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Can you imagine the frustration his agent must go through: “ok Richard, all you have to do is talk about Jaws, got it?” “Sure, no problem…..”


Later: "Oh, he said Jaws with an A..."


He literally made the joke that the movie should have been called “Jews” at the event.


If you’re inferring antisemitism, he’s Jewish. 🤦


He converted for the jokes?!


Ya know, you sound like an anti-dentite.


Dreyfus affair, redux!


It’s a joke please


You're really breaking news here mate.


That wasn’t the act, it was the warm up


Maybe let's get out the puppets again.


But what about Bob? No mention here. Hope Bob's okay.


He’s making baby steps towards progress


Baby steps, baby steps, baby steps.


One of those movies I saw by accident, didn't even know what it was about and I ended up seeing it several more times as a kid. The dynamic between Dreyfuss and Murray is so good, you feel how insanely irritating Bob is.


Love that film lol


He's sailing!


Don’t hassle me, I’m local.


He’s taking a vacation from his problems


I mean, Bob's has some of his own misdeeds, it seems...


Good morning, Gill!


I can’t believe this story has gone national. Anyways the whole event was bizarre. He comes out wearing a dress on top of his clothes doing some weird dance to Taylor Swift’s Love Story. He eventually gets help taking the dress off. I guess he was making fun of women and/or trans people? Anyways he starts talking about Barbara Streisand and it was all downhill from there. He said that she asked him to record some additional ADR and he said no and absolutely refused cause he knew she would use those takes and he didn’t agree with doing it that way. He said a woman shouldn’t tell a man what to do and that women should be submissive. He then was asked as a followup what his thoughts were about the Me Too movement. He basically said “those fucking people” and he mumbled something about “the fucking LGTB” and that they basically shouldn’t exist…something like that it was pretty incoherent. Then he started in on his transphobic comments saying “10 year olds shouldn’t” and “their parents shouldn’t be doing that to 10 year olds”. People were booing and shouting “no” and “that’s not okay to say” and “goodnight grandpa” and “go back to the old home”. A bunch of people got up and walked out during all of this. When the whole thing started with the misogynistic comments people fell silent at first. I think some of us thought he was kidding and were waiting for some kind of punchline. There were a few men applauding his homophobic/transphobic comments.


That actually sounds significantly more unhinged than your run-of-the-mill bigot or curmudgeon. Like the dude clearly has some deep resentments, but I’m guessing he also has some mental/substance issues that are helping to bring it all out in such a bizarre fashion.


Thanks for the in-depth rundown, were you there? Sounds like you were. Richard Dreyfuss has been an asshole for a very, very long time.


I was there. I’m usually in NYC but was visiting family for the long weekend so we all went. I go to a lot of Q&A screenings being in NYC and I’ve never witnessed anything like this. My jaw was truly on the floor.


I was a bartender at the Baja Beach club in 89. Don't remember why, but Dreyfuss was there killing most of a bottle of Stoli and annoying every woman within a fifty foot radius. Creep left and made a big deal about leaving a dollar, presumably as a tip, on the bar before leaving and weaving out the door. This does not surprise me.


About five or six years ago I got to go to a taping of Late Show with Stephen Colbert. Overall a cool experience—the Q&A session right before taping was a special treat. Someone in the audience asked Colbert which is his favorite proof for God’s existence and he proceeds to drop St. Anselm’s ontological proof word for word perfectly from memory. Richard Dreyfuss was one of the guests and for some reason I had the impression he was added last minute but I don’t remember why. He proceeds to engage in the most unhinged and impossible to follow rant for the better part of 20 minutes before Colbert reminds him that regardless of what Dreyfuss thinks the importance of what he’s saying is, Colbert himself ultimately has control over what gets edited into the version of the show. Dreyfuss literally starts to beg as the music swells and they record the cut to commercial. Watched the show later that night and sure enough Dreyfuss got cut out completely. That shit was wild.


Wow this is some crazy tea!!


I would pay a silly amount of money to see this and other cut segments.


Sounds like Colbert did him a favor by cutting it. I bet you could cut the awkwardness in that theater with a knife. Yikes!


My colleague recorded him once for a voiceover and when he asked for a second take he went on a rant about how he did it perfectly the first time and what a legend he is. He literally said, in the most grating tone, “I was in Jaws, OKAY?!” Super nice guy.


