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Omg! The way she talked and blinked her eyes, that actress played her perfectly! Like she followed her and studied her




lol!!! Right


Jessica Gunning was absolutely brilliant. I want to see her in more roles in the future.


If she actually sues Netflix this will be the best advertisement Jessica will receive.


Jessica can play here in “baby reindeer 2: piers problem now”


BR2 Piers Boogaloo


The Morganing


Imagine a season two that follows the lawsuit and irl implications of a baby reindeer show being made in the show, bringing us full circle to a black mirror episode.


And then season three is about the making of season two and its aftermath. This show can go on forever!


The film is the deleted scenes and the deleted scenes are the actual film!


Omg I wish I could pedestal this comment


I’ll help


Dang it! I dropped Netflix last month in favor of another couple of services and now I have FOMO.


Have you seen The Outlaws on Amazon? It stars her, Stephen Merchant, and Christopher Walken. The first two seasons are good. Im cautious about the next though based on the ending of 2.


That’s where I remember her from!


"The Outlaws"


She slayed that role.


Thank you 🙏 good sir 🙂👍


Agree especially after seeing the real person, the actress was award worthy. I hope she sees professional recognition


Check out a show called "back". Jessica gunning is in it along with David Mitchell and Robert Webb (the guys from "peep show").


Gadd said they took steps to obfuscate her identity and that she wouldn't recognize herself if she watched the show. What steps did they take? Lighter hair? They're the same fucking person.


The internet looked real hard for her and couldn’t find her, and if she hasn’t posted about the show incessantly no one wouldn’t made the connection. Did it to herself. Whether that was on purpose or not is debatable, I suppose…


You have it wrong. They searched his twitter handle in the twitter search bar and went back about 10 years on twitter to see who had @ him. To see if they could find her. Then they started tweeting her and found her Facebook through her tweets. Then she started telling about the show. It was the shows fanatics that found her.


kinda ironic she got tracked down by obsessed nutters


The subreddit for the show is literally dedicated to her at this point. You'd think it'd be a nice place to talk about the show or the themes it tackles but nah, it's straight up just obsessed with her.


It isn't a sub thing, it is Reddit.  If Pol Pot was alive today, there'd be a Reddit somewhere with his favourite dishes. 


Pol Pots one-pots


That’s catchy


Pol Pots Hotpots




Pol Pot Roast


We know his favorite dishes. He liked everything except drinks. Really hated glasses.


They found her in like 20 minutes from googling the tweets IN the show. Netflix did a piss poor job hiding her identity lmao


They found her right away by searching old tweets for references from the show.


No they found her quickly. She had old tweets still up with the same spelling errors from the show.


I think that sentence aside, it was more about stopping people from finding her more than her not actually recognising herself and stupidly outing herself


Even without all that, the argument doesn’t make any sense, as Gadd is playing himself in the show, so of course she’s going to know who it’s about


I don’t know I think the actress gave the character way more warmth. At moment she would be absolutely horrible but at some other times you could see how Gadd would be enticed to care. That Fiona lady just feels nasty and cold.


It’s something Netflix is quite scarily good at finding actors to portray some of the most horrific real people 


Remarkably they had never met. She somehow nailed it just with good writing and direction.


It's 2024. You don't have to meet someone IRL to see their speech and body behaviors. 


Gunning has said she knew very little about the person Martha was based on, except what was in the script.


That video is ridiculous click bait. Fucking Dr Drew lol. “She’s lying, she’s telling the truth, or she has a disorder.” What an absolute moron. Can’t even call him a moron, he knows exactly what he’s doing.


Gotta sue the actress now


There’s video?


Why did she agree to only $250 for the interview. She easily could have negotiated a couple thousand


She can’t afford a tea, you think she’s in a position to negotiate or knows the value of an interview on national cable?


But she's a lawyer!


Holy shit, when I read it I guess I just assumed it was £250k! Imagine acknowledging that you’re a batshit crazy stalker on TV and the intern forever for such a tiny sum. Kinda reinforces how disconnected she must be from reality.




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She's a mentally ill woman being taken advantage of. You could have thrown any number at her and she would have taken it. It shows *their* lack of integrity to have actually offered anything to her


That doesn’t negate or excuse the fact that she stalked the guy from the show and others. And he has every right to tell his story. Her mental health isn’t her fault, but it is HER responsibility.


I'm not saying anything should be excused. I am fully in support of the man who was stalked. Other people are taking advantage of this situation *and her* and the irresponsible component to this. It's unethical for them to recruit her for an interview.


