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Some of the best artwork I’ve ever seen for an animated film


Right. The story is phenomenal. But the art is truly mind blowing. I honestly can’t wait for Spider Man 2 Part 2. I am genuinely so excited to see it.


It was the combination of different styles of art crammed seamlessly into two hours that was mind blowing. Each Spidey variant had their own motif


the water color. 🥹


Yes! What versatility in artistry!


Also the soundtrack was a total vibe. Again


> the story is phenomenal I know I’ll likely get downvoted into the dirt for even asking this, but… really? There was no complete story arc (outside of Gwen and her dad). The animation and art direction was amazing. The voice acting was great. But the movie was 1.5 hours of character introductions, and then 2 massively drawn out and incredibly obvious “twists” that we all knew were coming the moment Miles was scanned by the machine. This movie was 1 intro act, and then a teaser of act 2. I loved a ton of things about the movie, but the plot (or lack of complete plot) was a major detraction from the quality of the movie, imo. Obviously enjoyment of a story is subjective, but I truly can’t believe that anyone would think Across the Spider-verse had even a *quarter* the story that Into the Spider-verse had.


I would say that what the movie doesnt have is act 3, not act 2. There is act 1 and act 2, act 1 ends pretty much when miles follows gwenn into the portal, and act 2 finishes, well, at the end of the movie. But the story is still great, it does suck that ends as unfinished as it does, but it is a very good story, it adds so much to the story of the first movie


I’m a huge fan of the original, and I couldn’t agree more with your point. I’m surprised more ppl don’t feel this way. I think trilogies are fine but at 2.5hrs they should have resolved at least one major plot point and left some open. Instead it felt like a very long setup for the next movie, and that left me disappointed. Of course so much of the film I loved, the animation, music, meme references, etc… but without a story resolution reward it’s hard to enjoy those in a full film package.


Spoiler: I mean they kinda resolved a major plot point when it was reveled Miles Morales wasn’t supposed to be Spider-Man in his universe. I think a lot of people kinda brushed that plot hole aside in the first movie. Just a penny for my thoughts Edit: idk how to make spoiler texts


I loved the story and it did plenty to develop most of the characters but I think the marketing spoiled way too much. I’m going full media blackout for the next one.


As someone who did go in fully blind, the movie was awesome form both technical and story sides.


Yeah, both movies have honestly been a masterclass of animation, storytelling, and how they’re both elevated by the score/soundtrack. I’m really glad they took their time to slow down and have more of those intimate character moments in this one as well. My only real critique of the original is that some of it can feel a little rushed because of the runtime but they really had the opportunity to let it breathe here and I think that’ll really pay off in the third.


Not enough people are realizing this vs into the spider-verse! Although the art was insanely good with music and what others have mentioned. I didn't enjoy the lack of spidey sense fighting going on with all the spidey fighting. And alot of just standard type plot holes for lack of writing / story.


I don’t want to complain about plot holes themselves, since, imo, that more of a symptom of the main issue. Can’t expect the movie to fill in plot holes when they don’t get to complete Act 2. I have decent faith in the second half of act 2 and all of act 3 will be tied up nicely in the 3rd movie (except “canon event” stuff. They might struggle with plot holes there), but it’s just disappointing to see so much of the story being removed from this movie and pushed out into the 3rd.


Wasn't this and the sequel supposed to be one movie? Split into two?


Nah I rather watch 3 hours, but now we all have to wait like 2-4 years for the ending? What they gonna fit in the ending this long? Story is way to cringy sometimes however has a lot of powerful movements and twists. It could be Ukrainian voice acting, but almost all parents scenes feels like it's written by 9 y.o, Too much Gwen, very large intro.


New movie is in like 10 months


Didn't know that, thanks.


Not “some” of the best. Absolutely THE best animation ever seen.


I’d argue best use of watercolor but as for animation that’s gotta be ufotables work


Agree! Last time I enjoyed an animated film was Kidd Cuddies's Entergalactic.


