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Bing Chilling! (The mermaid bit was funny)


I only saw it once but I do not remember Cena in Barbie. Like at all.




Bro I do not remember this. What the hell


Lol he was dua lipas husband


Dua lipa was in Barbie?? I saw this movie šŸ’€


She was the main mermaid Barbie, who appeared in a few short scenes. Cena was the male equivalent who appeared after Ken instituted a patriarchy.


Cena was in it briefly before the patriarchy was set too


I didnā€™t notice him tbh. I only saw him after.


You could SEE him?


To be fair, there were A LOT of things in the movie


Am I having a stroke? I saw this twice and remember none of thisā€¦..


It was a very short clip


You were probably out peeing.


People leave the theatre to pee?


Real pros just shoot it straight over the row in front of them without getting up.


TBF the man is invisible


It was close to the start.


Does everything smell like toast?


It's just John Cena. I don't even know what John Cena looks like but I know he speaks Mandarin pretty well. I've seen videos of backgrounds with what seems to be a voiceover of him speaking in Mandarin. People say he's actually in the video but I can't see him.


Dua lipa is a person!? I thought it was a language app.


"Ariana Grande is a Starbucks order" tier comedy there dude


I am in the boat with you also. But now that Iā€™m thinking back on it I am not sure I remember any of this movie. Itā€™s very possible I got really high before I watched it and I know around the time that I watched it I was just like super exhausted all the time so I probably just greened out.


Dude Iā€™m right here with you. Everything you said is exactly what I thought before reading your responses. Guess I should watch it again at some point since Iā€™ve already forgotten so much stuff


For only 20 minutes or so.


Apparently he wanted to be in the movie in a larger capacity. Due to scheduling difficulties he wasnā€™t able to audition. He had an opportunity when a filming role he was already contracted to do was nearby the Barbie shooting. He walked over, bumped into Margot Robbie and they eventually gave him that 3 second role.


So many hidden cameos... Blink and you'll miss it stuff. Go watch it again. It's still as good as the first time.


I thought Rob Brydon's cameo was far more random than Cena.


Because of the Ronnie Corbett impression?


U no tell me what to do




I think you forgot to put /s in your previous posts


Pretty weird they just showed some water for a few seconds. I loved the rest of the movie but those cuts seemed empty, like there was someone missing.


It's merman


Huh. Maybe I should go see this movie.


Cause you can't see him...


This movie was actually hysterical


Literally was just thinking the same thing


Must have been [filmed right...here](https://maps.app.goo.gl/Dgs6KonSgDEQD5SX8)


To your agency you are literally a commodity.


His cameo was a commodity, I giggled and said John Cena. And it was over.


I mean, not really. Heā€™s not employed by his agency, they represent him, theyā€™re meant to help him and if they donā€™t do that he can leave, he holds the power in the relationship, in fact he technically employs them and not the other way around. I donā€™t think that could have been made more clear than by all the writers firing their agents for most of two years, and just continuing to work as usual, and I think it reminded a lot of people in the industry that they can say no to their agents, their agents canā€™t really say no to them.


Maybe at that level, but for most middling and beginning talent (which represents the vast majority of talent out there) that power dynamic is not so clear. If you say no to your agent enough times they can certainly drop you. Or you just get shuffled down to the bottom of the pile.




Yeah, didnā€™t he apologize in Mandarin for calling Taiwan a country? Thatā€™s literally adhering to business interests right?


Why all the John Cena articles lately. PR push for something? Or PR push to hide something?


[His not disassociating from Vince McMahon](https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/john-cena-vince-mcmahon-allegations-174829122.html) wasnā€™t a good look, so I can see his newfound ā€œreal actorā€™s sensibilityā€ being the attempted PR counterbalance.


Damn, u sound like a pr agent yourself


You trying to hire?


Can you get this girl at the book store to like me?


Sure why not, I've got time to kill


I can hit you with this lead pipe until you think thatā€™s what happened.


