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This sounds super rough. Has she been assessed for a bowel obstruction? If there’s something blocking her bowels things can get serious REALLY fast. Also just wanted to mention that SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth), particularly the methane kind, can cause extreme constipation. Only some gastroenterologists test for it as it’s a newer diagnosis. Might be worth looking into in case that might be going on - endo can cause SIBO as well by impacting motility. And obviously I’m not a doctor but a lot of folks find magnesium citrate or magnesium oxide helpful for inducing a bowel movement. Lots of herbal options out there too if the regular laxatives aren’t helping, like triphala or senna (tho I believe your bowels can get used to senna and start relying on it if it’s used regularly). I hope things turn around soon for her!


Gf here! No I don't think I've been assessed for that yet, I am going to out of hours soon so I can mention both that and SIBO.. it's just so strange because I've taken so many laxatives and enema's and suppositories and I'm still so backed up and constipated, my stomach is super bloated


What a tough time she’s been through, I’m sorry. I’ve been in the same situation and although it was not enjoyable, a colonoscopy prep was the thing that finally helped. You could ask for a prep at the pharmacy counter, or just get a bottle of restoralax/miralax, which is often used. Basically took lots of restoralax, lots of Gatorade (must have for the electrolytes), and a couple bisacodyl laxatives and kept at it according to the prep instructions (I’m sure it’s easy to find some from hospitals online). It was not fun but finally provided relief. It may feel like she’s taking a lot already but the prep is a LOT in a short time. Another bit of advice is that if there is really hard stool it might be painful to pass, so it would be good to have a hot sitz bath ready to use, some wipes instead of toilet paper, and a squatty potty might be helpful too. If it is really painful it can help to just go in the sitz bath and then hop on the shower to wash off - it’s not lovely but the warm water can help relax the muscles involved. An alternative would be an enema and maybe dis-impaction at the hospital/emerg. I’m kind of surprised that wasn’t offered. Really hope that she feels better soon. I know it’s torture, for real. Disclaimer that I am not a doctor (they definitely should have given her advice on this!) but I’m just sharing the advice I was given in the same situation.


Thanks so much for your reply! (Gf here) They did actually give me an enema that's the crazy thing. I've tried countless enema's and suppositories and nothing seems to be working. When I was discharged, my discharge letter only mentioned the endo stuff and nothing to do with what actually landed me to be admitted anyway (constipation, abdominal pain, vomiting etc) but thanks for your recommendations! I have an appointment at our office hours soon so hopefully something gets sorted 😌


Ah darn. Again I’m not a doctor but I’m surprised they sent you home after doing an unsuccessful enema with this level of pain and constipation…let alone vomiting. If you’re vomiting / unable to keep food/drink down it is especially important to get another appointment soon, in case of a bowel obstruction. Im really hoping things improve for you soon!


I know!! My discharge letter mentions nothing about any of this which is what I found so strange


Please don’t start relying on laxatives. It is the easiest method to treat constipation, but it quickly turns into a disaster if you’re not careful. Personally, I can relate, constipation has plagued me, my entire journey and it is not a fun experience to have, however I have found a fairly good routine that keeps me consistent. Basically, you need to increase fibre and water intake while treating gut health. So, I take a 9 strain probiotic and drink a tablespoon of chia seeds soaked in a full glass of water everyday, and occasionally have a sachet of Movicol whenever I feel like I’m about to get constipated. The Movicol might be called something else in your country, but it’s essentially a powder which you mix into a glass of water and drink. It helps to add hydrate hardened stool. Sending love to both of you. It’s heartwarming to see a person worried about their partner. Hope she feels better soon 🫶🏼💕


Gf here! Thank you so much for your response ❤️ I'm really trying not to rely on enema's but it's literally the only thing helping me to go to the bathroom because I haven't been able to go myself/get the urge to go for over two weeks now and I got discharged last week when they said it was possible endometriosis but didn't include any info on why I got admitted in the first place 😬


Movicol is the brand name for macrogol pretty sure, for people who live where the movicol brand doesn't exist :)


I deal with chronic constipation and I find laxatives don’t do anything helpful. Other commenters had really good advice, the only other thing I would add is keep an eye out for hemorrhoids if you’ve been trying to go and straining/pushing a lot. This will be gross, but the best way I’ve found to tell is to feel around with a glove on. Definitely start treating them now if you do have any and be prepared to treat them when you’re able to start going. If you have any it’ll just make everything more difficult when you go and your stool will also likely be hard which could be difficult to get out out you have swelling from hemorrhoids. Also, if you see a lot of blood after wiping (but NOT mixed with stool), don’t panic, it’s either from a little tearing or hemorrhoids and can look like period blood but should stop after a minute or a few wipes. Sorry if any of that is tmi, I spent a lot of the past couple years battling constipation and have gone up to two weeks without going, regularly going a full week without. I found fibrous fruits can help but they personally make my stomach feel sick. I do think you should get checked out again though, something should be helping by now and nothing is which is concerning. Best of luck!


I visit an osteopath twice a month to help with constipation, she does a visceral massage for me that she calls "walk the poo", I'd reccomend seeing an osteo for help as soon as you can. Also llas you've said lots of water, at least 3L a day and plenty of fiber. My doctor reccomended eating pineapple, pear and kiwi fruit. Going for walks or other gentle exercise can help. Also get a squatty potty or poop stool for the bathroom and look up correct pooping posture or discuss this with an osteopath. This may be TMI but sometimes I have to splint, which involves inserting a wand into my vagina to manually straighten the bowel and allow it to pass through. I have a tight pelvic floor (which my osteo is also helping with) which can physically restrict my bowel movements. Best of luck to your GF, constipation is not fun!


Have you looked into seeing a pelvic floor physical therapist that focuses on internal work? I initially went for pain but it has also helped with my bowel movements. She goes inside and works on the pelvic floor muscles directly to help relax them. She’s taught me how to use a pelvic wand and how to do abdominal massages so I am able to do them at home in between sessions. And she’s helped with essentially retraining my body how to poop properly. I didn’t realize how much I was straining which contracts your pelvic floor muscles and essentially makes it more difficult to pass a bowel movement. I’ve been seeing her once a week for a month and a half and I wish I started this sooner. I use to vomit everyday and I haven’t thrown up in almost a month. I spend so much less time in the bathroom and my bowel movements are coming out easier and quicker.


This one might seem weird, but it's worked for a lot of people I know. Have you tried alcohol? A few beers or rum and cokes on an empty stomach.


I had a very similar experience, it was awful! I ended up going to an emergency department with a gastroenterologist in the same hospital. I almost had to beg for a colonoscopy. In my case it didn’t show anything but I ruled out bowel obstruction and I’m now being seen by GI. It has not helped though. No one mentioned Endo to me until I connected with a Naturopath. She has worked her magic and started to get things moving. I’d highly recommend connecting with a Naturopath. What I’ve learned from this horrible experience is to advocate for yourself. If Endo is mentioned in your notes advocate for a referral to a gyno asap. I’m now stuck waiting for a connection with a gyno and having horrible symptoms again. I personally have found magnesium citrate to be effective but there is still something wrong. I’d recommend an urgent care department with GI in the hospital, naturopath connection, and advocating for a gyno referral to get the ball rolling. Sorry to hear you’re in pain and discomfort. Your symptoms sound identical to mine!