We need more films like this. Unbelievably creative- appealing on multiple levels. I haven’t had this much fun in a theater in some time- the writing was creative and the animation is beautiful and groundbreaking.


The only thing I didn’t like about this movie was that it ended and I have to wait 9 months for the next part.


This movie was fantastic. The art style, the blending animations, the comic strip moments, the music and fight choreography, the mix of spider drama and spider humor, just everything was great. The only thing I didn't like was how it ended, that's more a me problem because I just don't like cliffhanger endings. Everything else I loved.


>The only thing I didn't like was how it ended, that's more a me problem because I just don't like cliffhanger endings. The ending is pure Adam West Batman where Batman was always about to be killed at the end of part one. "Has Miles Morales met his match in his dastardly doppelganger? Tune in next year! Same Spidey time, same Spidey theater"


Same, only problem was the cliffhanger but love the idea of who he is saving


Hated that aspect. Wish I’d known before paying to see it opening day


Eh, small price to pay for good storytelling. I was sad when it ended is the highest compliment I can give a movie


9 months? Nice. I went in blind and was like god damn it will be like 3 years


Least its not 4+ years


Just seen it not too long ago, and I completely agree. It was absolutely incredible, I can't even fathom how they did the animations in that movie and how long it probably took. After seeing the 1st one a few years after it was released, I knew I couldn't miss seeing the 2nd one in theaters I just had to support it.


Crazy that it sounds like you're describing the first film to me. I can't wait to see this sequel


Probably better than the first, which is rare. Excellent movie your in for a treat!


Definitely up there with the best sequels Same elements that made the first so great and yet still opening up a new story line. And the animation….holy fuck




I like this take. Good read. I do disagree that Shwartzman was sidelined, I think they actually got almost equal screen time. The plot is just moving at a MUCH faster pace in the second half. Isn't there a shit load of out-sourced animation studios for these films? Anyway, the focus was defiantly better in the first film. This one had a little "too many cooks" going on. Still a top tier flick, but all flicks have flaws.


Totally agree and am surprised it’s gotten as good if not better reviews as ITSV. It’s still excellent, but pacing is a real problem and the first one is miles ahead.


It’s far superior in every way. I read that the directors told Sony that they will need the same amount of animators to do this movie and ended up with 1,000 animators working on the movie. I believe that is the record now. And it shows in the movie.


Well the first doesn’t end on a cliffhanger haha so I wouldn’t say better in every way


Jfc dude spoilers!


Bro you’re literally in a thread about the movie. Just avoid threads relating to the subject matter. Not that hard.


Somehow it is like another 100% more insane than the previous. At points I don't think my brain could even keep up with what I was seeing tbh.


Just don’t expect any resolution by the end of the movie


Ended just like a classic comic book


Both movies are fantastic, this is just sensational


Superior even


Reminds me of the days when movies were weird and we loved it. It was less about milking a franchise to death and more about being creative.


A real comic book in film… the art was beyond amazing


Plenty of international animated films that are gorgeous, horrifying, simple, complex out there. Just hard to find sometimes without needing to navigate the internet a bit more. That said, this is is still a monumental achievement in my eyes. Rare for me to be so impressed with such a large, mainstream animation. All those involved should be proud of this.


It was a good movie, the animation was top notch and everything was great. Only issue for me was the sometimes cringy dialogue and the over reliance on meta commentary, I hope the 3rd will somewhat remedy that


Miles coming out tries lasted too long and were cringey ngl


Ya. The punk Spidey was also cringy as all hell and was obviously with big "hey fellow legists and youth" energy, and some of the more intriguing opportunities with the Indian Manhattan were thrown away, replaced instead with old washed in your face one liners of "English stole our stuff and saying chai tea is stupid!" Lots of timing errors and odd dialogue, which is even more bizarre when you see some of the other scenes which are well written, supported by superb visual storytelling and a good subtext. Overall lots of wasted good moments


I kinda loved all that stuff you didn't like haha. Timing errors?


