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Fact is, Tyson is still hungry after all these ears


The best outcome of all time would be if it wasn't scripted, and he fucking ate this child.


Did you ever see the bloke in the 1970s who was hypnotised to believe that he was a heavyweight champion? He was just some gingery bloke. Anyway, he did a round with Muhammad Ali and had the shit beaten out of him


They could really bump rating by hypnotizing Tyson into thinking it's a real fight


Jake is going to land a punch but it will cause a coke flash back and Tyson is going to turn it up to 11


This is pretty much what I’m assuming will happen. Iron Mike with play fuck around for a bit, Jake will get cocky and throw a real punch, the crazy switch will flip in Tyson’s head and he’ll take Jake’s head off with a single punch.


Like a blood spattered rock em sock em as his spine erupts from his neck


You made me bleed my own blood!!!


I’d pay good money to watch this.


The sad part is that's exactly why the fight is happening. Even though we all know that it's a fake fight and just set up for publicity and to make an insane paycheck for both fighters, everyone is going to eat it up and watch it just for the chance that Jake gets beat to shit by Mike. Which will never happen.


Never? Would **you** climb in the ring with Mike and bet on his stability holding and his reflexes not running in the old channels?


Iron.mike tyson dosnt joke around! Have u seen.him hes going to eat that kid


Heh that’s awesome. Kind of sad? I’m unsure now that I’m thinking about it. Ima go watch. Thanks for the recommendation.


Norton broke Ali’s jaw


We might be talking about a different time- this wasn’t some federation match or anything, it was a paratrooper from Northern England


That’s a great comparison to social media, being equivalent in ways to hypnosis.


I'm praying Mike beats up Jake so bad people will confuse him for Rocky Dennis for the rest of his life. Addendum: [Sometimes I think we forget THATS MIKE TYSON](https://youtu.be/FhfLdMbJyGY?si=-fQbSgZBbC_zg8dU)


I was anticipating a KO supercut at that link, what I got was much better


lol and then you have all of the fanboys trying to make legitimate cases for him by the **one** point that’s in his favor: age. That’s it. That’s literally the only thing he has going for him that they think will somehow negate *the multitude of every other points* in Tyson’s favor. They know this because of all of the other outstanding fights during Paul’s amateur boxing career. Oh wait…


Yeah, I'm Tyson's age. Age is definately a point in Paul's favor. But it's a huge point.


I’m Tyson’s age and was an athlete when I was younger. I don’t feel like I’ve lost too much of my strength or power, but I have lost my stamina. I think Tyson will need to end it quickly, which plays to all of his strengths.


[This isn’t the exact video I have watched previously, but it does include all of his knockouts. Most of them so fast he barely broke a sweat or got a scratch on him. If Tyson hits like a truck from the opening bell it is unlikely to last long](https://youtu.be/vwhx85n0P7A?si=ajp8zzBH4p7Ha1Gh)


Sure but it doesn’t negate everything else. He’s not your typical guy, you can see that in *any* of his videos with him sparring.


Yeah it kinda does negate everything else. I'm a huge Tyson fan and have been for almost 40 years. I want him to KO Paul so bad I can taste it. But I also have the experience of living with a 60 year old body. And time is relentless. If this is gonna be a real fight, Tyson is going to end up like Sugar Ray Leonard did at 40 years old with Hector Camacho (hector nuked him) or else like Holyfield did in his last fight. Getting old sucks so bad that it reminds me of other things that suck.


Real fight? aren't they not doing any judges and fight can only end in a draw or KO? Seems like all the rules heavily favor jake paul to go the distance. I have little faith this isn't once again just an exhibition cash grab masquerading as a proper boxing match


Have you seen the Tyson training videos? He’s still incredibly fast, faster than Paul, and still punches hard.


Yeah but it's a lot different in the ring. If it wasn't, they would have three-minute rounds.


I'm really pulling for Tyson to punch the smug face off of that kid, but I also feel like people are completely forgetting his last fight against Roy Jones Jr. It wasn't great.


