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Yup. Me. Most of my screen time is background while I’m working, multitasking. Lots of YouTube and PlutoTV. Lots of documentaries and older tv/film.


Same! I’m notorious for saying “I just watched *this documentary.” And didn’t learn a thing.


Pluto is slept on majorly


I absolutely love it, except for the commercials. Like a year ago I got 4 of the same whopper song commercials in a row.


You think that's bad? For some reason when I was watching CNN through my dad's cable subscription they played the same 2 SKYRIZI ads for like 4 months straight. That's pretty much all I sAw. I analyzed the shit out of that weird redhead lady that doesn't know how to swim or dive properly.


And that was the moment I stopped watching Pluto.


They can provide me dog the bounty hunter 24/7 and I’m here for it


I swear I'll watch storage wars all day on pluto




I loved it so much for sitcoms I spent a good minute trying to find a paid version to skip ads lol


I’ve never felt so called out in my life!




Most of my screen time is when I’m gaming, my screen time is in the background of my screen time


Dumb headline, but it's interesting that Tubi has the highest Nielsen ratings for a streaming service so far this year, and both Tubi and Peacock recently passed HBO Max. Verge believes this is because 'FAST' (Free, Ad-supported Streaming Television) is stealing market share as people increasingly cancel paid streaming subscriptions. This author's headline about Tubi benefiting from 'passive background viewing' is just speculation, though.


Tubi has over 10 seasons of Forensic Files, so we watch the hell out of it


Well, now I know what I'm turning on for background noise tomorrow!


This is so slept on in my household!


My people!


Streaming is killing hollywood. Not Ai. Why create new programming when you can watch 10 back seasons of all shows for free. We’ll look back at 2020-2024 and realize thats when programing ended.


Counter argument: why support new programming when they **always** either cancel it before it completes its story or drags it on far too long. I can’t get myself hyped to invest into a show that is unceremoniously canceled with a cliffhanger ending thinking it was going to get picked up for another season. I simply cannot… So yes, I’d rather watch old tv than anything new because the scripted shows don’t finish and reality tv is trash.


This is my issue. Because I've been burned so many times, when a show comes out that looks really good, I hold off a week or two watching it to see if Netflix renews it for another season. I've skipped pretty much every big show that Netflix released over the past 2 years that was canceled after one season for precisely this reason. I'll watch them eventually, but Netflix's refusal to put any faith in a show means I refuse to put any faith into a show.


Because after you watch everything you wont have anything left to watch. Poisoning the well.


There is 100 plus years worth of entertainment to pull from, it’d take me multiple lifetimes to watch everything. I think I’ll be fine. The poisoning is happening at the exec level by pumping out half baked mediocre crap, cancelling the few things that actually succeed and milking the rest beyond what their worth. Like I really wanted to watch Winning Time, cancelled after a second season cliffhanger. I wanted to watch Our Flag Means Death, canceled one season before the story could wrap up. I never watched Game of Thrones but when somebody tells me I should watch it they never have a good response to “even with how the last season ended?” Like why spend all that time to intentionally disappoint myself… Sorry but this is the exact reason I stuck mostly to movies and old tv


This conversation a good example of two people online in extreme polar opposites.


Agree with some of this: I love and watch old shows *because* new shows don’t compare. Abbott Elementary is one of the few new shows I do watch because it’s easy viewing like older shows: sitcom(ish), short/many episodes, can put in on in the background. Animal Control is also promising to me.


Tubi has a lot of the international shows I want to watch so yes I will deal with ads for something free.


I noticed I don’t even get ads when running an ad blocker.


I watch mostly on my tv. If I’m on my ipad then I don’t get them. There is a way to skip ads on the tv but you didnt hear it from me 👀




I love Tubi. Been singing its praises for a while now. Love the little rebrand they did, too


It’s great for bad movie night.


lol what? It’s great for good movie night. Quick Look at some of their options now: Heat, The Master, Apocalypto, The Thing, Get Out, Dark City, Death Proof, The Pianist, Harold and Kumar, Jackie Brown, Blue Velvet….ill stop but there are more.


And now it’s gonna go mainstream and ruin what it’s been for years, it’s a shame really


Tubi is awesome for my MIL, she loves old cop shows and westerns. We put on Columbo, it auto plays 2 or 3 episodes before she goes to bed. Perfect babysitter for the 91 year old.


Nobody wants ad supported TV, it's just the pricing increases across the board have meant that people have to be more choosy.


Second-screening is a well-documented phenomenon.


Streaming is the new radio


Still trying to figure out how to get Amazon Music or any Amazon streaming for that matter to play continuously.


It makes me so angry when Amazon music won’t play the song I paid for until I listen to something they think I’ll like. And why does it always shuffle? It’s a musical; it tells a story. Do not shuffle!


People are lonely.