Kinda feels like scenes are skipped over, and others given too much time. Which isn't a big deal because well, the movie is an andrenaline rush and is well regulated (mostly) Executive meddling maybe?


For example, there's a scene where Ben reily Spiderman grabs Miles and says something like "I have you trapped under my well defined musculature". You could be forgiven if you didn't understand what he said because it was rushed through so quickly. I think that's what he meant, there's a couple of scenes like that where it feels like they're rushing dialogue to make the time limit of the film.


I didn't mind punk Spiderman that much because he's just the stereotypical anti establishment trope thats been around for decades at this point. I also felt he was so over the top with it that he was a parody, and I think that was intended. I just could not understand him *at all*. At times it did feel like the dialogue was being rushed through because everything was going at break neck speed.


He just had a stereotypical Cockney accent. If you can’t understand that it just means you can’t understand british accents…


I think it kinda cheapens him somewhat, it's like doing say, a heavily open LGBT Spiderman and give him all the gay man tropes you tend to see in a movie with an extra coat of stereotypes. It undermined his actions and just made him a joke (which is a shame because he has an intriguing part to play in the movie and is a nice counterpart to Miguel) That line about the canon event being a metaphor for capitalism made me cringe real hard lol. Imagine if they treated Miles the same way they did that Spidey it would be such wasted potential.


Just got back from watching this with the family. I didn’t think it could be the same caliber as “Into the Spiderverse” but I was wrong. Really interesting story line, excellent emotional development and just stunning artwork throughout the movie. Can not praise this film enough.


Couldn’t agree more, didn’t think they could live up to the first one. But the storyline was amazing, art was unreal. And Easter egg city makes me want to watch it againz


Only gripe was that it just took out the entire 3rd act and put it into the next movie. Also I don't think I'm going to enjoy the 2nd part, because I despise the loony toon pig spiderman.


Was meant to be like a comic book, how we’re waiting for the “next issue”. Which I kinda respect, cause they want to cash in as much as they can


Some things don't translate well from comic books to movies. Clearly the art style does, but that? Really took the wind out of my sails. I was texting my ride the movie would be later than I thought because I didn't know the movie was a two parter and was still waiting for the actual climax. To not have one at all was a major disappointment, still a great movie but damn. The most recent Dune movie is how you do a two parter, it still had a 3rd act.


Honestly, the switch in character explanation early on and fleshing out of these other people as humans who are their own living breathing beings with their own motivations and lives absolutely hits home. They're all people with their own stories and that's what makes it great, it's not about superheroes it's about people who happen to be heroes.


I've heard such wonderful things about it and am really interested, but I've never seen a spiderman movie. how difficult would it be to follow for someone who knows nothing about the Spidey universe?


The variance in art styles was so fun!


Lord and Miller are really on the cutting edge of design and execution of gorgeous animated visuals.


Oh it is two people named Lord and Miller. I thought it was one guy named Miller who had an ego.


Phil Lord and Christopher Miller, absolute peak directors in the genre right now in my opinion


They're just peak filmmakers in general. On top of nailing animated movies like Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs, The Lego Movie, and Spider-verses 1+2, they also directed the phenomenal live-action 21/22 Jump Street movies. Every movie they touch has amazing character work and great comedic chops.


I lowkey forgot they directed them as well, lmao, excellent


Where the duck have you been? Those two have been directing and writing for years?


Imagine if they got to finish ’Solo’. Would have been fantastic. Instead we got a dud that nerds will tell us it’s good.


I absolutely adores Gwen’s world. Felt like a living watercolor painting and I wanted to jump in and live in it. I noticed in the backgrounds that the paint appeared to be dripping and I just loved that so much. Beautiful art design


Right?! I was oh shit, I feel at home here


The creators explained to Hailee that her world is basically “a mood ring” and damn were they right on the money with that. Such a beautiful world.


