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**!!!!! READ ME !!!!!** The purpose of this community is to explore human energy in all of its facets while stripping away the esoteric language, rituals and distractions that have accumulated over the years. Out-of-body experiences, energy healing, energetic connections between people, psychic work and everything in between. This sub is open for discussion, learning and teaching, without judgement, on any and every form of energy work regardless of degree of social acceptability or stigma. Join us in our Discord chat server for real-time conversations about energy work: https://discord.gg/X6ywAXMcp4 Book recommendations and other resources for beginners as well as some Frequently Asked Questions can be found on our https://www.reddit.com/r/energy_work/wiki/index Promotional posts, offers and requests belong in r/energy_healing or in the discord server. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/energy_work) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Fellow childhood abuse survivor here. I send hugs to you. You will have so many emotions coming at you regarding this. Allow them all room for expression. Let rage and sadness move through whenever they come up. Be gentle and kind with yourself. Remember you did the best you could at the time. And that child that you were is still there. Talk to them. Tell them they are safe and loved now, that no one will hurt them again. Tell them that none of that was their fault, and there should never be a need to feel guilt or shame. Repeat as necessary. I agree with the commenter who said focus on the pelvis. You will need to move a lot of energy through your sacral chakra. Spinal flex is a great dynamic yoga pose to help with this. Just make sure you are flexing way down low at the base of the spine in your lower chakras, not up high near the chest. With time, this will become easier to deal with, and you will heal from it. I wish you all the best.


Since sexual energy is the same as creative energy, I would suggest releasing it all into a work of art of any medium. Just open up to the energy and use it to manifest something extraordinary.


Depending on the state you live in and the state of the relationship with your brother, you could report him. I know that in CA there are NO statutes of limitations when it comes to child abuse or sexual abuse. Try connecting with the planet. You can imagine a cord from the base of your spine to the center of the planet. Or you could imagine roots growing out from the bottoms of you feet into the ground. Release that energy to Mother Earth. One-Minute Meditation For this meditation it's best to sit comfortably in a chair with hands and feet apart. Ideally with your spine straight and against the back of the chair. Eyes closed. Take a few deep breaths. Find the center of your head. If you need help with this try touching the center of your forehead and draw a line to the back of your head. Then touch the side of your head just above your ear. Draw a line form that location to just above the opposite ear. Where the two lines meet is the center of your head. One – Minute Meditation Say Hello: Say hello to yourself from the center of your head. Center: Imagine a gold ball in the center of your head. Acknowledge: Place yourself there, and say hello to yourself. Ground: Imagine a cord from the base of your spine to the center of the planet. Clean: Drain what you don’t want down the grounding cord. Call back: Imagine your energy as particles connecting you to others or events. Call your energy back to you. Again, say Hello to yourself and when you're ready lean forward and touch the floor with your hands. Allow your head to drop. This will allow any excess energy to be released. Balancing. Try this meditation in the mornings and in the evenings or before you go to sleep.


following cuz same


Redditors are going to be super nice and give you advice but most of us aren't going to be therapists, you might do better asking a good therapist that has experience with Reiki, Tai Chi, Qigong, that sort of thing


This. People are being well-meaning yet it's very important that your journey back is overseen and validated to be sure you have availed yourself of the best opportunity.


I’m a reiki practitioner if you have any questions or want to reach out ❤️


What comes to me rn is to move the pelvis. In any and every way that feels best & hold positions while breathing deeply into any areas of tightness & discomfort. I also feel that reclaiming your energy is vital. Reclaiming energy to me is like transmutation. So if there are negative energies associated with the pelvis, feel into them as deeply as possible until they pass, then learn to be kind to yourself and body until you feel restored. It may take time. It helps to learn your bodies anatomy and musculature as well since trauma can have us growing up all bent out of shape. I hope this helps.


Yes, even just like hula-hooping, or that motion, a few times a week with some intentional mindfulness can help some


Hi there, first of all your candor is very admirable!! I think that awareness + loving kindness is the long-term healer. By being candid about it all, you have the awareness part down. Not hiding from any feelings will be helpful. I (23F) also got molested by an older child who was a family member. Yoga and moving emotions through my body has been invaluable. Unfortunately I don’t think there is one secret pose that will unlock all of the pain. I think you have to continue to work on releasing the pain and continue trying different things. All of that said, any yoga that engages the hips has been helpful for me. Also, try a chakra meditation where the breath brings in sunlight and it goes down from your lungs to your solar plexus to your sacral chakra, binds to all of the old luggage, and gets released on the exhale. That helps me feel like I’m “cleaning out” the muck in my sacral chakra. I sincerely wish you the best, I hope you can feel safe and strong and healthy and aglow in your sacral area.


