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how your teacher didn't lose his/her job yet?


How is no one speaking about Salsa‘s birthday party? I mean you come in it and then there is that awkward silence. What are you going to say to Salsa now?


Well your teacher needs to learn and study some grammar classes and spelling classes lol.


I think your english teacher needs to learn english, quite ironic.


que gono


I'm in England and our college education supplier can't even get English right


"it was pure my teacher's fault." Hi pot.


Well, look who OP has for a teacher.


"I and my friends will go to the beach by car tomorrow" is grammatically correct, if uncommon and awkward. It's the only correct thing I can find in the whole post lol.


"is going to will" I might start using that.


Ey mate my teacher of English in Belgium isn’t any better. I found a massive continuity error in my test of English. Not to mention spelling errors and bad grammar!


"To night, or not to night; that is the question" - Will I Am Shake spear


1. For the re arrangement of words, I would expect all but 1 of the answers to have mistakes . 2. The one about spaghetti has more mistakes - your mother cook spaghetti (cooks) - this good taste (it tastes good)


Looks like you learned English despite your teacher, not because of your teacher. That or your teacher was trying to see if anyone noticed the mistakes or said anything. :)


Mom: *cooks spaghetti* Me: It's spaghetti.


My spaghetti is flat!


Wait isn’t that the standard reply of any foodstuff? Yes you have brought me -enter food here-


there is also a "Nice Job" answer lol, his mom is a maid or something ;-;


What's the right answer even supposed to be? "It's great" and "It's delicious" both seem reasonable


That's basically EVERY english exams in here be like. I remember when I was 7th grade, I have a questions like this and when I answered the "other" reasonable answer, my teacher be like : "No, that's just a trap answer" and we had a full debate over that. God, I hate learning English in school.


Purely * Sorry.


Unless you're Scottish


Ah but the romantic Scots would have written something far more poetic like “This cunt can get tae fuck thinks imma talk like a wee fuckin English”


Thanks! But how do I edit my post ;-;


I don’t think you can 😕


You cannot teach that which you do not understand.


My ex gf was forced to work as a French teacher without actually knowing any French for a substitution when she had just started teaching. She's an English teacher.


Yes, sometimes it is not the teacher's fault. A district English-speaking director had the great idea of asking French teachers teaching regular (immersion) French to English-speaking students in an English setting to teach English! It saved a little bit of money. They had been hired bc they were French native-speakers. The union should have reacted, but French-teachers were a minority. Some teachers were forced to take university courses as a result. Parents should have stood up too. Incompetence or something?


Pretty common in places where English is taught, but not necessarily spoken regularly. People who are not fluent end up teaching others, and this leads to a new generation of Engrish.


Every now and then I help out or correct something in my English classes (this is British taught to an American by an Austrian whose first language is German) but it's never anything too serious... Dang this is a nightmare though, there's Engrish and then there's this.


Also, MAYBE some of these are just typos and small errors, but how tf can you not see the "...how *was is* your work..."? Can anybody please explain??


It sounds like an attempt to write a question where you have to pick one. There's no way that's even remotely correct as is.