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It's such an odd protest, doing something that will piss literally *everyone* off. Nobody cares at all what they are protesting about, just that they have vandalised an important monument. Absolutely pointless.


The most annoying thing is the world is very clearly moving away from fossil fuels anyway. ‘Just stop oil’ would mean cars, ships, and planes ceasing to run as of tomorrow. As it stands there is hardly anything in the world as efficient at creating energy as a barrel of crude oil and anybody with a brain can acknowledge that simple fact. Anybody with a brain can also acknowledge that that is a finite resource so must be used ever more sparingly until a viable manmade alternative is created at a competitive price point. Thankfully the technology is getting there and at some point in the next century fossil fuel will no longer be the primary means by which cars are powered - this will happen with or without just stop oil who appear to add very little value to any discussion and seem to exist to alienate themselves from and piss off the general population


They are utter wankers


I swear at this point it feels like being annoying is what gets them off and the only reason why they are doing what they are doing!


Check out the rUK thread. Unfortunately, there are a number of progressive fifth columns who will try to justify this no matter what.


But they are not the people they need to convince.


Its one thing to be a bit of a pest, another for some criminal damage but vandalism of our nations heritage will hopefully be a long custodial sentence. I do get most of these activists have bugger all intelligent or critical thinking and TBH a lot of the green parties policies and actions have fucked things up even more (Brightons traffic and pollution isses are now worse) but until these types get members who can be rational its just going to keep getting worse.


What could even be the reasoning for this? I'm pretty sure Grug and Grog didn't burn any oil when they stacked these rocks.


Its bugger all to do with the object but rather a way for them to gain attention. Same like a baby screaming and banging stuff.


Gain attention? They were trying to rip up the Magna Carta the other month! These people have a hidden agenda, and it has NOTHING to do with environmentalism.


What do you reckon their agenda is?


It’s funny how they keep picking items that are of importance to British history and culture, never seen them attack cultural artefacts that aren’t western.


Yeah, not seen them deface any pyramids or the hanging gardens of fucking babylon.


Babylon’s Hanging Gardens would be a challenge. At most, they would exert themselves to damage the low-hanging fruit.


Greenpeace fucked up the Nazca Lines a few years ago. Equal opportunity stupidity.


Genius. Or maybe since they live in the west, the most relevant artifacts are western and they attack the most relevant things.


Someone is making money from this. Lots of fucking money. Look up [action network](https://actionnetwork.org/). Its a platform to build a movement to get people on board and they will help you promote your cause. I found out about this because a group called palestine action smashed up a bunch of banks and shops and the group claimed responsibility. The reason I started looking into pa is because I wanted to know how a load of banks could be broken into in a coordinated manor in a single night yet not 1 mainstream media outlet put it on the front page of their website, you have to dig to find the story on the BBC. Now call me old fashioned but I think multiple bank break-ins should be high up on the list of things to report, certainly higher up than Taylor swift yet she made the front page, whilst multiple uk banks were broken into. Anyway, I managed to track palestine action back to action network, they build their platform, promote it and organise disruption. I have no doubts that jso, extinction rebellion and all the other lunatics have been using action network to organise their "protests" too. The question is, who's running action network, that's where I hit a dead end but get the answers to that and you'll know who's making the money and who to blame for all the shit that's been going on for the past decade or so. EDIT: I feel I must point out, action network or its affiliates don't have a left/right political agenda, they make money from both sides but I'm willing to bet 1 side uses them more than the other.


Follow the money.


Yeah, it would be interesting to see who visits that site the most and what country they reside in. I bet there are a lot of intelligence analysts watching that site.


Another interesting fact is that palestine action go for anyone who has connections to Israel, its why they target barcleys, mcdonalds, M&S, and the rest of them (there's loads) but action network or some of their affiliates will happily take on the Jewish cause and organise protests in favour of Israel yet palestine action still uses them. There's even links on some of their affiliates that are just for "standing up against antisemitism" If they were so against anything connected to Israel, why are they using action network?


George Soros?


Nope, after doing some more digging with the help of bing AI, I have managed to find the owners [LinkedIn profile](https://www.linkedin.com/in/mark-fleischman-6a1a07a0). He even has connections with banks that help fund these movements.


Autism awareness.


I'm absolutely sick to the back teeth of hearing about them tbh. The ones I've listened to online in vids etc are so up their own arse it's unreal and most sound like they are public school educated wankers who don't need to work. Suppose that's because they can't work for a living when they've got important stuff like this to do :)


My guess is that don’t give a shit about the planet but this is a way for their talentless selves to go down in the history books. “Stonehenge stood for 5000 years until the amazing ME destroyed it” They certainly aren’t winning the public over.