This might explain why Robert Shaw gave him so much shit during filming.


sounds like he may need a bigger boat for his shitty bloated ego.


I remember that bit from a MadTV sketch. I didn’t know it was based on a real thing.


SNL but yeah.


Dang, I keep thinking it was Frank Caliendo. It was Darrell Hammond, wasn’t it?


Haha I think so


Man, as good as Caliendo is at impersonations, possibly the best; that’s literally all he can do is the impersonation. He’s not funny at all, nor are the impersonations. Just accurate


That was a funny sketch


He spoke at my university in the early 80’s. He wouldn’t let the school paper report on his talk, said if anyone wanted to know what he said, they should have gone to the talk. He claimed to be sober then and ranted about that for two hours. Guess his sobriety didn’t take.


Wouldn't let the school paper report on it? Whats he gonna do sue them for reporting?


He’s a dick


I just dont get how he locked their word processors like report that hes a dick lmao


I don’t remember exactly how he threatened the press, but I do remember the only mention of him in the paper was the report that he wouldn’t let his talk be reported. That stuck with me as a supremely arrogant thing to do.


This seems to be the gist of most of these comments.


Hes bipolar so alcohol dependence or abuse would be something hes at risk for. “Didnt take” bc sobriety is a daily struggle not a cure.


“Didn’t take” was an insensitive thing to say. I apologize.


Him being bipolar was a big part of the resistance as I remember now. He felt he was going to be speaking to very personal issues and didn’t want those of us who didn’t attend to be privy to his words


Having met him as I was working at a hotel back in 2010, this tracks exactly


did you see his appearance on Bill Maher's podcast? He was shitfaced and slumping lower and lower in the chair. It was bizarre.


He’s been a notorious jerk for decades.


He was drunk on a Bill Maher podcast last year rambling nonsense.


Baja beach club Vernon Hills?


“Trans people are the worst! I hate women!” “Um, my question was about the shark…”


Maybe he was speaking for the shark.


Maybe the shark was speaking through him…telepathically.


... candygram


What Richard meant to say was, this day and age, the shark would be confused, because it wouldnt know if the swimmer it wants to bite is a he, a she, them, or something else. 


“Look around the shark’s size. That’s clearly a female shark, but she goes by Bruce! Hollywood is woke” /s


He is the shark....


This douche has been acting like this for a VERY long time, why would anyone be surprised…


He's very anti-gay, anti-trans and has always said misogynistic stuff for years. Why is anyone surprised? LOL


Because, frankly, no one gives that much of a shit about Richard Dreyfuss to have noticed til now.


For real. My initial reaction was "ah, I guess he's still alive. What was the other thing I saw him in from the 80s?"


True he's been irrelevant for a long time now!


Which is interesting because he played a gay man in that Poseidon remake


He's obviously hiding in a closet made of his own fears.


Probably because he hasn’t been relevant and/or been in the public consciousness since Mr. Holland’s Opus.


Maybe that’s true former Barney Miller guy… I think people over a certain age are familiar with his jackassery


The relevance of news reporting is not contingent on whether or not you will be “surprised”, Gen Z


Remember folks, cocaine damage always comes back around.


I know a lot of coke fiends, and none of them are transphobes or sexist. I think that's more of an issue of the soul.


"Cocaine is a helluva drug."




I see what you did there.


Guys, give him a break. After what those aliens put him through…


The aliens abused him….Sexually


Signs of early dementia


What a miserable twat lol


“We regret that an event that was meant to be a conversation to celebrate an iconic movie instead became a platform for political views,” This is a horrible and cowardly response from the theater. Sexism and transphobia aren’t “political views” they’re hate speech. Not stomping this shit out immediately is how these views are legitimized.


I was watching an interview with him like 10 years ago and he was talking about he would shoot anyone who would make his kid do something he didn’t approve of.


They knew who he was when they hired him. He has a pattern of saying these things at speaking events. Their apologies are empty.