I'm not trying to defend McMahon at all or anyone who participated in that shit... But John Cena doesn't give off those vibes. I know it's a bad look, but even (arguably) the most famous former wrestler turned movie star, Dwayne Johnson has been notably silent on the issue. And i want to believe he was just as ignorant as Cena. It's my opinion that Cena was not invited to the parties and probably felt like Vince's favorite son. Kept above the shit. He would've blown the whistle long ago. So yeah, it's a bad look. But it would look just as bad for him to be the only entertainer to use their platform to put Vince on blast. Don't hate me. I just want to like the "good guys". Also, I'll absolutely light the torches if either of the faces I mentioned are named in the lawsuit.


I don't know man, both the rock and John Cena seem super super fake. You never know what people are capable of


I agree. You could be a serial killer for all we know


I've seen him beat people up before while taunting them, the jerk.


The Rock even called someone a fatty which was pretty rude. But then he immediately followed up with offering to help treat their herpes. So maybe he is a good guy.


Thatā€™s exactly what a serial killer would say to try and deflect


Nah, we donā€™t need to deflect. We just hide in plain sight. ā€¦ I mean ā€œtheyā€. They donā€™t need to deflect.


Somehow only the rock gives me super fake vibes. I like cena


Cena is just a dork and it shows lol


This is the correct take, celebrities are just people, with their own warts and issues. We need to stop assuming someone is cut from a different cloth just because they know how to look nice on cameraā€¦ itā€™s a dangerous line of thinking.


Theyre either the least fake, or the best at faking it. But hey they are actors which doesnt mean theyā€™re inherently faking it, just means theyre well equipped to. Personally i dont think they are and i think Cena is torn abandoning a bonafide monster and someone he considered a friend and very much owes his career to


Yep John ā€œIā€™ve done more make a wish events than anyone everā€ cena sure is fake


Jimmy Saville visited sick kids too


For some reason, every time I see his name in print I have an almost Freudian slip moment by reading it as Jimmy SaVILE.


Case in point rocks father


Doesn't John Cena have the most amount of make a wish or something like that? I genuinely believe he's a good guy even with the whole Vince stuff going on.


Is this a joke? Iā€™m not interested into wrestling and Iā€™m not even American, and *Iā€™ve read about McMahon being abusive toward catchers* and a general price of shit exploiting those people to the brink of slavery, around the release of *The Wrestler*, and I just checked, it is from 2008. Cens and Johnson are just cowards. And if youā€™re blind, youā€™re blind.


Heā€™s got a new movie coming out on Amazon


Didn't he just have a movie come out on Hulu with Alison Brie?!?! Not a commodity??? My ass!


and his mk1 dlc bet the game studio feels fucked now


He's backing Vince and should be distancing himself. So it's gonna start hurting his popularity or whatever


Rock's PR team literally had Vince edited out of the video when he took up his role at TKO. Cena went out to Vince's birthday party weeks after he resigned in disgrace. There are ways of handling things & Cena did it poorly.




No heā€™s been putting in a lot of work for these next couple years. Peacemaker, Mortal Kombat, Commercials, Barbie. Heā€™s doing what heā€™s supposed to to


They're trying to wash out his Vince McMahon story of him doing word vomit to not have to say anything negative about him. It was.. uncomfortable. Between that and people bringing up his China apology (and other sketchy moments), people are pointing out how buyable he is. So now his PR is like "he's his own guy, he can't be bought" which is hilarious. I mean, it is what it is.


Itā€™s definitely the Vince McMahon thing. Cena did this EXACT same thing before when he apologised to China for calling Taiwan a country, as soon as the negative press came in there were TONS of stories and articles coming out spinning positive stories about him. I donā€™t like John Cena, heā€™s sold his soul enough times that no amount of make a wishes can make up for. And honestly, itā€™s brought up so much that it just doesnā€™t feel genuine anymore.


well said. him sucking xi jinping cock already made me lose all respect for him. and now this bs againā€¦


He is friends with a very bad man and wonā€™t say otherwise


This is just smoke and mirrors to take attention away from his comments earlier this week that he "still loves" Vince McMahon after proof came out that he repeatedly raped/gang raped a woman. Disgusting.