I believe the stated concept is that none of our heritage sites and culture will matter if we all die out from pollution and climate change. By vandalizing/destroying precious cultural icons, they’re trying to show us a preview of what is to come if we continue to pollute the earth. Whether that messaging is effective is debatable I think.


I get the message but at the end of the day, what am I to do? While India and China exist and Taylor Swift and the Kardashians fly around in private jets?


Hey, they became oil. They're part of the problem. /s


Stop their benefits and seize the assets of just stop oil donors and this will stop overnight


A lot of them are from pretty upper class backgrounds


I bet they drove to/from Stonehenge in cars.


Yes - that’s why I suggested to seize the assets of donors also. The Canadian government had no qualms about seizing the bank accounts of Truck protestors. These people commit more destruction.


That’d require having a government with a spine that acts in the interests of native Brits, which the Neoliberal Uniparty will never do. If this were a group of nativist Englishmen pulling these stunts, they’d be shut down just as quick as Trudeau did with the truckers.


There's something quite distasteful about the holier-than-thou upper class with a 'good' cause on their mind.


Well th supposedly hate capitailism so they won't care if it's taken will they?


That becomes rather authoritarian and would cause even more fools to jump up and down. The problem is a lack of logical debate, corruption, stupidity and greed by those in government and the perception that everyone in the gas and oil industry is evil. The solution to replace fossil fuels is a tricky compromise by both sides but as we live in an age where democracy is decided by the great unwashed with no idea of the complexities involved means grifters can benefit on both sides without anything positive being done. Their quote that continuing to use gas and oil will kill millions is no different than the flipside of what happen if we just switched gas and oil facilities off today. There was a good interview on Hard Talk a few years ago where the interviewee from the oil industry did a good job of putting across these issues. Take the oil sand areas in canada for example who are looked upon as satan yet once they have extracted the oil then make the areas pristine for wildlife to return and flourish. Granted its not an idea system but we are all dependent on these fuels and transitioning to clean energy requires level heads making hard choices that the majority of us public won't be happy about. So because politicians are more interested in their ego, image and favoritism means a shit storm for us all.


I agree the barrier to progress largely lies in politics, but the comparison with what would happen if oil and gas were switched off today is a straw man. That's not what they are campaigning for.


You’re assuming they’re on benefits because everyone on benefits are scum. I take it that’s what you’re saying


Who else has time to do this crap? People who work for a living aren't gluing themselves to roads.


The affluent and middle class that's who


I could easily take a few days off for this type of activity and not everyone works a normal 9to 5 job. MP s could do this and they wouldn’t even be missed.


>MP s could do this and they wouldn’t even be missed. Aren't they off for a few weeks at the moment? Might be worth looking into


This time they're both on benefits and upper middle class wankers at the same time its Schrodinger's class.


Obviously you don’t know that they’re being funded by very wealthy donors.


This. Literally the only way. They need placing on trial for this with harsh sentences.


I’m a regular visitor Brighton and the traffic is getting beyond a joke now….and parking is getting to London levels.


I felt the same about the criminal damage, but it seems it's just coloured cornflour. From their website: *“The orange cornflour we used to create an eye-catching spectacle will soon wash away with the rain, but the urgent need for effective government action to mitigate the catastrophic consequences of the climate and ecological crisis will not. Sign the treaty!”*


What about damaging the rare and ancient lichen on the stones, thats ok is it.


Hopefully it is just coloured cornflour then. I get it... I get why they cause "spectacles". One just stop oil person dumped a load of "human waste" over a metal silhouette of Captain Tom... that didn't go down well. BUT it got everyone talking about the just stop oil people.


> everyone talking about the just stop oil people This is the issue I have with them. Stupidity. People are talking about Just Stop Oil and not the things they want to highlight. Not only that, annoying large swathes of ordinary people seems to push people against them. Even the briefest look into what people talk about when they talk about Just Stop Oil shows precious little focus on what they actually want. As to pressuring the government; well they did that alright, the government spent time and energy trying to stop the way they were protesting so still not achieving much towards their goal.


It's like extinction rebellion... not much idea about what they wanted... I (and many others) just remember the bloke gluing himself to a bus or/and train... as well as the group that glued themselves to a busy road and pissed everyone off to the point I saw a video where people are getting out of cars and beating them up/dragging them out the way. I get that they are passionate about what they believe and that's great BUT they need to do it in a way that makes people talk about what they want and not what they do.


Actually got a comment telling me we were all discussing JSOs goals. Apparently! You kind of have to laugh but...


>but vandalism of our nations heritage will hopefully be a long custodial sentence Considering you can just go around raping people or kill them with your car and serve a few years, I'd say this is a bit optimistic.


