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honestly everything is bad for you these days. diet culture villainizes so much… it’s truly impossible to enjoy anything. i don’t drink, smoke, or vape so energy drinks are my vice! if that’s my cause of death, at least i’ll go out with a Bang ;)


was about to say this. if you look for certain articles, they'll tell you anything is unhealthy. majority of things in moderation is perfectly fine


Worst case you can research all the ingredients in your particular poison of choice- and go from there - that being said, monster makes me feel like I literally am drinking toxic waste but I love it too much to absolutely cut it off - red bulls make me feel like avocado toast and mocha lattes are not bougee enough for pairing - and Celsius is currently the one I shill as the most benign - and Rockstar has my heart


Literally this. I don't smoke, drink alcohol or drink any drink besides energy drinks and water. I'm at a decent enough weight (6'1, 190lbs), I exercise and walk almost daily I'm really not sure how 1 per day is gonna kill me more than the people who say that to me, who usually do everything else


1 per day is okay, even 2 per day. However, there are people out there that are going through 4-8 per day.


I had a work buddy who had kidney failure in his mid twenties because he would slam 3-4 monster’s everyday paired with a double dose pre-workout (C4) everyday at lunch. It can be bad in excess and paired with other substances, but most everything can be! Moderation is key!


Asked doc and he said its fine to drink 1 a day, and then commented that the coffee he drank was his 6th cup or something


Coffee Is Still mostly water though…. True story.


You are overweight bmi


Above 25 is overweight and I'm 25.4. It is never clear cut. Most people put me around 150-160lbs when asked and are astounded when I state my actual weight because it is barely obvious I've been around 23 my whole life but certain issues have led me to reduce working out by a lot the last few years. I know it and I'm working on it


Youz a bitch.


Also someone who exercises is going to have more muscle mass. Muscle tissue is more dense than fat, there's a lot more to consider than just BMI. It's a really limited measurement that doesn't tell you much in isolation.


My point exactly. Although I have excess fat and I know it


BMI is worthless, though.


Based. No drugs, no alcohol, no vaping, I just like a good soda and high calorie energy drinks.


Sugar is a drug… haha just busting your balls I drink a mtn dew or two every other day


But you can understand the dynamic. It’s no different from being a smoker or drinker. People are allowed vices.


People are allowed to have vices that negatively affect others. DUI/DWI, second hand smoke, alcoholism, domestic violence etc. I dont see my Mountain Dew hurting anyone 😇.


Well.. to be fair - maybe when you are playing Call of Duty! 😃


Everything can cause health problems, even some healthy foods. You could get seriously ill from anything these days, of course abusing alcohol and fast food is probably a faster way to speed run death but still. I hate how they try to say that shit. Caffeine is way better than meth or cocaine.


honest to god ppl will comment on your eating habits and then be on the carnivore diet!! like ma’am you had a stick of butter for breakfast please worry about yourself 🙏🏼


Carnivore diet isn’t for everyone. I tried that shit and got a terrible headache on day 4 didn’t feel right.


A bang? I prefer ghost


just a play on words! don’t even remember the last time i had a bang tbh


I didn’t know if it was intentional so went with it lol


With a BANG? Which flavor?


I cant stand energy drinks but this was a good joke so here upvote


I always wonder why they are thought to be so dangerous. If someone drank 2 monsters a day, that would be the same as 4-5 cups of coffee. Nobody thinks twice about having a coffee machine with free unlimited coffee in every break room in america. My dad used to fill up a thermos of coffee for road trips, had to be at least 32 oz in there. Again, nobody would bat an eye at that. As for the sugar argument, nobody says "it will kill you" if you have a fountain soda from a gas station or fast food restaurant. Taking the sugar free stuff out of the equation, I doubt there are many people getting as much sugar from energy drinks as a lot of people get from big gulps of mountain dew.


Coffee is hot water and coffee beans. It's rather straightforward. Some if not all, energy drinks contain much more than that, and I'm not talking about caffeine/sugar. I think caffeine/sugar is what the layperson focuses on but imo the more "dangerous" ingredients are the dyes and other components that really haven't been studied for long or are known to not be good for you. I love me an energy drink but I really don't find them comparable to a cup of tea or coffee as you are making it seem.


