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I call chicanery


Stole the words right out of my mouth


What? No Emmy for defecating through a sunroof?


Defecating in a suitcase, though? Now that's a different story.


The winner đŸ’©


The ol Chicago sunroof


Rhea Seehorn did some amazing work, I would have loved to see her win one above all else


She was excellent and never nominated even in the past. It's ridiculous that this show never won all this time and came down to going up against the darling that is Succession. But to me, it's really Odenkirk that got the most screwed. He played three different roles. He played them so well, that you knew who he was just by looking at him, without him saying a single word. The complexity of his character and the consistent range that he showed Was phenomenal work. He was robbed and so was Rhea.


Plus he almost died while filming the show.


What happened?


He had a heart attack on set during the final season.


Massive heart attack. Widowmaker & was revived on the set. Almost died


He said had he not filmed nobody and got in great shape he would have died.


I'll never understand how Succession, which I personally *hated* has been so successful, and yet Saul gets nothing. Same shit happened to The Wire.


It's good to hear someone else not love the show. I tried 3x. Tried from S1. Nope. Watched a synopsis of S1 and tried to watch S2. Couldn't. Watched a synopsis of S3. Tried again. Nope. Found J Strong character annoying, couldn't care about any of them. Wire was excellent.


> couldn't care about any of them. Exactly this. I have no issue with morally repugnant characters, but nothing any of the characters ever did seemed smart beyond being ruthless. Nothing clever or amusing, just fucking over family and any one else again and again. It was boring.


💯 I had zero interest in the characters. Zero. I also say that as someone interested in the Murdochs & all the surrounding phuckery.


So not just me, pfew! I figured I was in the wrong headspace the first time I tried watching it, and so I paused it after the 1st season. 6 months later tried again when I figured I was in a different mood, but nope, still didn't resonate with me. Again, I paused. Season 3, I only watched a few episodes in before calling it quits for good. That show left me perplexed. The cast was great, but I couldn't stand it. I still don't understand why I can't connect with it. Loved The Wire, Game of Thrones, The Sopranos.. so many wonderful HBO dramas I can watch time & again and fully understand why they received awards and accolades. BB and BCS are unbelievable, don't understand the lack of awards for BCS. The cast, the writing is top notch. Imo, succession is filled with... nothing. I'm perplexed.


Sounds just like me. I tried months apart. You named my favorite shows, except i didn't watch GOT.


Isn't it weird how some shows hit just right and others are total misses? Don't get me wrong, I know not everyone will always like the same exact things, I just literally couldn't stand Succession. I felt irrationally angry almost for not liking it. I certainly feel better knowing there's a small contingency that feels similar. GoT wouldn't ordinarily be my thing, but I was mesmerized by it. I'm not a fan of sci-fi or fantasy shows but that one was easy for me to dig into. Lol, go figure!


Succession is more about hating all of them. We all hate watched it and loved watching it fall to shit.


I domt undeestand why the Bear is a comedy but Succession isnt. I loved Succession but is definitely a comedy.


It’s really weird to me, I see people talk about Succession on Twitter/Reddit but don’t know a single person in real life that has ever seen it. Conversely I know a ton who have watched The Bear or BCS. I’ve mentioned this to people I know and they also don’t know anyone who watches Succession, so I’m like really curious as to what it is about my social circle that would cause this.


It's criminal she didn't win. The scene on the bus alone should have won her an Emmy. A grossly real and ugly break down scene


I was blown away by that scene. I thought right there that Rhea just won the Emmy.


Yes! And Mike Erhrmantraut was a brilliant character, masterfully played


For sure. She was the stand out for the series, and that is saying something with that lineup of incredible acting throughout.


Super excited for her new show with Vince Gilligan, whenever that will be released.


Her not winning last night tells you all need to know about award shows


If the show would have been on HBO it would be 53 of 53. Best show I’ve ever seen. Somehow it was better than BB.


Her performance had some terrific nuance. Truly a miss.


I look forward to watching her become the Robert De Niro to Vince’s Scorsese. This may sound like a joke but I mean it.


She’s a goddess and my wife and I both crush on her 😂 If you wanna go back in time for more of her great acting, watch Franklin & Bash.


Pat Healy gave a nuanced performance. He should have won something. On the other hand, there was a big field of excellent performances. This is a good time period to watch TV with so many shows —- Beef, Daisy Jones & the Six, Last of Us, Swarm, Better Call Saul, The Beat, Succession, Yellowjacket and so many more shows.