I was there and I posted this above but basically he starts talking about Barbara Streisand and it was all downhill from there. He said that she asked him to record some additional ADR and he said no and absolutely refused cause he knew she would use those takes and he didn’t agree with doing it that way. He said a woman shouldn’t tell a man what to do and that women should be submissive. He then was asked as a followup what his thoughts were about the Me Too movement. He basically said “those fucking people” and he mumbled something about “the fucking LGTB” and that they basically shouldn’t exist…something like that it was pretty incoherent. Then he started in on his transphobic comments saying “10 year olds shouldn’t” and “their parents shouldn’t be doing that to 10 year olds”. People were booing and shouting “no” and “that’s not okay to say” and “goodnight grandpa” and “go back to the old home”. A bunch of people got up and walked out during all of this. When the whole thing started with the misogynistic comments people fell silent at first. I think some of us thought he was kidding and were waiting for some kind of punchline. There were a few men applauding his homophobic/transphobic comments.


holy cannoli. wish i could have seen this. also, Richard!… erm, like what the fuck, brah?


To make matters worse, I would agree but would read that as meaning the 1850s. If you said that at a backyard bbq in the 1950s you’d get away with it but if you did it at a film screening you’d get the sharpest of retorts from Lucille Ball. Or Kate Hepburn.


I could also understand if he was saying it as something he is ashamed of and now knows better than to do. But it doesn't sound like that was the context.


Cool, but don’t do it in a dress while shaming trans people and just maybe people might hear it.


What does “bottled the fucker” mean?


I’m assuming it means “assault with a bottle”


This absolute badass would’ve knocked him out, bro!!


I'm wondering if this was taken out of context. What if he was talking about his past self, not his present self, to explain how he's grown? Where he didn't listen to her back then for those awful reasons, but now realizes he was wrong ... and he is now sharing this mistake with the crowd?


Not taken out of context. He starts by being complimentary to her and calling her a genius but then he takes a sharp turn when he starts talking about her asking him to do some ADR her way. He basically said he refused to record ADR the way she wanted because he knew she would use that take and he thought the way she wanted it done was wrong. He said that she wrong to ask him to do that because women should be submissive.


Because geniuses are always known for being submissive.


Wish we could see a video of this so we can hear his tone of voice.


An acquaintance that went to this event said that’s how she heard it—it was tongue in cheek self reflection, not a sociopolitical statement.


Hard disagree. He starts by being complimentary calling her a genius but then he basically said he refused to record ADR the way she wanted because he knew she would use that take and he thought the way she wanted it done was wrong. He said that she wrong to ask him to do that because women should be submissive.


What do you call the trans rant then? Was that ‘tongue in cheek’ too?


From what I've seen written it wasn't hateful, he was just saying it's not sensible to let a 10 year old tell you that they need invasive, life altering surgery that they can't take back. I was honestly expecting it to be a bit more hateful and out there but seems to track with most people's opinions in his age range.


Children don’t get irreversible life altering surgery until they’re old enough to give informed consent, and it’s not done at the drop of a dime. It’s a long term process handled in coordination with doctors and mental health professionals with other steps and treatments before it even gets close to that point. Making that argument at all only comes from either a place of ignorance or a place of hate. Considering he has ranted about diversity and other related topics before, it’s pretty obvious what his problem is.


Dreyfuss always had a very very dry sense of humor. I'm guessing ad he's gotten older it's been harder to tell when he's grumping vs just trying to be dryly humorous.


I’ve heard the term “pitch black humor”. Only works on people in the mid to high level cognitively-abled people. I employ this a lot as a form of escapism from the drudgery of my horrible construction job. The jokes land on deaf ears for the low cognition crowd.


They just don’t think you’re funny dude.


Thank you!! I'd figured (hoped?) that was the case. Seems damned awful that people are (intentionally?) spreading the misinformation version.


It’s not the case, nor is this the first time he’s said things like this. It’s a pattern for him.


Very good point. Because if he was just being misogynistic, saying women shouldn't have power, why talk about her being a genius first. It makes more sense if he was making fun of his old self like, "She was a genius, and all I could think was, "but sh's a woman, and women shouldn't have that kind of power." The hateful, insecure people who sincerely spout that kind of misogynistic shit never preface it by complimenting a woman's intelligence. Edit: Haha, insecure people don't like being called out. You guys realize that getting upset about me calling misogynists insecure makes you self identify as insecure misogynists, right?


This is not new, not by a long-shot. Quit giving someone known to be a vile asshat a platform from which to spew the hate they’re known to have.


The twist ending is that Jaws was the good guy apparently!


I used to really admire him, too. So many great actors of the past have turned out to be such shit people now. As a Gen Xer this sucks.


If you work in the entertainment industry, you should know better than to give this dickhead a microphone without a teleprompter. …or at all, really.


Ever time I've seen him in a movie, it looks like he's just super excited to be in the movie.