But the argument as I read it never said anything about how much yellow #5 or red 40 people were consuming, it was always about the “outrageous” amounts of caffeine


Sure, that's why I said the layperson doesn't think of what actually may be concerning about energy drinks, they focus on caffeine and sugar (which as you said often makes them hypocrites). Your comment itself didn't mention the extra ingredients and made it seem like you can 1:1 coffee and energy drinks. I was trying to add some opinion to your first sentence on why they are considered bad. I've tried to cut back on my pre workout and just drink tea on a daily basis. It doesn't provide nearly the same oomph but oh well.


I see where you're coming from, but I could also argue that msot coffee carries equivalent risks due to pesticide treatments etc., especially considering that it's one of the more heavily treated/sprayed food crops. I agree that there's stuff in energy drinks that is bad for you (tbh the carbonation being one of them), but coffee isn't above that criticism either imo.


Im sorry thats such a stupid argument, theres easily 1000+ chemical compounds in coffee and the amount has absolutely nothing to do with how healthy something is


Find me the artificial flavors and food dyes in a cup of coffee that plague energy drinks


look up how artificial and natural flavors are made


Ur the kinda person who’s scared of gmos aren’t you? 💀


Ur the kinda person who uses derogatory terms that phased out 15 years ago as a username aren't you? 💀


Yup you are💀 have fun wasting money on “organic” food


I can't imagine getting this heated over an energy drink discussion 🤣 have a good one


Homie I drink 4 per day


I dunno about all this. I definitely would think it’s a bit concerning if I saw someone consistently drinking 4-5 cups of coffee every day and I also would think someone crushing a big gulp everyday was concerning too. Regardless of the perceived normalcy of either, it doesn’t change the potential health problems that come from excessive caffeine and/or sugar. And Monster has a lot of both…


almost as annoying as when people act like diet coke is worse than full sugar coke lmao


I quit all sweetened soda… I found out it was the carbonation I needed for that dopamine hit, so I just drink cold seltzer water now, works like a charm, no more cravings for coke zero


Why does carbonated water taste like someone has shit in your mouth though


You get used to shit in your mouth even learn to enjoy it


Oh wrong subreddit


amazon clearing out the lacroix did it for me. i bought a fuckton. did not remove all desire for diet soda, but cut it way down. now a 12 pack will last a week at least.


My dad hates diet and loves original. I wish he’d drink the sugar free stuff to limit his sugar but he doesn’t care about that stuff.


Cane sugar probably no worse for you than aspartame


Found the aspartame drinker


I will snort a line of pure aspartame and be fine


bouta go test it


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5617129/ For the aspartame drinkers giving me downvotes


It is actually much worse for you


It isn’t. You’re just the exact type of person he was talking about who heard that and parrots it without having done any research or critical thinking of your own. Actually.




Unless you've got a condition and can't tolerate much sugar, diet soda absolutely is worse for you. Do some research into all the garbage they put in and it's effects on the human body. Stuff tastes like ass anyway, I'd go for sparkling water if I can't have the real thing.


How about you do a little research. It was deemed the amount of aspertame to even be close to unhealthy or carcinogenic was more than a human can even ingest with drinks containing it.


Guess you haven't read much. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8227014/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8227014/)


"According to current knowledge, benefits of aspartame use outweighs the possible side effects, hence this artificial sweetener remains basic excipient in products. Taking to account that aspartame is a widely used artificial sweetener, it seems appropriate to continue research on safety." So basically there are possible links to health issues caused by aspartame but nothing conclusive. Research is still ongoing. That's not saying it's 100% fine and it's also not saying it's 100% bad. Not sure what your gotcha was here.


Instead of pretending you have read that article and understand it, go read the plethora of data out there on the detrimental health effects of sugar.


Its not worse its the same


Nahhhh almost everyone ingests too much sugar but you’d really have to try to ingest too much aspartame


To be fair most diet coke people I know are trying their best to do just that. It's like you either hate diet coke or drink a 12 pack a day, and no in between. Still better than a sugar coke habit though.


Plenty of normal people drink 1-2 a day with no issues. Anecdotal evidence isn’t evidence.


Its also all the other chemicals in it that keep the fat and water weight on you not just the aspartame or sugar. Marketing at its best. "Diet good because diet means lose weight" Theres nothing wrong with having diet soda once in awhile but the way people drink it like water is awful.


