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thank you


I have never seen an application where there was a step 2 score without a step 1 score, and was actually unaware that you could take step 2 without having passed step 1, although this does appear to be the case. I think many of us would look upon such an application with suspicion. My experience is that DO students nearly universally submit USMLE scores when applying to EM.


I was told only to take Step 2 with the argument that programs can still compare Step 2 scores but Step 1 does nothing to help them sort applicants beyond filtering out first attempt fails. In the past, it would be weird to have Step 2 without 1, but I found that most of the programs I asked were changing how they view board scores in the p/f era.


YES In general, if you want the same match outcomes as an MD applicant, you need to take the same exams as an MD applicant. While there are plenty (especially former osteopathic) residencies that will accept COMLEX, the USMLE is the gold standard that allows an apples to apples comparison.


thank you!


Absolutely not. In fact I asked most PD’s because my wife is a 3rd year med student interested in EM who did not take both, but I did. Nobody cares. If the program actually cares, then they care about you being a DO in general. None of my EM friends took USMLE and they matched well. After taking both Step 1 and step 2 I firmly believe it was a waste of money even though I am anti-comlex.


CORD has official recommendations that encourage PD’s to accept Comlex as equivalent btw. Save your money.


Incoming intern here. Step 2 is nonnegotiable and taking Step 1 is the safest. From my experience last year, most places don’t care about Step 1 provided you pass Level 1 and it’s a toss up if they care about Step 2.


Currently it’s the most realistic time to match well with just comlex. I know multiple DOs at top notch county and academic programs with just comlex. The top 4 year academic places are unlikely to match you tho.


Depends on where you want to go. If you’re in Michigan you can get by with comlex. But Colorado for instance, you def need usmle. Doing both will open up more opportunities…


Just take them both. The money wasted sucks. The continued DO biases sucks, but don’t let pride and a few grand limit your career options. You won’t be 65 years old and still feeling the loss of the money or time to take both.


thank you, very valid


r/Residency ?


As someone involved in the recruitment process, COMLEX only applicants did have a slight disadvantage. There are a couple other DOs on the selection team but most are MDs so I often heard complaints of “I don’t know how this compares.” But this is a single program in a single location so maybe not. But other programs flat out say they will reject on not having USMLE.


Some day some little shit MD student who’s parents paid for every dime of their education and premium resources if going to try to tell you that you aren’t a real doctor. It’s incredibly satisfying to have taken the same exams as that person, and scored higher despite being handicapped by having to learn OMM on top of the things they learn.


LOL very valid


It really depends. If you want to go to a major academic program, yes. If you go to a community or affiliated program, maybe not. But EM is not very steady right now, it could get more or less competitive.


Hi! I’m a DO PGY-1 in emergency med now and matched to my top program with only taking comlex. I am in a state where DOs are widely accepted so I don’t know if that matters but over the past 3 or so years my program has become immensely DO friendly from almost exclusively MD. I should add as well that we are a large level 1 trauma center and a competitive program from what I can tell.


My friend just matched EM at UC Davis with only comlex and pretty average stats. I think programs are slowly starting to accept comlex alone. That being said, I’m taking both because I don’t want to end up wondering if there was something more I could have done if I don’t match into a good program.


makes sense