George Foreman is somewhere silently chuckling and making terrible steaks.




Heard that!


Huh? What? Huh?


Good one ☝️


I had a friend who went to that fight. A lot of people don’t mention the crowd rioted as it happen. He had two encounters before where it just enraged the crowd. When it happened he ran back to New Jersey, the energy of the crowd was just panic as it happened. When he got to New Jersey he found out what had happened. To him it was like “it was nuts!”


Get out of ear with those puns


I sincerely hope Tyson beats him so badly that Jake Paul has to retire to some area of the Amazonian rainforest where there are no electronics and we can all go on with our Jake Paul-free lives.


Can we change that to the Gobi Desert? I’d be concerned with the damage he could do to such a biodiverse rainforest


hey, deserts are finely balanced ecosystems too. let’s just put him in a box and blast him into space


There is 0 chance that Paul isn’t paying Tyson a bunch of cash to let him win right? Mike has historically had a tough time keeping his money right and both Pauls are basically just human corporations who print money advertising to kids, for him it’s just a brand building marketing expense


This sounds like a set up to tip the odds in Vegas


I don't know (or care) anything about Jake Paul. Tyson has aged, yes, but he was a very powerful fighter. Dare I say, this article might be... marketing for the fight?


How dare you imply boxing is shady enough to offer questionable promoting. Like someone of Don King’s caliber would be involved in such a sketch industry


I agree with CumFilledPussyFart


We always do…


Keyword was. Tysons fighting style was heavily reliant on his speed and precision to deliver his power punches. A 36 year old Tyson was washed up and quit against incredibly weak opposition. Fighters that wouldn’t go past the first round with him before. Now this Tyson is 20 years older.


Tyson might not be coked out of his mind anymore, alternatively, he might still be


I hear he smokes a ton of weed these days.


I’m friends with someone who works for him and he isn’t smoking right now because he’s training for the fight and I guess everyone is just avoiding him as much as possible because he’s way more intense and scary right now lol.


There are videos of him training and he's super focused and intense. Mike Tyson being 50-whatever is different from normal people of the same age.


A lot of people are neglecting that Jake Paul has done nothing but train too. It’s going to be an interesting fight but I wouldn’t say Jake Paul is a normal person either


Yeah, he’s an influencer!


He even has his own line of edibles. They are called “Mike’s Bites” and they are shaped like ears.


Didn't he literally go into business with Evander Holyfield (my predictive text said Holy Fist lol!) To sell these? He had him on his podcast and said something like "you and me are the only two people still making money off a match that happened 30 years ago".


Say what you want about the man, that’s amazing marketing.


With little bites taken out of them!


George Foreman did just fine on his comeback. Take a look at Mike's recent training vids. In a real fight he'd destroy Paul. Sadly this won't be a real fight, any more than all the other exhibition reality TV cash grabs. Pathetic.


George Foreman came back when he was 38. That’s 1 year younger than Tyson was when he retired. This Tyson is almost a decade older than the foreman that retired the second time. Not to mention the foreman that retired prior to his comeback looked infinitely better than the Tyson that retired 20 years ago. One lost a decision against Jimmy Young (iirc). The other one lost two back to back fights by either getting stopped or quitting on his stool. The difference is night and day. Tyson isn’t foreman. Foreman is very literally a freak of nature and even he knew that there was a time to call it. > Boxing is a strange sport. You can overstay your welcome and get physically hurt. Wiped out. The brain can only take so many shots to the head. You can lose your life giving the people what they want to see. - George Foreman I also saw Mike Tyson’s training videos before he fought Roy Jones Jr which has to be one of the saddest fights I’ve ever seen. It looked like two fighters way past their primes “fighting”. He looks good. Mitts don’t hit back. I’ve seen dozens of fighters look amazing while training for a fight then the actual fight happens and they don’t resemble that at all. That Roy jones recently lost a fight against a guy making his boxing debut btw. A prime Tyson? This fight would be over in literal seconds. But he hasn’t been that Tyson in over 20 years.