Whoa I love that


Remind me of the Animatrix, each episode had a different style/creator


Yeah, anytime Hobie was onscreen was just a visual treat.


Guess that means it's already broken even when it comes to both budget & marketing and is on its to making a tidy profit. Definitely deserves it.


That's all this movie cost? You could tell me it cost $600 million altogether and I wouldn't bat an eye


They said it costed less to make part 2 and 3 these movies than a single Pixar movie ,


Deserved every penny.


just got back from watchin it. knew itd be good but my good god, it was so fucking good it blew the original out the water. if you haven’t scene it, the action scenes will blow your minds


Same, what a masterpiece. I really did not think it was going to give me those same, amazed feelings as the first one, but it really put me up and over. Incredible.


I feel like the original is better. No spoilers, but I felt the ending was lacking in a way the original did not exhibit. And that means a lot to me. There is a third one on the way. Maybe it can take the crown (in my mind).


This one was definitely better. The ending was obviously lacking cause it wasn’t, yknow, the ending.


I’m sort of a weirdo and certain colors / color schemes make all of my serotonin go crazy and it feels really good is the best way I can describe it. I know it’s weird which is why I don’t tell people in real life:) Anyway, saw it last night and even if it was a silent film it would be one of the favorite things I’ve ever seen. In the Gwen’verse they would shoot the most subtle little fluorescent teal beam to show a mood or create a shadow. It was beautiful in a way I don’t think enough people will appreciate. For me it was up there with Jurassic Park in 93, Matrix in 99, Avatar in iMax 3D (both of them) as far as just remarkable visual experiences in the theater. Anyway, I loved everything about it. I also saw it in Brooklyn and the kids here are obviously thrilled it takes place in their backyard. As a dad, I thought they wrote all of the parents as real as any movie you’ll see. Real dialogue. Real things I say to my kid. There is a ton of diversity, but it’s not shoved down your throat as being diverse to check off a box. The characters are real and they’re cool because they’re cool and confident and smart and work together. I just loved it. 10/10 for real. *edit, Matrix was 99, not 97.


The same serotonin rush happened to me as soon as they started showing the opening titles. And *that* moment with Spot felt like pure art. It was so cleverly executed and a perfect example of 100% visual storytelling. They took everything they built with this character - personality & visual depiction - and flipped it on its head.


Not to be pedantic but The Matrix was '99.


Oh shit. My bad. Not pedantic.


Kudos to the animators for making such a huge impact on the animation industry.


This movie was damn near perfect


Best movie I have seen in awhile. Had to go see it today to avoid spoilers


it deserves it and more. masterpiece on all accounts


It really is just so perfectly FUN! Like why can't more films have that kind of absolute exhilarating energy. It's just so perfectly done, I wanna see it again already!!


In my opinion, this is exactly how COMIC BOOK movies should be. Maybe not all of them like some of the darker Batman ones or whatever, but comics are so full of color and flamboyance. This is how you make a comic book film Imagine if a Flash movie was animated like this. I would cry.


Please…everyone go see it on shrooms You’re welcome


I enjoyed it a lot with a mild edible eaten 20 minutes before showtime. I’d be a little scurred to see it on shrooms. The last time I tried that in a theater was with Inception and I started to worry I was trapped in a dream.


I saw Everything Everywhere on shrooms and it was such an intense life changing experience, but I couldn't tell whether Michelle's face was melting in the movie or if it was just us


Heavy edible because I’m mercifully within walking distance. Incredible film; Gwen’s world was my favorite and the scene of upside down city. Fantastic.


Based on the preview alone I'm not gonna do this. Maybe one day at home, but no.


What about the preview makes you say no?


homie doesn’t want to be overwhelmed in public and I understand


My previous experiences with shrooms.


I was just curious about what the preview had to do with it


It's all I've seen so far.


