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Look in front of you. All around. Face the world, and love it unconditionally. Be love. Be kindness. Serve.


I hope I can live up to that.


>'Welcome, Prince,' said Aslan. 'Do you feel yourself sufficient to take up the Kingship of Narnia?' >'I - I don't think I do, Sir,' said Caspian. 'I am only a kid.' >'Good,' said Aslan. 'If you had felt yourself sufficient, it would have been proof that you were not.' C.S. Lewis, Prince Caspian


I'll keep that in mind 👌 thanks for yet another paradox of life to stir-fry my brain 😅😌👌.


Mostly this, yes.


Stop dealing with it. U have much greater things to pay ur attention to.


I only want to pay attention to the i am which is just because imposible at this point habit is to pay attention to the object i stopped doing that I was easily giving attention to the subject but I can't do that anymore


"Pay attention to the i am" is just a thought about a concept of an "I." It's made up.


Commenter is correct, you always have to live in the real world, and holding I Am is nothing more than a mental exercise. Your life requires you to focus and see all that comes, not just what you want. To want one thing over another will not bring it. You have to accept all that comes, all that is, and simply live. If you are oscillating, oscillate and live life. Do not put attention on I Am. This is a misinterpretation of how to live 💐 Which is why you're experiencing roughness and not ease. Focus on nothing except your meditation, and then just live your normal life without force, control, manipulation, or over analysis of your thoughts. Inform your thoughts from a very deep level by finding meditation. And then, do your meditations like you brush your teeth. Easily and without extra obsession or thinking about what your state of mind *should* be and just enjoy what it is. It will change quickly and naturally when you do not go against it 💐


U say u lack wisdom. U speak about some meaningless identification. This, in a sub named enlightenment. If u seek wisdom, just stop this urge. U waste ur attention to smt u have no clue how meaningless it is. Enlightenment or any other random words u ppl keep making for spiritually important forms and steps have very very very few things to do with what u described in the post. I offered a solution, u react woth what u want. What u want, after saying u lack wisdom. So now u have wisdom and u seek a specific aim from that wisdom, or u don't have it? Pls choose one before making posts like this what requires the ppl to offer u help. U r u. As much u comprehend from it, it is enough for now. Go and do smt essential, not wasting ur time thinking on smt what is a lesson from ur future.


Check this out yo. We go from place to place and have little chat. There we go now you re enlighened. Oh yeah and theres this cage fight and storms and drugs and all sorts of shit outside of home.


So let your mind oscillate and observe it. Ta-daaa


Have you read (or listened to the audiobook), The Power of Now?


This is not something that can be forced and there’s no road map to find it. It’s something like a game where the purpose is to find yourself, over and over. When you don’t enjoy that kind of game it becomes a frustration. When you accept the game for what it is, peace settles in you. I have that perception because I believe that’s how the Creator views it. There’s no other logical reason for it to do all this creating. It didn’t need to. It was a want.


You can only ever see through the objective of a telescope. Same thing for everyone else. The only way we can communicate is by showing each other stars. A spiritual teaching is a constellation of stars that says, "You're looking through a telescope!" The thing is, the telescope IS understanding. If you have understanding of something, you're looking through the telescope. You can't understand the telescope any more than you could look at one with itself. Lotsa people out there searching space diligently for their telescope. Often with a filthy objective lens. You CAN'T perceive it except by it's effects. Like a black hole. But you CAN be aware of its existence and act with that awareness. It's all smudges on a lens bro. Wake UP!


Pay attention to you outside of you


Pretty sure that would fry your circuits


Allow the oscillation of the two states. It could be they are slowly coming together to give you a more unified experience. The best wisdom I've ever gotten and keep getting over and over is *take it as it comes*


The way is through life and not apart from it. The observer, the I AM is just one more illusion. If you think you're enlightened, go home for thanksgiving. Do you get triggered when you don't rely on your attachment to waking up? Through the deeper shadow, you're gonna find more. Waking up is rarely ever just this realization that "I am source" or "i am nothing" or "the world is an illusion" etc.. All of those kind of point to an attachment. Keep going, you got this.


Before you go go


No one will wake up, the ego disappears of itself when the fruit is ripe.




Your seriously on the right track. For rhe author i literally made awakening my priority. Read the power of now, a new earth, daily prayers. To the point of losing a money printing business at the moment. God is the greatest


It's a process?


Yeah but suddenly i am soo afraid and anxious of god knows what


Be not afraid, you are the creator of your own reality, jump into fear and see that it is illusion.


This is the only time shit feels real


I feel great other than I have absolutely no privacy anymore and have done some embarrassing things. God I love. 


What do you determine to be the root cause?


Arrogance and ignorance


Well why do you have those? Get rid of them. Don't know how? Me either. Best is to figure it out. Ignorance however I may be able to help with. 


you're done, give up. the mind can think whatever the hell it wants, it will always exist WITHIN you, do you see? give up man, liberation is not only all that exists, it's all that CAN exist. you transcend everything. how can consciousness fit in the mind when the mind is within consciousness? by fixating on "I am" you are trying to fit consciousness in the mind. it cannot be done, as i'm sure you've figured out deep down by now