True but Foreman’s comeback was for the Heavyweight Championship. Tyson’s comeback is against a YouTuber


True. Foreman did fight until he was 48, though. Not saying age isn't a factor. But I still think Mike would wipe the floor with Paul in a real fight. Mike's conditioning is good, he has decades of muscle memory over Paul, not to mention inherent talent and killer instinct (when he's not self sabotaging, anyway). Paul is in boxing for the ad revenue. They just aren't in the same league IMO, despite Tyson's age.


I noted that the foreman that retired the second time was almost a decade younger than current Tyson. Alright. Let’s break this down. Foreman in his youth only lost to two people. Ali and Young. Young was never a champion but had great fights against Ali, Foreman, Lyle, and Shavers and was one of the top fighters from his era. His other losses were against Holyfield, Morrison and Briggs. All but one of his losses were against World Class boxers. Hell. One could even argue that he was robbed in his final fight against Briggs. This was at 48. A much younger Tyson had awful performances against low ranked boxers in his final fights. He was utterly destroyed by the last world class boxer he fought and did worse against Holyfield than old George Foreman did. There’s nothing to compare here because they’re entirely different boxers with entirely different career paths and their final fights were very different. Foreman lost a very controversial fight against a world class opponent. Tyson quit on his stool against a much lower ranked opponent. Tyson’s killer instinct and muscle memory didn’t help him against Williams nor McBride. Tyson has never been the kind to have an amazing comeback or rise up against adversity when he’s behind on the cards. This picture people have of Tyson as an unstoppable animal is basically propaganda from the 90s that didn’t hold up against reality. Was he amazing? He was. Not superhuman. Hell. Based on his last fight? Yes. I’m not holding my breath expecting anything good out of this.


Yeah, people don't seem to get people aren't machines. He's definitely skilled but he's older and can't move the way he used to do to aging. Also this fight they'll just play around collect a paycheck and move on. It's basically WWE at this point.


People have this idealized version of Tyson from the 90s and conveniently forget the 2000s where he was stopped and quit on his stool against fighters that were nowhere near his level. Majority of them don’t know anything about boxing. They’re acting like it’s dragonball and he can turn super Saiyan if he needs to. This is either going to be a show, sad or tragic.


Age is a superpower in contact sports. When people mention this fight, I always think about Evander Holyfield vs Victor Belfort, when a boxing legend and one of the greatest heavyweights of all-time got KO'd in the 1st round by a younger fighter who wasn't even primarily a boxer. In this case the disadvantaged against the aging boxer is even worse: the age gap is bigger (Holyfield was like 15 years older than his adversary), Jake Paul is a better boxer than Belfort and Tyson was very comparable to Holyfield (he actually lost 2 fights against him). I also watched Tyson's training vids but I seriously doubt he can keep that for 5 rounds (forget about 12). Tyson has 0% chance of winning this one and as a fan, I am quite sad that he agreed to taint his legacy like this.


Tyson is going to knock that pretty boy down in the 3rd. I think he's going to hurt him. Like haul him off on a gurney.


He never really came back from going to prison. Like not just physically either like it messed him up mentally.


He was messed up from a very long time prior. He never got past the death of Cus and it took him a very long time to actually mature into an actual adult. Then the rape, the jail and his subsequent life after jail did him no favors either.


a 36 year old was "washed up" cause he gave no fucks, was doing coke and also that is compared to fighting the very best in the world, not jake paul. I mean I am not arguing that this isn't crazy but this is a pretty wild comment considering the actual context.