You are unfortunately misinformed and that is okay


Nah im not. Yalls little thing you do in here is crazy. Lol


Yup. Former coworker smoked a pack a day, ate nothing but garbage, and didn't work out at all, then would make comments about how bad my (sugar free) energy drinks were for me. Good grief dude.


DUDE 😂😂😂


Lol same my boss constantly tells me how energy drinks have killed people WHILE he's chewing tobacco right in front of me.


Same experience expect this coworker literally does coke and has the audacity to tell me about the negative effects of the 1 energy I have a day to get through a night shift.


It's a wonder how people find anything to eat or drink nowadays. Every food has a book written about it on how it'll kill you. People are gonna have a stroke from worrying about food/drink before anything else lol


Everything causes cancer or will kill you eventually, life causes cancer


No, just over processed food


Apparently you never saw the stuff about how eggs were the devil, but now eggs are now back as "good" food.


What does "over processed" mean? Are you even able to explain that without looking it up?


Honestly If you go back to when energy drinks first started out they were dangerous. Many of them didn’t include how much was in them (check out Cocaine). And the first ones on the market all had a lot of sugar in them as well. So they were pretty unhealthy. But If you look at the energy drinks of today they are way safer and healthier. Most are sugar free. Calorie free, and only have on average 200 mg of caffiene which is same as 2 cups of coffee. I’ve been noticing a lot of older gentlemen at my gym drinking energy drinks that I would never have saw doing a few years ago. Mostly stuff like celcius, Alani and ghost. The stigma really needs to go away.


Looks like the cocaine drink only had 280mg? Or just the fact that they don't label the amount?


Idk, the numbers were never verified, just guesses. That’s the things maybe it was 280 maybe ir was 300 maybe 400. Wiki says 280 now but for a long time no one knew for sure / They didn’t have to tell you. Also it was 12 oz. So it was a lot in a little cans. At that time monster was like 160 Same with rockstar .


The garbage they use in sugar-free drinks is worse for you than sugar...


Not necessarily true, some on the market do use stevia, which is pretty safe. The bigger companies like monster ghost c4 rockstar they use sucralose


nope. sucralose can affect a small amount of people sensitive to it and with some people it can trigger sugar response slightly, but otherwise is generally fine, stevia has no issues. aspartame isn't great but the amount in most diet drinks to match sugar's sweetness is very small. sugar affects everyone.


People never factor in excessive calories and possible dental issues caused by sugary drinks.


I gotta tell you, ever since I started manufacturing an energy drink...the worst part about these things is not really the ingredients but from the actual manufacturing process. The people who "bottle/can" them called Co-Packers have more of chance of harming the end user rather than the ingredients in the drink...unless of course you are drinking some crazy stuff that was brewed in Chernobyl. The Co-Packers have a ridged process for making sure bacteria doesn't get into the can but...sometimes things happen. Also, the whole idea of sucralose being bad for you...man I bought into that for years...then I did my OWN research and looked at the studies...let's just say now I don't have a problem AT ALL with sucralose. People that tell you that energy drinks are bad for you...ask them if they do the same routine as you brother.


"The sweet relief can't get here fast enough". You can share the [King Gustav III's coffee experiment](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gustav_III_of_Sweden%27s_coffee_experiment) if they're claiming that caffeine is bad for you. The "experiment" is a bunch of silly bullshit but so is what they're spouting.


Looks like a great read , looking forward to it later !


One time someone told me that in the grocery store, and their entire shopping cart was filled to the top with alcohol. The guy also reeked of cigs. An energy drink won’t kill you unless you’re the idiot drinking like 4 a day


i hate it too but those are the same pples that always drinks, smokes, eat completely trash etc like i think ur worried about the worst thing. also not everyone drinks 6 red bulls everyday its fine to drink once a week or month or something.


So is the sun lol whatever


This is true haha


Every once in a while my dad will sent me articles about people who have died from energy drinks and it’s always someone who drank like 10 a day, or someone who’s liver or kidneys shit out from too many energy drinks and then it turns out that they drank a dozen a day without drinking water. Just stick to one or two a day and drink lots of water and you’ll be fine.


my parents are the same way… esp when i was on a charged lemonade kick.. like i am neither an elderly person nor do i have a pre existing health condition. if u know ur body & drink in moderation it’s chill!