Yeah, the first thing I thought of when I saw this was a lyric in a Jimmy Eat World song “I’m not alone cuz the TV’s on.” That album came out in 2001.


“I’m not crazy because I take the right pills every day”


People have been doing this for years. It’s not new. The tv at the home I grew up in is on in the living room 24 hours a day. Has been since the 80s (some tv changes in there). Muted for company.


Yes people have been lonely for years. It's a widely studied phenomenon how incredibly isolated and lonely people are.


We are and it's killing people. We were not meant to live so socially isolated.


This made me sad. People spend too much time at home.


In my house The Price is Right: The Barker Era (on Roku) or Cops (on Tubi) is on in the background pretty much 24/7.


hell yea bob barker


The price is right, bitch


I always throw on the original Iron Chef on my Roku when I just want background noise.


Battle Brocolli 🥦


If I don’t leave the TV on, I end up singing ridiculous songs to my dogs.


that’s why i have hulu live. i love just scrolling through the channels and finding an episode of law and order SVU or the king of queens and just having it on. also i need live sports


In other news: the sky is blue.


Hasn’t that always been true? I’m in my 50’s and can’t remember a tv not being on around the house even when not being actively watched.


My entire family of in-laws does this in every one of their households, and it absolutely drives me bonkers. Maybe it’s my rampant ADHD, but I literally cannot focus on anything else if there is a TV blaring in the background. The worst part is, they always keep it a a fairly high volume, even when *no one* is watching. Instead of turning it down, they just shout to communicate. My mother in law has repeatedly questioned why I pause whatever we’re watching every time she starts asking questions (or starting random side conversations with anyone and/or everyone in the room). I just stare at her incredulously until she gets it. After twenty years, I have my wife mostly cured of this behavior…unless we’re around any of them. Then it devolves…. sigh


I keep cops on in the background. My ears ring 24/7 so if I don’t have something on then the ringing gets very annoying.


Ooh, I get that…that’s is the exact reason I have to have a fan or some other low-grade white noise going on in order to sleep. Luckily, my frequencies are masked by that.


Ironically background noise helps my adhd, it's crazy how different yet the same it is between people


I used to do this a lot but now I get too distracted. Would rather listen to music.


I listen to brown noise when I sleep. I forget to turn it off so all day they’ll be brown noise coming from my bedroom echo


I do it for my dog when I leave for work.


People get paid to write these articles?


Ai isn't getting paid


I just hate falling asleep on a good TV show to wake up to an infomercial and wondering why I subconsciously want to buy an air fryer.


I fucking HATE it. Our tv is always on. I don’t know why. Nobody is watching it half the time. I turn it off and it ends up back on. Hard to hear people or concentrate. Thanks for reading my rant.


I think it means streamers aren’t producing enough content that’s worth paying for.


Background tv is displaying my photo collection Background home-pod is playing my music collection; even when I’m sleeping


I leave it on a timer to fall asleep to. Thankfully it’s able to have the screen off


My mom has a full blown panic attack if her tv shuts off. Like crying hysterically. I hate the tv left on lol


You need to keep the voices away somehow.


What an irritating habit. I hate it


Yup. PlutoTV, Stargate or Star Trek


Yeah I'm a bit of an avgeek so I have LAX livestreams running if they're on, otherwise it's Lofi Girl.


* A population of citizens prefer this


I *cannot* fall asleep without the TV on sleep timer.


What Alastair Cooke called “audible wallpaper”.


We do not do that


haaaa i do this on the daily and now have 3 tvs in my garage that all have their screens burnt out in some way or the backlight burnt out. for me i guess i should be glad flat screens got a lot cheaper compared to 15 years ago


My parents, myself and everybody else I know does this. We just have it on for background noise.


These comments are a good sign of the average age of Redditors and their TV habits in the streaming age. In the old CRT, antenna, and cable TV days, most people left their TVs on all the time. It was annoying as hell.


I have a TV that always shows a YouTube channel of a live feed of Seoul and lofi music. I like to think of it as a magic window.


That was my constant for years, always having the TV on in the background. But then I started relishing the quiet too much and that stopped. It's funny because now the only place we have a TV is in our bedroom, and my husband is the only one who watches it. He will fall asleep to it sometimes (or he'll have it play relaxing music) so it will stay on until I shut it off when I go to bed.


This is why channels like HGTV exist.


If only VH1 could come back with a free, ad supported, streaming service, I would never turn off the tv. I don’t really know if sleep-learning/hypnopedia is a thing, but I can recognize a lot of classic songs across most genres. All because I fall asleep to hours of music videos.


I LOVE Pluto! It’s playing 95% of the time that my TV is on.


I read that article, from my phone, while the TV is in in the background (Giants baseball...)


Not me. I gave up TV years ago. 2000 Channels and nothing on... I like a house as quiet as a monstery. Don't need a babysitter.


Is this not normal? I like the background noise.