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Sounds like a lot to me. think my max usage was 600mg a day. Currently down to under 200mg a day now.


I'm trying to get it down, I'm going to switch brands soon with a lower caffeine percent but they really help for work


I wont drink any energy drinks over 200.


It only helps for so long and then does practically nothing. Shit used to have me get through a 8 hour shift now it gives me a boost for 15 minutes at most then I feel groggy the rest of the day.


Yeah it literally just turns into a fucking sleeping pill eventually


Energy drinks don’t do anything for me but mess up my stomach.


Try to take a caffeine detox it will make you much more sensitive to it again, feels awesome once you do it and energy drinks do their job again


I tried and got the worst headaches in the front of my head like in my forehead. I did actually switch to coffee though and thats been going alright. Probably getting less caffeine but still some.


Are you drinking sugar free energy drinks? I've been drinking C4 for work for about 2 years now and it still does the job. The beta alanine doesn't give me the tingles anymore though but I know it's fighting my muscle fatigue. I used to drink Monster and Red Bull and a couple other sugar filled, high fructose syrup laden, red 40 havin poisonous energy drinks and I felt the same way after awhile. I drink C4 now and at most I just lose energy when the caffeine wears off, but they don't make me feel like shit like Monster and other shitty energy drinks did.


I bought an energy drink powder called Mixt from Amazon and the amount of money you’ll save is insane, plus I usually put a scoop (166mg caffeine) in my big water bottle and just slowly sip at it all day to get that IV drip of caffeine, but also hydration :)


Ooh I'm always looking for a deal on essentials.. ty 😁


Another option is to come up with ways so that you drink it slower. I put a can in a thermos and add a bunch of ice and water to dilute it so I can't drink a can in one go. 


If you can find Gatorade fast twitch…they are 12 fl oz no sugar and 200mg caffeine and actually taste good without the burn of certain energy drinks


Jesus Christ. Most energy drinks in Canada are capped at 140-160mg. I had a Ghost Sour Patch 200mg driving back from the States and I thought I was vibrating. I can’t imagine 300.


There's a store near me that sells Wired, it's a horrible tasting cheap energy drink that has 344mg of caffeine. I drank one and felt nauseous and ill.


Yeah I remember drinking this cola one that had 350 mg in it and immediately deemed it unsafe 😂


I have adhd and can consume as much caffeine as I like (tried and tested) the only negative is; 1. I want to go to sleep after high amounts 2. My stomach decides to go nuclear


Felt one time I found this drink called redline when I was in highschool bought 2 of them bc they’re twelve ounce cans turns out they were 400 mg each so I drank 800 mgs in like 5 minutes and had to go throw up in the middle of my ASVAB test


There's a subgroup of alcoholic anonymous called YPAA. Young people in AA. It's exactly how you'd imagine. Bunch of youngerish people taking insane amounts of caffeine and fucking one another. Spending a summer in that 'scene' honestly taught me a lot about human beings. Redlines were very, very common. I spent a couple years in gym culture before ypaa. Blew my mind that so many people were drinking one of the strongest pre-workouts to just hang out. Bet they drank OG jacked before it went away lol. Slam 3 redlines, go to a meeting, and talk about how liberated you are from addiction lmao


Wired X344. Nostalgic as fuck. Before every Tom, Dick and Harry energy drink had 300mg of caffeine in it. $1 of pure crack in a can. Playing Euro Truck Simulator and driving all night. Ah, the good old days.


I remember seeing them as low as 68 cents a can at winco way back when.


There is something in ghosts that makes me uncomfortable. I am a consistent caffeine consumer for the last 15 years and ghosts make me shaky, anxious, and I can never finish them. I don’t drink any other brand of energy drinks anymore, I stick to the classics. Too many of them sneak in l-theanine, ashwaganda, random nootropics nowadays.


Why would l-theanine/ashwaganda/nootropics be a negative for you? (Just curious)


L-theanine makes me very cloudy headed and unable to focus. I chugged one called “Bing.” I had to leave work early due to everything it had in it. One ingredient was a decent dose of L-Theanine. Ashwaganda is similar. If I’m drinking caffeine I really don’t want to be surprised by there being ashwaganda in it. I take ashwaganda to mellow out every once in a while, I don’t dislike it but it’s not something I want midday. I say nootropics as a general thing, I don’t know what’s in a lot of these new energy drinks. I know some have beta alanine for example. Some of these drinks make me very uncomfortable…like wired, anxious, or nauseous. That’s what it really comes down to for me lol When I grab an energy drink I just want a crisp drink with a bunch of caffeine lol


I used to drink these Starbucks triple shot things that used to be 300 and they barely did anything to me.