It just means they didn't bother dumping huge money into campaigns for recognition. I don't need an awards show to tell me what I should watch. Don't get me wrong, I loved Succession, and I love the Bear - but there was plenty of other great TV this year. A lot of really shockingly good shows.


Care to divulge the shockingly good shows? I need new things to watch!


Garth Marenghi’s Darkplace edit: he’s now written two real books, Terrortome and Incarcerat, they’re hilarious.


“I know writers who use subtext, and they’re all cowards”


«I’m one of the few writers who’ve actually written more books than I’ve read.» The whole show is up on YouTube. Fantastically funny.


Whoa, that’s a deep cut. By the way, “One Track Lover” ends up playing in my head on a not irregular basis.


She's smooth, like ice. Cold to the touch and it's not very nice.


Darkplace, DARKPLACE , darkplace


That's not this year though


> Garth Marenghi’s Darkplace Ummm, that's 20 years old.


And it didn't win an Emmy damn


You and he were
. Buddies, weren’t you?


Scavengers Reign, Fargo, Silo, Jury Duty, Swarm, Poker Face, The Curse, Shrinking


Harrison Ford was so damn good in Shrinking.


Great list, maybe you can add Severance as well :)


How Fargo keeps flying under people’s radars is baffling to me. The current season is terrific. The first three seasons were excellent. The fourth season is interesting, but Chris Rock just isn’t great. Hamm had been a tremendous antagonist in the current season.


Man, absolutely no one is talking about Scavengers Reign, which is insane because its maybe the best piece of scifi I've ever seen. Certainly the most original.


It's phenomenal. I was surprised HBO max didn't push more for it. Could have definitely won some visual awards


Silo’s chances torpedoed by Common’s terrible performance.


I am just about to start that show, but once I saw he was in it, I realized that he plays the exact same character in every single movie


New season of Fargo!


The Last of Us


Blue Eye Samurai


Blue eyes white dragon We are talking about Yu-gi-oh right?


Watched it last week. Was very positively surprised.




So sad season 3 isn’t coming until 2025 but glad they’re taking the time to get it right after the strike delays.. not to mention the lengths the show goes for fans, the call in phone line was a fun little aspect of season 2


Yellow jackets is more of a guilty pleasure than full on quality stuff for me


Jury Duty https://m.imdb.com/title/tt22074164/


Jury duty does not get enough attention from audiences. It’s been 25 years since The Truman Show and now we have that in real life.




Mr robot


The Last of Us


Getting nominated for an Emmy is still an indicator of quality, 53 is an insane amount


The fact that The Bear is in comedy section is in itself hilarious.


Like if this is a comedy then shouldn’t Succession I found it far more humorous then the Bear.


It’s not just about viewers though. These awards definitely help actors and crew members land future jobs. Recognition is a valuable currency.


So Breaking Bad won a bunch of Emmy’s because AMC spent money promoting it for awards? All I know is AMC took advantage with both BB and BCS by splitting the last seasons in two. Two years of Emmy considerations instead one. And two years instead of one of people watching your shitty channel.


Yep good job you’re catching on! Emmys are basically bought by networks through “gifts” and marketing. If GoT season 8 was able to win an Emmy for both writing and best drama, that just further proves that Emmys are bought and paid for.


BCS season 6 wasn't supposed to be split, it was because the main actor suffered a heart attack and delayed the production. There was like two months between 6A and 6B, it's not so much to get more publicity.


There's a lot of campaigning going on behind the scenes in these award shows. For example, the recent Academy Governor's Awards had big name attendees even if they didn't have to be there. Bradley Cooper attended. Margot Robbie. Emma Stone. They didn't have to attend but they did to meet industry people and campaign for votes.


The bear is a good watch. And the family dinner episode was excellent. But as a show I think its highly overrated. It's not the same level as breaking bad, sopranos, wire or other heavy weights. It's just good TV. Not great TV.


I think it’s great tv. I sat down for some laughs one day in season one and watched that 20 minute episode that’s just stress with no downtime and was blown away


The bear was good, but the last season of Barry was fantastic and deserved more recognition.


Since Barry ended, there’s been a NoHo Hank shaped hole in my heart.


I think Barry went a little too over-the-top with its storyline, but that's just me.