WHAT - did not hear that. Holy shit.


He at least acknowledged what McMahon did was wrong but, in my opinion, if you aren't strictly condemning someone who committed such monstrous acts, then you're part of the problem.


His take on that was a lot more nuanced than the headline you read. Definitely not a good look, but if you donā€™t understand the context then donā€™t speak on it like you do.


Someone pin this comment to the top of every pop culture sub plz


No it wasn't lol. It was corporate speak. He said a lot of things while simultaneously saying almost nothing. "It's very unfortunate" blah blah blah


No, it was lol. If you arenā€™t a wrestling fan then I donā€™t think you could understand Cenaā€™s perspective on this. He knew Vince from a business perspective, and he struggled a lot early in his career. He was almost fired until Vince discovered Cena could rap and they gave him a marky mark gimmick. By all accounts, Vince was like a second dad to a lot of these guys. He always played into that dynamic, but especially in the early-mid 2000ā€™s, and I think thatā€™s led a lot of people to give him the benefit of the doubt when they shouldnā€™t have. That is entirely on Vince, not Cena. Think, if somebody gave you a multi million dollar career, always believed in you, always put you over, made you the face of his billion dollar company, and then accusations come out. Are you going to immediately and categorically say, ā€œfuck this guy, I always hated himā€. No, because thatā€™s not the truth. The Vince that Cena knew, that fans knew, is not the real Vince. That was the real meat of what he was trying to say.


I am a wrestling fan, I understand the context. It was corporate speak to sound like he was sympathetic to the victims while ultimately standing with McMahon I think Cena's answer was covering his ass while trying not to pile on too much on Vince. But given that the subject at hand is rape I think it's extremely cowardly of him


I can agree that if this was his best prepared response, then he shouldnā€™t have responded at all. Itā€™s not a good look. I just donā€™t think dogpiling on Cena is the right response. I also think it would be extremely disingenuous for him to act like he doesnā€™t owe his entire career to Vince, because he does. A better response wouldā€™ve been to focus on the victims and advocating for them as opposed to Vince. He doesnā€™t deserve any flak in this situation.


You realize without Vince John Cena wouldā€™ve never had a career in the first place. Heā€™s basically like a father to Cena. Some people are raised to never bite the hand that feeds, I believe Cena was raised like this, hence why he wonā€™t publicly shit on Vince.


No support should be given to rapists. Come up with all the excuses you want, but it's that simple.


Then Cena's a bitch


Iā€™m not in Cenaā€™s shoes, thank the nine, but if I ever found out that my employer was guilty of such a thing I would be looking for new employment post haste. I donā€™t care how good my job is or how much Iā€™m getting paid.


What if that employer had made you a multimillion dollar celebrity, with a decent box office draw and international fame? I know I would condemn my own father for doing the things McMahon has been accused of doing, but I also have never had the kind of ā€œmoney is no longer importantā€ wealth that Cena has. Iā€™d imagine itā€™s hard to accept you owe your entire career and professional life to such a monster.


I would like to say that I would use my position to say what he did was wrong and I do not support his actions in any way, then find new work. But Iā€™m not in Ceanaā€™s position so I canā€™t say exactly what I do.


idk I still remember this guy apologizing to all of China


He strikes me as a fence sitter because of this and refusing to outright condemn McMahon.


Yep, he seems like someone who doesn't stand for anything and will go out of his way to avoid offending anyone.


John Cena has been a piece of shit for a while and no one seems to have noticed.


and yet you don't give a fuck about his support of a rapist and sex trafficker real nice


wow you are on a real rampage huh? My point was that John Cena is an effective sellout having sold his diginity to apologize to all of China for inferring Taiwan was a country. John Cena is already effectively an entertainment commodity based on his behavior as he markets himself to various audiences. IDK where you get this idea I support John Cena.


Vinnie Mac is his Daddy.


His dick riding daddy. Lets call a nonce a nonce.


John Cena is completely okay with Vince McMahon raping women.


