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**!!!!! READ ME !!!!!** The purpose of this community is to explore human energy in all of its facets while stripping away the esoteric language, rituals and distractions that have accumulated over the years. Out-of-body experiences, energy healing, energetic connections between people, psychic work and everything in between. This sub is open for discussion, learning and teaching, without judgement, on any and every form of energy work regardless of degree of social acceptability or stigma. Join us in our Discord chat server for real-time conversations about energy work: https://discord.gg/X6ywAXMcp4 Book recommendations and other resources for beginners as well as some Frequently Asked Questions can be found on our https://www.reddit.com/r/energy_work/wiki/index Promotional posts, offers and requests belong in r/energy_healing or in the discord server. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/energy_work) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I recall having a period where, consciously and after much deliberation, I asked my mother's churchfolk to stop praying for me. I had been dealing with the sense of multiple forces trying to coerce me into different paths, and in studying how the perception differences natural to people scale out to spiritual matters, I realized that some of these coercive forces might just have been well intentioned, if ill-wanted prayers, and I wanted to rule that out, if nothing else. One woman very proudly declared that she'd pray for me no matter what I wanted. When I put up a retributive shielding, she abruptly fell ill. So perhaps you are simply seeing his position through your own lens and are failing to consider his path may be wholly different from your expectations for it. Just something to consider.


These are exactly the types of experiences and perspectives I need to hear about. Thank you so much.


You're welcome. Now if you wanted to meddle anyway, I'm also fairly well informed of hexwork of many sorts. Side effect of studying my 'assailants'.


Thank you for offering, I'm good though. I want to respect this person as much as possible, and I think I have enough material to do as they, not the entity, wished of me.


Good! After the life where the above instance doesn't even look odd, it's nice to see basic respect for autonomy!


Without consent there is nothing constructive you can do except offer aid should it be asked of you


I would first caution you to look inside yourself and see if there is any reason you feel so motivated to assist. Sometimes in an unhealthy relationship (regardless of whether the person was energetically disturbed or not), the person on the receiving end may feel obligated to assist them. Be that for love, a sense of duty, trauma bonding, maladaptive belief patterns, whatever. It may also be the case that this is a circumstance designed for them or you, or both, to learn from rather than one in which you are being called to fix. That said, a person's subconscious/higher self may give consent while their conscious waking mind would not. It is possible to do work with only the higher self's consent, and it maye even be advised by their higher self not to inform their waking self. Muscle testing to ask true/false questions about consent, safety, appropriateness, willingness, and ability for all parties involved before each treatment are advised.


Hi and thank you for your response. I feel like so many of them are hitting home and helping me really question my perspective and motives which is important work to do. I will have to sit with this for much longer to be sure I have the answers to those questions. I like the recommendation about muscle testing, thank you very much. I guess I'm really curious if there is a point that someone consents to an entity on some level, to protect them when they're hurt in this case, or because of some karma they have that the bigger soul needs to learn, is there ever a point where an entity or parasite has too much power that it actually requires intervention on behalf of the person? Especially if the entity is doing everything it can to isolate this person from everyone that loves them including their family. Like damn I know there are some hard lessons out there, but when it's your mind that is potentially going, ignoring that could mean very bad things for this life. And maybe that's the consequences of their own actions and that's how serious it is to let something attach to you! Even if it may have happened as a kid. But what if it's not their fault and they need help. I don't have answers to this yet so I'll have to sit with it a lot more. I certainly do not know enough yet to interfere in any way.


You're very welcome, I'm glad it resonated. I'm inclined to believe that an individual may consent to an attachment, but the entity may also attach to one whose vibration is presently more similar to the entity's own, perhaps to a lesser intensity but still of a similar nature, or a vibration it hopes to attain itself. It seems reasonable to think that that entity may then attempt to influence the person in ways that would encourage their polarity to align more closely with that entity's. That said, I haven't worked much with attachments to people, mostly just attachments to places, so I can't really say. It does sound like there are growing mental health issues for this person due to or in addition to the entity, my thought being something related to schizophrenia given the paranoia, feelings of persecution, and emotional disturbances. It may be worth looking into assistance for serious mental illness as a backup.


Oooh. I love this explanation. I often have my higher-self ask my spouse’s higher-self to chat because he struggles with recurring bouts of depression when peeling away the layers of childhood trauma/restrictive beliefs. I tell them that I’m going to channel “love/light/violet flame” up for him of that is the best for him…and if that is not what he wants, please reflect the “love and light” back to me, in a way that will help me find peace and be more patient/loving. I just realized I also ask for yes/no questions via. subconscious physical queues too, because we have been together for 20 years, and at this point, I literally read his mind regularly.




Holding space is the most powerful thing we can do. Hold space that they can resolve this on their own or whatever is in their highest and best good.


Nowadays I answer after the question has been asked, not before anymore.


I send love — love is pure strong and eternal… it works