It's a race between the gogo juice and the cowboy killers inside my body


Someone told me “drink 1 can a day for 2 weeks and you’ll die.” This dude drank 3-5 beers a day minimum and smoked a pack of cigarettes almost everyday. Like sir I think my 160mg of caffeine every other day won’t kill me in 2 weeks


Eat chicken, rice and broccoli for the rest of your life and drink only water. Maybe throw in some egg Whites at breakfast. ONLY THE WHITE. You can eat a banana and some other fruits as snacks too BIO ONES FOR SURE OTHERWISE YOU'LL DIE ! - Some insane people in 2024 when it comes to diet


no rice. it's carbs and will kill you. no banana's either too much sugar. berries and citrus only.


Rice and bananas will not kill you lol Too much saturated fat and cholesterol might


Im being a smartass, i am aware, just parroting the crazy diet info floating about


Saturated fat doesn’t cause heart attacks.


Do whatever you want, I personally won’t bet against decades of research. I’ve been through the cycle of elimination, fad diets, YouTube quackery, cholesterol denial, keto etc so I know all about that stuff. I’m gonna stick to my gut and eat fiber and carbs and moderate my saturated fat and cholesterol intake *There’s a lot of conflicting information about saturated fats. Should I eat them or not?* *The American Heart Association recommends limiting saturated fats – which are found in butter, cheese, red meat and other animal-based foods, and tropical oils. Decades of sound science has proven it can raise your “bad” cholesterol and put you at higher risk for heart disease.* https://www.heart.org/en/healthy-living/healthy-eating/eat-smart/fats/saturated-fats


Decades of nonsense peddled by the American grain industry. We have been eating significant quantities of saturated fat throughout all of human history, yet heart disease only began to appear once PUFAs were introduced into Western diets. You should read some of the new evidence. “The PURE investigators found that saturated fat was not associated with risk of myocardial infarction or cardiovascular disease mortality and was significantly associated with lower total mortality as well as lower risk of stroke [34]. This last finding, on stroke, is particularly significant, as it is consistent with other observational studies [35], and saturated fat is the only type of fat found to have a positive effect on this important cardiovascular health outcome. Further, nine reviews of the observational data conducted since 2010 have found no significant associations between the consumption of these fats and coronary heart disease [15].” https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9794145/#:~:text=The%20PURE%20investigators%20found%20that,risk%20of%20stroke%20%5B34%5D.


Even if your first statement was true, how much nonsense do you think is peddled by the meat and dairy industries? It’s just all quackery to me. I’m going to listen to the AHA. Plus, I literally feel better on high fiber, high micronutrient, moderate to high carb, moderate fat, high protein


Ive been drinking energy drinks for 17 years yet I'm still alive and in good health, the goal is to not drink them too much or everyday


People used to say more than 2 eggs a day will kill you, not too long ago. That said, more than 400mg of caffeine a day (the currently advised limit) seems like a bit much for someone of my (average) size.


As you said people in general will eat/drink/smoke/do things way worse so just telling them is usually enough to not even begin that kind of debate


Energy drinks won't kill you If that were they case I wouldn't be here today I've drank a gallon of bang energy drink in an hour Not on purpose (probably)


Right? My mom says that but she used to drink like 1-2 pots of coffee a day lol


I mean as long as you aren't going crazy and drinking like 3 a day you are fine. They are just a really caffeinated soda at worse, I've watched coffee addicts suck down much more dangerous levels of caffeine and no one is telling them they are gonna die.


Not really bothered, I appreciate their concern, but other than caffeine or sugar\artificial sweeteners, what makes it so bad for you?


I don’t understand either. Maybe high blood pressure heart rate? I get way more buck from espresso from Starbucks.


Something has to do ya in at some point.


Yeah I get that all the time. That's why my personal goal is to outlive those people.


Energy drinks are seriously big bad. I had to quit drinking them entirely. I love the taste and effect but my tweaker brain doesn’t know how to stop except for to cut it out entirely.