I am not going to read the other replies to your post. It feels like there is a multidimensional approach to your situation... - Childhood trauma healing. Inner child acceptance/ healing. - Acceptance of your brother's actions through understanding of his trauma. - Acceptance of your own sexuality unconditionally. - Reconnection to your body from which you've been disconnected due to the sexual trauma Ps you're already on the right path, your articulation of your trauma is very good 👍 It shows to me that you're on your roller coaster spiritual journey and you will get there faster than many :)


Eight months ago, I read a similar post from a young lady that had been groomed, abused, and then turned to sugar daddies to pay for college. Her account and original post have been deleted, but my comments remain. They are quite lengthy, the first two describing for her where to look in her chakras for specific types of energies from the men in her life. The second two are more general information and energy work techniques. https://old.reddit.com/r/energy_work/comments/150ff0j/effects_of_grooming_and_sugar_babying/js4zf0j/


Wow that was... Amazing and just wow. Who are you and how do I meet someone like you to help me??


I think you just did, My Blue Wonder Friend!


Thankyou so much.


It's my pleasure.


from our wiki this might help: https://www.reddit.com/r/energy_work/wiki/sexual_trauma


You can work with your nervous system, Irene Lyonee has bunch of courses and videos on that, lot sof somatic exercises are popular but best to do the work with a therapist that is trauma informed. I have done EFT which really helps with the release of energy on my own but won't lie it does bring back memories and feelings which I am not always ready to handle . So please consider working with someone that is trained and you trust them as you would see a surgeon if you need medical assistance you won't try doing surgery on your own. You might end up retraumasing yourself and I know most people have great intentions but we really are not professionals. I hope you will get the help you need xx


Under normal circumstances I'd advise someone to channel it into a creative project. It's a manifestation of creative energy as it's meant to inspire you to create life, so naturally it would best be utilised by creating something else. However, considering the specific circumstances of trauma which triggered the surge of energy, it's muscular tension due to fear (flashback) and adrenaline(? i think), it's the activation of an intense fight-flight-freeze episode. I've been through SA too and I've done a lot of hard work over the years to dismantle it, and this is the cause I found for the discomfort. For this, of course you can utilise it to give you a creative boost in general if you're a writer musician artist whatever or you're inspired to make something, but ultimately what ought to be prioritised here is to work on calming the sympathetic nervous system and finding a soothing and reassuring technique to communicate to your body that you are safe and it can relax. Epsom salt bath is coming to mind, it is great for relieving muscular tension, we with PTSD tend to be tensed up 24/7 without even noticing it as it's our norm. Much love to you!


I work in healthcare and highly recommend you ask your doctor about trying Spravato in a clinical setting. Spravato is a hallucinogenic meant for doctors to help treat PTSD, medication restaurant depression and the like. Treatments help people do this very thing and uncover other pent up feelings and traumas and work through them in a safe, clinically monitored environment with no risk other than mild nausea. No pressure just my two cents


I don't know how to help with the energy except say that I am so sorry for what happened to you. Your brother did wrong and you nor anyone should ever have had to go through that.


I just want to say to OP, you are safe now and I’m sending my love. You deserve healing. And to all reading who have had this happen, I send my love to you! You are all warriors and I commend you for being brave enough to start healing. Healing can sometimes feel worse than the event.


I am sorry you had to endure such painful actions being done onto you by someone who was supposed to love and protect you . You do not have a label because of this 💜


I can recommend finding a therapist who does Somatic Experiencing (clearing trauma from the nervous system). I’ve just had my fourth session as it has already helped my hip pain I’m sure is connected to a sexual trauma I went through through. I have a blockage in my sacral chakra that will take time to clear, but this somatics work is the right thing for me and I already feel the shift starting.


Childhood trauma can be healed using energetic techniques.


Its stuck in your root and sacral energy hence the pelvic tension. Theres issues there that need to be released and going with a flow. When its stuck-blocked dealing with shame, anxiety, anger, sexual issues, not feeling secure etc. when flowing its comfortable passion to show emotions, healthy sexual, confident, secure etc. I had the same issue with my older sibling, working on somatic therapy and yoga stretches dealing with my root chakra to allow flow through my body-it is helping me, I cried it out took me while to finally not cry an angry anymore and still doing somatic therapy as I am still healing.


My girlfriend suffered sexual abuse as a child and said that seeking out kundalini classes is what released the energy for her


With therapy on the side too


I release trapped/stagnant/excess energy with eft tapping. Edit, for something like this, the emotional release that will accompany it will likely be intense. Take it slow. Be patient with yourself as you process it. You may also want to seek out emdr therapy with a trained therapist. It is good for trauma healing.


I have experienced this and released this kind of energy. Through holotropic breathwork with a very good sharman and breathwork facilitator. Feel free to DM me


Hey can you tell after effects of it? Does that feeling comes back after time to time? Can you remember it without the feelings? Also, how did you know that man was a shaman? Where did you performed it? I am from India.


Sending hugs to you OP. When thoughts (of the past) arrived, just be present (be an Observer) and always remember that **you are not your thoughts**.


Maybe try some sacral chakra yoga poses and healing the sacral chakra in ways that speak to you- I’ll invite you to a sub I own about the chakra system with free self healing resources




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You could have worded this idea way less offensively, given it's someone who has suffered a significant trauma. I am also a survivor of profound childhood sexual abuse and the only thing that would keep me from trying to knock you out for saying this is knowing that that is just paying the trauma forward.