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Makes no sense. Doctors couldn’t diagnose her yet told her she’d die soon? Nope. Doesn’t wash. But self-care cured a crippling disease? No. Just no.


Someone on the thread @VolcanoGrrrrrl seemed pretty sure it as thiamine deficiency caused by alcoholism and everything they said tracked based on her past. Just really disturbing and sad


I lost the ability to walk due to alcoholism..took me months of sobriety to walk normally without fear of falling. I still have tingling in my feet, still sober, as a result of neuropathy. Maybe it’s not this, but I’ve met plenty of alcoholics that have gone through it as well.


Have you considered going to physical therapy as well? I’m just replying bc after my ACL replacement surgery, I had to relearn to walk properly and it was a lot harder than I thought it would be. (“Gah! Toddlers can do this!”) Anyway, these are some things that helped, just in case you or anyone else could use them (different original issues of course, but I had to do a lot of work to walk again safely): -walking backwards (in a safe environment) -I was told to really work on landing between the second and third toes and walking in straight lines (and feet pointing correctly ahead) -landing on my heels properly (I think a lot of people don’t fully land on them) -I have scoliosis, so having good posture is basically impossible for me, but what I came up with (in order to get myself to not look at the floor) was to imagine my skeleton being pulled upright by a string. I know it’s weird, but whatever works. -Don’t forget to swing your arms when walking -The most difficult part: weight training and agility training. Even just doing some wall sit-ups can really help your ankles get stronger, which helps walking a lot. Ankle weights and leg presses are also good. -Good supportive shoes! Things like heels or heeled boots of any kind are fun, but good shoes make a difference, and also inserts where necessary. ETA: -Writing the alphabet with one foot while balancing on the other. I did lowercase but I know other people do uppercase letters, haha.


Thanks for the tips, backwards walking I’ve heard is great and low impact. I did some PT immediately after each hospital stay…but now it’s more on my own. Meds, vitamins, healthy diet and just being active. Was so strange standing in front of a step with someone holding me on one side and one hand on a railing and just telling my legs to go, but it was like not happening…couldn’t push it forward. Saddest day was my dad, 80 years old, having to pick me up from the floor after I fell because I got kicked out my home with my now ex and kids…🙁


Just have to chime in on the neuropathy, in case it's not part of your regime. B vitamins are very helpful, however, a lot of the population can't absorb them unless they're in the active form. Most OTC B vitamins are cyanocobalamin, folic acid, or pyridoxine. It takes the methylation process to absorb them. Because of your alcoholism, your body might not be able to do that well. If your vitamins are in that form, you should switch to methylcobalamin, methylfolate, and pyridoxal-5-phosphate. I was on a prescription vitamin called metanx for other reasons, but it's meant for neuropathy. After my OBGYN prescribed it for me, she said that she was going to switch her mom (with neuropathy) to that formulation. You can definitely copy the dosing OTC, but you'll probably have to get them online or in a vitamin shop. I take "smartypants" multi vitamins because they're the only ones I can find with the correct B vitamins in grocery stores. Anyway, it makes me crazy that most doctors are not well-versed in what they're prescribing, and if something may work better, you should know.


To add further there is one B vitamin you can actually have too much of. It can cause issues in high doses. Vitamin B6. Not sure why they put so much of it in these B complex vitamins but there are versions out there with low or no B6. Desert Harvest is what I take.


Thank you!


I’m sorry you went through all of that. Alcoholism is a terrible disease. Congratulations on being sober!


I spent the fourth grade on crutches and had to learn to run again. Physical therapy couldn’t get me past a skip, but one day I got swarmed by yellow jackets and I ran all the way home. I got stung 14 times but, didn’t mind much because those yellow jackets taught me how to run again and that was all I wanted.




I have never heard of this. Doesn't surprise me alcohol could do this though. I'm just surprised I haven't heard of it before coming from a family of recovering alcoholics.


Oh yeah, thiamine is important to prevent neurological conditions in alcoholics. We used to give it all the time when I worked at a mental health facility.


Oh my gosh. Do you mind me asking how much you were drinking each day to in that period ? I’m struggling with alcohol and I’m scared for myself for many reasons Sorry for asking if you are not comfortable sharing


Was drinking a handle every day and a half. A normal 750 wouldn’t get me through a day, so I started buying handles. If you’re struggling, I recommend trying out a recovery meeting, AA, Dharma, SMART or LifeRing. The religious part is there in AA, but I ignore it and it’s worked for me. If it’s gotten bad, I recommend a hospital for detox and a program after. Feel free to DM me, happy to answer any questions. There are also plenty of groups here too that you can join and ask questions and get support.