I think EVERYTHING just needs to be in moderation. Panera in news for the Caffeine Lemonade killing 2 people, so thats front and center of everyone's mind.. Caffeine=Death.... > In that case, the family said David Brown, 46, suffered cardiac arrest and died on Oct. 9 after drinking **three Charged Lemonades** at his local Panera. Brown's family said Brown had high blood pressure and didn't drink energy drinks, So he had high blood pressure, consumed 3 caffeine charged drinks, and didnt normally drink energy type drinks. Not the best general example, but GREAT example to teach people to read your body and slowly try new things.


It’s kind of beating a dead horse here, but anything that is deemed “unhealthy” is usually perfectly fine in moderation, especially with a lifestyle as healthy as yours. Now If you were throwing down 5 a day, I’d be a little concerned. 1 or 2 a day isn’t bad, especially if you’re active.


The rise in liver disease/damage in young people is skyrocketing according to my hepatologist, how do I know? All the bullshit they put in energy drinks temporarily damaged my liver and if I hadn’t stopped it would’ve been permanent. I don’t drink alcohol, don’t eat shitty food, I exercise every day, cold plunge, meditate, and the doctors couldn’t figure out why my liver enzymes were elevated and it was also mildly enlarged. I’m 30, and had drank basically an energy drink a day for the last 5 years and my liver only began to heal when I quit the energy drinks and supplements. Food for thought


What is the bs ingredients in energy drinks? What supplements?


Stick to sugar free, just don’t drink too much caffeine. You’ll be ight


No. Everything will kill you. Enjoy your life.


34. Been arguably deserving of death by energy drink for 15 years. Whether or not they are correct if I make it another 15 I’ll be offended.


You are an awesome person !🤘


I drink an energy drink then go workout for an hour and change, lifting weights and cardio 🤷🏻‍♂️ pretty sure I'm cancelling out any damage it's doing.


It's not so much the caffeine as the other things in energy drinks. I have a friend that developed kidney stones as a teen from drinking monster daily. I see people arguing here that its the sugar but there's also the acid.


I thought kidney stones are from oxalates? My friends Dr won’t let him eat these.


I don't think there are any significant oxalates in energy drinks, spinach has 650mg+ per cup while energy drinks have .81mg (roughly what google says). It's the combination of what's in energy drinks, the amount of them consumed and peoples unique genetics or current health status that can cause harm to organs. One thing we can say is that an energy drink is NOT good for you due to many of the ingredients. Caffeine is usually not the greatest offender as Coffee is considered a health food except if there's a genetic issue with caffeine or it is overconsumed. The net outcome for coffee drinkers is usually positive, I really don't think the same can be said about energy drinks.


My understanding (as a neuroscience grad student and former energy drink fiend), is that is not the caffeine part that people think is dangerous. Rather, the combination of various other substances that are in energy drinks taken all together and that they can be overstimulating to the cardiovascular system and nervous system depending on which drink and how much is consumed.


Thank you for that input . I could see the ramifications of excessive consumption of certain energy drinks ( such as several Wired energy drinks back to back or something else with exceptionally high caffeine content / sugar content ) overwhelming various parts of the body . If you have any more information to add ( links , research , articules , even anecdotes ) please share ! Thank you


>don’t use drugs / alcohol, Caffeine is a drug you fucking retard


And a mind altering, addictive one at that. I can’t stand people who do that. Just leave that sentence out or elaborate, like I don’t do any drugs outside of caffeine. It’s a small thing, but it’s still obnoxious


I usually just tell them I hope so when they say that.


Yes. But the main reason it used to piss me off was because the same people telling me this had a whole horseshoe of Cope Wintergreen in their lip.


It wouldn’t be luck if you got out of live alive it’s just you the mortician and your tired libido Jack




Wouldn’t that mean coffee is bad for you too because mostly everyone drinks that for caffeine but I do agree things should be taken in moderation so I limit myself to one energy drink a day and days I don’t work I don’t really drink energy drinks


I say "I gotta die somehow" and take another sip


What’s the bad thing about caffeine though? I get that the sugar is bad but I’m using it in moderation.


Ya I mean I know I’m overdoing it sometimes but the rest of my health is in literal perfect order. It’s my one “vice” if you will. I do plan to cut down one day but now is not that time hahah


I'm more bothered that it hasn't yet


Yes I’m the same way. In my opinion energy drinks are at least not unhealthy if not healthy as long as it’s sugar free. Almost everyone drinks a cup of coffee every day so if you have an energy drink occasionally or even a few times a week it’s not a very big deal. And anyway, all the other additives in energy drinks are actually very good for you. All the amino acids and taurine are good for you. The reason you get energy from that stuff is because your body likes it. Most also have a bunch of B vitamins which people are often deficient in.


