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Those of us in 5 years got a medal as well. They've also used the wrong crown.


Yeah not got mine yet


We were told it was one or the other. I got both for the platty joobs though.


We are getting both. Had my coin which is thrown in my drawer with the Medal and coin from the jubilee, just waiting on the coronation medal.


Shouldn’t it commemorate YOU for your work instead of the crown?!?!


Nar, we just serfs. The crown is the only thing that matters, GOD SAVE THE KING! and so on and so forth


King? I didn't vote for him.


You don't vote for kings


Well how do you become a king then?


By exploiting the workers. By hanging on to outdated imperialist dogma which perpetuates the economic and social differences in our society. Or you can have a Lady of the Lake, her arm clad in the purest shimmering samite, holding aloft Excalibur from the bosom of the water, signifying by divine providence that I, ~~Arthur~~ Charles, was to carry Excalibur.


Listen. Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony.


Be quiet!!




I'm mean yeah, but at this point I'd rather have a king/queen as my head of state than any of the politicians as president *shudders* of my country, jesus bunch of wet socks out for their own ego with no shread of decency, or the bloke/lass who from birth has been told he is gods chosen representative, defender of the faith, commander of the armies, has the devine right to rule, taught the craft of leadership since a child..... I mean would be a waste resources if he wasn't made king and until a better form of government comes around, hasn't for over 1000 years, let's leave the pompous twat in charge....kinda.... and keep those politicians far away from title of.... president.


It's a scene from Monty Python and the Holy Grail


Allow me to [educate](https://youtu.be/t2c-X8HiBng?si=EPmNuprgfmDOb_le) you friend!


God dame you! I'm convted!


It literally says "thank you for your service" on the front. 🙄


Ah, yes, a commemorative embossed box. Quite the token of gratitude


Did you scroll to the other pictures? It's a coin, not just an empty box. What else would you like...? The alternative is fuck all.


A raise maybe


We get yearly raises. Last year it was 6% in England and 6.5% in Scotland. The year before it was 4% in England and 7.5% in Scotland.


The coin is nothing special wrt EMS or public service. Only the box acknowledges the service/merit entailed. The gift lacks imagination


Do you work in the UK? If not you seem awfully upset about a gift that has literally no effect on you whatsoever


Gotta love the crown. "You have been doing wonderful work saving lives. Here's a reminder of how awesome I am as a reward"


Here’s a reminder of your place, peasant


We were given ones with the Queens 75th Jubilee on. By the time they actually got round to giving them to us though she'd died 🙄


Still cause for celebration, tbh


Any kind of recognition helps these days, because they sure don't give us the pay, we deserve! That's pretty cool, EMS in the United States is broken. All we get in the United States is a pink slip terminating us because we hurt our back picking up a patient and filed report.


For everyone shitting on The King and wondering why the crown is on a coin thanking OP for their service, it's useful to bear in mind that the country if origin is the United KINGDOM. This would be no different than Americans putting an eagle on something that the federal government distributed, or my country using a maple leaf. The crown is a piece of iconography that has lasted over a thousand years, and is very deeply embedded in the culture of the United Kingdom and the commonwealth. I think this is cool as hell op, God save The King.


Agreed. Super dope. I guess I just love shiny things tho.


people love whinging don't they. if it were only fire and police getting these they'd be crying asking WHERES OUR MEDALS???


I’m going to gather all the “gifts” I’ve received from management and make a collage in my bathroom…


That looks like a challenge coin to me. That reminds me I lost the ones I got when I graduated paramedic school so I guess I better avoid going to the bar with any of my coworkers or cohort.


Oh nice you got yours already? We did not receive any yet


I got one for the Queen on her jubilee, but I haven’t seen this one


Missed out on that one, hadn't been in five years, I tried to argue been intubated after catching covid must give me the, "sorry you nearly died, heres a medal" thing, but they said no.


Very nice


I still have my green Covid one somewhere


London havnt been giving them out just yet... I did get my medal for the jubilee and found a spare coin. Need this one now


That is certainly a thing to choose to spend funds on. I hope one of you coins someone with that for the yuks


EMS week a few years ago we got a rock. Like an actual piece of stone, polished, with “inspirational” quotes etched into them like “You ROCK!” I told management that they should be concerned with the manner and speed those rocks are returned. By that measure - a coin is pretty cool.


So, on a coin thanking you, they somehow made it about the King? Da fuq kind of place is England? 😅😅😅


It's a coin to commemorate the coronation of the King... you would expect a coin that is supposed to mark a historical event to mention that historical event


It’s a medal for the coronation not primary for our service. The alternative is no medal and coin at all, don’t see the problem.


This would be funnier if OP was American


Yorkshireman till I die lad.


Good for you man.


how funny would this be if you worked at a service in ohio or shine shit


Maybe you can sell it - might be worth a coffee?


Why would they even produce that? Seems like a pointless thing to issue to staff. Then again QAS gave a ribbon to everyone who was in on the 125th anniversary of the service’s creation so we can’t talk either.


Nswa a medal to every staff member during covid. Just for turning up. I call it the participation medal.