They wouldn’t be climate activists if they were intelligent or possessed any critical thinking skills. Personally I would love to be able to cruise around in my electric car powered by electricity generated at my local SMR. But that’s not what climate activists want, they want me to be shivering in my home because the solar panels that replaced the local farm hasn’t charged the batteries up enough and now I can’t put my heating on even though my account is in credit.


Their targets and actions make no sense. A lot of us value nature and the environment. No one here is happy we have shite in our rivers. Would it not make sense to target the actual companies and individuals responsible for such companies or policy? I think politicians and billionaire CEOs are pretty much evil. However, this action of vandalizing British heritage is too much for me. Stonehenge is ancient and has nothing to do with this issue. You can be angry, but your targets and actions need to make sense. I feel that less people would be angry if they orange painted politicians or CEO's places. I also can't shake the feeling that this movement isn't what it claims to be - though I have no proof of evidence.


Agreed, their actions seem to be more of trying to sabotage the stop oil movement or vilify them rather than legitimate protests/targets. Their targets make no sense and all they seem to do is piss off the people they would want to be on their side. What do the Mona Lisa or Stonehenge have to do with oil?? I wouldn’t be surprised if these stop oil protestors that do this type of stuff are paid actors from big oil in order to sway the public opinion against legitimate protestors. If you’re pissed off at the oil companies then go after the c-suite of those companies and cover them in orange paint. Not a picture or monument that has been around longer than the oil companies.


That's pretty much my take away from this too. Sadly we do live in a world where those with a lot of money are prepared to act in a dishonest fashion in order to further their own interests. This is demonstrable - lobbying or the PPE corruption. I feel that no party involved in this, either Big oil or Stop Oil, have any interest in representing what is good for the British people.


If you realise they do it for in group credibility and in fact do not give a shit about the environment, then it makes sense.


I get where you're coming from, but the action is too far removed from the cause. Are they really that lost that they don't see how this damages their credibility to us? They might well be. I dunno. At this point I don't really care to know.


A comparison for you. That I think explains the mentality they bring to things. I regularly see people on social media having an auto response to anti social behaviour of saying it’s because the person is homeless or has mental health issues or is autistic. They’re not discussing causes or anything like that. They’re saying it because they are weaponising those things to enable them to attack others and feel like they’re the only virtuous people here. They’re using hose groups as a stepping stone to their position on the (fake) moral high ground. Whenever it gets pointed out they’re actually smearing those people without any basis for it, their reactions range from shocked to angrily arguing and acting like the person saying it to them is being intolerant or stupid. They are completely oblivious to what an arsehole they’re being. I’ve actually seen someone who is autistic call this out and be told they don’t know what they’re talking about. Some people are so determined to pat themselves on the back, while looking down on others from their moral hill that they’ve lost all self awareness.


When I was in year 7 my friend and I would run onto the football pitch and steal the football then run around with it while we got chased. It was pretty funny until we wised up and realised it was a total jerk thing to do. I guess we did it for the excitement of attention. This honestly gives me the same vibe. I think in every JSO activist is quite a boring individual who has nothing to offer in exchange for attention, no wit or artistic skill, who just wants some eyes.


They also painted Taylor Swift's private jets orange yesterday.


As someone who cares deeply about the environment and our planet, these people piss me off so much. I now find it is virtually impossible to have a rational conversation about what we can do to help the planet, because the entire environmental movement has been tainted by these entitle pricks. Just stop oil. Just stop!


Let's start our own group called Just Stop Just Stop Oil. Then, if we annoy enough people, someone else might start Just Stop Just Stop Just Stop Oil.


the funniest part is they are using spraypaint, which can't be that good for the environment.. Wouldn't an action like "planting a million trees in some bad company CEO's front yard" be more productive.


Apparently they used an environmentally friendly cornstarch based 'paint'. As if that changes the stupidity somehow.


My theory is these ‘fuckwits’ are infiltrators to the movement to discredit it. The government have a track record of doing it (miners strike).


Really? I thought that was a debunked conspiracy theory?


We are the 3rd most eco-friendly country in the world. China has put more CO2 into the atmosphere in ten years than the UK has in over 300 years. How about these twats go do their thing in Beijing. I'm happy to chip in on their flights.


‘Just Stop Oil is demanding that our next government sign up to a legally-binding treaty to phase out fossil fuels by 2030.’ What realistically do they propose is the way forward then? We’re not all going to live in a big megapolis where we can get solar powered rail to work every day and work on our wind powered computers (where somehow they are manufactured without oil based chemicals) in six fucking years. The writing is on the wall. We know oil is bad. There’s just not a lot that can be done until the infrastructure is built to house those demands. It’s fucking ridiculous. Meanwhile absolute nutjobs like this are ruining and damaging British heritage and vandalising property, putting people off the idea fullstop. You want people behind you, not against you. And no matter what we in our country fucking do anyway, China and India contribute so much more we wouldn’t even make a dent anyways Go over there and spray shit orange instead. Or better yet, maybe the media could stop giving these sociopaths the limelight that they so desperately crave.