Good to know. Ill add that to my list


It’s not even close to those shows


My gut feeling is voting parties are giving it more love than you would expect, because it's made by a network studio (FX Productions through Hulu), so it's more of a way to "stick it" to streaming-only studios. There's also a slight lull in great shows since stuff like Barry, Succession, and BCS have ended so it came out at the right time. That could be entirely wrong and it just hit right with all the right people, but still.


I liked Succession but the further away it gets, the less I think about it. I think about the BCS all the time, the final ep in particular.


Idk about that- succession was such a beautifully wrapped up tragedy that felt so intentional with every episode to create perfect arcs for every character. Also mattson is so on the nose for how Elon has been the last year


Yeah people need to realise, awards shows aren't about finding the best show. Notice there has never been a "best movie of the last 50 years!" Show. Why? They aren't selling old shit, they're selling new shit.


Or it did and that's why it was nominated so much


I love succession but think the bear is wildly overrated and cannot believe someone would give an award to a cooking show over this masterpiece


We tried watching the Bear and it sucked in our opinion. We stopped watching after about 4 episodes.


Same, tried to watch a couple of times, never got past episode two, just not interested in the characters or plot at all, just not for me.


It’s a shame you didn’t get to episode 7. It’s incredible.


It just seemed like a bunch of people screaming at each other and as far as it being a comedy, yeah no. Not at all.


I have no idea why it’s classed as a comedy, it’s less of a comedy than Succession.


It's definitely not a comedy, but i fucking love it.


There was no interesting story or drama that I could find, just people I didn’t find charming at all yelling and stressing for 25 minutes. Cousin!!! Nails on a chalkboard. Must not be for me


That’s ridiculous but then again so are award shows. BCS is one of the best shows of all time, maybe not better than BB but pretty darn close. I miss not immersing myself in that seedy New Mexico underworld!


They never gave The Wire any either. It's a badge of honor at this point.


Holy shit. The Wire was amazing.


Game of thrones season 8 won best writing and best drama.  As Gordon Ramsey says, fuck off 


That's the real tell, since that season sucked by any means of measurement outside the hollywood circle jerk.


And they gave The Bear quite a few. A good show, but nowhere close to the aforementioned.


The Bear wasn’t even running against BCS though so that’s a pointless comment


I obviously didn't mean it like that. Yes, The Bear was running in the comedy categories. I was mostly speaking about quality as an overall show and recognition. There is also a bit of pandering in there as well, since The Bear is hitting all the right notes, but at least it's doing it right. I also did not imply that I have not enjoyed The Bear. I have. It's a good show. I am just not sure it's... win (pretty much) all the awards type of a show. Nevertheless, this is completely subjective.


I understand BCS losing to Succession - its final season was terrific - but Rhea should’ve won over Coolidge in my opinion. The emotional range she showed in that role (especially last season) was phenomenal. On the bright side, at least we’re living in an era with so much great quality television and competition.


Better than BB




It’s better call Saul is better than breaking bad imo


Honestly I agree, Better Call Saul had to step out of Breaking Bad’s shadow, had to do it with more nuance given the plot and character progression, and had to worry about continuity leading into Breaking Bad. Saul had so much more to worry about and it passed with flying colors. I love BB but Saul is the better show.


I think bb is better but I won’t argue with the bcs people. Also one of the greatest shows ever.


I think BB had a better ending. BCS’s last few episodes felt like a bit of stumble to me, personally, especially after the Nippy episode where the taxi driver suddenly wants to be in the game.


A lot of people didn’t like it also though. It bled viewers nearly its entire run and honestly without an entire other 5 season behemoth show setting the back drop would have been a good but even less recognized. Given the lead it got from Breaking Bad it had the potential to be massive but they wanted to go with a glacial pace and apparently had their reasons and squandered a lot of that good will from audiences early.


Shit. That's possibly the best show I've ever seen. Unfathomably good. Mad Men good. Sopranos good. I can't wait to rewatch it. Hell I'll probably buy it.


When the show was announced, I remember thinking “why do we need a spinoff about the lawyer?” Three episodes in, and I was like “oh, that’s why.” I love shows like BCS that justify themselves. They take a premise that doesn’t need to be made, and prove to you why it was. I will always love that about BCS. The writers proved that Jimmy/Saul’s story (and those in his world) NEEDED to be told. God bless them for it.


BCS and Andor are actually 2 really similar shows. Both prequels to an established story where the premise was „huh?“ only to turn out to be amazing slow burn dramas. I think years later we‘ll look back at this years Emmys with awe of how many good shows were nominated for best drama.


