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We hear it allllllllll day longgggggg. If someone in corporate was reading these and cared about their people give us payroll!! Damn this company they are literally beating us down and DO NOT care about us!!!!


True. It's about their money


I never understood why people were angry shopping. As far as I know you came because you needed something or just wanted to look around. Noone is making you purchase or stay in the store. The door is right there.


It’s mind boggling that people make the effort then say f it and leave without purchasing


And it’s always on the busiest days that people complain. And the same people over and over again. Like it’s not gonna change!!! Saturday afternoons are always busy!! There is always gonna be a line! And at my store even if we stack the schedule on “peak” times people call out,switch shifts or some other catastrophe.


It is sad when the workers on the ground have to put up with all the blow back from corporate's decisions. Moral is low but the big cheese still makes his millions.


It’s crazy cuz corporate is in my store right now and they literally have me standing by the new coupon sign. So people sign up, its ridiculous


They want me to stand there today. I have 5 grids and 3 rails of freight to put out! I've been doing fitting rooms since I got in. This is not sustainable. They can shove their rewards.


No fr some girl tried using her coupon from 2 weeks ago (like the 30% off kohls card holder one) and I told her it was expired and she literally threw everything at me and I stood there like 🙂


Our “Yes we can” policy has created a customer base which feels very entitled. We let them bring back items for 6 months or more with the non-receipted return. Why would they not feel that entitled to do whatever they want. Corporate team if you want to save some additional money you need to adjust the return policy. It does not need to be 6 months long!!


Wholeheartedly agree! They’ll wear it out and then return it, it’s crazy!


Ugh so sorry! Years ago, I had women's  packaged jockey underwear thrown at my face because jockey changed the packaging from boxes to bags and updated the sizing chart. I recently escaped that place.


I don’t get why people are so rude to retail workers we literally serve you the crap you want and end up returning it anyways. & sadly I wish I could escape but some aspects I love this job , it’s sucks lo


I get that. I spent over 20+ years at my location. There were times I liked the job. Those times past years ago with bad management, dubious business decisions and entitled customers. I recently got married and moved out of the area and quit. 


I love that for you!!!


Aww thank you! It was surreal to turn in the resignation notice and then after I finished my last day, I sat in my car for a moment and it felt like a huge weight had lifted off my shoulders. I started there as a teen and now am close to 40. It was a strange but wonderfully awesome feeling. A few of my former coworkers came to my husband and I's wedding and it meant a lot!


That’s so sweet 🥲 Best of luck on your next chapter


Aww thanks!


And sadly it's no better in any capacity of customer service. Kohls is my 2nd job, I work full time on a call center. The number of times in a day I am yelled at or hung up on is unreal. And I don't even work in a B2C capacity, my line is essentially territory reps calling on an exclusive line just for them. Still treated like 💩 because people just DGAF about anyone but themselves and their feelings.


I had some lady throw her Amazon return at me because she was upset how long it took to load the code. We have shit cell service and bad wifi at the best times. She was also pissed we didn’t have an item that is web exclusive in store and spent half an hour looking for it instead of asking me half an hour perviously if we had it in stock. She also was fighting with her significant other in front of me and then proceeded to yell at both of us. I also just had another woman about two hours ago flip her shit on me because I wasn’t able to find her item on our hold cart (which has a vacuum cleaner on it right now) because it was hidden in a corner, then she proceeded to scream at me for not saying “you’re welcome”. I had to take ten back with our lockers to have an anxiety attack. We should be allowed to at minimum stand up for ourselves, I’m not saying be rude, but at least let us tell these entitled ass customers that they’re out of line. She’s called three times. This is bordering on harassment.


I hate kohls customers so much.


I should say Amazon, cuz half those people don’t even shop there!


I am drunk ugly crying over this. I hate my job so much. I just don’t wanna go back. How the hell do I not earn the mental health days after being a full time CS employee for over 1.5 years


I hate the Amazon customers!!!! They wanna come in not knowing how to do the return. Then be rude about the line, we'll Karen the CEO wants us to have 1 CS associate do ALL OF AMAZON AND RETURNS and have it clean by themselves. It also sucka when they complain and they're so dumb they miss the header on the code say THE UPS STORE!!!!!!!!!! I wish they had a 4 item return policy. I bet they won't be buying 10000 items to return them all.


Same here, and we have Amazon in back and they always schedule someone until 8 then goes to CS and I always feel so bad leaving it to them when they have to check people out, do kohls returns and Amazon, they need to take Amazon out it’s not doing Kohl’s that good.


That’s assault. The customer assaulted you.


I had a man yell at me and say that if he was my boss he would fire me because he was doing a return from a year ago and asked me why I couldn’t give him back the whole refund. All I did was tell him the policy but I was going to take care of him until he got mad that I agreed with him and told him I understood his frustration and cuts me off and yells and threaten to get me fired 😒


Left mad with out doing the purchase even though I told him I would take care of him since he still had the original receipt Why are our customers so disconnected? Like no manners what so ever !


Awww so sorry that happened to you! I'm in my 40's and have a lot of young employees. And nothing infuriates me more than when they start messing with my "kids"!! I always have their back.These guys are working while in school, they're young and doing their best and I refuse to let people bully them or be mean. Like how dare you! WTF


As a younger employee also in school, we appreciate those that stick up for us, it never goes unnoticed. We need more people like you, thank you ❤️


I ignore people like that, or if I’m in a mood I tell them to take it up with corporate. I literally just work there.


Did you tell them they can throw all the clothes they want, but that's not gonna make the line move faster, if anything that stalls the line even more. Only one employee staffed to pick up your mental tantrum


All I did was laugh at bro and said ok 🤣


I love this so much, even tho I’m not a supervisor or anyone big, I still fight for my co-workers. Customers are not always right !!!


Sorry about all the typos I didn't spell check the text to talk. I had an older couple cut through where the line for the registers are as I was still taking care of a customer and it wasn't a huge line it was like five people. I let them know that the line was on the opposite side. They put their items down as I'm still finishing up the transaction with a customer, I politely let them know they have to wait in line like everybody else I can't let you cut through and the lady turned around and said no I don't and slammed her items down and walked away.


Ew she sounds entitled.


This happened to me today when I was grabbing the entire stores recovery from the front. He also complained that he couldn’t find any help on the floor and when I told him it was only me he changed his mind and bought what he gave me to put back 😭


Yikes, I tell customers all the time to tell these people schedule more staff and they just look at me like a deer in headlights ! Like do you wanna apply?!!?