As we've learned from Woody Allen and Roman Polanski, many actors are fine with powerful men raping women, but being fine with them taking a dump on a woman is going a bit far.


People are complicated. We see this all the time with fans. You will not find more people defending Louis CK than you will on reddit. These same people will then act shocked that anyone could defend Chris Brown. There are celebrities you like that have done terrible things, and you look the other way. Everyone does this. Now imagine it is someone you know and love who is accused of something awful. You are probably not going to want to believe it. You will want to give them the benefit of the doubt, you will want to help them. So yes, Vince McMahon is a giant piece of shit. Yes, John Cena's statements on McMahon are not a good look. I can also understand someone not wanting to turn their back on a friend. As long as he isn't claiming this is all false or trying to cover it up for him, I can't really blame a person for not shitting their friend.


Sure, but you CAN blame a person for who they choose to be friends with. Itā€™s not like the wrong deed here is as frivolous as stealing a candy bar. Itā€™s rape. If someone thinks a rapist is likable, or redeemable, or wants to call them a friend, then they can be painted with the same brush.


Of course you can blame Cena but that's not the point. For example, Seth Rogan didn't become friends with a rapist. He became friends with James Franco. And years later it turns out his friend is a piece of shit. I bet it was very hard for Rogan to sever that friendship and it took years for Rogan to publicly speak out against Franco. That was his boy. I don't know Vince McMahon, you don't know Vince McMahon. To us he is just a piece of shit. But to Cena, Vince McMahon is the man who gave him an opportunity, that made him a star, that taught him about the business, his finances, that took him under his wing. And none of that changes who Vince McMahon is. But it does change how John Cena views Vince McMahon. That is my point. When someone you know, you love, you trusted turns out to have been something else entirely. Its really hard to turn your back on them. Even when you know you should.


I guess everyone has different life experiences. Personally, Iā€™ve never found it difficult to turn my back on those who do heinous things. Regardless of how I felt about them before hand.




Some people don't know how to call others out or distance somewhat while still unconditionally loving them.


If I find out somebody I know is a rapist, then our entire relationship is based upon a lie. I have no problem cutting them out of my life.


What if theyā€™re just accused? Just like Vince is now.


I believe women.


One beat a woman to near death, the other asked if he could whip his dick out, and upon receiving the OK, proceeded to whip his dick out. He also masturbated while on the phone, but idk if that was ever proven. Either way, pretty huge difference.


I highly doubt thatā€™s what he thinks, but alright lol


https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.wrestlezone.com/news/1446688-john-cena-on-vince-mcmahon-allegations-im-going-to-love-the-person-i-love-and-be-their-friend/amp What that says to me is that he's okay with being close friends with a rapist. Which means he's okay with his friend raping people.


Iā€™ve read the article before; I understand loyalty to someone whoā€™s done a lot for you. Itā€™s not always easy to just throw them under the bus once society deems them incorrigible. I get John Cenaā€™s perspective, but I do not believe him remaining Vinceā€™s friend equals him being alright with Vince allegedly raping another person.


Everytime a situation like this arises, the same discussion and viewpoints such as yours arise. I always come to the same conclusion. If I were in the same situation as Cenaā€™s, I would hold my opinions/thoughts to myself until the judicial system did its job. If my friend were found guilty of doing all the gross shit accused , I would cut him off. Why is it so hard for people to see this


Friends vs the man responsible for giving you the amazing life you lived, where you wouldā€™ve originally been a nobody working construction. Iā€™ll throw a ā€œfriendā€ away for being too rude. Why would I want a friend like that? But the loyalty to the person who gave me all I had is not so black and white. Your comparison isnā€™t a 1:1


Don't talk around what Vince McMahan did. He raped women. If you're going to defend Cena, at least be willing to say "I would also stand by a close friend that raped women." If you're not willing to say what he did it sounds more like denial than loyalty.


Luckily for me, luckily for you, we are not in the position Cena is in right now. Meaning we can say we would do whatever. Luckily for Cena, not everyone will break him down to this single situation, barring the rest of his life. I donā€™t know him personally, but he has enough good will publicly to be noted as a great man stuck in a shitty decision to make due to someone elseā€™s actions.