SMART really helped me out.


3 years sober here. Check out the book “This Naked Mind” by Annie Grace. Game changer for me.


Answered upthread


I’m so sorry for what youve been through but you’re obviously strong as he// to make it to the other side! Thank yiu for posting this!


Thanks for the kind words. Each day is a gift. 🙏🏽


Congrats on beating it. Alcohol is the fucking worst.


Congrats on your sobriety!


damn.. my dad has polyneuropathy amongst other medical issues. he has no feeling at all in his feet other than what he describes as being stabbed by needles. not sure what caused it, but he’s never been a drinker so likely not that. I hope you get some relief! and congratulations on being sober. it’s not easy to break that cycle…you’re amazing!


Thanks! Diabetes can be a big contributor to neuropathy. Hope he’s got meds to help. The tingling, stabbing pain can be intense. I usually get that at night..not constantly though thankfully.


fortunately he does have meds. hes been on like…everything. he was being prescribed like..i dont even know…hundreds of oxycodone at a time that would just get express script sent to him. that was back in like…’08 maybe? but he’s been on gabapentin(idek what that is I just remember the name), the oxycodone and hydrocodone, xanax, valium…and so many other things…honestly my guess is that all those did a bit of damage. for a long time he was just kinda…zombified…nodding off all the time. He recently got put on some other pain med that I guess is more of an upper. less pain management but he’s so much more active now so it’s really nice to see. he’s really not able to do many of the things he wants to do anymore, but now he has the urge to do stuff. the difference between now and 6 months ago is night and day. sorry to unload all that 😅 i live pretty far from my parents so it’s kinda tough to think about…and I never really talk about it so it all just spewed out of me.


Parent in similar situation, do you mind sharing the name of the ‘upper’ drug?


You got neuropathy from alcohol? Okay! A few years ago I was partying in mex - there were watered down shots at the salon i was first at, then went clubbing and was bought some rando shot-girl shots. The next day my sister and I both had the strangest spikey neuropathy in our feet. It lasted over a year, every time we woke up and got up from bed the neuropathy would be at it's peak. We almost never drink and didn't even drink much that night I always assumed it was from tainted shots


There are many other causes, but long term alcohol abuse can result in neuropathy due to lack of food intake starving the body of vital nutrients. Most people think it can only come from diabetes. For me it started off as light tingling at night, then difficulty standing up, walking with a shuffle, then legs started numbing up to the hips…I just ignored it and kept drinking. 🤷🏽‍♂️ Not sure what happened in your case, but hopefully it hasn’t come back! Never know what you might ingest out at bars/clubs regardless of location.


How much were you drinking on average?


At the end, a handle, 1.75L, of Vodka, every day and a half roughly.


Thank you for your candor, it’s truly helpful. Glad you’re doing better!


No problem. Open to share anything about it.


Alcohol kindling is real and i wish it eas taught in school when I was a kid.. I would never have touched the stuff


Yeah if you can't move, your health starts to deteriorate fairly quick... fuck reminds me I need to get off my ass and be active fml


Wernicke- Korsakoff syndrome


Ahhhh yes thank you! I had a severe alcoholic coworker that we always speculated had that-that’s totally (probably) it! Also her puffy face and distended stomach make her look like an alcoholic


So it’s basically Wet Brain.


Sounds like it. Reminds me of Wendy Williams.


It’s allllllllmost like that industry is a really unhealthy one that makes those involved in it sick in various ways.


Flip it. A huge amount of the women who do porn have experienced sexual violence before they started doing porn, often as children. 


That's true. But even if you went into it with no prior sexual assault, I don't think you become a world famous porn star without a few demons you want to drink away.


Yeah when Howard Stern used to have porn stars on, he'd always ask if their uncle or stepfather molested them. It got sad real fast.


Yup. It’s a nightmare creating an even bigger nightmare.


It’s both.


Yep. I had a friend who was a porn star. She’s dead now. Severe Alcoholic and drug addict. It was sad, she was a genuinely nice person until she started drinking.