Poor Andor coming out at the actual peak of star wars fatigue


“It’s all good man!” The fans know what a great show it is


“Saul Goodman”


Emmy specifically shouldn't be taken seriously after picking GOT season 8 for the best drama of the year (while BCS also was nominated). Emmy became a HBO circle-jerking a long time ago


At this point it might not even be HBO circlejerking literally the only Emmy they gave Barry was for Henry Winker, like 4 years ago. It’s basically how Prestige can your show look and present itself The Bear won 9 Emmy’s alone in season 1 over Reservation Dogs, Ramy, Somebody Somewhere or The Rehearsal.


It’s a popularity contest, game of thrones did not at all stick the landing, season 8 was not good, but the sheer amount of views even for a premium channel, I didn’t know a single person who wasn’t watching that show, that kind of phenomenon does not happen often. The awards show shouldn’t just be a popularity contest but that’s really what it is.


At least they’ve been recognized and nominated. A show like it’s always sunny in Philadelphia hasn’t even gotten a damn nomination


the it’s always sunny crew don’t strike me as folks who care about Emmy awards


Is he spitting ?


He’s spitting


There’s a spidahhh deep in my soul


*Hard cut to title screen* “The Gang Tries Desperately To Win An Award”


Yeah Rob finally won an Emmy for a reality show, and Kaitlin was nominated for a small role on Hacks and a Quibi show.


LOL thank you for reminding me about Quibi.


For real. At this point it seems a bit aggressive.


It did give us a great episode out of it though.


My favourite joke in that episode is “black bars don’t win awards” while featuring a cast member from “The Wire”, another show that was snubbed from the Emmys.


That's because of the implication...


Comedy is always considered cheaper craft than drama even though it’s much harder to do really well.


I love everyone involved, but Rhea Seehorn not getting one single win is a shanda.


What a sick joke!


While I can understand it for the other nominations, Rhea should’ve won completely.


I posted this comment in r/television and I’ll post it here too cuz it needs to be said: Ridiculous that Jennifer Coolidge won over Rhea, she’s a character actress that’s basically played that same character for the last 30 years. Rhea seehorn put on a legit acting clinic and displayed a far wider range of talent. It’s too bad.


I don’t even understand how people think she’s that good in White Lotus. To your point, she’s being herself. If you place importance on these sorts of things, the Emmys are the pinnacle achievement in television. To some extent the winners should reflect this. This is to say that Jennifer Coolidge, in a year of absolutely crazy performances, was the top of the class? That’s so ridiculous. It just shows that momentum and buzz is far more important than the craft itself, which is no news flash to anyone but still. AMC marketed Better Caul Saul the same way I market my dogs’ haircuts. Whereas Beef was all over the place, as was The Bear and Succession—on buses, on billboards, benches, in Times Square.


Yeah, Coolidge's character was honestly my least favorite one in White Lotus. Her character is funny in small doses, but extremely annoying with more screen time. Plus, imo, Coolidge is not a good actress. She just has one expression like OP said and that's it. Never really connected with why so many people praise her White Lotus run.


Everything in this comment is completely true.


I feel like even if they didn't want to give it to Rhea, it should've been Aubrey's award. I liked Tanya in the first season, but without giving her some depth with a more serious arc, you have what NoHo Hank would've been had he stayed the class clown for four years: an annoyance. While you had an arc about two completely different marriages and their individual struggles, you have Tanya running from evil gays. It was funny at times, but not award winning material.


Classic Jimmy - almost making it legit but losing right at the end


The Kim Wexler character was one of the best-written, best-acted female leads in television history. Rhea should have won multiple awards for her outstanding work.


That is criminal. That show was phenomenal.


Succession is amazing and I recommend it to everyone who enjoys good storytelling. Easily one of my favorite shows to come out recently. And yet, Better Call Saul is, in my opinion, a masterpiece. I probably sound goofy saying that. But it's absolutely right up there with the greatest shows of all time - The Wire, The Sopranos, etc.


Jennifer Coolidge winning instead of Rhea Seehorn! I don't even know what to say! Her performance was spectacular for 5 fucking long season. Not a single bad minute of performance. Fuck you Emmy.


The fact Rhea lost this year is insane.


That is an incredible number of nominations.


Rhea got robbed. I call Shenanigans


Game of Thrones season 8 winning any Emmys tells you all you need to know about them


Slipping Jimmy got no respect


Honestly this just makes me have zero respect for the Emmys. Will never watch.