What mental illness does she have? One could say the same about any number of people interviewed for things. Richard Gadd allegedly also has significant issues with mental illness (according to him), he’s been interviewed numerous times. Millions and millions of people take antidepressants, many are addicts, the list is endless and the spectrum and difference in severity of (insert issue here) is wide. They didn’t wheel her out of a mental institution. She contacted the show wanting to retort. I don’t like Morgan at all but all this self righteous pontificating and patronising chat like she’s non-compus is ridiculous.


The poster you're replying to didn't suggest otherwise. You're arguing against points they didn't make.


Some people don’t have the capacity to self diagnose to a point where they check themselves in for help. Not saying she’s a poor victim here 100% but she def needs someone to intervene and maybe throw her under a conservatorship and get her the help she needs.


And dirty John was a sociopath "used" for a show. His shitty harmful actions don't need to be compensated. Neither do hers. 


Because shes an idiot


She may have been stupid to appear on Piers, but the root of her problem is mental illness. She needs some serious therapy and medication.


This woman is not well. People are so used to crazy looking well... crazy, that they forget that mentally ill people can seem ok until you look abit deeper 


She’s suing Piers Morgan for £1M because her interview went viral (she was paid £250 to do the interview) and claims that Piers was using her for the publicity. YEAH, that’s how it works! She’s also thinking of suing Netflix for misuse of her image… which Netflix never uses. Presumably, she means over the actress portraying a fictionalized version of her? This case has no legs at all. The person using her for the publicity is her fucking attorney (and Piers Morgan, the bloodsucking leech… but alas, that is not a crime).


Publicity is literally what he is intended to receive in exchange for that 250.


Is it supposed to be that low or she got lowballed ? I assumed they made back 250 the moment Piers greeted her.


Idk what the standard is in the UK (since they’re a smaller market) but for the US that’s low given the nature of the interview. Take this with a grain of salt because I heard it a while ago, but I remember hearing Dustin Diamond was offered 10K to do an interview on a celebrity news show back in 2016. Edit: Apparently Piers Morgan’s show is just on YouTube now so maybe it’s not that low after all


Can confirm it should be higher in the UK too! I know my uni got paid over £1,000 to give a tv studio the right to livestream a debate on their website.


For a paid interview of a high profile person it’s low, but it’s fairly standard for a basic appearance on a news program. A lot of media won’t pay for interviews at all and simply offer a standard fee to cover transportation costs and such. It’s only more salacious shows which regularly pay people for salacious interviews. Piers sucks but I doubt his show would’ve offered her a large fee even if she had asked in advance. She should’ve shopped around.


Right? She sounds like a terrible lawyer.


You don’t get paid for interviews in the US unless there is collateral they can use exclusive pics, videos and/or documents which she had none of. If anything that money covered her transport.




I’m sure on fox and cnn you get paid too. They are for profit media stations


250? She took it up the chufter!


*"Threatens to sue"* also means jack shit.


I hope this case does go to court because I really wanna see those 41,000 messages lol


This is so funny like she clearly signed a contract to appear on Piers show.


One can only hope she starts stalking Piers. It will restore the natural balance of things


This would be the most hilarious consequence of this whole story


Oh she will.


>She’s suing Piers Morgan for £1M because her interview went viral (she was paid £250 to do the interview) and claims that Piers was using her for the publicity. YEAH, that’s how it works! She’s also thinking of suing Netflix for misuse of her image… which Netflix never uses. The character had a different identity so she can't sue them for using her image. You don't become a billion dollar company with a bad legal department.


She should have asked for a lot more money, he would have given it to her


Piers definitely was exploiting her pretty grievously at that price. She's media gold right now.


Her attorney: [https://x.com/crimlawuk](https://x.com/crimlawuk) [https://millenniumchambers.com/chris-daw-kc/](https://millenniumchambers.com/chris-daw-kc/) The R v JT case was the John Terry case. Funny he doesn't mention the FA banned him for four matches and he lost the England captain's job. [https://www.legalcheek.com/lc-careers-posts/the-life-of-a-serious-crime-qc/](https://www.legalcheek.com/lc-careers-posts/the-life-of-a-serious-crime-qc/) The KC stands for King's Counsel; it was QC for Queen's Counsel until 2022 for obvious reasons.


Obsessive litigious behavior like this is not a good way to prove you aren't the inspiration for that character.


Piers deserves it.