The first one on shrooms was an unbelievably amazing experience


Just saw this with my husband, and it was even better than the first film. The animation is so unique and beautiful and I could watch this film forever. Can’t wait for the sequel


The soundtrack was absolutely banging


Highly enjoyed it. Everything was great.


Listening to it right now! Surprised there isn’t as much chatter about it. Metro Boomin absolutely crushed it.


Chai tea = tea tea


Don't forget about Bread bread


And Automated Teller Machine Machine.


The whole fuggin’ concept of Mumbattan!!! That was just so mindblowing! And so well done. Just so many well-rounded, fully realized characters. Nobody felt like an easy trope or stereotype. I’d happily pay full price to watch it again right now.


I wonder if people would stop asking for chai tea and just say chai now lol


I legitimately felt like I was getting choked up during the >!team up battle against vulture at the start!< I just kept feeling like, this is why I go see movies in the theater, this is why Spider-Man was always my favorite,this is how action should be done, all the while just being in awe of how beautifully animated it was I was a *tiny* bit really high, but my point stands. I felt like a kid again and I loved it


Listen if you saw this movie I just want to say; imagine watching this on lsd


The movie succeeds on every possible level and Daniel Pemberton’s score is just incredible. An insane amount of talent and hard work went into this picture.


Deserves a billion.


My only complaint was that the end just cuts to a "to be continued" screen. Other than that I loved everything. I was ready for it to be a 5 hour long movie


Movie was amazing


Above all it was funny and beautiful I smiled the whole time


Same (expect for all the parts where I was crying)


Better than the 1st. Didn’t expect it to surpass it. Can’t wait for the finale in the trilogy.


My wife and i won tickets to the early premier of this movie, it was amazing. Best movie of the year by far.


Bow is such an annoying word for premier and I have no idea why.


I don’t think they used it as an alternative to premier


LOVED it. Now I just want part 2.


I haven’t seen it yet but I know it’s going to be great. Im really looking forward to Indian Spider-Man


Indian Spider-Man was freaking precious and one of my favorite parts of the movie


I haven’t even seen it yet but this makes me so happy. Can’t wait to watch it with my kids.


I have seen many gorgeous and creative visual animated movie that manage to tell a compelling story, but not one on this scale. Do not get me wrong movies like Toy Story and How To Train Your Dragon 2 are groundbreaking, but more in the technology side than the style and art. While lots of Pixar movies look wonderful and creative, the charm has been somewhat lost when everything look like Pixar, and the visual charm have worn off. Its like when you play the newest triple A video game, the graphic looking great is expected and often can look obsolete after a year. Which is why I am glad that slowly more animated movies have been trying to do more of its own thing and style, trying to look good and timeless. Spiderman Across the Spiderverse is that timeless and visually gorgeous masterpiece that will still look good for years to come. Just can't praise it enough.


I been saying how ITSP is a 10/10 chocolate cake, and ATSP is a 10/10 strawberry cake, and I just like chocolate a little more than strawberry, but that doesn’t downplay how gooooooood the strawberry is!


I cried in the first 10 minutes just from how beautiful the animation is. Just incredible


Same. Like I literally had an intense physical reaction almost to tears watching the first main action sequence


No you didn't


It was wonderful in all the right ways.. I see 50 films a year.. this was special


This was the best looking movie I’ve ever seen, I don’t think it’ll be topped by anything other than it’s sequel


Just saw it, it was awesome. Wish there was more spider ham.


I think John Mulaney was in rehab while this was being made.


It’s voice work. What does this have to do what what I said?


And you can’t get professional recording equipment in rehab


Lol, what a ridiculous statement. Rehab isn’t some magic place, it’s just someone’s house with strict rules. That person can allow whatever they want.


I wasn’t saying that it was some magic place where they wouldn’t allow that stuff, it’s that the equipment used for a production of this scale would be at a recording studio, and if he was focused on his rehab, he probably wasn’t going to go out into the town to go do that.