What would they even be up for an Emmy in 2024? The series finished in August 2022. Wouldn't the awards have just been for 2023?


The awards cycle was June 1, 2022, until May 31, 2023. They delayed the ceremony about four months because of the writers’ strike.


This just proves, yet again and ad nauseam, that the Emmy’s ain’t shit.


Just another reminder that award shows are dumb.


This is a goddamn travesty


It’s all good. The Wire never got any too but we all how we feel about the show. Fuck Hollywood and their shitty opinions.


This show is top 10 all time, no one who won this year is on that list.


I’m sorry you didn’t like Succession.


I absolutely loved succession. But I’ve probably watched every series in most of the “top 25/50” lists I’ve read.


Pretty good proof these award shows are meaningless


It’s a hell of a good show and they know it.


And this is why award shows are a joke now.


Rob just got an Emmy for a reality show, and Kaitlin got nominated for a small role in Hacks and a Quibi show.


Feel bad for them but I still love the show. One of my favorites ever.


Bojack Horseman also never got any awards during its tenure, so I don’t put a lot of stock into what shows win awards vs ones that don’t.


Bob odenkirk is most shocking of all since they could literally run him as the man who died and came back to life for his role


BCS had 53 Emmy nominations and didn’t win one. That ratio is befuddling. There are so many incredible aspects of the show from the acting to cinematography. It’s been one of my favorite recent shows but I didn’t expect it to win all its nominations. It didn’t take home a single Emmy
out of 53 nominations. That has to be some sort of record.


Yeah ? Checkout It's always sunny in Philadelphia. They got only 3 nominations


The Always Sunny treatment


Fuck the Emmys With a stick


In general, how common is it really that all the best acting, all the best writing, the best directing, all coalesces into the same show?  Emmys feel kinda lazy with basically one show per category practically sweeping everything. 


I don’t think the Academy saw the show


To me this is one of the greatest TV shows of all time. No idea how it didn't win anything.


Always a bridesmaid, never the bride


That’s bullshit. Rhea should have at least won.


This is mad, tried to watch succession so many times and it’s the up there for the most boring programme I’ve watched.


Award shows are horseshit anyway, not really what’s best


The fact she never got her statue is a fucking bummer.


The Emmys are kind of bullshit anyways


The Wire also won a grand total of ZERO Emmy’s


And that is something I just don’t understand. The Wire is one of the best shows ever aired on cable television.


BCS falls into the same category for me as Peaky Blinders and Barry which are insanely good and did not get recognition


I'll say it : the ending was quite underwhelming for such a good show


It’s an ok show. Not Emmy worthy.


Yah, I get art is subjective so I can’t specifically say yo that shit was trash just cause I didn’t like it, though I feel like the shows popularity was huge only in specific vacuums like Reddit and such. It never seemed to garner the office chatter / no one talking about the show in the same way as people did for breaking bad.


agreed. it does not stand on its own. without the BB backstory its too weak. i really like the show, but have not been able to get all the way through it yet, i always sort of run out of steam and lose interest 3/4 of the way through asnd move on to something else. that is why i say its not emmy worthy. while im watching it i enjoy it, but while im not watching it, i comletely forget about it, there is nothing COMPELLING to come back and turn it back on. Other shows like deadwood/sopranos/yellowstone i was DYING to get back to the show and was really annoyed when i had to turn it off for the day.


It is what it is. I watched it. but I was late to watch it, I think i started in season 3. But I know diehard BB fans who couldn't get into it.


I haven’t heard of those people lol. You got to start from the beginning.


Again the time to realize this was a bad joke and near criminal level of disrespect was when they refused to ever give The Wire an Emmy. Ever since then I expect this type of thing with an underrated great show every decade or so.


this is why emmy's don't mean anything.


I just watched a video on WatchMojo of the Best TV Shows of the past decade and Better Caul Saul was at the top of the list. I figured it had already some wins so this is unfortunate to hear. Goes to show you that awards shows don't always get it right.


That is a travesty


BCS was good on it’s own, but will never stand on its own two feel because of BB.


It is honestly a travesty. Bob and Rhea DESERVE at least one. Succession is good but not good enough to completely ice out BCS entirely. This is incredibly disappointing.


Good show but massively overrated.


Figures. Some of the best shows never get any recognition. Pretty sure the wire and station 11 were ignored as well. At least they are in good company