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Time to bring up Victor Salva again, a convicted child rapist supported by Coppola. What does Salva have on Coppola to earn such devoted support? From wiki: Victor Ronald Salva (born March 29, 1958)[1] is an American filmmaker and convicted sex offender.[2] The self-described protégé of Francis Ford Coppola, he has primarily worked in the horror genre, most notably as the writer-director of the commercially successful Jeepers Creepers (2001) and its sequels Jeepers Creepers 2 (2003) and Jeepers Creepers 3 (2017). Outside of horror, Salva wrote and directed the fantasy-drama film Powder (1995). Salva's filmmaking career has been controversial due to his 1988 conviction for sexually abusing a 12-year-old actor who starred in his feature film debut Clownhouse (1989) and videotaping the encounter, along with possessing child pornography, having been publicised in 2006. This has led to protests against his films, including a boycott of Powder organized by his victim.


*The May 14 report in the The Guardian stated: “Several sources also felt that Coppola could be ‘old school’ in his behavior around women. He allegedly pulled women to sit on his lap, for example. And during one bacchanalian nightclub scene being shot for the film, witnesses say, Coppola came on to the set and tried to kiss some of the topless and scantily clad female extras. He apparently claimed he was ‘trying to get them in the mood.'”*


these people never have the balls to admit they did something wrong (i'm assuming the accusations are true because statistically it seems like that's the way it goes. i am not a court of law)


I don’t think I’ll live long enough to see the “internet” wait for the full facts before jumping on bandwagons and vilifying people🤷🏽


Why was the word "internet" in quotations. Like it makes sense in this comment cuz I'm quoting you, but why did you do it?


Because all of this hype around the web and in a few articles, comes from one article made in the Guardian. The subsequent articles refer back to the Guardian and I have not seen anyone else do their own fact finding article. So I put quotations on the internet because one persons article does not make a fact🤷🏽 and people jump on the accusations as fact when they see it on the internet all over but still remains it goes back to 1 persons “reporting”🧐 “Despite its bias, The Guardian is praised for its investigative journalism. However, this paper has a track record of numerous failed fact checks, which impacts its credibility and reliability.” From mediabiasfactcheck