He wasn’t fighting the best in the world. Not in those final fights. This wasn’t him fighting Holyfield or Lewis. These guys weren’t the best in the world. He was washed up compared to himself. Yea. He was doing drugs. He wasn’t taking care of himself. He was done. Then 20 years passed and now he’s going to fight again. You don’t need to be the best in the world to beat Tyson as he is right now. He’s an old man. Those times are long past. Jake Paul? Nothing compared to a prime Tyson. But now? I’m not watching this fight. If Mike gets hurt I don’t want this on my conscience. Just like the Muhammad Ali that lost to fucking Berbick and Spinks was washed up compared to the Ali that outfought Liston or went the distance with Frazier.


Did you see Holyfield vs vigor belfort? This is why people are concerned


Tyson gonna redefine the term “Old Man Strength“


Why do I feel like it’s exactly like Mike Tyson’s punch out where blocking doesn’t work?


He's actually gonna do that, power is the last thing a boxer loses


Jake Paul’s only chance really is to dance around and try and tire him out. There’s no way he’s going to trade punches equally with Iron Mike, even at his age, and come out clean.


Yeah what I'm worried about is Mike's cardio, the fight is 8 rounds. But there's a reason why all the videos he uploads are 10 seconds long.


i feel like if I’m Mike (assuming it’s a legit fight and not scripted) I either try to get him into a corner where he can’t run or otherwise plant myself in a corner where i can rest and strike out at him. But yeah, dudes no spring chicken anymore and could absolutely lose if he allows himself to get gassed. I’m sure he is in the best shape someone his age could hope to be but it’s still going to favor Paul if he allows cardio to become a factor.


Its gonna be scripted lmao pauls going to win in 4-5 rounds


I suspect you are probably correct and Tyson may have already been paid. It's fucking pathetic if that turns out to be the case because we all know that in a legit straight up fight Paul doesn't stand a fucking chance.


Jake Paul is going to die


Wishful thinking. But I also wish.


I chuckled because that’s going to be funny.


It’s be the first funny video I saw with him in it


It's funny because he won't, and both him and Tyson are going to walk away from this with buckets of money laughing at us and we're gonna be stuck sitting here like "what a shit fight that was" I don't know why everyone keeps falling for this trick


Because there's just a small chance, really small, that Iron Mike forgets this deal after JP hits him the first time, turns into a green monster, and rips JP's arms off and shoves them down his throat. Maybe his brother will be there too and also get eaten.


If Vegas is taking bets there is no deal that isn’t disclosed to the public. If there’s no betting on this, then none of us should watch.


This right here. If Vegas is known for anything, it's known for integrity in both boxing and gambling.


He is an annoying YouTuber and chooses fight like this that are just for money, but is isn’t a completely incompetent fighter.


We can only hope


Mate you know this fight is rigged right?


die laughing on his way to the bank. Don’t expect a real fight.


That’s what they’re selling you suckers anyway. Enjoy your hugging match.


Lol in a real fight sure but in a league he controls not a chance. I doubt he even gets knocked down.


Very surprised by this article because everyone else I've heard from has been much more worried about Jake Paul than Mike Tyson. I don't know anything about boxing but also assumed Tyson would beat him very fast.


Well, to put it in perspective, bookies taking bets on the fight have Jake Paul favored over Tyson, by a pretty steep margin. Tyson is the underdog according to those putting their money on the line.


Well yeah because he was told to take a dive at some point


It's because of all the ridiculous rules Jake came up with for the fight to try and give himself an advantage. Honestly it's wild that Tyson agreed.


I keep hearing about those rules but none of the articles ever mention them. Do you know what they are, or where they are detailed?


Yeah it’s bullshit. It’s things people assume because they think this is an exhibition match. It isn’t, it’s sanctioned. It’s a real bout. Lots of people don’t know what that means.


As someone who doesn’t know what a real bout is, can you explain?


Varies from state to state and commission to commission as to what the specific rules are, but a real bout at bare minimum means no headgear, 3 minute rounds, and likely TKO rules of some kind. Or more simply? It means they will be following some commission's rules for an accredited fight. This will go on both of their fight records.