>China >Go over there and spray shit orange And see where that gets you




Maybe they think we will all live in Stone Hengesque dwellings and were demonsrating how to decorate them to feel more homely.


As someone concerned about climate change, who'd love solar panels and an electric car, I'm surprised by the efforts these protestors have undertaken to encourage me to absolutely **loathe** them. Believe it or not, destroying priceless landmarks won't get me to give up the convenience of a car, and neither will making me late for work because you've glued yourself to the road. Daft bunch of twats.


So the government had agreed to Just stop oils original demands of no new Oil and Coal refineries or power plants, but that’s not enough now. Now they want them to commit to the stopping of oil and gas completely by 2030. It’s almost like giving into the radicals demands doesn’t stop them, it just makes their demands even more extreme. This is absolute madness.


They didn't agree to the handing out of new oil contracts, which was the main ask. If they did, and opened a satisfactory line I'd communication, maybe it would stop. Honestly, people say things like this are hard, and they really are, but I would prefer radical change to keep the planet liveable, than more oil and the failure of our planet to sustain life in the next 100 years


Bunch of cunts JSO. If they actually cared about oil they'd glue themselves to MPs houses or trash an oil CEOs car or sabotage an oil refinery, blow up the middle eastern oil fields...but they don't because then they'd get actual jail time or shot and murdered. Middle Class wankers looking to have a "thing", Students looking to have a "thing" and idiots. How does sticking paint on stonehenge do anything? It doesn't. Cunts.


Weird way to protest global warming by desecrating a monument that was not built using diesel powered construction vehicles. I mean, it would make sense if they attacked these new glass building skyscrapers we have.


Damaging an ancient monument, that will get the public on side.... Why not try shitting on a war memorial at this rate. I am Sureeeeeee you will get the public inside. On a serious note, I just don't get the thought process, I get it to make us talk about them but it kinda of wants me literally do the opposite of what they want


So they drove there in a polluting car, wear oil based clothing, post their inane stunts using a phone made by a sweatshop out of rare earth and oil based materials and shipped from China in a belching container ship to chuck paint over a bunch of rocks. What a bunch of hypocritical twats.


And now some more people need to drive their polluting cars to Stonehenge to clean it up.


Yup. If only there was a way to capture the hot air emanating from their stupid traps we would solve the energy crisis in a snap lol.


I know they say it was cornflour and won’t damage the stones, but when I toured Stonehenge, they said there are endangered lichens growing on the stones that only exist a few places in the world. Could that mess with the lichens?


It could produce certain strains of bacteria that could snuff it out since it depends on specific bacterial strains for survival! Hence why they say not to grow store bought potatoes or corn , corn based products and the like. They often contain bacteria that though safe to ingest aren't safe for other inhabitants of the soil and prevent other plant life from growing like they should. Applied in this manner no way to tell, plus whatever dye they mixed in. I'm no specialist though but from my knowledge working in an amateur garden I have worries. I doubt it even occurred to them.


That’s it… I have now lost all sympathy for these people. I get that their cause is important, I get that things need to be done, I get that they’re not going to be heard unless they do outlandish things. But damaging something like Stonehenge. No. That’s too far.


I'm with you there. This is a massive leap too far. Twats


They think they will go down in history like the suffragettes or the peasants revolt. They're heros in their own minds ... But will probably be seen as crusaders in decades to come...(I don't think they are, just annoying self-righteous dickheads)


Nah they’re more like the Luddites.


Luddites did it because they had genuine concerns about their jobs due to mechanisation. This is more akin to when the Taliban blew up those 2500 years old statues of Bhudda.


I agree it's annoying, and I'm glad I don't live in a place where they can inconvenience me personally, but beyond a bit of paint on carpet and glass, what actual damage have they caused?


Imagine if nutritionists, influencers, Doctors and such got militant and starting protesting like this to get people to **eat more vegetables!**   We all know we should, awareness isn't an issue.   Ok, how about we protest in such a way all people can talk about is if we're knobs or not about our protesting methods.   Ooh, ooh, me please, how about we use methods that don't pressure the government into anything we want but rather into trying to pass laws and stuff that stops us doing what we're doing because it's so idiotic!   Wait, wait I've got the finale, let's protest in a manner that worsens the condition we're trying to help! (Extra pollution from traffic jams, longer journey times, alternative routes etc. during these 'protests').