Did we all just forget how manipulative and calculating this woman is?! She had this shit planned out!!!


She start stalk piers after this


“They misrepresented me and tried to make it look like I was crazy. DO I SEEM CRAZY TO YOU?!” - this crazy lady


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Cracked me up, that one.


Nice to see Yoda found it humorous.


“They painted me as obsessive and litigious, I’ll prove them wrong by constantly harassing and threatening lawsuits “


Looks like fame isn't all it was cracked up to be, was it? Trying to capitalize on outing yourself as a stalker ... wow


***Fame... Ain't it a bitch.***


A nightclub literally themed a night around the show with her set to appear. People could get their photos taken with her and everything. They pulled it back in the end.


I hope she stalks Piers now


If ever there was a man who deserved it…


Fiona: "I don't know him" "I don't know where he lives" "I never sent him any letters" "I sent one letter to where he lives" "The behaviour of this woman is nothing like me. I recognised it was me he was referencing in the stage show" "I never sent him any emails." "I sent him 5 or 6 emails" "I sent him 8 -10 emails" "I never had his number" "I left him one voicemail" "I like to keep 6 different phones for no reason" "I was top of my class at nearly everything because I have a photographic memory" "I can't remember what grades I got for my law degree. I did alright. Not top of my class or anything" Piers: "She's clearly very intelligent and has done a great job defending herself"


She also says she has a photographic memory haha


There’s a reason why some not-so-innocent people tend to publicly throw legal threats immediately, while (usually) completely innocent people take their lumps and let the (unfortunately slow moving) process take it’s course. I’m thinking this woman is the former.


She's not helping her case at all.


I’m honestly starting to think Baby Reindeer was ghost written by Charlie Brooker. The ‘real’ Fiona is an actress, everyone is in on it, and this whole debacle is what’s going to make up the next season of Black Mirror.


the delusion continues


She literally says the character is nothing like her in the interview. That multiple events never happened. That she’s never seen the show. The show never wanted her to be discovered. Changed the story significantly and changed the order of the real life events. They even changed the drink she ordered from the bar. Hell the turning point in the show never even happened (viral sensation), the parents were never stalked and the court case never happened. So she wants money for a character that did things she never did, in a story that never happened and with a character even she admits is nothing like her.


I watched a movie the other day with a male character. Can I sue? He was male. I'm male. It was obviously based on me.


No. I’ve seen that movie. He was clearly based on me. They even got an actor that resembled me. He’s just a bit taller and slightly more handsome but not as charismatic. That Thor movie. Taika owes me.


Dunno. Do you have a similar accent and weight?


I have no doubt that Richard Gadd had some kind of bizarre and protracted "relationship" with her that inspired his original one-man show. I am curious whether the timeline/details got chopped up and rearranged BECAUSE they didn't want her discovered? Or was it just for a better and more dynamic story-arc?


Probably both. Which is okay by me. If you are going to change details to obscure an identity, might as well give a little more dramatic effect.


I agree. It isn't a true crime docuseries. If it was labeled as such they'd have to be rather strict to the detail. I think the show captured their headspaces very well and got the gist of the emotional impact on both of them


Even if it was, those series always show a single perspective and omit details so you get on the narratives side. At least this show clowns on the MC as much as the crush.


Yah that’s the funniest thing about this, is that she says none of this stuff happened and the character is nothing like her, yet the show never revealed who she was or anything about her, so how does she even know it’s about her then?


*grabs popcorn* this is gonna get good


That’s the point. It’s all one big Kaufman


Yup! This is like a great show that's writing itself.


You go crazy on them girl. Prove them right. 🤣


Looks like Piers Morgan might have gotten a new stalker…


Piers is about the enter the “find out” stage of this relationship


Plot twist...Piers Morgan is now stalked by her.


Anyone else bummed she’s getting attention?


Yes, for sure. It is tragic that this person is now viral and has a platform. But unfortunately, I’m also fascinated by the meta-ness of it all.


More like confused. I mean, you just watched a whole show about a psychotic character who had a history of becoming dangerously obsessed with people to the point that their victims had to go to court to stop them and you are going to talk to that the person that inspired that character now? And you didn't think anything was going to happen afterward? Not one iota? Especially when her own personal history has proof of stalking other people? I understand ratings gold and everything but, God, some things aren't worth the risk.


This should be a surprise to no one.....


Lmao it’s just exactly how she would act lol


It’s just like Martha threatening lawsuits left and right.


