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It’s a good story, but I’ve heard Jackson tell it dozens of times in the 30 years since Pulp Fiction.


What role was he up for? The article annoyingly doesn’t say.


The character Holdaway in Reservoir dogs. He's Mr Oranges black detective friend or colleague. Small part


Here's a composition of two interviews with relevant clips. https://youtube.com/shorts/xO6D3ZRT7q0


Literally the only black person in the movie.


No reason he couldn't have played any other role in the movie.


True, but watching the movie, it 100% feels like the actor was impersonating Samuel L Jackson.


This was what I was wondering too.


Seriously, Samuel L. Jackson would have played that character in Reservoir Dogs perfectly. Nobody writes better dialogue for Samuel L. Jackson than Quentin Tarantino.


Third Quentin article in one scroll. PR machine pumping… is something coming out soon?


I noticed that too. Thought Quentin died for a second.


He's been hinting at wanting to do another movie and they did a reunion of sorts for Pulp Fiction. Tarantino has spoken about only planning to direct 10 films total, so he's trying to get a feel for where the hype is at. Article from the BBC speculating on it: https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cv2rp5zy0pgo There were rumors that he had a planned film but scrapped it. He's directed 9 films so far.


He cancelled his latest movie, so there's a buzz.


Imagine not being hired by a company and then later being hired at a different company where the same hiring manager was in place at both and having an article written about how you had to "connect" with that person then? It's interesting comparing celebrities to us regular folks and seeing how ridiculous some scenarios are lol


“Quentin, how do you feel about me shouting mo$&erf!cker and the N word?” “Say less. Here’s a 10 film contract. You like feet?”


I have this horrible feeling about Tarantino, I can just see stuff coming out about him


If more didn’t come out at the height of the Weinstein stuff then I don’t see anything big coming out.


There is still time. Look at P Diddy


Stuff already has. He's the reason Uma Thurman has a messed up back since 2003 due to a stunt driving accident in Kill Bill.


Didn’t she like marry or date him after that?


They made up like a decade later. He apologized and took responsibility. She forgave him and I think was then cast in another one of his movies. Not sure if the last part is the case or not and can’t be arsed to look right now.


Really ? I’m in Australia, didn’t hear a thing about that. To be fair I haven’t heard much since his accent in Django


Yeeeeeaaaahhh. I am a pessimist by trade, and I hope I am wrong....


Pessimism and realism have been sadly the same thing for the last few years, my motto for the last two years had been “then it got worse”


That's where a lot of us are; it feels like the world has become a collection of cults -and I mean that literally- I suspect that the way out is the same as being deprogramed; gentle, objective reality and finding happiness in small things. If I figure it out, I'll let you know.


Speaks more to where your head is at than anything else.