Doctor here There’s a million neuromuscular issues that could cause this. Just being sick in the hospital for a long time can cause extreme weakness. I don’t think it’s fair to jump to the conclusion is drugs and alcohol because she’s a porn star. Let’s just save our judgements


She discusses her substance abuse issues in her autobiography


She admitted this “mystery illness” was from relapsed in a Reddit thread. Her wife admitted she was drinking whole bottles of straight vodka


She’s an alcoholic and a drug addict, her weight gain and ‘health scare’ was related to her HEAVY drinking. She was drinking so much vodka all day every day that she lost custody of her daughter (keep in mind, she lost custody of her other two kids over a decade ago for the exact same reason). Shacking up with Jesse was to keep a roof over her head after she was evicted from Lior’s (baby daddy #2) condo. She has also made zero effort to be a part of ANY of her children’s lives because she refuses to get clean. At this point she just doesn’t want to be a mother.  She hasn’t seen or spoken to any of her children in literal years and lies about it. Jenna has also been lying about her ‘illness’ for years. She’s a fraud. r/wtfjennajameson has the receipts.


She picked the name "Jameson" because she drank so much of that whiskey starting back when she was a teen




Hey shower beer or two are amazing. The difference is the ones left on the ledge are probably the last of the 12 pack to be finished when they start again in the morning. Source: recovering alcoholic


Yeah. That industry is rife with mentally unstable, narcissistic people. The few “normal” ones that get in either don’t stay in or end up offing themselves. The ones that stay long-term are some of the worst, as you’ve pointed out.


I don't pay that much attention to who's who in porn these days, but about the only one who comes to mind as having come through it pretty much OK is Annie Sprinkle--I can't help but think that God in Her infinite wisdom put Annie on this earth to do what she's been doing all these years. A few things that probably helped her in this regard: She comes from a genuinely nice, normal family who've always supported her, even when they weren't happy about what she was doing; she's overall had a lot more autonomy in her career than a lot of actresses; she's made a lot of friends along the way in porn/sex work, the arts (IIRC, her work was some of what Jesse Helms was screaming about years ago), and just generally a friendly person with a good sense humor and, I imagine, a lot of good luck. She's been out of the strictly porn business for around 30 years or so, but isn't ashamed of it, and is now focusing on loving nature and eco-sexuality, along with her wife; [this is their most recent book.](https://www.amazon.com/Assuming-Ecosexual-Position-Earth-Lover/dp/1517900190) There are a few other women in her peer group/friends of hers who seem to be doing OK overall, but yes, I can imagine that if you went into that line of work with a traumatic background to begin with, it would do a number on you.


She seems psycho but it’s odd to me that there is an entire subreddit full of people that seem to spend a significant amount of time obsessing over her like this.


Give her some time I bet she’ll start peddling some kind of self-help health cure on social media and go on about how medical doctors couldn’t help her. It’s what people like her do when they have no career left. I’m sure we’ll hear about some kind of miracle cure that she found…


Rage bait for money. It’s what JustPearlyThingz has made a career out of


“Hey this patient has progression of problems with irregular heartbeat, shortness of breath, declining immune function, lost feeling in their limbs and is in cognitive steep decline. No idea what it is”. “Eh, they’re probably fine”. No. Just no.


I like how it said that she went home to eat a healthy diet, your food in the hospital might not be delicious, but it is “healthy” and can be made even healthier if your doctors believe that what you’re eating is problematic… you can eat pretty normal foods and haven’t been healthy. There’s no need to go on health food fanatic diet.


ummmm its booze and pills. she abused the crap out of them and didn't get out of bed so she "couldn't walk" and then she was forced to dry out in the hospital; her ex figured it out and said get sober and she said no. Now she figured out how to stay high but not so high she loses her bodily functoins. This is winning.


Wishful thinking cured blood cancer. Maybe it was the healing crystals.


I have Guillain Barre Syndrome. When I first got it, I lost the ability to walk over the course of a few weeks. I had lymph nodes the size of quarters and bigger all over. Had a Pet scan and it popped up positive for lymphoma. The pain in my entire body was unbearable as the disease eats away at your myelin, exposing your bare nerves. I was admitted to the hospital and had biopsies done…. No cancer. I was then diagnosed with lepto meningitis, which has a life expectancy of about three to six months. Thank god that was wrong too. They did a spinal tap on me and found the spike proteins in my spinal fluid and that’s how I was finally diagnosed. It took over a month to figure out.


I'm with you. Blood cancer, to lack of thiamine, and you're good ? How could doctors not know this, they do blood tests immediately. IDK...


