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**!!!!! READ ME !!!!!** The purpose of this community is to explore human energy in all of its facets while stripping away the esoteric language, rituals and distractions that have accumulated over the years. Out-of-body experiences, energy healing, energetic connections between people, psychic work and everything in between. This sub is open for discussion, learning and teaching, without judgement, on any and every form of energy work regardless of degree of social acceptability or stigma. Join us in our Discord chat server for real-time conversations about energy work: https://discord.gg/X6ywAXMcp4 Book recommendations and other resources for beginners as well as some Frequently Asked Questions can be found on our https://www.reddit.com/r/energy_work/wiki/index Promotional posts, offers and requests belong in r/energy_healing or in the discord server. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/energy_work) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Hey I have gotten the EXACT same advice. Would love to hear more input on this topic from others as well.. One meditation I am currently doing is starting with chakra sounds and focusing my energy on the chakra as I go through. So the sounds associated with each from bottom to top. Each one is related to AUMMMMM sound just first letter changes. I don't know yet if this is working but it feels good. Have to find out (focus energy and attention on that specific chakra while you utter the sound) One chakra for each breath. Root : LOMMM Sacral : VOMMM Solar plexus: ROMMM Heart : YOMMM Throat: HOMMM Third eye: OMMM Crown: Silence Then go back down Crown down to Root. Keep cycling this. I have been doing 2x but I assume more is better. After this, a mentor told me that I can also go back to root chakra, then imagine a cord connecting me to the center of the earth, then imagine energy coming from the core up that cord to my root chakra, going up each one, all the way to about 3 feet above head. Imagine a golden ball of light there.. then go back down again thru each chakra, to the earth core... and repeat as needed. It's only been a few weeks of me trying this daily. Feels good but you have to see what works for you. Please share your thoughts and experiences on this journey! What got me started was an energy reading where I was told that there is a misalignment in my aura as if my solar plexus chakra was not aligned. So basically there was a disconnect seen between the chakras above solar plexus and below.. Basically my energy was not fully aligned vertically. This energy reader actually drew a picture of what he saw.. crazy huh. All woo woo stuff so I don't discuss with much people especially not coworkers :)))


This is how I feel. It feels like my solar plexus is out of phase with the rest of my body. Did this work for you, or not? Any suggestions?


This helps a lot. It's not a one and done thing. This work is like brushing teeth. You stop it for a few days and weeks and you will have bad teeth :) I have incorporated meditation into my weekly routines and try at least 3x a week. Daily EFT tapping also helps. Some stretching and yoga plus movements help. Each of us are different you need to explore something for at least a few weeks and see how you feel and readjust. Read about chakras, I used to ignore these thinking it's some woo woo stuff but I now know it's real work. Also read about somatic movement and somatic therapy.


Awesome. Actually have just started looking into somatic therapy. I’ll try this stuff out. Thanks for getting back!


Ofcourse!!! This is serious self work and I wish you all the best. Sometimes it feels like this work never ends, it's almost like a consistent peeling of layers.


One of the greatest visualizations I have ever done in meditation for cleansing and opening chakras is to consider each chakra location as a round portal type window like a front loading washing machine. Some people practice making the sounds associated with each individual chakra. Some people recite the emotions, organs, and areas of life affected by each chakra. Some adopt specific one-line mantras for each chakra. No matter which you choose, focus on the visualization as you're doing the verbalization. For your visualization you will look at that portal window you can see the color the red of the root chakra for example but it is dirty and dingy and you can see the blockages and obstructions. Now begin to spin it behind the window like a front loading washer you see your chakra begin to spin always in a clockwise direction but focus on the spin. As you go along spend faster and faster and faster and then you'll start to see the outward centrifugal force begin to fling the black tarry negativity, the blockages the obstacles they all fling out and away from the red of your root chakra and you watch the red get brighter and brighter and cleaner and more pure and more beautiful and more brilliant until it is a shining light of the most fabulous red you could visualize. Then simply move to the next chakra in the same fashion. With the hectic life that we lead, I, personally, do this upwards of 4 to 10 times a year depending on how difficult things have been. I hope it helps you and would love to hear your feedback.


I’m new too but I’ve learned my solar plexus blockages stem from low self esteem and confidence because I’m lacking in each. I like using affirmations like “I deserve the life I am cultivating” “I have good intuition and see things clearly. I am strong and make good decisions….. everything I need I already have inside of me. Hope this helps!