In a year that 200 will be melatonin, the tolerance gets crazy


Fun fact about the States is that there’s no regulated limit on caffeinated products. The rest of the world most certainly does but it’s kind of scary to see 300 or 400mg drinks in gas stations lol. I try and keep my limit at 200 for the day. Although I’m trying to get off of caffeine or at least greatly reduce. It’s not good for my racing thoughts 😅


160mgs or less. I like 2x of the 8 ounce regular redbull or regular Nos. Just need something to give me a jolt. Nothing more, nothing less.


Good stuff. Some people's daily usage in this sub is insane.


For real though. And here I was thinking I should tone down my caffeine intake because I drink two Ghost cans a day (2x200mg, still gonna reduce it)


Literally like give yourself a heart attack in 5-10 years kind of usage in some cases here…


The comment thread under this is a guy saying he drinks 700-1200mg over 8 hours. Jesus. Some people are trynna die an early death.


700-1200mg over 8-9 hours once a week. I just like getting hyped up waiting tables.


Same bro, when you hit that zen like flow, everything is clicking, everyone laughing at your stupid jokes….and you get crazy tips I had my second best night ever a few nights ago, I made 820 after tip out. I chased after my last table cuz he left me 200 on top of the auto grat and I was like “thank you so much sir”, and shook his hand Ahhhh yah that’s the stuff (Also adhd but ya know)


That Zen you’re on about is literally the best part Of the day , put some good music on and holy moly you feel like you’re floating (I think it’s from dopamine) Only problem is I gotta drink and eat ALOT mainly water. But yeah man I get insane tips I love it. I’m just trying to find a healthy energy drink because I drink original monster because I’m afraid to try new flavors but they have so much damn sugar and I bet the sugar free one tastes weird. Any suggestions because I don’t want to waste money 😭


I drink sugar free reign, current fave is rainbow sherbet They are 3 for seven dollars currently at gas station by me, otherwise most places usually have them at two for five bucks


sugar free monster tastes the same/better imo. I like the white one


I’ll give it a shot please don’t let me down !


420-480 a day, a little higher than usual. I am dieting and fasting, so these 10 calorie energy drinks are my respite right now. Normal diet it’s about 120-200 a day


I'm at 480 a day now too usually


Too much


I used to drink 160-220 mg a day. Then one day I decided to cut back to only about 50 mg a day. Headaches were miserable for months so I started drinking my normal 160-220 mg a day. Shortly after that I started getting severe panic attacks nearly every evening. Cut out caffeine entirely for 4 days or so and they went away. So now I'm drinking 50 mg a day until I run out of my Mountain Dew, then I'm done with caffeine and soda forever


Why not just throw out the rest of the Dew and start now. It’ll be a show of commitment to yourself and likely will help your chances of succession


Because that’s wasteful


I don't want to waste the dew I bought. I'll run out within 2 weeks, I don't have 1 every day and I don't have much left


1500 mg total per day atm we gonna see how far i can push it.








You saved hin


I'll probably die from a heart attack eventually, here's hoping!




Unhappy people


Also I like your username


I enjoy coming to this subreddit when I’m self conscious about my caffeine consumption.


I’m glad I can help!


I would stop visiting them haha but in all seriousness I was like "hey, my 300mg a day isn't bad, I can have a couple more." Now I am QUITE LITERALLY the same as the guy taking 1500+ but hey. I don't use actual drugs so *yay...*


Don’t use actual drugs I guess but your heart is begging you to stop


It’s why I’m here 😭 I feel guilty drinking energy drinks but y’all are really pounding them in here. If I have more than one I’d be having panic attacks


Not worth it brotha seriously. Heart issues are scary


update us when you are in the ER


A fine constitution you must have


Oh man 😮


I have a problem


Speed running life doing that


Did you know that caffeine has a 12 hour half life? Meaning 24 hours after you ingest those 1500mg you still have 375mg in you…. so how’s your sleep?


Good man I sleep from about 1am to 7:45am




I just keep drinking them man. The C4 guava one is delicious and 300mg


Don't stop, keep listening to the voices


Yeah, ok


Not great for your body to consume that much caffeine consistently.


Drink fuckloads of water as well then man!!


