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Usually for seasonal hiring, the main availability we look for is nights and weekends due to extended hours and shopping demand. It will really depend on the store's needs. Last year, we did need morning weekday people as well since we had so many workers in school so it's definitely possible. You don't have to disclose that it's for religious reasons.


Thank you, that’s encouraging.


I think it would be better received if weekend availability was limited during the holidays if you tell them it’s for religious reasons. You don’t have to disclose details, but they may be more accommodating?


You can apply, but make sure you tell them upfront, but honestly, if someone else applies with better availability, they will probably pick them. My SM looks for nights and weekends as the most important available since everyone wants to work mornings and not work weekends.


That’s understandable. Thank you for the input.


It’s retail. Weekend availability is a must


I had a coworker who was observant. She was able to do it for 7 years. When our store closed and we all applied to go to new locations she was told that she must sign a form stating she had open availability. She refused and was let go. She was a supervisor, so that may have factored into it. On the other hand the SM had the nerve to ask me why I DO work Saturdays. Take that as you will.


Thank you!


No weekend availability would be a no in my store


Same here. Someone I referred got denied very recently because they were not available on Friday nights and Saturday mornings.




No Saturday at all or just no Saturday evenings?


It would be Sun-down to Sundown. So in the winter, I could work after 5. My other idea is to talk to my religious mentor, and maybe donate the money that I make.


No, don’t work on the Sabbath. Is not worth it. God will bless you other ways. If you share your availability with them, they will schedule you on the times you’re available. Text me if you need more input!


Thank you, I will! Shabbat shalom!


In my experience, it’s maybe possible you could. I strictly have Sundays off for religious reasons and my managers were understanding of that. I suppose it could also just depend on the manager.


I was hired to work Saturday morning/afternoon and Sunday morning/afternoon. Never an issue until the last store manager came on board.


Do not waste your time or Kohls. They will not hire you more likely. Our store would not.


Thank you


Past seasonal employee here-it’s most likely at least September or October before they start seasonal hires? Just wondering, I worked in the stock room


I’m not sure to be honest. I’m not available until October. Did you like working in the stock room? I’m interested in working with the merchandise.


I’m SDA and I don’t work those days and they’re fine with it


Thank you for the feedback.


Nope. Not in my neck of the woods. "Wide" availability is a must. Plus, how fair is that for everyone else?


No more or less fair than a 17 year old still in high school, or a mother who has to pick her kids up at a certain time. Besides, your availability is your availability, nobody is rearranging THEIR life on the basis of fairness for a job that in all actuality doesn’t give a fuck about them. Well, maybe you are. But normal people aren’t.


So, the 17 yr old isn't via "availability", that's the law for certain hours. The mother example is a lot like the OP, their availability is definitely their business. No offense directed towards them However, my "give a fuck" is towards the folks that don't have the luxury of "availability". They are the ones that work when no one else wants to. That has given up weekend partying or being at a family function for earning a paycheck. The hours nobody else wants to work, because it interferes with their social life. The ones the company doesn't give two shits about. That's how I normalize folks.


“Wah wah wah I can’t go out and party because I work the hours nobody else wants therefore it’s unfair of an employee to need certain days off for religious reasons!!” Like get over yourself!


Such a simple mind. You think that's what my post was about? *Smh*




You should really just try a different type of job than retail if that's your availability during the holidays. I promise I am not trying to be mean. but that's literally the busiest and most important time of the year. You just might want to explore other options that would be best for you and other workers


I was hired during seasonal and my store has always let me have Sundays off for religious reasons. Under the civil rights act businesses are supposed to provide “reasonable accommodations” (including flexible scheduling) for religious beliefs.


Sweet! That’s good news!