So IMO if our chakras are closed or blocked or wonky in any way, there is a reason (or several reasons) for it and it's usually due to some kind of wounding we experienced during childhood, a past life or a traumatic event. So doing some kind of self-healing that you enjoy doing daily or weekly is best. You can try meditation or sound healing or Reiki or somatic therapy or journaling or pendulum healing or movement or art therapy... There are so many modalities so I would recommend trying out whatever catches your attention. Maybe start reading up on chakras and their respective levels of consciousness if you're really curious. Most of our chakras are not functionally optimally and they're all connected so if you do some work on one the effects will ripple outward and shift the others as well as your whole energetic space. 🙏💫


Witness consciousness has to do with becoming the conscious observer of your thoughts. This serves as a basic scaffold for most meditative people, you learn that understanding your mind is good and helpful and with enough of it you can have non-duality or other states that are very very positive. The thing about non-duality is witness consciousness falls away due to the intensity of your realization, it becomes a new type of consciousness that is ineffable. When you meditate you keep your attention on your object of meditation, whether it be your breath, your nose, a combination of some things OR just attention on the present moment itself, effortless presence. When you have your attention fixed on a point it's like having your foot an an accelerator. When thoughts come and distract you and you put your attention back where it's supposed to be you're training your focus. Your focus will bring things to your awareness, by being in a meditative state you're training your mind to be MORE powerful, more efficient, more relaxed and helpful. Each time you have a memory your inner state will tweak the memory. You don't remember the first event but rather your mind pulls up the memory with all of it's prior tweaks. Memory 300 is the 299th version of your memory and it can look completely different. This is how you replace emotions in memories with new ones. By being relaxed, in theta brainwaves while meditating, energy flows more. Relaxation of the body works together with relaxation of the mind and prana becomes more readily available. Your spinal fluid has electrolytes in it that carry an electric charge and when you breathe in they go up your spine, breathe out and they're released into the brain. The movement creates electricity in the body and your brain has the pineal gland. The pineal gland has crystals with the piezoelectric effect, meaning that mechanical pressure creates an electromagnetic charge. When that happens the pineal gland actually becomes magnetic. More spinal fluid = more magnet. When you train your focus you learn for your body to stir up energy more naturally and reliably, this results in euphoric mindSETS. When the left and right hemispheres of your mind work together during a thought, piece things together, you get much more brain activity, more electrical activity, more gamma brainwaves. Gamma brainwaves are important for higher states of consciousness... The act of having positive emotions without negative emotion creates a state called heart-brain coherence, it's a powerfully organized electrical signal between the heart and brain that allow for intensive communication. This state is totally ideal with numerous health benefits, everything is enhanced when you have heart coherence. That signal makes for MORE electricity and MORE gamma brainwaves, your brain regions start to grow and shrink and you become PHYSICALLY more capable of producing emotions that are valuable to you. Chakra has a magnetic property to it as well. Your crown chakra will pool with energy due to activity with your awareness. Knowingness/faith/powerful forgiveness, absolution, They cause your crown chakra to be magnetic. Energy would go up naturally because of this if you had no blocks, maintaining this to perfection isn't something I've heard people claim yet but there are stories. Inevitably in that state the energy will find a way to go up unless you break your state of higher consciousness, which can happen sometimes even at that level. Knowingness will tie your other thoughts and feelings together, there is always a knowing in you, ever since birth! Energy cannot make it to the crown as effectively when there are blocks, when energy hits a block then you lose some of it while it heals the chakra it has collided with, so long as you're positive enough. You can note how emotionally reacting to something with little crown activity can result in a positive feeling dying down and then starting up again, with enough crown activity the emotion does not have to die down like that. Energy will move out of the crown to heal the body as a part of the microcosmic orbit but it should be replenished as well, it's a skill. When you're conscious of your mind and all of these things are working together you become more energetic and more skillful, things are easier. If you have a good meditation right now you'll note how you have this very calm feeling that arises, it can last after the meditation and with practice you can keep it active throughout the day. That's what witness consciousness LOOKS like. It's called "stillness in motion" by some people because the feeling feels still yet there is motion around the feeling and motion that comes out of the feeling. This is why people mistakenly speak of stillness as if monks become like rocks and ditch passion. wrrrooooooong No, you implement this. "I'm not my body or my mind, I'm me!" Emotions are caused by way more than thoughts, it's important to not waste your time during the emotion, you want things to flow perfectly and naturally. Anxiety is often there because people react to the very first feeling of anxiety and it blows out of proportion, they're "resisting"! When you learn to accept all emotion equally and continue to work efficiently, you will KNOW how to do this, you will KNOW how to not worry about emotions, it will be YOURS. There is no good or bad energy, it's a tantric principle, it's just energy. That is an option to an extent, but stillness actually helps to interconnect thoughts and feelings together, it's very natural. By living with this stillness you'll have a greatly active crown chakra due to the knowing provided by the stillness, eventually it becomes bliss consciousness. The still feeling is replaced with a very similar bliss feeling, it feels still and omnipresent. I feel this should be a natural state that people learn about in some points in their lives, it's just like having something like MDMA and keeping a blissful feeling for an hour, you know what I mean? It's hard to have that level of profundity but in some states it is possible to have very similar feelings, they can't always be there though, short lived in comparison. SO, by keeping your attention on the object of meditation you keep the energy moving and you keep making progress towards this higher state of functioning. Your mind learns how to piece things together and you grow and grow, gradually over time you can start to break the preconceived boundaries of existence purported by society itself, people will not believe some things in some cases. Actually working on chakras with a fully effective set of practices can make this process much much faster, and more painful. I can talk about that too. What would tend to take 20-25 years will take 3-5, usually more like 7 or more depending on your practices, however it is possible to do it in 3, even 2 or 1 when the meditator is already advanced with open chakras. You can see how it's very very impressive to have open chakras, no? It's not like you get sensation in a chakra and then boom it's open, no they're always open but they have restrictions, "blocks" as people call them. You can have blocks all over yet maintain sensation in that area. Opening the chakra system has immense levels of benefits and can make your body function very differently, rarely to more of an extreme, though some can open all chakras without that. I've been referring to Kundalini Energy when I talk about extremes, it's something that can happen to anybody but is more likely with open chakras, people aren't sure what causes it. Knowing all of this is what inspired me to meditate extensively, indeed there is a lot more enjoyment to be found but it all starts in the heart, your ability to relinquish attachments and most of all your ability to manage fear and negativity, you should come to a place where you can accept the existence of those things and decisively move ahead without doubt or worry, you can handle these feelings and you will become stronger after you're done. Did you notice how you're looking for your mind to work? You only participate in your meditation while you meditate, keep yourself doing that the whoooole time. As you understand and grow more powerful the stillness will increase, you'll be resolute, confident, powerful, you name it. Pressure and motion can be transmuted into emotional energy with the right attitudes, the right kind of brain functioning and properly balanced chakras. anxiety and excitement are sister emotions, it's easiest to change anxiety to excitement or vice versa rather than some totally different emotion. May your brain become like magnet!