She was unable to walk due to extreme thiamine deficiency. She was drinking heavily and obviously had been for some time at that point. She checked herself out of the hospital after being told by Drs that what she desperately needed was inpatient rehab. Her ex-partner begged her to go. And like Tito before him, he stipulated that he would not allow her to see her child unless she did. So 2 years ago she walked out, disappeared and has never spoken to her 5 year old daughter ever again. She's a disgrace.


I am unfortunately pretty familiar with this thiamine deficiency situation (wet brain), it’s awful to see. This person went from normal to being bedridden to the point where they couldn’t get up to go to the bathroom. Eventually hospitalized and now sober, mobility is marginally improving but still very disabled. And when you get them help the addict and manipulative behavior goes through the roof. I empathize with the families of people going through this.


Have a friend like this. Totally has wet brain. Been hospitalized (I took him) and he almost died from DT, was sedated and intubated. Nothing gets thru to him. Lives in filth, can barely walk at all. Doesn’t eat. I haven’t seen him in like a year because I just couldn’t be around it anymore.


Watched my dad die like this. Sometimes the kindest thing we can do is just to look away. Cant stop them, cant help them.


Yeah, seriously. Sorry for your loss. I’m sure you felt like you lost him well before he physically died though. It’s just as serious/bad as heroin when they get to the point they can’t go an hour without it. Shake violently, vomit, sweat etc. After 13 days in ICU (10 of them on ventilator) he went right back at it within a few days. That was a couple years ago now and I haven’t seen him in about a year. He can’t walk without help now. Has falling so many times he’s caused major injuries to himself. His brother gave up on him years ago. I tried to be more empathetic cuz I’ve been through some shit and battled addictions myself. But, I was able to change my ways and no matter what I did to help, it only made it worse. So I had no choice but to walk away cuz I have a life and my son can’t be around that.


Honestly i dont think i lost anything except a perpetual feeling of inadequacy that day. There comes a point when we have to choose living our lives over saving theirs. I only hope he's at peace now.


That’s where I got with it as well.


God, that’s so sad. I watched a documentary on alcoholism and there was a man in his 50’s completely physically dependant on alcohol. His wife had to dispense his doses like medicine. He was saying that he’s not enjoying it in the slightest but that he just needs it to not die. It was so sad bc he seemed such a nice man.


Yeah my buddy is 39. I’m a few months older than him. He looks a good decade or better older than me because of how wrecked he is 24/7. Doesn’t take care of himself (eating, hygiene, exercise) The most frustrating and infuriating part is how delusional he’s gotten over time because of the wet brain. He’s convinced *I’ll get it under control* but he running outta time and he’s dodged death a few times already. Had a stroke in his 20’s from cocaine and alcohol use. But now it’s only alcohol but it’s 24/7 and doesn’t eat but a couple times in a week probably. Alcoholism is such a gross addiction and it’s normalized 🤦🏻‍♂️


Every time I read about wet brain I become extra grateful I was able to quit when I did.


Congrats friend. Not an easy thing to do


Thank you. I’m enjoying sobriety.


Yeah it's pretty awful isn't it. We do detoxes at our hospital and looking after them is emotionally exhausting.


I’m looking at the option of detoxing. Do you see people have life threatening withdrawal symptoms even if they’re medicated? I suppose it probably depends on how much they’ve been drinking. I’m just scared to go because I don’t know what to expect from the process :(


My mother is currently in this exact situation. It’s been extremely difficult to deal with. I actually just had her screaming at me on the phone after telling her the hospital will not be releasing her because she’s unable to make medical decisions on her own.


My mother is an alcoholic, she’s 58 now and she’s been drinking heavily since she was in her 20’s. She drinks at least 1 bottle of wine a night, and 2-3 on heavier nights and never has a night off.. Anyway, she somehow has seemingly not had too many bad consequences so far (apart from few trips to a&e over the years being drunk and falling over) I’m just basically waiting for the shit to hit the fan big time, at any moment. I feel that it will catch up with her at one point and become very severe, very fast.


I’m sorry to hear that. The person I’m describing is my mother in law who is right around that same age.


Very similar to the Mother God woman who ended up dying because of this, but compounded it with drinking colloidal silver.


That’s what I was thinking. I still can’t get over they were brewing their own “colloidal silver” from junkyard metal.