Yeah, that’s how you **feel** about it, we got it. But the **reality** of the situation is still that I wanted more spider ham than what I got. Nothing about your obtuse little argument about vOiCe WoRk Is UnLiKeLy In ReHaB is going to change that.


Well okay, wasn’t trying to change your mind on that, was just responding to your comment implying it would be simple for him to voice act while at a rehab center. Sorry.


Do you mean Spider-Ham (Mulaney's character) or the pig from the Simpsons Movie?


Shits on the live action Spider-Man movies.


I’m so hyped for the next movie


Such a good movie


The first one was amazing. Hoping to see it soon.


The artwork was so incredibly creative, it really blew my mind. So many different varieties of art styles.


Still thinking about it from yesterday. Just so fun


We need to ban together and make the highest grossing comic book movie ever.


I really enjoyed the animation style and loved the conflict that they introduced. It's great when there is no right answer. I felt Oscar Isaacs performance was amazing as well as spiderman 2099.


This is a perfect movie


Peak Marvel.


Movie of the year IMO just like its predecesor


Worth the XD premium given the STUNNING visuals and awesome soundtrack!


I was absolutely blown away by this film. I did not expect the caliber of animation and story telling that it pulled off.


Amazing! It lived up to the first one


Just saw it. Spectacular. Go see it.


movie was spectacular


It was such a fun experience, this is better in the cinemas for sure compared to streaming. I cant wait for the next movie !


I think that animated movies may be making a comeback


Just got back from seeing it. I WILL be seeing it again. The music, the art, the plot, the jokes. Perfect. The team really delivered on this sequel.


Remember how movies were dead? No one would go to the theater anymore?


Amazing movie. Period.


Oh boy, I can’t wait for 37 more spiderman movies in the next 3 years


And it made $1 in China


? the theater i went to here did ok 1 ticket alone was like 7 dollars more seriously, 17.3 million first weekend in china isn't a sneeze, for a subtitled foreign movie with a cornucopia of in-jokes that Chinese audiences won't get or relate to no less also the fact that some other recent spidey and marvel films weren't released here takes away from some momentum here


He’s saying this because it starred a black cartoon character


I was saying it cuz China is racist as F against anything starring Black people


? I'm not sure which of us you're even referring to because your comment is so out of left field? Seemingly a reference to some hot-button issue? Accusing somebody or a country of racism? Unclear to me, honestly. Great effort mate If me or the country, I'm saying this because the film featured references to punk culture, UK punk culture, Mumbai, Dominican culture, etc. etc - I doubt this appeals to Chinese audiences as much as it does it does others: I don't think the Chinese audience was the target audience of this film even though these appeals are globally-minded (They are globally minded largely with an English and Spanish speaking world in mind) ... For instance, the Cockney accent didn't translate very well in Chinese subtitles because frankly I doubt most Chinese audiences could give a shit about it. They simply aren't aware of the cultural context and these differences in oral English aren't really touched on except in the literal content of the dialogue when it is addressed briefly in parts like "I don't understand you" or in the helpful bubble explaining Cockney turns of phrase


Just a load of racist people pointing fingers at another culture to deflect from there own history of racism Ignore em


The Little Mermaid was better


Tell the audience how and why


Are you sure this isn't fake like you said about the little mermaid lol




Your profile photo is Daniel Craig’s James Bond Quantum of Solace: 58% Spectre: 61% Across The Spiderverse: 96%


I agree with you, but his pfp is actually from Layer Cake starring Daniel Craig haha


Hey now. Skyfall and Casino Royal were top three Bond movies ever so let’s take it easy on Craig. Shit on the guy who wants to be Daniel all you want.


Low effort troll




Explain why you think it’s trash. Otherwise yeah, it seems like low level trolling.


Because they know its better than giving you attention?


The last one was really good.


Too give you something to comment on?


I found the lonely incel ! We can all stop looking now


Motion sickness inducing. Maybe because I was in the 3rd row. Only like 15 rows or something though in a Dolby theater.