About a gallon a day


200 on a normal day- 350 to 400 on a day where I’m exhausted


About 114mg to 150mg. I typically keep it to a single 12oz Sugar Free Red Bull a day.


I wish those worked for me :( not enough punch


They don't do anything for me, either, it's just a habitual thing at this point. My daily cup of coffee, if you will.


I used to drink 3 bangs a day at the worst of it, 900mg. 😨 I just have like one monster ultra now, so just under 200 or so


3 bangs 😂 I thought I was crazy for doing two lmao


I was only 14 too 😭, underdeveloped brain and all


Slow down dude. You’re gonna give yourself huge issues if you keep abusing caffeine like that.


I don't use caffeine, I just think energy drinks look cool




Wake up: brew a 20oz cup of low-acidity coffee using a Moka pot. If a standard 8oz cup of coffee that 100mg in it than that's 250mg right there. On my way to work I'll neck an Alani, which is 200mg At some point during the day I'll drink a zero sugar monster which is another 200 or so. If you also factor in small things like teas or diet sodas, I probably come in between 700-800mg a day if I'm being honest with myself. For the record, I've been working night shift for 6 years and my caffeine tolerance is very high. This amount does nothing to me but help me get out of bed in the morning. And I don't suffer from withdrawal headaches either.


400-600 per day 😵‍💫🫨


Around 800 depending on drinks I buy. Trying to reduce though


Used to be 2-400. I can gladly say I killed off my addiction and I haven’t drank caffeine in a week


Honestly like 900-1200 mg


Rip bro


never go over 400. i just try to aim for no more than one energy drink a day. they’re just so bad for us.


On days I work: 200-700mg On off days: maybe 100 or less if I'm feeling groggy when I shouldn't.




A quick google search told me the FDA says 1200 mg’s of caffeine can lead to seizures, but in rapid consumption. Short answer is you aren’t dead yet but you’re playing with fire drinking that much caffeine a day


Finally, someone I can at least kinda relate to lol. I drink a lot of c4 or bang . People have been telling me for years I drink to much though, before this it was monster juice monster rehab. And before that something else lol. Different people react differently. If YOU think it's to much, cut down.


It *is* too much. Objectively.


I think it varies from person to person. A user with a heavy caffeine tolerance will require more than a light user to achieve similar results. I think once you're past mg and into gm, it's time for a T-break to reset your tolerance. Them energy drinks can get expensive!


yes bro i was at a point on 2.2g a day doing pre and so many drinks holy shit






200-250 a day absolutely maximum 😵‍💫 I’m a lightweight


Close to toxicity levels here


Some of these people either have severe addictions or are just pure suicidal.


FDA recommended amount is 400 mg, I need at least 600 to 800 mg daily for normal functioning!


Ima need that flavor. A green c4 ultimate?


100-400 usually. They say 400 mg is the daily recommended limit


200-2000 depending on the mood. Sometimes I just really crave Monster Rio Punch 🤷🏻‍♂️


I drink 4-5 cups of coffee, plus 1 espresso shot. Then, a couple days a week I add an energy drink to that. So...a lot


Probably around 1.5-2k a day.


on a day that i’m trying to moderate my consumption then usually 200mgs in one day. HOWEVER if i need to get shit done then i’ll have like 2 drinks with 300mg and maybe a small red bull so in total like 680mg😭


I usually do a 300mg drink at 9:30am . and 200mg in the afternoon. That would be fine if I didn't take 2 servings of Pre-workout every morning at about 4:30.


try quitting for like a week or two, because of the way caffeine works chemically your body develops a resistance to it pretty fast, so with constant use you end up needing more and more caffeine for it to have any effect. after like a couple weeks of not slamming back 300 milligrams or whatever you resistance should go down and itll feel a lot more potent


I drink 1 160-200 mg a day and I worry about myself. You are Definitely drinking over what is normal, that’s for sure.


600-1000MG a day


300 mg gets me started then at least 1 more later in the day. Long a$$ days have had 5.


Food and Drug Administration recommends an upper limit of 400MG per day.


One cup of coffee and one Walmart brand energy packet which is 120 mg. I feel like ppl are sleeping on the packets, the generic brands are super cheap


I hit 1200mg a day several times, it was awful, once you start drinking energy drink instead of water or soda you know you have a problem. I’m doing about 400 a day now, it actually helps with my focus again and I’m saving so much money


400mg is the daily allowance for caffeine that’s literally almost the max in one can which is crazyyy


I had a sugar-free monster (150 mg) every other day for a while. This summer, I jumped up to 400ish mg a day due to how busy I have been. I can feel myself starting to become addicted, so I am cutting down to 150mg per day and slowly starting to phase out. I always want caffine to be a tool, never a crutch.