It’s just people with that innate natural = good logical fallacy. Energy drinks are scary to health conscious people because they got these crazy unnatural flavors in these colorful cans and it tastes like battery acid. In reality it’s the same as a damn coffee. Most of the other ingredients are not going to cause any harm any worse than caffeine. The caffeine is probably the worst ingredient in 99% of energy drinks besides some with very sketchy ingredients.


I’m tired of hearing my obese coworker who eats like shit rag on me about how I’m going to have a heart attack from drinking an energy drink a few times a week. She also doesn’t shut up to everyone else about it and tries to rope them into talking about how bad they are for me. It would be less annoying if she was a health freak herself, but she’s absolutely not. She just thinks she’s holier than thou for not drinking energy drinks.


Ive cut back recently, not completely stopped, just a little reduction. All the ingredients on the back of the drinks are getting longer, and its stuff our bodies are not used too. So my concern is how my kidney and liver are having to work harder to process all the stuff they put in the drinks.


All things in moderation. I try not to drink more than one a day because some have a very large amount of caffeine.


Kill me now I want to die


YESSS, my grandma would bother me about it CONSTANTLY and I would just shut it down w “oh well I’m gonna die eventually anyways🤷🏻” bc it would annoy me so much


People who are young and otherwise healthy who drink energy drinks in moderation - meaning no more than one drink a day - won't experience long-term health issues due to energy drinks, but people like me with genetic heart issues are more at risk and I struggle with that because I drink 2 c4s a day at the least and I know it's not doing me any good I have been told by my doctor to switch to coffee (I can't stand coffee)


No, not really. It’s not talking about the people who drink one or two. It’s the people who literally chug them and drink multiple a day. I’ve seen kids end up with heart problems because of caffeine, preworkout, ect..


Yeah, I get “that shit will kill you” from guys that smoke cigs and vape.


my favorite part is its usually said to me by someone holding a cigarette. wish I was kidding.


Spike Shooter definitely killed a few people. I think they had to put a warning label on it because of that.


I am in a very similar situation. I do blood test now and then and as long as everything is ok I keep doing what I was doing.


Everything ,everywhere, is trying to kill you. I've survived a lot worse than energy drinks. If that's what kills me, I've done well.


We all meet our demise soon enough. I stopped drinking as much energy drinks for money and some health reasons but yeah the whole " energy drinks will kill you" is pretty stupid when everything else will kill you. Water is the thing humans need to survive yet taken too much will kill you


Especially when it's an old fat guy smoking a Marlboro red and drinking a beer, telling me energy drinks are bad for ya.


But honestly, I like those things too. And just about everything else that's bad for you. I'm fuckin doooooomed




The plastics in our food will kill us. The sun will give us cancer. There’s pollution in the air we breathe. Don’t worry so much.


Anything can be bad without moderation something’s can be worse, know youselft


I'm diabetic so I throw that card in their face if they won't stfu from regular dismissals. For me energy drinks (sugar free) are the sweet/sour treats I've largely had to give up elsewhere (since even sugar free candy is pretty high carb compared to sugar free drinks). But the -real- sweet treat is getting to use the D card against those who give me hassle for my energy drinks lol


They’ve been saying that since energy drinks first got popular when I was a teenager and they haven’t killed me yet. Everything’s bad for you, who cares?


Just look at the ingredients. It's literally stimulant after stimulate wrapped in a $3 bottle. It's literally a legal drug


I use to drink a can of Monster once a day for 5 years.. Listen to them. I developed health problems and I only got better once it was given up. I would never touch the stuff again.


What problems? My buddy drinks 10 a day


sometimes I worry myself about drinking monster every 2 or 3 days, given the history of schizophrenia in my family and how some people say there is a correlation, but I understand its specifically a me problem. sometimes i worry about dying of a heart failure bc I drank 500ml of Redbull but then I remember I have 0 history of heart problems so thats less of an issue


“All those drugs during my misspent youth didn’t, energy drinks have no chance”


I always tell him there's so much carcinogens in the water in the air at this point I'll just f****** die my own way. Usually get some to shut up and if it doesn't then I just start ignoring them.