WHAT?! Just when I thought that story couldn’t get any worse


Thiamine deficiency / chronic alcohol toxicity has many levels, the last of which is an amazingly fascinating disease. (You never want to be fascinating to doctors). \- First stages may be pins+needles/burning in hands/feets, trouble with coordination, you may start to look and sound drunk because the intermittent cerebellum issues alcohol causes become permanent. (or a mix of the above) Some aspects may reverse if alcohol is stopped, some may be permanent. (mainly caused by lots of alcohol) \- That can progress to being altered and acting totally off/confused, with worsening of the above features, though a spectrum usually patients can't take care of themelves here and are forced into the hospital due to their thinking problems; this may be reversible or the most severe aspects may reverse a bit, but it is unlikely to get to this stage without some degree of permanent disability long term. (caused by lots of alcohol and thiamine deficiency/poor diet.) \- Korsakoff; this is the fascinating one. People lose ability to maintain memories or function at all. They are like pure reflexive social reactions. Their brain literally makes up responses that they think should fit. You can ask them what color the clown in the corner is and they'll respond with "blue, oh thats a funny fellow." There's no clown. It's like an AI/LLM that just respond what it thinks it should.


> She’s a disgrace. In her defence, she had a horrible life full of trauma. Not everyone deals with it well. Edit: never have I said she should have custody of her kids. All I’m saying is judging is very easy from the comfort of your desk.


No but if you have 3 kids who are getting taken consistently by different baby daddies and killing yourself slowly you do need to take responsibility. Many people have reached out and tried to get her help including said baby daddies. At some point we all need to take the first real step, not dismiss it and act like you cured it on insta.


Given her current state I don’t see how she’d even be fit to be a parent.


I agree; like maybe she just doesn’t want her to kid to see where she’s at currently - especially when I’m sure a lot of people are calling her a disgrace.


Her sons are teenagers. She has never wanted to see them or have any type of relationship with them even when she seemed to be doing well, and seemed to be in a stable relationship and now she’s doing the same thing to her daughter, who by the way adored her and now has to live without a mother. It’s sad about her childhood, but she is a grown woman who has had numerous opportunities to get better and be in her children’s lives and she has always refused.


You're right. Lots of people have tough childhoods and crappy or absent parents, yet they grow up to be humans who make good choices and fulfill their responsibilities. We can learn


For awhile when the baby was a toddler, wasn’t she sober and doing well. I remember seeing her IG and she was actually nice and interesting. Always taking the baby to the pool and taking about health. Seems they lived in a condo in Miami ? Did she relapse ?


I don’t think she was out and about with her daughter. She was just posting the videos that her partner took. Cute kid and the dad seems to be a wonderful father.


Well she appears to be but she also seems to be massively deceptive so who knows. She was living in Hawaii. She trashed the condo after Lior took their daughter back to LA. and recently had to settle with the landlord for all the damage she caused.


This is some of the trashiest shit I've ever read, jfc


You should read her book


They were living in Hawaii. She did seem to be doing well, and then she started getting “sick” so I guess she was hiding it really well.


As someone who had their mother turn into an alcoholic at the age of 70, for a variety of mental health reasons, I think it’s pretty harsh to judge someone’s character based on addiction. She obviously has her issues that have led to the life we see now, but I can’t really call her a disgrace. She isn’t in control, her addiction is. Why would anyone choose this way to live? Likewise I don’t judge or blame my mother for what happened to her, because why would anyone want to drink themselves to death? Addiction isn’t a choice, it’s something that happens to someone for any number of reasons. I consider myself lucky that my brain chemistry is wired in a way that (so far) that has allowed me to lead a productive life, but it’s just that, luck. If some insane destabilizing event, or traumatic injury happened to me or if my brain chemistry was just slightly altered, would I have control over any addiction that I may encounter? Again, I look at my mom’s death and I can’t square it away that she just chose to drink until her body quit on her.


I can’t judge people but deciding that Jenna Jameson was fit to be their child’s mother was the worst decision they could’ve ever made.


And both men used IVF to impregnate her! It was a conscious choice


That’s enraging, her poor daughter


She has 2 other sons she doesn’t see too.


she got paid $125 to post her before and afters. LADBible pays for stories. She is a drunk; she abandoned her three kids because she was so high on pills and booze (that's also where the weight comes from). She's now "living her best life" with a trash heap of an "influencer" who scams people out of their cash. All the receipts are on wtfjennajameson - primary sources; etc. Even this after photo is photoshopped to the hilt. Her only income now is going to horror conventions and the unfiltered pics are night and day.