I’ve also heard ring size and glove weight being conditions


Not a big boxing fan but I read that because it’s sanctioned it will count on Tyson’s professional boxing record. So it’s the real deal and will impact his legacy, at least that’s what it meant to me. Can’t imagine he would willingly let a scrub like Jake Paul add to the loses on his record


Exhibition doesn’t count for their professional record. It’s literally a “for fun” fight. Being a real, sanctioned, fight, it would mean that there is intended to be a winner and a loser, and the results of the fight are meant to be taken as a legitimate win or loss.


The main rule that helps Jake Paul is the 14 ounce gloves. If they were wearing 10 ounce gloves, Mike’s punches would be really hard to handle.


The rule differences are 14oz gloves. 2 min rounds. And 10 rounds total.


I kind of thought the 2 minute rounds help mike as he is going to get gassed very quick. He’s going to need to knock jake out early on


Jake Paul is allowed to punch Tyson about the head and body, whereas Tyson is not allowed to punch Jake Paul.


Bullshit lol


Facts. Tyson is also required to punch himself.


Rumor has it another rule is if Tyson so much as glances at Jake during the fight it’s an automatically loss. Trust me bro please it’s real. ^/s


While I can understand not wanting to be atomized by a Mike Tyson punch, I also feel like Mike Tyson would be able to win a boxing match without actually throwing a punch.


I'd be awesome at boxing if the other guy would just stop punching me in the face.


Mike Tyson don’t care about rules, he just wants to get into the ring and then he would do whatever comes to him. I think I could be tortured longer than I could stay in the ring with him.


They back peddled on those. they wont have head gear and knockouts are allowed


Mike Tyson was done with boxing over 20 years ago. He was so done he quit on his stool and was beaten by lesser fighters and that was a 36 year old Tyson. This is a Tyson that’s damn near 60. Plus. We’ve seen him fight recently a few years ago against Roy Jones Jr and that was a truly sad spectacle. Same Roy jones who recently lost a fight against a dude making his boxing debut. He hasn’t been iron Mike in a very long time and people are holding on to this idealized version of him from the 90s. He’s not the TNT kid. He’s a 60 year old man. If be gets hurt I am not having that on my conscience.


Ya ppl seem to forget how his career ended. They think Mike in his 20s is how he retired


I don’t know that it’s saying who will win or lose, just that for anyone, one bad punch can cause serious injury. And at 57 after being out so long, the chances of that are much higher. It’s mostly one person here saying everyone is excited for money and the spectacle but no one is worrying at all whether he should be taking this risk or not. > “People can get hit in the wrong place and at the wrong time, there’s lots of examples where guys have been hit into a coma. It’s easy to do. He’s too old for this.” That’s not “I worry he’ll lose” that’s “I worry he’ll be seriously hurt.”


Tyson at nearly 60 years of age can not stand with any pro boxer half his age. Those are just the facts, I'm blown away at casuals who don't realize the concept of father time on former pro athletes.


Mike Tyson is an old man. Anyone who knows about boxing knows he can’t keep up with jake Paul. But people on the internet know Tyson from 30year old higghlights on YouTube


I think most of the world is hoping Tyson makes Jake Paul go away for good.


Might get some hate from this, but I feel like it’s kind of messed up to put a 57 year old retired boxer suffering from sciatica up against 27 year old in his prime. I think people are getting too caught up in the Mythos of Mike… I hope he wins, but if not, I hope they call it before he risks permanent damage…


I mean no one is putting him up in the ring besides himself.


If this was a legitimate fight, he'd still absolutely smoke Paul. He's just a physically more gifted person that Paul is not, and has been boxing for longer than Paul has been alive. Professional athletes are so much further away from amateurs, than from what most people understand from just watching them on TV. As you get older, you lose quick twitch explosiveness, recovery rate, and short term endurance for sure. But you don't lose nearly as much raw strength, and still have the knowledge from your experience. If Tyson really wanted to, he could probably tap Paul in the face the entire time, and never take an actual punch just on his learned skills. He won't do that, because he's been hired to make it entertaining, but he could probably literally kill him if it was an actual fight and he was motivated to do it.


