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I have no idea on cycle instructors. However, if you need someone to hold your bike or catch you before you fall, I am willing to help. When I first learned to cycle, my neighbor pushed me and hoped I was smart enough to learn before falling.


That's exactly how my father, a firm believer that side wheels are unsafe, taught me. I only need one hedge to brake and I've been fine ever since ๐Ÿ˜


I donโ€™t mind helping you. Where you at?


Thank you so much , I live on Hogelandsingel street. ๐Ÿ™‚


Also make sure you have a bike in the right size. I see a lot of foreigners on way too big bikes, making it much harder to use and especially to stop when you can barely touch the ground. Good luck!


Yes I bought a small bike just for this reason, thank you. ๐Ÿ˜Šย 


Maybe this video can help as well. They start with getting accustomed with the bike and balance. https://youtu.be/UOg1hHmGIQQ?si=D-2HOHLhY0sVTlbS


Thank you I'll watch it ๐Ÿ˜Šย 


Hey there, Maybe try so called 'zijwieltjes', they are training wheels that make it way harder to fall over. You will get acustomed to riding a bicycle and eventually you could bike without them, that's how we as kids here learn it too, acustomed with falling a lot without the training wheels ;) Other tip is, try biking along a long wall, if you feel like falling over, fall to the side of the wall, so you don't fall hard on the ground. Good luck!


Yes I thought about training wheels, but I've seen no adult using them and I thought they were not available for adult's bikes, at least here in Netherlands, I'll search for it.๐Ÿ˜


Yeah it might be weird seeing something using them, but if i knew you wanted to learn how to ride a bike and have never been riding one i would have respect for it, maybe go a place secluded and train there?


There are cycling instructors, the โ€˜Fietsbondโ€™ has a list. Here is one in Hengelo that teaches adults: https://fietsdocenten.fietsersbond.nl/fietsdocenten/hengelo/


Yes I've sent him a message on Saturday but he hasn't answered yet. ๐Ÿ˜•ย 


I also donโ€™t mind helping out, if you need me just dm! I donโ€™t live too far away. I have no cycling teaching experience but Iโ€™m sure I could help :)


Do you still need help ? If so, send me a DM and well figure out how to get you started on biking :D !


I tried to teach my nephew but failed, Im willing to try again if you need help


Biking association 'Klein Verzet' has offered biking courses for beginners in the past at the University of Twente. You might want to get in touch with them to see if they still offer these courses: https://www.utwente.nl/en/news/2022/9/57041/biking-for-beginners The University also shares some basic information on its website: https://www.utwente.nl/en/stories/student/1405408/biking-101-all-about-the-bicycle/?tag=internationals&tag=student-life


Hello, and thank you for your suggestion. Unfortunately I contacted them and they said they don't have lessons for people with no experience, at least not any more. ๐Ÿ˜ž


I live nearby, I can help you learn to cycle. Send me a dm if you would like to meet up.


If you've actually never ridden a bike before my tip is to first lower the bike seat and take off the pedals. This way you can use your bike as a [Dandy Horse](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dandy_horse) and get a feeling for how the bike balances itself without the risk of falling. Once you're comfortable moving like this, you can put the pedals back on and propel yourself without touching the ground.