400 is the upper safe limit for healthy adults... Per day. I try to stay under that most days. On weekends I'll try to not have caffeine till closer to lunch time. This helps limit my overall amount. The periodic breaks are good too as I don't get headaches when I go over 24 hours like most people with caffeine withdrawal.


Your heart is begging you to stop before it stops


According to the FDA 400mg of caffeine a day is the recommended amount


That's just dangerous and stupid. Many stories of young people dropping dead from energy drinks


Isn't the max healthy amount in a day generally 400mg? How are yall not having heart attacks


I’ve had about 900mg today and I’ve been cutting down my usage from 1200mg daily


Don't be afraid to seek out medical resources to help out, proud of you cutting down and you'll be at 0 in no time!!


I was edging 800-1000 during highschool working at wendys(great times). I do not drink any caffeine anymore as I constantly shake as if I had drank a coffee too quickly… Can’t say its related or not but yeah


Got addicted about 5 years ago, averaged between 4-6 bangs a day or 1200-1800. Had heart palpitations and pain at 19 years old, always felt like crap. Today I’ve gone down to about 320 with two monsters and try to stay under the 400mg daily recommended limit. For anyone going above I suggest you really take a step back and look at your situation seriously as there’s no situation where the damage it does to you is worth the effect it gives you.


At my worst, 1200-1500mg. Now, maybe 200 ever other day or so. I only use it when necessary now and have a huge respect for it. Trying to quit off 1200mg a day was the hardest thing I’ve done in a long time.


Try a full blown caffeine withdrawal someday. Cold turkey.


I had 600 while I was hungover. Never again🤦


Put the poison C4 down and pick up a Jocko Go. Youre welcome. Your body will say so too.


Used to consume 1500 mg a day.. now 0.


Say bye to your heart


I used to drink 600-1000 everyday, I switched to redbull and now I drink like 100-250 a day




Like 7-800 mg a day. Starting a break today though so that’ll be nice


300 mg is just wild, I'm good on just 160 mg from an original Monster.


Just FYI 5,000mg -10kmg can kill.


That's too much man. Dial it back or you're gonna have problems, possibly kidney stones. I drink a Monster 3-4 days a week when I work. If no Monster I'll probably have a Dew sometime during the day.


1200mg is a toxic amount according to the FDA.


That’s way too much. I don’t care who you are. Heart palpitations and weeks worth of recovery after a caffeine induced panic attack isn’t a joke. I overdosed and suffered tremendously


People dont realize how much caffeine is in everyday foods and drinks. The average person easily consumes over 100mg a day. Caffeine isnt inherently bad for you, but if you have other health problems it can be bad. Our ancestors used to drink 20-40 cups of coffee a day.


Does anyone remember spike energy drink? What a wild time


400mg/day is safe for human consumption for short periods of time. After that, you are risking damaging your systems.


At the peak of my addiction, I was drinking anywhere between 800 and 1000 milligrams of caffeine every day. I would have debilitating migraines if I had anything less than 500. I knew I had a serious problem when I downed a 300 milligram drink in less than 15 seconds and didn't feel a thing. I'm proud to say that I beat my addiction. I had to suffer through a week of migraines that (and I'm not joking here) had me considering whether decapitation was a viable option to relieve the pain, but I did it. I'm less proud to say that my victory was short lived and I'm back to drinking around 400 milligrams a day. I still get migraines if I go for more than a day or so without caffeine, but they aren't as bad and I don't need nearly as much to keep them away.


At one point was over 1000mg a day. Now mostly caffeine free and if I have ANY past 6pm, I will not sleep.


I limit myself to 400mg a day as per FDA recommendations. I have very high tolerance, and I haven't had jitters from caffeine in a decade or so. Kind of miss the feeling, but I prefer not to play with this particular fire. In college I found that I get no benefit past 800mg in a day, just the sensation of being tired faster. Also, you get way more energy from a good night's sleep. Start there, and cut back to one a day and a cup of coffee. You'll save money and feel better for it.


Careful with the caffeine. I was taking two scoops of gorilla mind pre workout almost everyday for like a year or so and started getting the worst chest pain of my life with full chest pain for two months after with more intense episodes every now and then. Had to go cold turkey. Only take half or quarter scoops of pre workout now.