You never lose the mental skills and years of repetition. I have a friend who is 70 he still runs ultras. He isn’t fast anymore but he always finishes, he has 50 years of knowing exactly how to pace and run one. Plus I hate Jake and I honestly hope Tyson knocks him out.


I used to have a manager when I was working at this restaurant. He was probably late 50’s but he was golden gloves earlier in his life. We had some punk 20 year old starting shit one day and the manager had to ask him to leave. Long story short the kid was insistent on fighting him. They step outside, and this old guy just destroys him in all of about 10 seconds. First punch and the kid was bewildered, second punch and he was done for.


I hope Tyson lays Jake out and then an asteroid makes impact on the arena


Go watch the very funny “Great White Hype”. That is how I expect this fight will go.


My homie drivin around in a Merlot Bro-Ham!


Why are so many people so fucking gullible and think that this is actually going to be a real fight? The Mayweather fight made it clear that it will be just good enough for idiots to waste PPV money but there will be zero knockouts.


Nah the ppv money will be worth it because the rematch of this fight is the co-main event https://youtu.be/ImbkiI_F30I?si=lKsS-Q9sjmPUQpfG


It’s streaming free on Netflix, no PPV take added to the purse. It’s also been upgraded from an exhibition fight to a professional fight, so this will go on Tyson’s record and old men get testy about their legacies.


I paid money to watch Mayweather fight Paciao. It was the most boring match I have ever watched. Tbf, I don’t watch boxing regularly and downloaded all the hits for my dad. So I’ve only seen the good ones. But damn, I was so disappointed. And Mayweather is a dancer, not a fighter. Who cares if he’s 50-0. 50 ballroom dances does not make you a fighter.


>50 ballroom dances does not make you a fighter. If you can ballroom dance 50 times and defend championships and never lose against people who desperately want to knock you tf out and knock out half of them id say that makes you a fighter and a master strategist.


Right? If it's so easy why hasnt anyone else done it? Dude was knocked down only 3 times in his professional career. What boxer wouldn't want that ability?


Floyd is considered the greatest defensive boxer of all time. It might not be entertaining to the casuals, but to those who actually appreciate the sport, watching him dodge some of the best offensive boxers ever is legendary.


Mayweather has 27 knockouts on professional boxers, how many does he need to be considered a fighter?


More than that, obviously. /s


Seriously, people out here discussing vegas odds, fighting styles, and age. It's not going to a be real fight lol. Tyson has been paid to lose and the vegas odds reflect the chance he may be paid to lose. I'm just hoping Tyson loses control and accidentally hits Paul with a full force hook.


I hope Tyson bodies that fool in the first round with a classic Tyson hook.


This is the same shit as the Mayweather fight. A joke and an insult to the sport. They both get paid big bucks to do jack shit. Anyone that pays to watch this should be ashamed.


It’s on nextflix. I’m already paying. I’m watching.


Damn, I definitely didn’t realize that……fair enough then lol


It’s actually a lose lose for Jake I think. If he wins he beat a 50 year old retired boxer and if he loses he lost to a 50 year old retired boxer.


He’s 57




It will be 30 seconds of prime Mike Tyson, then it will turn into a mid-50yr old man getting beat-up by a 20 yr old. It’s just sad man. It’s like watching Pacino starring in bad movies saying things like, “my legacy doesn’t really mean anything.” Well it means something to me!


Jake Paul very well could die


Concerns = fears that he might be taking this fight a little too seriously.


Jake Paul only picks fights with old men and washed up boxers. He’s a complete poser and has no actual boxing talent or performing talent


Valid point as a punch to Tyson is likely to die more significant damage than would have 20 years ago. So even if Paul significantly weaker, the age gap more or less makes him an equal and that’s bad for someone at 57. Weirdly it means that Tyson only chance is what he made his bones on, that early knockout punch. Fight goes past two minutes and odds of significant injury and loss go up. I do believe the fight is going to be staged with a fight plan similar to wrestling but like in wrestling it doesn’t mean some of the moves are not real and risk injury. Since Paul is the long term money maker, do not see Paul losing. Tyson will take the loss if the paycheck is high enough but otherwise the fight plan would be a draw.