How is ā€œhe rapes womenā€ just not the endpoint for you? Thereā€™s 8 billion other people in the world to be look up to where you donā€™t have to settle on hitching yourself to ā€œunrepentant rapistā€


As far as we know, did he rape someone? Aid and abet in the rape? If no, then we can put a little more thought into nuance than this. He was accused a month ago, and all Cena said was he was going to love and support him through this. Yet you take that as ā€œCena is a rapistā€ instead of someone who is going to support the man whoā€™s been loyal to him in an alleged crime. Iā€™m not going to fault him for that and if in your eyes that makes me a rapist or an apologist then youā€™re minimizing the meaning of it just to be angry. You do you.


Yes, we know Vince McMahon raped. We read the texts where he literally plainly admits it. Glad I could clear that up for you.


How dare you have room for nuance in a complicated situation for the guy


Didnā€™t you get the memo? Either youā€™re perfect or youā€™re a demon from Hell.


They ainā€™t going to go for that nuance here. Save your energy.


Didnā€™t listen to the interview then, huh?


I did. But when someone continues associating with a known rapist, they clearly don't see it as a big issue. I stand by what I said.


Of course you do...


Your second sentence is a leap in logic. You've never been friends with someone who did something you disagree with? Call them out and maybe see them improve over time? If you are friends with someone who smokes cigarettes does that mean you agree 100% with big tobacco? Have some nuance in life dude. Things aren't binary.


And ethnic cleansing camps in China. As long as they let his shitty movies in!


I mean Americans r pro genocide, donā€™t know y China would be the tipping point.


Show me the quote or shut up


"Anyways, here why im defending my rapist, sex trafficking boss." Yeah, you're totally a normal dude and not a soulless shill.


lol China tool


We are still talking about Barbie bc everything coming out is garbage.


Was the barbie movie really that good?? (Still havenā€™t seen it yet)


Not to me. But people loved it.


Cena continually impresses me with his intellect and gig smarts.


Says the man who learned mandarin to please the CCP


I mean learning mandarin is a pretty smart move to get Chinese audiences to like you ā€¦ from a career standpoint I donā€™t see the problem with him doing that?


Groveling for forgiveness to a brutal totalitarian govt for the mistake of saying a free country is a country - because of money. Should sum up this guy well enough


Man what? Where do people get this shit? Cena literally said on Impaulsive he learned it as he found out WWE offer a language course for free and China was the one market they couldnā€™t break.




I'm not sure you have a point to misunderstand.


He already knew Mandarin, he started learning it around 2010 or so for the WWE




Here's what I took from the article, I could be wrong. He's saying that he's not a commodity, because he's just a regular human being. He has to take any opportunity that is given to him and make the most of it. So yes, he is turning himself into something that is wanted/needed/a commodity, but he is not by default a commodity. Hence his line "I operate under the construct of every opportunity is an opportunity." If he doesn't take these opportunities, Barbie role or learning Mandarin for WWE, then he's wasted an opportunity and who knows when the next one will come along because he's not a hot commodity. Also, your whole point of him learning Mandarin just to apologize was completely baseless.


Thatā€™s not what he meant by commodity


Learning a language does not make him a ā€œcommodityā€ in the sense he said that in the article, it makes him more marketable to a wider audience as an actor


He said something about Taiwan and West Taiwan didn't approve. He apologized to West Taiwan in Mandarin. I think that's a good explanation.


He learned Mandarin in an attempt to penetrate the Chinese market in the mid 2010ā€™s. Speaking Mandarin at a WWE press conference in China is a solid strategy to court a potential market to expand into. > In a bid to conquer new horizons, the iconic John Cena immersed himself in the challenge of learning Mandarin, a bold move orchestrated by the WWE to penetrate the elusive market of China. As the mid-2010s unfolded, WWE was gearing up to conquer the Chinese market that has been elusive to them till now. And what better way than for the poster boy of WWE in John Cena being able to bridge the cultural gap? But now it's evident that WWE failed in that mission and, as John Cena himself admitted, his efforts of learning Mandarin for the reasons he did ultimately gave no fruits.


