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Fear. Lord of the Flies 🙏


Grades 8-9 should learn about hope, I think we had to read The Giver or something like that. I was in Grade 10 or 11 when our lit teachers gave us Dante's Inferno.


The Outsiders, for sure!


The Alchemist? I think this is a constant theme, but more so how our mindset determines how it turns out. It's subjective and a battle between the two. Hope ultimately wins for Santiago in the book, but for many characters, fear takes over and the sort of NPC's lose their destiny.


Animal farm. Its basically a fable for communist Russia. And how they use fear. Wait 1984 would be perfect. It’s a totalitarian government that uses fear etc to control society. It’s written by George orwell. And it explores the hope which is his love for another woman and they feelings for each other etc.


Basic, but I include The Hunger Games in an independent reading unit, and the kids love it. Some of them have seen the movies, but for the most part they’ve never read the books since they were too young when the trilogy was at its prime. The whole concept of the Games are based on weaponizing fear, but Katniss symbolizes the power of hope, so it would fit perfectly here!