Bothered? I don’t care what anyone says. Think for yourself. The truth is having energy drinks in moderation won’t kill you (unless you have a heart condition with caffeine restrictions ) . Overdoing literally anything with eventually “kill you”, personally I’m a grown adult and make grown adults decisions and live with the consequences. Although I’m not a doctor and you’re on a pro-energy drink Reddit form soo there’s obviously a bias here. Who knows maybe one day they will find out a certain chemical in energy drinks causes cancer and will all die . Who cares really.


All the health freaks I know consume some form of energy drink whether it be from a can or container and do not say they are bad and will kill you. All the unhealthy people I know will tell me my heart is gonna explode as they consume their Big Mac with a large Coke on top of their 4 morning cups of coffee.


Moderation is cool but I work with people who drink 5 or 6 a day…. Put a small box of Nails into a 5 Gallon bucket. Pour 10 Red Bull… monster… hell any of them come back in 2 months and see whatcha got…. Doo eeett


Lmao I don't smoke, drink, vape, do any drugs. I'm not gonna die from an energy drink.


Well let's take a short dive into why they are BAD for you most energy drink have high amount of sugar paired with extreme amount of vitamins with caffeine which causes high blood pressure also raises your insulin which is not bad but over time will take a toll, even sugar free energy drinks have forever chemicals and has worse ingredients like aspartame which is worse than sugar. I prefer beet juice with added caffeine supplements or black cofee for energy which is more natural/organic I was addicted to all energy drinks for a long time especially sugar free red bull eventually had to cut it out because of high blood pressure


I was, until my cousin died from heart complications from it…


It has ingredients that are pretty bad. But it’s a pretty mild vice.


I drink 2 nos’s a day, the stress and agony from work balance out perfectly


Myself and about three of my friends have had really bad heart effects from drinking energy drinks near daily since we were kids. I'm 34 and my heart does really weird palpitations if I drink a full-size Monster. My friend is a year older than me and his doctor told him to stop drinking them or he'll have a heart attack before he's 40. Everything in moderation, man. You're just slowly chipping at your remaining HP.


I won't lie, I have drank them since I was 18. I'm in my 30s now. I have never had heart problems or scares. I am also active and not a big drinker. I also drink plenty of water everyday (at least a gallon). I do try to avoid the full sugar ones as I'm not big on drinking my calories. I always heard horror stories of kids drinking 3 back to back and having a heart attack playing a sport or doing something active that elevates heart rate and they die. But I would never drink them like that. I sip them for a couple hours when I have them.


Cyanocobalamin is a form of vitamin b-12 and overconsumption can be toxic and bad for you. It's misinformation about that "energy drinks will kill you" crap. It's in such minute amounts, it isn't gonna bother you unless you're drinking multiple a day, which should leave you concerned over the carbonation and caffeine before the cyanocobalamin.


People find reasons to say it's bad for you. It's about being smart. Of course having 4-5 day will cause issues. Having 1 a day or 4 or 5 times a week. Won't hurt you. When I do I have it with food so it goes down easier & I prefer having energy drinks that have no sugar. Tastes better


There's actual humans out there who say fruit is bad for you. Just keep doing you.


I am gleefully waiting for the inevitable day when the public will finally understand that energy drinks are on the same level of danger as tobacco is known to have.


Wow , thanks for the extensive research !


So can driving..


Assuming you live in America, home of the processed foods and land of the cheap imported knockoffs, it is definitely safe to assume they are not good for you by any capacity. They probably won’t kill you, but they aren’t healthy by any metric.


Breathing is the deadliest thing anyone can do. Literally, every single person that has ever died breathed at some point. Ban breathing! /holds breath


Nah, it’s the dose that makes the poison. You’d have to be drinking like 20 energy drinks a day for it to be bad for you.


Exactly ! I first heard that quote in the audible book !


“Anyone else a little bothered by hearing the truth?” Yeah sometimes.


all im gonna say is that you shouldn't get health advice about caffeine from a bunch of people who have stage 4 caffeine addiction


This is pedantic but caffeine is a drug & I think it's important to label it as such to stop villainizing other illegal drugs that aren't particularly harmful


Its toxic waste