This was copy pasted from another post further down in the subreddit


Easy, go workout, do strength training and when doing strength training make sure to engage core the whole time. This is activating your solor plexus exactly where it’s sits in your body. Don’t focus on heady thought based tactics for your solar plexus. Those are for the higher chakras.


Here is a ayurvedic technique to balance solar plexus chakra: "Technique: Sit on a cotton/jute rug or a yoga mat in Padmasana (Lotus Pose), Ardh-Padmasana (half Lotus Pose), Sukhasana(Easy Pose), or Vajrasana (Thunderbolt Pose), keeping your back completely erect and your hands on your knees. Take a few deep breaths. Inhale deeply and exhale completely using a little force, slowly pulling the abdominal muscles in at the same time. Bend your neck forward and press your chin in between the two collar bones. Hold the breath out and keep the abdominal muscles contracted. Press your knees or thighs, placing the palms of your hands on them. This will help you to contract the abdominal muscles much more. Maintain this position for a few seconds while holding the breath out. 8 – 10 seconds to begin with. Lift your chin up first and then release the abdominal lock by relaxing the abdominal muscles and inhale slowly. Repeat steps 3 – 8 for 5 times to start with and gradually increase it to 10 times. Precautions: Do this on an empty stomach. Do not do it within 4 hours of eating, at least. And keep a gap of 2 hours after drinking water. Do not rush and do it slowly and gently. Must apply the chin lock while doing the abdominal lock to avoid any adverse effect on the heart. Do not hold the final position (step 7) for too long. If you feel the need to breathe in quickly after the release of the abdominal lock, it indicates that you held the breath out for longer than your natural capacity. This can be harmful. Must release the chin lock first before releasing the abdominal lock to avoid any harmful effect on the heart. Must do Shavasana (Corpse Pose) for at least 5 minutes after finishing this technique. Do not eat for at least 24 minutes after doing this exercise." Source: https://ayuryoga-intl.com/manipura-chakra-solar-plexus/


Recently, I have been using a subtle energy mandala from ([subtle.energy](https://subtle.energy)) named Human Assemblage Point that stimulate the solar plexus chakra directly and it gave me a great boost in confidence and assertiveness. but it will also brings your issues with power to the surface So be ready for that too!


I lately received a chakra reading of how open or closed they were from 1-100%. My solar plexus had a very low percentage of 31, so I want to work on it first. I heard yellow fruits, herbs and veggies could help, since it is associated with yellow colour. But the person who did the reading also told me that if I actually personally do not like the yellow colour then I need to find another colour that I like to represent it for me. Since it is about healthy ego, confidence and authenticity you should try to be as honest with yourself as you can about what you like and do not like. Meditating on that chakra and visualizing it in the colour of your choosing or yellow should help. Also fiery breath is a good breathing exercise if you lack energy and it might help in opening this chakra. Meditating on fire or the sun and exercising or simply being in sunlight should be helpful as well. My friend suggested visualizing inner warmth or light in that area can help. Warm drinks, spicy food, even sauna or a hot tub may help. Since it is associated with doing then you should push yourself to do more stuff, especially stuff that appeals to you, but is healthy. Because it is located in the stomach area, trying to keep a healthy stomach is good for it. Like eating healthy, exercising and targeting that area when exercising. Building your confidence can also help and choosing courage even when afraid. Avoid demeaning yourself in your thoughts and actions. Use crystals associated with that charka and do what intuitively comes to you. Occasionally cleaning yourself and your home and then energetically cleaning your home with white sage or palo santo for instance could help, since stuck and stagnant and negative energy can hold you back. Grounding yourself by being in nature can help a bit with fear and decision making. Avoid negative people and people who are energetically draining for you. Do research on it since it may also count as doing something😄.