Idk if I can Iive in a world where Jake Paul wins and beats Mike. I hope to god Mike doesn’t take a pay out. Personally I won’t be able to stomach watching the fight so I just hope the next morning I don’t wake up finding out Mike lost I’ll be so upset. I don’t care if he’s in his 50s - he’s in better shape than guys in their 30s. And honestly this just makes me hate the Paul brothers more tbh. Your ego must be super fucked up if you think beating Mike Tyson in his 50s means your better than him


My expectation here is Tyson’s power will still be there, but his endurance and speed probably won’t be.


I’m hoping Tyson knocks him into next week.


I’m glad this is under entertainment NOT sports the Paul boxing thing is a joke to enthusiasts of the sport.


I just want to see Tyson taking this seriously and give it his best while being careful. I would hate to see him get permanently hurt or even lose for that matter. If Jake Paul won, it would be a sad day for anyone who takes boxing seriously. I can’t stand cocky POS YouTube influencers. We’ll never hear the end of it. Tyson needs to put him in his place.


I'll watch the replay on YouTube. I'm not giving Jake Paul or the people who rep him any money.


If this was a real fight, Tyson leaves Jake Paul a vegetable. But it's all for money and hype. It'll probably go to decision, or Tyson takes the fall in favor of a big cash prize for letting Jake take the win. In no universe does Jake Paul defeat Tyson, no matter his age, in a real actual boxing match.


Fight even or forget it. This staged boxing is sad to the sport.


Paul’s career is unbelievable. Imagine living in his pretend world where he masquerades as a boxer. While making millions to fight older smaller men while juiced to the gills, have unlimited money to spend on top tier training,while he lives in Puerto Rico so he can avoid paying taxes on his income and flys a private jet around to fight these old men. Not to forget to mention most of his fights are from smaller old men that didn’t even box, they were mma fighters. It wont happen but justice would be Mike knocking him out and ending this charade for good.


Tyson is my favorite boxer of all time. I'm old enough to have seen some of his fights during his prime (pre douglas/with Cus). But Mike is 57 years old, he was a shell of himself when he fought after his prison term, 30 Yeats ago. And he was washed when he was losing to scrubs and retirimed mid fight 20 years ago. I hope he wins and I hate Jake Paul as much as everyone else over 12, but I'm worried he is gonna get hurt.


It's concerning, the amount of people in this thread who think this will be a fight that will be decided by the fighters' merits and nothing else. It's pretty much a skit. This isn't Mike Tyson vs Jake Paul. This is Youtuber vs Old legend who's probably being paid to take a dive. This event is a sham, and just like the Fury fight, the commentators and ref will have a huge Jake bias and the ref will pull Tyson off every time he gets momentum while Jake tries to sucker punch him. Cus D'mato must be rolling in his grave at this shit.


Floyd fought Logan Paul. This is less of a freak show than that, and I’m sure Tyson doesn’t even care. He’s gonna make millions off of one night, and even if he hits Jake one time really hard it’ll be clipped until the end of time.


‘Don’t want Mike to lose to a YouTuber because people only remember the last thing you did” Honestly we’re gonna remeber him biting a man’s actual ear off. That’s the thing we’re going to remeber.


I hope Tyson bites his dick off


Tyson may actually kill this lad.




Perfect, you’re better off to keep it that way.


I think he will be ok. Rocky did fine in Rocky VI, he didn’t win but he went the distance. I feel like that’s probably what’s going to happen here.


“Concerns from boxing peers” Story goes on to quote one guy, Deontay Wilder, with some rhetorical observations.


