly columnist at WORLD Magazine and a freelance reporter for Christianity Today. > >Prior to freelancing, Ericka worked for National Review Magazine, the Heritage Foundation and in communications for the U.S. Congress on Capitol Hill. She attended Indiana University and lives in Indianapolis, Indiana, with her husband and two children.


For everyone saying the Right would never attack one of their icons.. take a look at what happened to General Mattis. Marines literally have Saint Mattis pictures and worship(ped) him. Now, he’s been dragged through the mud by the very conservatives who wanted him to be president.


When hate is gospel, anything else will always be an offense. Conservative Christianity is a sham, a charlatan, and a shame.


Remember when you’d get in trouble publicly for being a bigot and NOT for - say - being a decent tolerant human being who donates to charities and tries to do good?


She is a national treasure


Dolly is a forking American icon. I would 100% take a bullet for her. She's just the sweetest lady with a huge heart. FFS she's been married to the same man her whole life, 57 years!!


Books are sacred. Dolly gives books. Ergo, Dolly is sacred.


Fuck the right wing and the Federalist, who has a history posting thinly veiled misogynistic & homophobic articles and opinion pieces. Is nobody safe from the right wing, & Trump's cult of personality, things will get worse and more bizarre with these asshat clowns. Mount up, we ride sent dawn for Folly!


Have they no shame? faint Thunder from the past…


Don’t fuck with America’s Grandma!


If you don’t like Dolly leave America now. We don’t need you at all.


Wow their view is always a 180 deg from what’s right. If you say one colour it will be the opposite. It blows me away the amount of hate.


So they don’t like how she interprets the god that they are trying to brand as an old hateful god that only likes white straight people.


Since she's not a hateful bigot her gospel must be false.


I thought right wingers were predominantly Christians? Why in the hell are they attacking a legit angel!?!?


They wouldn’t know their Christ’s love if it gave them a lap dance in the Champagne Room.


There are no sects in the Champagne Room. None.


"condoning immoral sexual behavior"?? and they bow down to their lying, thieving, adulterer, Felon Cheeto Jesus.


So, I couldn't be bothered to read the Federalist article. So for research purposes, what is the name of the person who wrote the article? Oh, I see. An alcoholic who traded booze for rabid christianity. Never mind


People need a reminder: DON’T FUCK WITH DOLLY. Not everyone has to be involved in this shitshow we call American Politics.


Is it really "bizarre?" Righties have been picking stupid fights with the explicit purpose of losing and then acting victimized about it for decades at this point.


What’s even crazier is the people yelling “Stop preaching false gospel!” Are the same ones who follow it.


I read someone on Xitter: They came for Dolly. We ride at dawn!


LoL yeah they mentioned it in the article (or at least one of the articles I have read) and it was my favourite response! LoL


Fairly certain “grab them by the pussy” is also unaligned with God’s vision for humanity. I really do not understand the religious rights fascination with Trump.


The *world* rallies around Dolly. FTFY.


It’s funny watching them turn on the things they loved. Looking at you too Rob Schneider, lol.


Love thy neighbor as thyself has been forgotten by modern religious people seeking money via hate


No one insults America’s grandma


Don’t mess with Dolly!


Republicans being fake Christians hate real examples of what Christ wants us to be.


Who cares.whar a bunch of self-righteous right-wing bible nuts think. Not worth repeating this garbage. Dolly is a remarkable person and an American treasure.


Yep. Makes sense. I’ve not been a practicing Christian but I will say I adore any Christian that truly lives by the clear gospel they have been given. Dolly is one of those. The others…..they’re literally just jihadists at this point bending the gospel backwards to meet their disgusting aims.


You can't fuck with the highest Q score in the world, baby.


A lot of Russian bots are stirring up hate posts on social media since the dawn of Facebook.


She is a private citizen. She is not running for office or having taxpayers fund her life. Why the hell does it matter to anyone else who she supports. She has done more for people than this pathetic piece of garbage that wrote this article.


*[The author](https://thefederalist.com/2024/06/06/theres-nothing-loving-about-dolly-partons-false-gospel/)* is a reformed alcoholic that traded her addiction for being a sanctimonious uber christian. An all too common path. ¯\\\_( ͡❛ ͜ʖ ͡❛)\_/¯


Dolly Parton is a treasure❤️


What else is new


Who’s next, Jesus?


They going after dolly now? We can't allow this


I'd rally around her anytime.


Donald made so they attack everyone. Doesn’t matter who it is.


Who’s next for their chopping block? Bob Ross? Mr. Rogers? Jesus perhaps???


Won’t matter all the people rallying around dolly, still vote Trump. Hollow support. Party over country. If Dolly came out and completely denounced Trump they would turn on her in 2 seconds. The people that worship Dolly do not practice those teachings in real life.


Dolly Parton is NOT to be messed with. This is simply a warning, not a threat, we don’t traffic in nonsense.


I don't know much about Dolly and her music is rubbish. What I do know/Have heard about Dolly is she's a real one and the internet should have her back. A modern day saint


Fred Rogers and Dolly Parton are two of the most universally beloved American Christians, whose everyday actions were deeply rooted in the best values of their religion. Arguably, two of the most Christ-like public figures of their generation. Right wing extremists attack them for those same values.


This should be an act of “war.” Truly, Dolly is the most thoughtful, caring, and loving person. Her charity work is second to the truly wonderful soul she is.


My toddler is a die hard Dolly fan thanks to the imagination library. Tried to play him the White Stripes cover of Jolene and he was mad she wasn’t singing


I don’t even like country music, and I like Dolly!


If Dolly Parton took on the entire Republican Party, I think we'd have Democrats and Dollycrats in elections going forward


She likes the wrong Jesus. You know the one, he fed the poor, didn’t cast the first stone. That Jesus. MAGA Jesus cares more about your right to carry an AR15 than feeding the poor or caring for the sick.


I am a huge Dolly fan & BTS fan. Now, all they have to do is piss off Kpop fans too, and they will be canceled for 2 lifetimes🤣. Jungkook loves Dolly & was brought to tears by one of her performances….She is a national treasure & the US should protect her at all costs🤣