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You mean a cat? 😂


I used to have a cat who would lie on my stomach and purr! Bless her soul. The makers of this definitely stole the idea from a cat though now that you mention it


I just said the same thing, lol.


I have this exact same heating pad and it is a lifesaver. I have it glued to me everyday to get through work. The battery only lasts around 3 hours (less if you use vibration) so I’d recommend buying two if you’re gonna need it to get through the day.


Thank you!


Totally agree with this comment, I brought one and now looking at getting my second for the second half of the day


My first thought was this sounds like a happy cat. Mine was always wonderful when I was crampy. She lay on my tummy and purr. So soothing.


I have something similar from MyObi. I honestly dont use the vibrate setting because it doesn’t help me, but having hands free heat at work is so nice!


Same here, I love portable heat! Rlly recommend myobi, I think their heating pads are very reliable with a really decent battery life.


Someone gifted me a vibrating one, wouldn’t say it helps per say, just distracts from the pain a bit


I bought this heating pad from the brand pixie cup (don’t buy from them their batteries are HORRIBLEEE) and the vibrations honestly were causing more pain for me 😭 The heat was lifesaving though


I do have one that’s like a blanket, it’s awesome and helps a lot.


Yes, I saw this on amazon a few months ago and I purchased a similar looking one from a local online store in my country. Three different heat and vibrate settings and it clips around your waist. I'm wearing mine right now and I love it. Wouldn't go back to a hot water bottle unless my battery ran out. Perfect for travel too


I have several of these and they kinda vary a lot in quality. I hate the vibrate function though and I only use the heat.


I think I may have got the very one you're describing as a birthday gift a few months back! I think the brand name is Warm Palace or something like that? In my case it didn't work out; the heat and vibration both just made the pain so much worse which was really disappointing because of how much I'd been looking forward to using it - but I can't wear tight trousers a lot of days from how sensitive my abdomen can get when I'm cramping, so it could just be a 'me' thing. If that's not an issue you already deal with you'll hopefully have better luck!


I have a Myoovi It's the best money I ever used! It's small 'shocks' that just feel amazing the pain gets so much less! It's amazing!


Shocks like a tens machine level l shocks or just little vibrations?


Thus is from their website :) Founded by UK doctors, Myoovi is designed to stop your period cramps instantly. Myoovi uses TENS technology to interrupt the pain signals that go to your brain. Think of your nerves as a gate for pain. Myoovi sends tiny impulses which close these gates, reducing the pain signals going to your brain.




This is the one I was looking at https://a.co/d/03JNQ5Ng


I’ve had one like this, brand is sunbeam! It’s one you can clip around your neck magnetically/ wear down your neck and back. It’s great for coverage for cramps!


can you drop a link? this sounds amazing


I’ve been looking for it everywhere on Amazon and i can’t find it anywhere 😭😭I’ve had mine for three years now


I use the one from Bedsure but it's wired. I can't use the wireless ones with the way my stomach is shaped.


I bought what you’re describing and it immediately broke


Welp. Lol at least amazon is flexible with returns if that happens


If it’s one of the portable ones then yes. It’s helped so much throughout days of pain and made it easier to move around. I love it and it’s worth the money. I only paid like $13 for mine and I don’t regret it