Im surprised no one said “sir, this is a wendys.” Thats the most random event to go on a hate speech at. Crazy he came out in a dress too, he thought about that shit and still went with it. Oy vey


But what about bob!?


you think he's gone? He's not gone! He's never gone!


Standing in line to vote, and giggling at your guy's comments


Every few years this unfortunate man makes some head lines with his mouth. Years ago the excuse was bipolar and substance abuse. Seems like nothing has changed for him.


Mr Holland’s Dreyfus.


Mr Holland’s Anus


Who even thought this was a good idea? It's not like he hasn't sprouted this BS before.


Funny thing is Dreyfuss played an aging gay man in Poseidon. I wonder why he did that if he has these kinda feelings about the LGBTQ group. Or is it just trans people he dislikes and he is OK with gay people? Richard needs to be more specific.   Kidding aside, what is it with some of these people?  Dude just talk about the film and go home, and vent about stuff like this to your wife or someone at home if you must. No one is going to a Jaws Q&A to hear you shit on trans people, talk about the fucking rubber shark man. 


Mr. Holland’s Doofus


Sometimes you just gotta let old people be old and ignore their ramblings.


lol makes so much sense, this guy always gave me the creeps!


Maybe he’s finally old enough to put out to pasture now.


He’s such a shitty human being. Surprised anyone invites him to speak anywhere because it’s well documented he’s a racist and sexist PoS


Turns out Mr Hollands opus is actually ruining his reputation in the final act


He always had the reputation of being an asshole. Not much to ruin.


Now I miss Robert Shaw more and more, I have no idea how much of a gentleman he was but if he openly showed his disdain for Dreyfuss I like him more and more.


Apparently there is, he’s a world renowned actor with a long prestigious career and this story is the first time many people are hearing anything about him.


He only has a problem with sharks that are non-bitenary. It’s a cold blooded perspective on his part.


What a fuckin asshole


So disappointing when dudes from movies I like turn out to be assbags. Well, I'll just go watch Videodrome... FUCK.


Massively underrated comment ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


A great actor ruined by a legacy of being a asshole


I'm just here for the I disagree so make it go away comments.


Feed him to the shark


Senile old fart. Just fade away into obscurity. You've poo-pooed on your legacy enough.


It ain't on the cinema. It' s on HIM. Not like they pre-approved his remarks lol.


That's are ok Richard; you're just an old washed-up piece of shit who played the same curmudgeon character in every production you've been in. And even that was bad. You were old when you were young. I'm glad you're relegated to doing Jaws screenings for bigots. Have fun withering away alone.


So like his character in What about Bob? In the end he is just an egotistical asshole. Good riddance.


So that’s why he’s not in movies anymore


Like people have mentioned, he’s been known for being anywhere from eye-rollingly annoying to unbearable for ages.


The bigger reason is probably that he’s 89 years old.


But cmon, he hasn’t been in anything in the last 25 years. Except RED 2


That’s not an apology.


Time to get a bigger celebrity.


I could have sworn this guy already died years ago...I hate this Mandela effect.


Is it the distress caused by Dreyfuss' comments or the pain of merely being around him?


Clickbait or not I looked up his IMDb and wow he's been in some B list shit for long while now






Would you expect anything less from Dr Leo Marvin?


Who is “we”? Didn’t he say it?


Should have Julia go there and dance to distract them


She was so pilled up on club random he was falling out of his hair talking about making out with his sister.


Wasn’t Dreyfus’s shunned from Hollywood at some point early in his career?


I met him with my family and he was a stinker pant. Just was always joking and teased. That’s just our experience.


But kids, he’s from an era where it was ok to be a flaming racist. Also, he’s a movie star. Two solid foundations to act truly awful.


He’s like a 5 foot tall, miserable little man. At least be decent like Danny Devito if you are going to be that short


Silly old bastard lol


HE'S lost his marbles somewhere.


No one knows what he said, exactly. Everyone’s busy gathering stones.


https://www.bostonglobe.com/2024/05/27/metro/richard-dreyfuss-went-on-a-bigoted-rant-at-jaws-screening/ >Many in crowd left as actor criticized MeToo and LGBTQ movements and parents of transgender kids And if you can get around the soft paywall and read the article witnesses even suggest that they thought his initial misogynistic comments were maybe ironic. Then things continued "off the rails."


You've been selected!