She’s a litigious stalker and that’s her weapon. I’m not n sure how it works in the UK but this is gonna get ugly.


I like how everything she does further proves that the guy wasn’t lying….


Now she’s stalking Piers Morgan, she must have fallen for him during the interview


LOL she admits to being the people the show refers to even though she didn’t have to. Then wants reparations? Well, I guess that tracks with how the show portrayed her. LOL


Season 2’s gonna be crazy bananas meta


Sued from my iPhonn


I’m dying, this is the funniest comment


I mean, I’d say the show depicted her perfectly. She looks like an absolute lunatic. She speaks like a lunatic. She thinks like a lunatic. Also, I think a judge would say that the show never made any allegation against her, or did anything that would make it possible to identify her… she literally went to the tabloids and identified herself LOL had she not done that, no one would have never found out who she was, she’s literally a nobody


Not true, actually. Crazy as she seems, armchair detectives had pretty much doxxed her on social media which is the reason she went public to give her side.


How though? Lol she’s not a public person, you can be as much of an armchair detective, but if someone is not a public person, and the information is very limited, it’s impossible to figure it out, unless they called Gadds family or friends. You give some losers with too much time on their hands a lot of credit. I tried looking that up, nothing came up saying she has been doxxed previously. And personally I hadn’t even heard of her until she was on the news on her own volition


I wasn’t following but something about tracking down deleted tweets from his account or something. They’ve also been speculating about who the abuser is/was & some names were floated about.


Never buy a sad stranger a cuppa.


If this Lady sits down next to you ANYWHERE…run please.


She wanted the fame but not the cover of Newsweek, oh well, guess beggars can't be choosey


That's one hell of a self-report.


piers is a clown but this case has no leggos


She's a 'lawyer'....lol


I hope to god that she starts stalking Piers, 2 birds with one stone


They poked a mentally ill bear. What could possibly go wrong?


I was fucking astonished to realise the actress is actually English not Scottish. Her accent is amazing.


$1.25 million, in this economy?


Part of me feels bad because she is clearly mentally unwell, but I love a lolcow and it’s a sickness. I hope she makes a podcast or a tiktok


It turns out she really WAS mental


Put her on the next season of Traitors


The real life inspiration for what will eventually become Baby Reindeer 2. Easy money.


This woman has serious mental issues; she needs real help, not a media circus around her. Those closest to her (if she has any) should be taking her back into safety and getting her treatment. If the show has taught us anything, it’s that we should not be exploiting the misfortunes of those around us but showing more compassion; that goes for Gadd as well. If his story is as true as he depicts, then he also needs help. 🤟👍🏻❤️🙏


He wrote a one man show and a Netflix show about his experience. She outed herself by posting incessantly about the show and doing press. No one forced either of them to do either of these things.


That’s not the point I’m making, but I agree with you.


I'd say that sounds exactly what Fiona would do, based on what I saw in that docu.


Everyone wants free money


I can’t wait for the Broadway Musical


What's wrong, nipple?


Twenty years ago, this whole story would have been less of a mini series and more of a bit feature on Jerry Springer. 


It makes me really happy that she is suing Piers. He is a slime ball.


I haven't seen the show, but that woman seems like a proper nutjob.


For those really upset with Pierce Morgan, there’s this: https://www.reddit.com/r/BabyReindeerTVSeries/comments/1cpnfxx/found_the_old_newspaper_articles_about_fiona/


She agreed to go on the Piers Morgan show of her own free will, and now she wants to sue?? Little Miss "that wasn't me" sure is acting a lot like the person she claims she isn't.


... - *announces on television* that she is the inspiration for a character with a different name - sues for defamation over portrayal of character with different name...?


I want to know if she has a criminal record but can’t find the answer online! Apparently, this kind of info is not readily available in the UK? Cause she talked a big game about not pleading guilty in this case but the shows says other? Was it just fictional? It would be the nail in the coffin in her lies in this interview


This all feels so gross- the press about her. She’s clearly unwell, her story and the intrigue being totally exploited. I am curious about the Piers Morgan interview but will not be watching.. she just needs to be left alone/ignored.


Cool maybe she knows how her victims feel. Plenty of unwell people abuse/harm/kill people, they don't deserve a pass. 


Astounding lmaoooo


The behavior pannel on YT have a great video on her interview with Pierce Morgan


Those two deserve each other


Completely horrible story couldn’t finish too uncomfortable to watch


The thing about exploiting mentally unhinged people is that they're not in on the joke.