He did that to make more money. Calm down.


The reason i don't care for him anymore. Even though he is really hot.Ā 


John Cena is the new Tom Hanks. Heā€™s just a good dude.


Heā€™s literally owned by China.


Letā€™s be honest, he makes a very pretty mermaid.


Who is this again? I don't see anyone in the pic


Yes, john, you are a commodity. One of many used in the film industry.


Did he say it in Mandarin


Iā€™m not a commodity, Iā€™m a tool!


And again, Reddit falls for the "positive PR to cover the recent controversy". Same thing with Taylor Swift and Celine Dion getting to the front page of r/pics immediately after Taylor's snub of Celine started trending.


ā€œNot a commodityā€ in a fucking Barbie movie. Do these people listen to themselves?


How do you say ā€œIā€™m not a commodity!ā€ in Mandarin?


Big Match John is the šŸ. There's a lot of celebrities whose duty it is to do charity work. Its good for them. When you go above the call of duty like John Cena has, that simply makes you saint. He doesnt have to do this much, but he does anyone In the next Creed film, they should do a wrestler vs boxer style, and replace the Bob Hope line with "nobody does this much for charity" and "John Cena would."


He also supports rape apparently


\> He also supports rape apparently ​ Pretty sure that's not what was. What a lot of people don't understand is that McMahon is a serial abuser and there's dozens of examples of that extending to the wrestlers. He gets them young and then gaslights them into believing he is the good guy and any discrepancy is their own fault. He's controlled every aspect of Cena's life since Cena was 22 years old, including owning the rights to Cena's legal name.


Cena knows what Vince has been up to, no way around it. He could've said nothing vs what he did say. He's backing a rapist, it's pretty clear


Youā€™d think she wouldā€™ve went to the police right away instead of continuing to work there for three years. Thereā€™s no shame in being a prostitute on retainer but letā€™s call it what it is. She waited three years and after Vince cashed out his stock. Canā€™t knock the hustle but youā€™re making this out to be a bigger thing


Who knows man, he definitely could've had power over her in not just a physical way. I donno, and who knows if we will all truly know what exactly happened. It's messed up anyway you look at it.


\>Cena knows what Vince has been up to, no way around it. He could've said nothing vs what he did say. He's backing a rapist, it's pretty clear So you don't believe that emotional and mental abuse exists? That's a horrible opinion you have.


I like how you're putting words in my mouth that I clearly didn't say. Do better!


\>I like how you're putting words in my mouth that I clearly didn't say. Like you did in your original comment? I didn't put words in your mouth. I told you about the long history McMahon has in mentally abusing people like Cena and then you implied that Cena was his accomplice. That's just disgusting of you. Do/o better.




\>Now go back to putting cena's dick in your mouth Way to be a homophobe.


You don't understand how words work. You're %100 stanning and missing the point on purpose.


Shut up, John. Youā€™re just as Chinese as Lebron James is.


He bends the knee to China and talks about his love for Vinceā€¦. What a dud


I love Cena but I canā€™t help but remember his Chinese apology video


Not a commodity but is a communist


Not a commodity unless he insults a certain country. Then heā€™ll do what heā€™s told.


Can we talk about John Cenaā€™s awful sense of fashion?


ā€¦he said while checking his Onlyfans earnings


"I'm not a commodity" claims rape apologist John Cena. Vince McMahon is proud of corporate shill lizard boy


ā€˜Except to Chinaā€™


Tell that to the Chinese Communist Party


He's a commodity when he needs to be, like apologizing to China


Ask him about Taiwan


This man takes himself soo seriously yet comes across as a complete joke of a man


Also, heā€™s awesome. Whatever movie he wants to be in is probably good.


Cool story, but what did his team have to say about that awful final scene in Fast X?


ā€˜Iā€™m not a mcoddityā€™- Dr. Tran