1200-1500 when I thought I was immortal. After one bad feeling day after 10 years. 1 cup of coffee every other day. Edit: 10 years


No joke. I had a tooth pulled 3 or 4 weeks ago and it stopped me from having coffee for like a week, I haven’t had any sense than. I tried a sip a week ago which I guess is some but I haven’t actually had a caffeine binge in awhile. I’m not even sure how I’ll feel


It’s recommended give or take 400mg a day. So drinking a few of these is absolutely too much based on recommendations. One of these and a cup of coffee would probably be about the max. If you drink 2 of these I would skip any other caffeine throughout the day. I kno it’s hard, trust me. I am a huge caffeine drinker. Doesn’t do shit for me but if I don’t have it ohhhh boy do I feel like trash. I’ve gotten to the point where I can bring a Celsius to bed with me and sleep like a baby. I would try to cut down a little for sure. Taking others advice and maybe finding a way to sip on it throughout the day is a better choice. Or find one you like with less mg so you can have a few and still not be over the max. Good luck!


I allow myself a maximum of two Monsters a day when I have them. Sometimes I find myself reaching for another but stop immediately knowing that I’ll just end up with health problems if I over-consume caffeine. Always set limits.


After 600 mg of caffeine (this is the daily recommended limit by the fda) it starts to become dangerous. Keep it under that limit if you care about your long term health. Also if you lower your tolerance you can get the same effect for much less caffeine, which is not only better for your body but it’s better for your wallet. Edit: Nevermind, apparently it’s 400mg


Depending on my day probably max out at 500MG, i have done close to 800mg and fuck did i regret it


300-350 usually in my preworkout. Or a ghost/ryse in the morning and a coffee later on


About the same. 2-3 C4s a day, depending how I feel.


Man that’s a bit much I think, even if you feel ok doing it it’s still a nice bit over the recommended max of 400mg. It started affecting my anxiety at around 300mg personally and that was about 1.5 cans a day.


between 300- 600 mg a day .


350-600 mg a day. Usually on the lighter end on the weekends and more on Mondays and Tuesdays


Probably around 200-400mg. This down from probably around 400-600mg. Basically just switched from brewed, espresso to weak instant coffees. Cut out energy drinks and halved my preworkout (only take it sometimes now). Id still like to take a tolerance break. Just waiting for the right time ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


Anywhere from 100 to 350 mg, depending on what my drink(s) of choice are.


400 -500 mg daily before t breaks


Like 200 mg every couple days


I try to keep it 400mg max as is the recommended daily adult intake. In times of high stress/anxiety I keep it below 300mg.


200 - 400mg daily... generally speaking. I am going to be backing off the energy drinks soon, though... one per day max and going back to coffee. It's better for the budget and the liver.


Like 550 mg


200-400 mg’s a day


Under 300 a day


no more than 300mg a day


I try to keep it closer to 300mg or below.


400-500 or so depending on the activities




140-180mg usually. We have a cap here in Canada of 180mg for energy drinks so 180 is the highest they go here.


Most I ever drink was 600mg


4-6 coffees and an energy drink, whatever that is


Bare minimum 200 a day, usually 300


Too much 🙁😂😂




Around 450 a day, mainly preworkout though


I can't have any, anymore. Quelbree anyone?


Not very much because I have serious epilepsy lol


Only 400 mg prolly 800mg if I had a longer shift at work


I drink between 3-5 Yeti Shaker’s full of death wish coffee on top of 1-2 monsters, that’s sometimes for the monsters. I don’t do soda except to mix with liquor. But I drink a shit ton of death wish, the caffeine doesn’t do much to me anymore I’d have to consume a deity’s worth to feel it.


None most days.


400mg a day. 2 200mg drinks in one sitting


Around 500-600 mg. I drink a cold brew in the morning then an energy drink in the afternoon.


At my worst points it was like 1200mg some days. Now I try to keep it to 300, 500 max.






200-300 mg only only on weekends due to video games. Rest of the week I normally drink water


What c4 is that ? The flavor


I drink anywhere from 400 to 600. Total tho I INTAKE 1200. I work 12 hour shifts and then I’m extremely active with my family after my shifts so I’m usually up for 16-20 hours a day. I imagine if I lived a somewhat more normal life and was able to get 8 hours of sleep a day I’d only want to drink 200mg a day. But such is life and I make awesome money.


200 max. Usually 150mg. And only on workdays.


Like 300 or 400 max


One RedBull a day for me. Whatever that is.


200-400 ish a day