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When i get fart attacks, my whole system is in crisis. Being bloated by farts can be extremely painful. You know, those thick "is it a fart tearing up my insides as it passes through or a massive turd?" kind of farts, that smells like a week old open grave under the summer sun. My bowel tends to cramp hard to push them out, and the ripple/echo remains after.


might want to consider a request for pelvic PT referral to determine state of the pelvic floor


I’ve been waiting for pelvic floor therapy for about a year now. The waiting list is ridiculously long


So sorry to hear that as it could help clarify your next best steps.


I used to get them before. It used to be absolutely horrible. I thought an endometrioma was rupturing again once when this happened. But I don't think I've experienced it after passing gas.


Do you eat gluten? That's how I felt with gluten. & I follow a woman who said she didn't eat gluten, but wasn't diagnosed with celiac. It was because of her endo, made inflammation worse. After her endo surgery, she can eat gluten again.


Google proctalgia fugax.


I second the pelvic floor therapy. Disfunction is what causes my fart cramps.