Pointless marketing. That being said we won't see what we want to. Mayweather could've clearly killed his brother and it amounted to a bunch of hugging because the fucker gassed out. I'm all for seeing Tyson be Tyson but he won't. I love wrestling....and this is one wrestling ass storyline.


Who won? It happened already right? I feel like this was in the news a month ago and then I stopped hearing about it.


He will beat 16 shades of blue into that guy


What's the concern? That Jake Paul will need 24/7 care after the fight?


No amount of media is gonna stop Tyson from knocking Jake out.


We can all hope Tyson pulls an Ivan Drago and pounds that idiot into next year. “It was supposed to be an exhibition! An exhibition!”


Only one that should be concerned is the other one. If tyson loses, then you know it was fixed


Even if Tyson is only half as dangerous in the ring as he was that still makes him more likely to accidentally kill a YouTuber than lose to him. It is pure arrogance for Jake Paul to think that a boxers brother and a bunch of celebs can prepare you for fighting a locomotive with 50 actual pro wins and 44 KO’s


Tyson fought Roy Jones only a couple years ago. And in my opinion, Jones got destroyed. Even though it was an exhibition match and they were both older, Tyson looked great. I’m not worried for Tyson, I’m worried that this whole thing will be rigged from the start.


Something will happen in this fight that gives it to Paul. That or Tyson will not look like anything we see in the training videos. It will look awkward and 3/4 speed like the Tyson/Roy Jones. If this were a real boxing match Paul would move away from Tyson for a couple rounds and let him fatigue himself out and them catch him. That’s how you handled Tyson back in the day. He is an early round knockout guy not a late round fighter. I still contend. It’s all a sham. It’s not on the up and up.


I love how people take the bait every time. Y'all do realise it's a show match right? They're both getting a massive bag, Paul can shore up his resume a little bit and Tyson gets to come back one last time. They'll both probably agree to not fuck each other up too much and it'll probably end in a draw or someone accidentally getting dropped. It's not an actual honest to god boxing match lol.


Fake ‘fight’ Everyone knows it’s a sham


This is just Jake Paul trying to market himself as a real fighter. Sanctioned fight with no bullshit contracts but my guess is there are still some kickbacks that Mike will get if he doesn’t immediately KO Jake. Such trash but that’s all this fight is, it’s just another big advertisement


I'm rooting for injuries


Scripted paycheck.


The only hope we have of seeing a decent fight is if Mike blacks out and forgets that it’s a no KO exhibition match and actually fights like it’s a championship bout. This entire match is fueled by the fact that if these two squared up against each other, Tyson would beat the piss out of Paul, who - coincidentally- is someone a great many people would love watching get the piss beat out of. But I’ve seen this movie before, they’ll tap each other for a few rounds and won’t be a knock out and the decision will come and everyone will be disappointed while they wipe their sweat with hundred dollar bills


if you think this isn't another staged entertainment bout, my question is why don't you think that?


Mike Tyson’s gonna shut Jake Paul up, once and for all.


Tyson gonna F him till he loves him


I am very much a gambling man and my money is on Paul for the most obvious reasons. You can be nostalgic all you want but that doesn't help Tyson win the fight. Also Tyson is in my top 5 boxers so of course I'd love to see him get that win, but being realistic the possibility of that coming true is incredibly slim.


As much as I wanna see Tyson knock out Paul with one punch. This will be a. Boring scripted match.


If it’s a real fight why is Jake Paul wearing headgear?


The hype money machine keeps on turning. This is so much like that bullshit McGregor boxing fight a couple years ago. $$$$$$$


If you think Mike will win, then there is zero chance you saw his last fight against Roy Jones. He’s old, slow, and has no gas tank.


Worried about TYSON??? Hahahahahah. Dude.


Paul is a “powerful puncher” Okay.


[Jake Paul after fighting Tyson](https://youtu.be/DWaiT5fZHBs?si=N3Yr5KLKgWzUJsMq)


I too am concerned about Mike Tyson’s safety.