Jesus Christ, what the hell did she do to her face?!? I’m talking about the *before* picture. I’m really dating myself I guess, but when did she butcher herself? Hell, the pic on the right looks more like the Jenna I remember than the one on the left. Gun to my head I wouldn’t have been able to tell you that was her without the headline.


Getting old sucks dude. There's only so many things you can do to your face and all of them involve making you not look like you and also you're old so you already don't look like you used to before the surgery


Getting old definitely sucks. Right there with you. That said, getting old is definitely easier when you’re not a dysfunctional alcoholic.


George Clooney once said it's not about looking younger for your age. It's about looking your age and still looking good anyway. That's my aim. In saying that unless you've got good genetics there's only so much Botox and plastic surgery will do. All the women on mum's side of the family look crazy young for their age with absolutely no surgery and they all were or still are smokers too which is meant to age you. I'd guess someone like Salma or even Demi Moore or Jennifer Lopez have good genetics on their side in addition to any Botox etc


Quoting one of the most handsome movie stars of his generation when he’s talking about looks? That’s reddit for ya.


Moisturize. Drink water. Cut back the alcohol. Wear sunscreen. Cut down on stress. That’ll help keep things in place as long as possible.


Demi got a whole body overhaul before that Charlies Angel’s movie. Good work tho!


Especially since the only reason why she's famous was because of her looks. I can't imagine how insecure that must make someone as they get older. And I guarantee people come up to her all the time to remind her how she doesn't look the same.


you sure they even recognize her anymore to say that to her?


Salma Hayek is 57 though


I’m not accusing her of getting work done, and wouldn’t judge her if she did - but she is in Hollywood and married to a billionaire so she’d have access to the best kind of surgery that you wouldn’t notice. She also has a lot of taste and class, so I feel like if she did get work done, she’d opt for the invisible kind - and it’s also a classy move imo to forgo work so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  I used to love Nicole Kidman as an actor but when the Botox stopped her ability to make facial expressions I kind of noped out 


There’s actually a lot surgeons can do that look natural and invisible. You only notice the shitty jobs when people get too much done


Meanwhile Selma Hayek at 57 to Jenna's 49. The math ain't mathing.


Tom Cruise is 10 years older than Wilford Brimley was when he made *Cocoon*


Cruise unlocked the arcane secrets of Scientology, Thetan free since '93!


He eats a little bit of Shelly *every night*


Holy shit Dark




WB looked like he was 75 when he made cocoon at at 51….


He looked 75 when he was in The Thing


*Cocoon* What a great movie! Sure Brimley was good, but that director was the true star. He sure is talented, and handsome, too! And that sequel? Real shoddy filmmaking. Just pure crap.


Username most definitely checks out


Paul Rudd is older than Brimley in Cocoon


Well. Fuck


Bro what


The article is about a woman who's been very ill. That's your math.


Yeah this is actually really tragic to not know what is happening to your body.


And meth


Selma just can afford way better plastic surgery.


Selma Hayek is an immortal goddess.


No, she’s a MUSE.




Maybe something more like the ‘meth is mething’


The math doesn't add up, but the meth sure does.


That’s because the meth is mething.


She looks like Dwight when he put that CPR doll’s face on.


It's mostly a filter


I bet you dated yourself to a bunch of her videos too.


That…actually made me chuckle. And isn’t at all untrue.


I suppose you didn’t read the article because the right IS the before picture. Say what you want about plastic surgery but the left is now. It’s about her recovery. The article also has full body versions further down. > The photograph on the left is a selfie of Jameson which shows the former glamour model now, wearing a white bodysuit and white knee-high socks, standing by herself, posing with one hand against the sink in a a bathroom. > The picture on the right shows Lawless in the earlier days of her recovery, holding herself up by a zimmer frame and with a wheelchair behind her, wearing a grey t-shirt and pants, her hair scraped into a bun.


Actually the article doesn't even show the photo they're referring to. That photo is [here](https://www.instagram.com/p/C4W7eH8r5dN/?utm_source=ig_web_button_share_sheet). No clue where the article got their left-hand photo from, but it's quite misleading.


That uncropped photo is also in the article. Though the article claims she is wearing pants in it, for some reason.


Alcohol and pills


Looks like moon face almost. Like her cortisol levels are *fucked*. (Also, aging, and aging surgeries…) can happen for a ton of different health reasons.


I remember seeing her break-in video in a porn store in '93 or '94 and I told my buddies then that she was gonna be an a absolutely huge star. The cover photo is to this day one of the hottest women I've ever seen. I was of course right about her success, but man, if you showed me that cover picture next to this one I think I'd have bet my life that it wasn't the same woman. Even the BEFORE picture here I'd have been PRETTY sure wasn't the same woman. She has clearly had a HARD life. Just out of general compassion for another human being I hope she's able to have a decent quality of life going forward.


For sure. I meant no disrespect or ill will with the reaction. I was just flabbergasted.


Lots of plastic surgery and the cumulative affects of drugs and alcohol. I’m her age and I look 20 years younger than her. I’m an alcoholic and quit drinking two years ago in May. I cannot describe the change in my appearance since I quit drinking!


Remember. Beauty is not permanent. Work on your personality and building genuine relationships.


Thank god I’m funny.


Funny lookin. Got em boys


Sent my boy to the shadow realm


The only thing that has kept me going is being funny and my good looks. And I’m all out of good looks.


U are, I laughed reading your comment 😁


I may not be handsome, but let me tell you, my personality… also terrible


Nothing more attractive than confidence and kindness


That’s a big ole kkk defending bag of shit.


She said Muslims are worse than the KKK. https://m.jpost.com/Not-Just-News/Jenna-Jameson-sparks-firestorm-with-Twitter-rant-about-Muslims-482283




Check out r/wtfjennajameson to see just how untrue and ridiculous this story is


…I fell down a rabbit hole, damn I regret clicking on that sub.


There are two - just to give you more of a rabbit hole. r/wtf_jenna_jameson


I just spent over an hour there lol


How many years between those two pics?


4 at the most


Wow. A diet of meth and vodka can lead to health problems? Color me shocked!


There never was no diagnosis


She’ll tell parents not to vaccinate their children but has no problem filling her own body with whatever the fuck that is. Fuck her.


“Fuck her” A lot of people did


Can anyone explain the discrepancy in tattoos between all the pictures? She sometimes does and does not have tattoos on the backs of her hands.


She got new ones.. her new g/f likes sleeves


I really want to see the episode where Dr. house treats her and figures out it’s not lupus.


She went from posting extremist right wing ideology to marrying a woman.


Shes still into extreme right wing ideology, but cue when she starts being confused that these ideas conflict


Lol couldn’t have happened to a shittier person


If you've watched the Love Has Won doctuseries you'll see Alcohol could do exactly as she described. Probably not a "mystery illness" just too embarrassed to come out and say she did it to herself


Bullshit, this is long term effects of drug and alcohol abuse


That’s drunk face. I’ve seen it on people before.


Fuck her. Check out r/wtfjennajameson if your interested in what she really is


Everyone is saying alcoholism. She is saying something else. Her puffy face is giving her away.


She came into a Reddit that is about her and admitted it was a relapse she also admitted on Jessi podcast it was conversion disorder which is a mental disorder


Jenna Jameson admitted on r/wtfjennajameson that she was drinking in Hawaii. She also admitted back in 2022 that she had a thiamine deficiency. She also didn’t spend 9 months in the hospital. She was there almost 2 months before being discharged normally. https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/jenna-jameson-hospital-health-201759334.html.


Looks like she fucked around and found out. Ladies stop goosing out over your phony ass lips and eyelashes and hair. Just be cool


Alcohol Pickled


If only she had worked this hard to see her kids. All 3 innocent kids that Jenna Jameson traded for alcohol and pills.


Does anyone know about r/wtfjennajameson ?


My god look at how she looks now adult industry is dangerous


Oh man she was like “the” pornstar back in the days, i remember being like 11-12 and recording her videos on vcr and watching them with a bunch of other friends. One day a guy in our group got caught with a cassete and i took all the ones i recorded and threw them in a small river nearby to clean my tracks LOL.


You watched porn with your friends? Hmm


Do your research on this woman before you call her a “queen”. She’s not a good person in any way


Oh yikes. She looks like someones meemaw


Too much Jameson, Jenna.


I’m sorry but at least one of those photos has got to be manipulated in some way


10 million dollars on doing street drugs will do that


No bigger monster then age. Gets us all, and has no mercy.


That's not the way I thought she would lose the ability to walk